Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hau vwrI jIau vwrI nwmu suix mMin vswvixAw ] (123-1)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree naam sun man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who hear and enshrine the Naam within their minds.

hir jIau scw aUco aUcw haumY mwir imlwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (123-1)
har jee-o sachaa oocho oochaa ha-umai maar milaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Dear Lord, the True One, the Highest of the High, subdues their ego and blends them with Himself. ||1||Pause||

hir jIau swcw swcI nweI ] (123-2)
har jee-o saachaa saachee naa-ee.
True is the Dear Lord, and True is His Name.

gur prswdI iksY imlweI ] (123-2)
gur parsaadee kisai milaa-ee.
By Guru's Grace, some merge with Him.

gur sbid imlih sy ivCuVih nwhI shjy sic smwvixAw ]2] (123-2)
gur sabad mileh say vichhurheh naahee sehjay sach samaavani-aa. ||2||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, those who merge with the Lord shall not be separated from Him again. They merge with intuitive ease into the True Lord. ||2||

quJ qy bwhir kCU n hoie ] (123-3)
tujh tay baahar kachhoo na ho-ay.
There is nothing beyond You;

qUM kir kir vyKih jwxih soie ] (123-3)
tooN kar kar vaykheh jaaneh so-ay.
You are the One who does, sees, and knows.

Awpy kry krwey krqw gurmiq Awip imlwvixAw ]3] (123-4)
aapay karay karaa-ay kartaa gurmat aap milaavani-aa. ||3||
The Creator Himself acts, and inspires others to act. Through the Guru's Teachings, He blends us into Himself. ||3||

kwmix guxvMqI hir pwey ] (123-4)
kaaman gunvantee har paa-ay.
The virtuous soul-bride finds the Lord;

BY Bwie sIgwru bxwey ] (123-5)
bhai bhaa-ay seegaar banaa-ay.
she decorates herself with the Love and the Fear of God.

siqguru syiv sdw sohwgix sc aupdyis smwvixAw ]4] (123-5)
satgur sayv sadaa sohagan sach updays samaavani-aa. ||4||
She who serves the True Guru is forever a happy soul-bride. She is absorbed in the true teachings. ||4||

sbdu ivswrin iqnw Tauru n Twau ] (123-6)
sabad visaaran tinaa tha-ur na thaa-o.
Those who forget the Word of the Shabad have no home and no place of rest.

BRim BUly ijau suM\Y Gir kwau ] (123-6)
bharam bhoolay ji-o sunjai ghar kaa-o.
They are deluded by doubt, like a crow in a deserted house.

hlqu plqu iqnI dovY gvwey duKy duiK ivhwvixAw ]5] (123-6)
halat palat tinee dovai gavaa-ay dukhay dukh vihaavani-aa. ||5||
They forfeit both this world and the next, and they pass their lives suffering in pain and misery. ||5||

ilKidAw ilKidAw kwgd msu KoeI ] (123-7)
likh-di-aa likh-di-aa kaagad mas kho-ee.
Writing on and on endlessly, they run out of paper and ink.

dUjY Bwie suKu pwey n koeI ] (123-7)
doojai bhaa-ay sukh paa-ay na ko-ee.
Through the love with duality, no one has found peace.

kUVu ilKih qY kUVu kmwvih jil jwvih kUiV icqu lwvixAw ]6] (123-8)
koorh likheh tai koorh kamaaveh jal jaaveh koorh chit laavani-aa. ||6||
They write falsehood, and they practice falsehood; they are burnt to ashes by focusing their consciousness on falsehood. ||6||

gurmuiK sco scu ilKih vIcwru ] (123-8)
gurmukh sacho sach likheh veechaar.
The Gurmukhs write and reflect on Truth, and only Truth.

sy jn scy pwvih moK duAwru ] (123-9)
say jan sachay paavahi mokh du-aar.
The true ones find the gate of salvation.

scu kwgdu klm msvwxI scu iliK sic smwvixAw ]7] (123-9)
sach kaagad kalam masvaanee sach likh sach samaavani-aa. ||7||
True is their paper, pen and ink; writing Truth, they are absorbed in the True One. ||7||

myrw pRBu AMqir bYTw vyKY ] (123-10)
mayraa parabh antar baithaa vaykhai.
My God sits deep within the self; He watches over us.

gur prswdI imlY soeI jnu lyKY ] (123-10)
gur parsaadee milai so-ee jan laykhai.
Those who meet the Lord, by Guru's Grace, are acceptable.

nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI pUry gur qy pwvixAw ]8]22]23] (123-10)
naanak naam milai vadi-aa-ee pooray gur tay paavni-aa. ||8||22||23||
O Nanak, glorious greatness is received through the Naam, which is obtained through the Perfect Guru. ||8||22||23||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (123-11)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

Awqm rwm prgwsu gur qy hovY ] (123-11)
aatam raam pargaas gur tay hovai.
The Divine Light of the Supreme Soul shines forth from the Guru.

haumY mYlu lwgI gur sbdI KovY ] (123-12)
ha-umai mail laagee gur sabdee khovai.
The filth stuck to the ego is removed through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

mnu inrmlu Anidnu BgqI rwqw Bgiq kry hir pwvixAw ]1] (123-12)
man nirmal an-din bhagtee raataa bhagat karay har paavni-aa. ||1||
One who is imbued with devotional worship to the Lord night and day becomes pure. Worshipping the Lord, He is obtained. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI Awip Bgiq krin Avrw Bgiq krwvixAw ] (123-13)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree aap bhagat karan avraa bhagat karaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who themselves worship the Lord, and inspire others to worship Him as well.

iqnw Bgq jnw kau sd nmskwru kIjY jo Anidnu hir gux gwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (123-14)
tinaa bhagat janaa ka-o sad namaskaar keejai jo an-din har gun gaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I humbly bow to those devotees who chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord, night and day. ||1||Pause||

Awpy krqw kwrxu krwey ] (123-15)
aapay kartaa kaaran karaa-ay.
The Creator Lord Himself is the Doer of deeds.

ijqu BwvY iqqu kwrY lwey ] (123-15)
jit bhaavai tit kaarai laa-ay.
As He pleases, He applies us to our tasks.

pUrY Bwig gur syvw hovY gur syvw qy suKu pwvixAw ]2] (123-15)
poorai bhaag gur sayvaa hovai gur sayvaa tay sukh paavni-aa. ||2||
Through perfect destiny, we serve the Guru; serving the Guru, peace is found. ||2||

mir mir jIvY qw ikCu pwey ] (123-16)
mar mar jeevai taa kichh paa-ay.
Those who die, and remain dead while yet alive, obtain it.

gur prswdI hir mMin vswey ] (123-16)
gur parsaadee har man vasaa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, they enshrine the Lord within their minds.

sdw mukqu hir mMin vswey shjy shij smwvixAw ]3] (123-16)
sadaa mukat har man vasaa-ay sehjay sahj samaavani-aa. ||3||
Enshrining the Lord within their minds, they are liberated forever. With intuitive ease, they merge into the Lord. ||3||

bhu krm kmwvY mukiq n pwey ] (123-17)
baho karam kamaavai mukat na paa-ay.
They perform all sorts of rituals, but they do not obtain liberation through them.

dysMqru BvY dUjY Bwie KuAwey ] (123-17)
daysantar bhavai doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ay.
They wander around the countryside, and in love with duality, they are ruined.

ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw kptI ibnu sbdY duKu pwvixAw ]4] (123-18)
birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa kaptee bin sabdai dukh paavni-aa. ||4||
The deceitful lose their lives in vain; without the Word of the Shabad, they obtain only misery. ||4||

Dwvqu rwKY Twik rhwey ] (123-18)
Dhaavat raakhai thaak rahaa-ay.
Those who restrain their wandering mind, keeping it steady and stable,

gur prswdI prm pdu pwey ] (123-19)
gur parsaadee param pad paa-ay.
obtain the supreme status, by Guru's Grace.

siqguru Awpy myil imlwey imil pRIqm suKu pwvixAw ]5] (123-19)
satgur aapay mayl milaa-ay mil pareetam sukh paavni-aa. ||5||
The True Guru Himself unites us in Union with the Lord. Meeting the Beloved, peace is obtained. ||5||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD