Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ieik kUiV lwgy kUVy Pl pwey ] (124-1)
ik koorh laagay koorhay fal paa-ay.
Some are stuck in falsehood, and false are the rewards they receive.

dUjY Bwie ibrQw jnmu gvwey ] (124-1)
doojai bhaa-ay birthaa janam gavaa-ay.
In love with duality, they waste away their lives in vain.

Awip fuby sgly kul foby kUVu boil ibKu KwvixAw ]6] (124-1)
aap dubay saglay kul dobay koorh bol bikh khaavani-aa. ||6||
They drown themselves, and drown their entire family; speaking lies, they eat poison. ||6||

iesu qn mih mnu ko gurmuiK dyKY ] (124-2)
is tan meh man ko gurmukh daykhai.
How rare are those who, as Gurmukh, look within their bodies, into their minds.

Bwie Bgiq jw haumY soKY ] (124-2)
bhaa-ay bhagat jaa ha-umai sokhai.
Through loving devotion, their ego evaporates.

isD swiDk moinDwrI rhy ilv lwie iqn BI qn mih mnu n idKwvixAw ]7] (124-3)
siDh saaDhik moniDhaaree rahay liv laa-ay tin bhee tan meh man na dikhaavani-aa. ||7||
The Siddhas, the seekers and the silent sages continually, lovingly focus their consciousness, but they have not seen the mind within the body. ||7||

Awip krwey krqw soeI ] (124-3)
aap karaa-ay kartaa so-ee.
The Creator Himself inspires us to work;

horu ik kry kIqY ikAw hoeI ] (124-4)
hor ke karay keetai ki-aa ho-ee.
what can anyone else do? What can be done by our doing?

nwnk ijsu nwmu dyvY so lyvY nwmo mMin vswvixAw ]8]23]24] (124-4)
naanak jis naam dayvai so layvai naamo man vasaavani-aa. ||8||23||24||
O Nanak, the Lord bestows His Name; we receive it, and enshrine it within the mind. ||8||23||24||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (124-5)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

iesu guPw mih AKut BMfwrw ] (124-5)
is gufaa meh akhut bhandaaraa.
Within this cave, there is an inexhaustible treasure.

iqsu ivic vsY hir AlK Apwrw ] (124-5)
tis vich vasai har alakh apaaraa.
Within this cave, the Invisible and Infinite Lord abides.

Awpy gupqu prgtu hY Awpy gur sbdI Awpu vM\wvixAw ]1] (124-6)
aapay gupat pargat hai aapay gur sabdee aap vanjaavan-i-aa. ||1||
He Himself is hidden, and He Himself is revealed; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, selfishness and conceit are eliminated. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI AMimRq nwmu mMin vswvixAw ] (124-6)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree amrit naam man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, within their minds.

AMimRq nwmu mhw rsu mITw gurmqI AMimRqu pIAwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (124-7)
amrit naam mahaa ras meethaa gurmatee amrit pee-aavni-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The taste of the Ambrosial Naam is very sweet! Through the Guru's Teachings, drink in this Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Pause||

haumY mwir bjr kpwt KulwieAw ] (124-8)
ha-umai maar bajar kapaat khulaa-i-aa.
Subduing egotism, the rigid doors are opened.

nwmu Amolku gur prswdI pwieAw ] (124-8)
naam amolak gur parsaadee paa-i-aa.
The Priceless Naam is obtained by Guru's Grace.

ibnu sbdY nwmu n pwey koeI gur ikrpw mMin vswvixAw ]2] (124-8)
bin sabdai naam na paa-ay ko-ee gur kirpaa man vasaavani-aa. ||2||
Without the Shabad, the Naam is not obtained. By Guru's Grace, it is implanted within the mind. ||2||

gur igAwn AMjnu scu nyqRI pwieAw ] (124-9)
gur gi-aan anjan sach naytree paa-i-aa.
The Guru has applied the true ointment of spiritual wisdom to my eyes.

AMqir cwnxu AigAwnu AMDyru gvwieAw ] (124-9)
antar chaanan agi-aan anDhayr gavaa-i-aa.
Deep within, the Divine Light has dawned, and the darkness of ignorance has been dispelled.

joqI joiq imlI mnu mwinAw hir dir soBw pwvixAw ]3] (124-10)
jotee jot milee man maani-aa har dar sobhaa paavni-aa. ||3||
My light has merged into the Light; my mind has surrendered, and I am blessed with Glory in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

srIrhu Bwlix ko bwhir jwey ] nwmu n lhY bhuqu vygwir duKu pwey ] (124-11)
sareerahu bhaalan ko baahar jaa-ay. naam na lahai bahut vaygaar dukh paa-ay.
Those who look outside the body, searching for the Lord, shall not receive the Naam; they shall instead be forced to suffer the terrible pains of slavery.

mnmuK AMDy sUJY nwhI iPir iGir Awie gurmuiK vQu pwvixAw ]4] (124-11)
manmukh anDhay soojhai naahee fir ghir aa-ay gurmukh vath paavni-aa. ||4||
The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not understand; but when they return once again to their own home, then, as Gurmukh, they find the genuine article. ||4||

gur prswdI scw hir pwey ] (124-12)
gur parsaadee sachaa har paa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, the True Lord is found.

min qin vyKY haumY mYlu jwey ] (124-12)
man tan vaykhai ha-umai mail jaa-ay.
Within your mind and body, see the Lord, and the filth of egotism shall depart.

bYis suQwin sd hir gux gwvY scY sbid smwvixAw ]5] (124-13)
bais suthaan sad har gun gaavai sachai sabad samaavani-aa. ||5||
Sitting in that place, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord forever, and be absorbed in the True Word of the Shabad. ||5||

nau dr Twky Dwvqu rhwey ] (124-13)
na-o dar thaakay Dhaavat rahaa-ay.
Those who close off the nine gates, and restrain the wandering mind,

dsvY inj Gir vwsw pwey ] (124-14)
dasvai nij ghar vaasaa paa-ay.
come to dwell in the Home of the Tenth Gate.

EQY Anhd sbd vjih idnu rwqI gurmqI sbdu suxwvixAw ]6] (124-14)
othai anhad sabad vajeh din raatee gurmatee sabad sunaavni-aa. ||6||
There, the Unstruck Melody of the Shabad vibrates day and night. Through the Guru's Teachings, the Shabad is heard. ||6||

ibnu sbdY AMqir Awnyrw ] (124-15)
bin sabdai antar aanayraa.
Without the Shabad, there is only darkness within.

n vsqu lhY n cUkY Pyrw ] (124-15)
na vasat lahai na chookai fayraa.
The genuine article is not found, and the cycle of reincarnation does not end.

siqgur hiQ kuMjI horqu dru KulY nwhI guru pUrY Bwig imlwvixAw ]7] (124-15)
satgur hath kunjee horat dar khulai naahee gur poorai bhaag milaavani-aa. ||7||
The key is in the hands of the True Guru; no one else can open this door. By perfect destiny, He is met. ||7||

gupqu prgtu qUM sBnI QweI ] (124-16)
gupat pargat tooN sabhnee thaa-ee.
You are the hidden and the revealed in all places.

gur prswdI imil soJI pweI ] (124-16)
gur parsaadee mil sojhee paa-ee.
Receiving Guru's Grace, this understanding is obtained.

nwnk nwmu slwih sdw qUM gurmuiK mMin vswvixAw ]8]24]25] (124-17)
naanak naam salaahi sadaa tooN gurmukh man vasaavani-aa. ||8||24||25||
O Nanak, praise the Naam forever; as Gurmukh, enshrine it within the mind. ||8||24||25||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (124-17)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

gurmuiK imlY imlwey Awpy ] (124-18)
gurmukh milai milaa-ay aapay.
The Gurmukhs meet the Lord, and inspire others to meet Him as well.

kwlu n johY duKu n sMqwpy ] (124-18)
kaal na johai dukh na santaapay.
Death does not see them, and pain does not afflict them.

haumY mwir bMDn sB qoVY gurmuiK sbid suhwvixAw ]1] (124-18)
ha-umai maar banDhan sabh torhai gurmukh sabad suhaavani-aa. ||1||
Subduing egotism, they break all their bonds; as Gurmukh, they are adorned with the Word of the Shabad. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI hir hir nwim suhwvixAw ] (124-19)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree har har naam suhaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who look beautiful in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

gurmuiK gwvY gurmuiK nwcY hir syqI icqu lwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (124-19)
gurmukh gaavai gurmukh naachai har saytee chit laavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Gurmukhs sing, the Gurmukhs dance, and focus their consciousness on the Lord. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD