Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awpy aUcw aUco hoeI ] (126-1)
aapay oochaa oocho ho-ee.
He Himself is the Highest of the High.

ijsu Awip ivKwly su vyKY koeI ] (126-1)
jis aap vikhaalay so vaykhai ko-ee.
How rare are those who behold Him. He causes Himself to be seen.

nwnk nwmu vsY Gt AMqir Awpy vyiK ivKwlixAw ]8]26]27] (126-1)
naanak naam vasai ghat antar aapay vaykh vikhaalani-aa. ||8||26||27||
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within the hearts of those who see the Lord themselves, and inspire others to see Him as well. ||8||26||27||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (126-2)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

myrw pRBu BrpUir rihAw sB QweI ] (126-2)
mayraa parabh bharpoor rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee.
My God is pervading and permeating all places.

gur prswdI Gr hI mih pweI ] (126-3)
gur parsaadee ghar hee meh paa-ee.
By Guru's Grace, I have found Him within the home of my own heart.

sdw sryvI iek min iDAweI gurmuiK sic smwvixAw ]1] (126-3)
sadaa sarayvee ik man Dhi-aa-ee gurmukh sach samaavani-aa. ||1||
I serve Him constantly, and I meditate on Him single-mindedly. As Gurmukh, I am absorbed in the True One. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI jgjIvnu mMin vswvixAw ] (126-4)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree jagjeevan man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Lord, the Life of the World, within their minds.

hir jgjIvnu inrBau dwqw gurmiq shij smwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (126-4)
har jagjeevan nirbha-o daataa gurmat sahj samaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru's Teachings, I merge with intuitive ease into the Lord, the Life of the World, the Fearless One, the Great Giver. ||1||Pause||

Gr mih DrqI Daulu pwqwlw ] (126-5)
ghar meh Dhartee Dha-ul paataalaa.
Within the home of the self is the earth, its support and the nether regions of the underworld.

Gr hI mih pRIqmu sdw hY bwlw ] (126-5)
ghar hee meh pareetam sadaa hai baalaa.
Within the home of the self is the Eternally Young Beloved.

sdw Anµid rhY suKdwqw gurmiq shij smwvixAw ]2] (126-6)
sadaa anand rahai sukh-daata gurmat sahj samaavani-aa. ||2||
The Giver of peace is eternally blissful. Through the Guru's Teachings, we are absorbed in intuitive peace. ||2||

kwieAw AMdir haumY myrw ] (126-6)
kaa-i-aa andar ha-umai mayraa.
When the body is filled with ego and selfishness,

jMmx mrxu n cUkY Pyrw ] (126-6)
jaman maran na chookai fayraa.
the cycle of birth and death does not end.

gurmuiK hovY su haumY mwry sco scu iDAwvixAw ]3] (126-7)
gurmukh hovai so ha-umai maaray sacho sach Dhi-aavani-aa. ||3||
One who becomes Gurmukh subdues egotism, and meditates on the Truest of the True. ||3||

kwieAw AMdir pwpu puMnu duie BweI ] (126-7)
kaa-i-aa andar paap punn du-ay bhaa-ee.
Within this body are the two brothers, sin and virtue.

duhI imil kY isRsit aupweI ] (126-8)
duhee mil kai sarisat upaa-ee.
When the two joined together, the Universe was produced.

dovY mwir jwie iekqu Gir AwvY gurmiq shij smwvixAw ]4] (126-8)
dovai maar jaa-ay ikat ghar aavai gurmat sahj samaavani-aa. ||4||
Subduing both, and entering into the Home of the One, through the Guru's Teachings, we are absorbed in intuitive peace. ||4||

Gr hI mwih dUjY Bwie Anyrw ] (126-9)
ghar hee maahi doojai bhaa-ay anayraa.
Within the home of the self is the darkness of the love of duality.

cwnxu hovY CofY haumY myrw ] (126-9)
chaanan hovai chhodai ha-umai mayraa.
When the Divine Light dawns, ego and selfishness are dispelled.

prgtu sbdu hY suKdwqw Anidnu nwmu iDAwvixAw ]5] (126-9)
pargat sabad hai sukh-daata an-din naam Dhi-aavani-aa. ||5||
The Giver of peace is revealed through the Shabad, meditating upon the Naam, night and day. ||5||

AMqir joiq prgtu pwswrw ] (126-10)
antar jot pargat paasaaraa.
Deep within the self is the Light of God; It radiates throughout the expanse of His creation.

gur swKI imitAw AMiDAwrw ] (126-10)
gur saakhee miti-aa anDhi-aaraa.
Through the Guru's Teachings, the darkness of spiritual ignorance is dispelled.

kmlu ibgwis sdw suKu pwieAw joqI joiq imlwvixAw ]6] (126-11)
kamal bigaas sadaa sukh paa-i-aa jotee jot milaavani-aa. ||6||
The heart-lotus blossoms forth, and eternal peace is obtained, as one's light merges into the Light. ||6||

AMdir mhl rqnI Bry BMfwrw ] (126-11)
andar mahal ratnee bharay bhandaaraa.
Within the mansion is the treasure house, overflowing with jewels.

gurmuiK pwey nwmu Apwrw ] (126-12)
gurmukh paa-ay naam apaaraa.
The Gurmukh obtains the Infinite Naam, the Name of the Lord.

gurmuiK vxjy sdw vwpwrI lwhw nwmu sd pwvixAw ]7] (126-12)
gurmukh vanjay sadaa vaapaaree laahaa naam sad paavni-aa. ||7||
The Gurmukh, the trader, always purchases the merchandise of the Naam, and always reaps profits. ||7||

Awpy vQu rwKY Awpy dyie ] (126-13)
aapay vath raakhai aapay day-ay.
The Lord Himself keeps this merchandise in stock, and He Himself distributes it.

gurmuiK vxjih kyeI kyie ] (126-13)
gurmukh vanjahi kay-ee kay-ay.
Rare is that Gurmukh who trades in this.

nwnk ijsu ndir kry so pwey kir ikrpw mMin vswvixAw ]8]27]28] (126-13)
naanak jis nadar karay so paa-ay kar kirpaa man vasaavani-aa. ||8||27||28||
O Nanak, those upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, obtain it. Through His Mercy, it is enshrined in the mind. ||8||27||28||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (126-14)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

hir Awpy myly syv krwey ] (126-14)
har aapay maylay sayv karaa-ay.
The Lord Himself leads us to merge with Him and serve Him.

gur kY sbid Bwau dUjw jwey ] (126-14)
gur kai sabad bhaa-o doojaa jaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the love of duality is eradicated.

hir inrmlu sdw guxdwqw hir gux mih Awip smwvixAw ]1] (126-15)
har nirmal sadaa gundaataa har gun meh aap samaavani-aa. ||1||
The Immaculate Lord is the Bestower of eternal virtue. The Lord Himself leads us to merge in His Virtuous Goodness. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI scu scw ihrdY vswvixAw ] (126-16)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree sach sachaa hirdai vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Truest of the True within their hearts.

scw nwmu sdw hY inrmlu gur sbdI mMin vswvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (126-16)
sachaa naam sadaa hai nirmal gur sabdee man vasaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Name is eternally pure and immaculate. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is enshrined within the mind. ||1||Pause||

Awpy guru dwqw krim ibDwqw ] (126-17)
aapay gur daataa karam biDhaataa.
The Guru Himself is the Giver, the Architect of Destiny.

syvk syvih gurmuiK hir jwqw ] (126-17)
sayvak sayveh gurmukh har jaataa.
The Gurmukh, the humble servant who serves the Lord, comes to know Him.

AMimRq nwim sdw jn sohih gurmiq hir rsu pwvixAw ]2] (126-17)
amrit naam sadaa jan soheh gurmat har ras paavni-aa. ||2||
Those humble beings look beautiful forever in the Ambrosial Naam. Through the Guru's Teachings, they receive the sublime essence of the Lord. ||2||

iesu guPw mih ieku Qwnu suhwieAw ] (126-18)
is gufaa meh ik thaan suhaa-i-aa.
Within the cave of this body, there is one beautiful place.

pUrY guir haumY Brmu cukwieAw ] (126-19)
poorai gur ha-umai bharam chukaa-i-aa.
Through the Perfect Guru, ego and doubt are dispelled.

Anidnu nwmu slwhin rMig rwqy gur ikrpw qy pwvixAw ]3] (126-19)
an-din naam salaahan rang raatay gur kirpaa tay paavni-aa. ||3||
Night and day, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord; imbued with the Lord's Love, by Guru's Grace, you shall find Him. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD