Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


min inrmil vsY scu soie ] (158-1)
man nirmal vasai sach so-ay.
The mind becomes pure, when the True Lord dwells within.

swic visAY swcI sB kwr ] (158-1)
saach vasi-ai saachee sabh kaar.
When one dwells in Truth, all actions become true.

aUqm krxI sbd bIcwr ]3] (158-1)
ootam karnee sabad beechaar. ||3||
The ultimate action is to contemplate the Word of the Shabad. ||3||

gur qy swcI syvw hoie ] (158-2)
gur tay saachee sayvaa ho-ay.
Through the Guru, true service is performed.

gurmuiK nwmu pCwxY koie ] (158-2)
gurmukh naam pachhaanai ko-ay.
How rare is that Gurmukh who recognizes the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jIvY dwqw dyvxhwru ] (158-2)
jeevai daataa dayvanhaar.
The Giver, the Great Giver, lives forever.

nwnk hir nwmy lgY ipAwru ]4]1]21] (158-3)
naanak har naamay lagai pi-aar. ||4||1||21||
Nanak enshrines love for the Name of the Lord. ||4||1||21||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 3 ] (158-3)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 3.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Third Mehl:

gur qy igAwnu pwey jnu koie ] (158-3)
gur tay gi-aan paa-ay jan ko-ay.
Those who obtain spiritual wisdom from the Guru are very rare.

gur qy bUJY sIJY soie ] (158-4)
gur tay boojhai seejhai so-ay.
Those who obtain this understanding from the Guru become acceptable.

gur qy shju swcu bIcwru ] (158-4)
gur tay sahj saach beechaar.
Through the Guru, we intuitively contemplate the True One.

gur qy pwey mukiq duAwru ]1] (158-4)
gur tay paa-ay mukat du-aar. ||1||
Through the Guru, the Gate of Liberation is found. ||1||

pUrY Bwig imlY guru Awie ] (158-4)
poorai bhaag milai gur aa-ay.
Through perfect good destiny, we come to meet the Guru.

swcY shij swic smwie ]1] rhwau ] (158-5)
saachai sahj saach samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The true ones are intuitively absorbed in the True Lord. ||1||Pause||

guir imilAY iqRsnw Agin buJwey ] (158-5)
gur mili-ai tarisnaa agan bujhaa-ay.
Meeting the Guru, the fire of desire is quenched.

gur qy sWiq vsY min Awey ] (158-5)
gur tay saaNt vasai man aa-ay.
Through the Guru, peace and tranquility come to dwell within the mind.

gur qy pivq pwvn suic hoie ] (158-6)
gur tay pavit paavan such ho-ay.
Through the Guru, we become pure, holy and true.

gur qy sbid imlwvw hoie ]2] (158-6)
gur tay sabad milaavaa ho-ay. ||2||
Through the Guru, we are absorbed in the Word of the Shabad. ||2||

bwJu gurU sB Brim BulweI ] (158-6)
baajh guroo sabh bharam bhulaa-ee.
Without the Guru, everyone wanders in doubt.

ibnu nwvY bhuqw duKu pweI ] (158-7)
bin naavai bahutaa dukh paa-ee.
Without the Name, they suffer in terrible pain.

gurmuiK hovY su nwmu iDAweI ] (158-7)
gurmukh hovai so naam Dhi-aa-ee.
Those who meditate on the Naam become Gurmukh.

drsin scY scI piq hoeI ]3] (158-7)
darsan sachai sachee pat ho-ee. ||3||
True honor is obtained through the Darshan, the Blessed Vision of the True Lord. ||3||

iks no khIAY dwqw ieku soeI ] (158-8)
kis no kahee-ai daataa ik so-ee.
Why speak of any other? He alone is the Giver.

ikrpw kry sbid imlwvw hoeI ] (158-8)
kirpaa karay sabad milaavaa ho-ee.
When He grants His Grace, union with the Shabad is obtained.

imil pRIqm swcy gux gwvw ] (158-8)
mil pareetam saachay gun gaavaa.
Meeting with my Beloved, I sing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord.

nwnk swcy swic smwvw ]4]2]22] (158-9)
naanak saachay saach samaavaa. ||4||2||22||
O Nanak, becoming true, I am absorbed in the True One. ||4||2||22||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 3 ] (158-9)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 3.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Third Mehl:

su Qwau scu mnu inrmlu hoie ] (158-9)
so thaa-o sach man nirmal ho-ay.
True is that place, where the mind becomes pure.

sic invwsu kry scu soie ] (158-10)
sach nivaas karay sach so-ay.
True is the one who abides in Truth.

scI bwxI jug cwry jwpY ] (158-10)
sachee banee jug chaaray jaapai.
The True Bani of the Word is known throughout the four ages.

sBu ikCu swcw Awpy AwpY ]1] (158-10)
sabh kichh saachaa aapay aapai. ||1||
The True One Himself is everything. ||1||

krmu hovY sqsMig imlwey ] (158-11)
karam hovai satsang milaa-ay.
Through the karma of good actions, one joins the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

hir gux gwvY bYis su Qwey ]1] rhwau ] (158-11)
har gun gaavai bais so thaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sing the Glories of the Lord, sitting in that place. ||1||Pause||

jlau ieh ijhvw dUjY Bwie ] (158-11)
jala-o ih jihvaa doojai bhaa-ay.
Burn this tongue, which loves duality,

hir rsu n cwKY PIkw Awlwie ] (158-12)
har ras na chaakhai feekaa aalaa-ay.
which does not taste the sublime essence of the Lord, and which utters insipid words.

ibnu bUJy qnu mnu PIkw hoie ] (158-12)
bin boojhay tan man feekaa ho-ay.
Without understanding, the body and mind become tasteless and insipid.

ibnu nwvY duKIAw cilAw roie ]2] (158-12)
bin naavai dukhee-aa chali-aa ro-ay. ||2||
Without the Name, the miserable ones depart crying out in pain. ||2||

rsnw hir rsu cwiKAw shij suBwie ] gur ikrpw qy sic smwie ] (158-13)
rasnaa har ras chaakhi-aa sahj subhaa-ay. gur kirpaa tay sach samaa-ay.
One whose tongue naturally and intuitively tastes the Lord's sublime essence, by Guru's Grace, is absorbed in the True Lord.

swcy rwqI gur sbdu vIcwr ] (158-14)
saachay raatee gur sabad veechaar.
Imbued with Truth, one contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad,

AMimRqu pIvY inrml Dwr ]3] (158-14)
amrit peevai nirmal Dhaar. ||3||
and drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar, from the immaculate stream within. ||3||

nwim smwvY jo Bwfw hoie ] (158-14)
naam samaavai jo bhaadaa ho-ay.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is collected in the vessel of the mind.

aUNDY BWfY itkY n koie ] (158-14)
ooNDhai bhaaNdai tikai na ko-ay.
Nothing is collected if the vessel is upside-down.

gur sbdI min nwim invwsu ] (158-15)
gur sabdee man naam nivaas.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Naam abides within the mind.

nwnk scu BWfw ijsu sbd ipAws ]4]3]23] (158-15)
naanak sach bhaaNdaa jis sabad pi-aas. ||4||3||23||
O Nanak, True is that vessel of the mind, which thirsts for the Shabad. ||4||3||23||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 3 ] (158-16)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 3.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Third Mehl:

ieik gwvq rhy min swdu n pwie ] (158-16)
ik gaavat rahay man saad na paa-ay.
Some sing on and on, but their minds do not find happiness.

haumY ivic gwvih ibrQw jwie ] (158-16)
ha-umai vich gaavahi birthaa jaa-ay.
In egotism, they sing, but it is wasted uselessly.

gwvix gwvih ijn nwm ipAwru ] (158-17)
gaavan gaavahi jin naam pi-aar.
Those who love the Naam, sing the song.

swcI bwxI sbd bIcwru ]1] (158-17)
saachee banee sabad beechaar. ||1||
They contemplate the True Bani of the Word, and the Shabad. ||1||

gwvq rhY jy siqgur BwvY ] (158-18)
gaavat rahai jay satgur bhaavai.
They sing on and on, if it pleases the True Guru.

mnu qnu rwqw nwim suhwvY ]1] rhwau ] (158-18)
man tan raataa naam suhaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Their minds and bodies are embellished and adorned, attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

ieik gwvih ieik Bgiq kryih ] (158-18)
ik gaavahi ik bhagat karayhi.
Some sing, and some perform devotional worship.

nwmu n pwvih ibnu Asnyh ] (158-19)
naam na paavahi bin asnayh.
Without heart-felt love, the Naam is not obtained.

scI Bgiq gur sbd ipAwir ] (158-19)
sachee bhagat gur sabad pi-aar.
True devotional worship consists of love for the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

Apnw ipru rwiKAw sdw auir Dwir ]2] (158-19)
apnaa pir raakhi-aa sadaa ur Dhaar. ||2||
The devotee keeps his Beloved clasped tightly to his heart. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD