Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk nwim rqy vIcwrI sco scu kmwvixAw ]8]18]19] (121-1)
naanak naam ratay veechaaree sacho sach kamaavani-aa. ||8||18||19||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam, reflect deeply on the Truth; they practice only Truth. ||8||18||19||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (121-1)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

inrml sbdu inrml hY bwxI ] (121-1)
nirmal sabad nirmal hai banee.
The Word of the Shabad is Immaculate and Pure; the Bani of the Word is Pure.

inrml joiq sB mwih smwxI ] (121-2)
nirmal jot sabh maahi samaanee.
The Light which is pervading among all is Immaculate.

inrml bwxI hir swlwhI jip hir inrmlu mYlu gvwvixAw ]1] (121-2)
nirmal banee har saalaahee jap har nirmal mail gavaavni-aa. ||1||
So praise the Immaculate Word of the Lord's Bani; chanting the Immaculate Name of the Lord, all filth is washed away. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI suKdwqw mMin vswvixAw ] (121-3)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree sukh-daata man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Giver of peace within their minds.

hir inrmlu gur sbid slwhI sbdo suix iqsw imtwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (121-3)
har nirmal gur sabad salaahee sabdo sun tisaa mitaavni-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Praise the Immaculate Lord, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. Listen to the Shabad, and quench your thirst. ||1||Pause||

inrml nwmu visAw min Awey ] (121-4)
nirmal naam vasi-aa man aa-ay.
When the Immaculate Naam comes to dwell in the mind,

mnu qnu inrmlu mwieAw mohu gvwey ] (121-5)
man tan nirmal maa-i-aa moh gavaa-ay.
the mind and body become Immaculate, and emotional attachment to Maya departs.

inrml gux gwvY inq swcy ky inrml nwdu vjwvixAw ]2] (121-5)
nirmal gun gaavai nit saachay kay nirmal naad vajaavani-aa. ||2||
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Immaculate True Lord forever, and the Immaculate Sound-current of the Naad shall vibrate within. ||2||

inrml AMimRqu gur qy pwieAw ] (121-6)
nirmal amrit gur tay paa-i-aa.
The Immaculate Ambrosial Nectar is obtained from the Guru.

ivchu Awpu muAw iqQY mohu n mwieAw ] (121-6)
vichahu aap mu-aa tithai moh na maa-i-aa.
When selfishness and conceit are eradicated from within, then there is no attachment to Maya.

inrml igAwnu iDAwnu Aiq inrmlu inrml bwxI mMin vswvixAw ]3] (121-6)
nirmal gi-aan Dhi-aan at nirmal nirmal banee man vasaavani-aa. ||3||
Immaculate is the spiritual wisdom, and utterly immaculate is the meditation, of those whose minds are filled with the Immaculate Bani of the Word. ||3||

jo inrmlu syvy su inrmlu hovY ] (121-7)
jo nirmal sayvay so nirmal hovai.
One who serves the Immaculate Lord becomes immaculate.

haumY mYlu gur sbdy DovY ] (121-8)
ha-umai mail gur sabday Dhovai.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the filth of egotism is washed away.

inrml vwjY Anhd Duin bwxI dir scY soBw pwvixAw ]4] (121-8)
nirmal vaajai anhad Dhun banee dar sachai sobhaa paavni-aa. ||4||
The Immaculate Bani and the Unstruck Melody of the Sound-current vibrate, and in the True Court, honor is obtained. ||4||

inrml qy sB inrml hovY ] (121-9)
nirmal tay sabh nirmal hovai.
Through the Immaculate Lord, all become immaculate.

inrmlu mnUAw hir sbid provY ] (121-9)
nirmal manoo-aa har sabad parovai.
Immaculate is the mind which weaves the Word of the Lord's Shabad into itself.

inrml nwim lgy bfBwgI inrmlu nwim suhwvixAw ]5] (121-9)
nirmal naam lagay badbhaagee nirmal naam suhaavani-aa. ||5||
Blessed and very fortunate are those who are committed to the Immaculate Name; through the Immaculate Name, they are blessed and beautified. ||5||

so inrmlu jo sbdy sohY ] (121-10)
so nirmal jo sabday sohai.
Immaculate is the one who is adorned with the Shabad.

inrml nwim mnu qnu mohY ] (121-10)
nirmal naam man tan mohai.
The Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord, entices the mind and body.

sic nwim mlu kdy n lwgY muKu aUjlu scu krwvixAw ]6] (121-10)
sach naam mal kaday na laagai mukh oojal sach karaavani-aa. ||6||
No filth ever attaches itself to the True Name; one's face is made radiant by the True One. ||6||

mnu mYlw hY dUjY Bwie ] (121-11)
man mailaa hai doojai bhaa-ay.
The mind is polluted by the love of duality.

mYlw caukw mYlY Qwie ] (121-11)
mailaa cha-ukaa mailai thaa-ay.
Filthy is that kitchen, and filthy is that dwelling;

mYlw Kwie iPir mYlu vDwey mnmuK mYlu duKu pwvixAw ]7] (121-12)
mailaa khaa-ay fir mail vaDhaa-ay manmukh mail dukh paavni-aa. ||7||
eating filth, the self-willed manmukhs become even more filthy. Because of their filth, they suffer in pain. ||7||

mYly inrml siB hukim sbwey ] (121-12)
mailay nirmal sabh hukam sabaa-ay.
The filthy, and the immaculate as well, are all subject to the Hukam of God's Command.

sy inrml jo hir swcy Bwey ] (121-13)
say nirmal jo har saachay bhaa-ay.
They alone are immaculate, who are pleasing to the True Lord.

nwnk nwmu vsY mn AMqir gurmuiK mYlu cukwvixAw ]8]19]20] (121-13)
naanak naam vasai man antar gurmukh mail chukaavani-aa. ||8||19||20||
O Nanak, the Naam abides deep within the minds of the Gurmukhs, who are cleansed of all their filth. ||8||19||20||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (121-14)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

goivMdu aUjlu aUjl hMsw ] (121-14)
govind oojal oojal hansaa.
The Lord of the Universe is radiant, and radiant are His soul-swans.

mnu bwxI inrml myrI mnsw ] (121-14)
man banee nirmal mayree mansaa.
Their minds and their speech are immaculate; they are my hope and ideal.

min aUjl sdw muK sohih Aiq aUjl nwmu iDAwvixAw ]1] (121-14)
man oojal sadaa mukh soheh at oojal naam Dhi-aavani-aa. ||1||
Their minds are radiant, and their faces are always beautiful; they meditate on the most radiant Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI goibMd gux gwvixAw ] (121-15)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree gobind gun gaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

goibdu goibdu khY idn rwqI goibd gux sbid suxwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (121-15)
gobid gobid kahai din raatee gobid gun sabad sunaavni-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So chant Gobind, Gobind, the Lord of the Universe, day and night; sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord Gobind, through the Word of His Shabad. ||1||Pause||

goibdu gwvih shij suBwey ] (121-16)
gobid gaavahi sahj subhaa-ay.
Sing of the Lord Gobind with intuitive ease,

gur kY BY aUjl haumY mlu jwey ] (121-17)
gur kai bhai oojal ha-umai mal jaa-ay.
in the Fear of the Guru; you shall become radiant, and the filth of egotism shall depart.

sdw Anµid rhih Bgiq krih idnu rwqI suix goibd gux gwvixAw ]2] (121-17)
sadaa anand raheh bhagat karahi din raatee sun gobid gun gaavani-aa. ||2||
Remain in bliss forever, and perform devotional worship, day and night. Hear and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord Gobind. ||2||

mnUAw nwcY Bgiq idRVwey ] (121-18)
manoo-aa naachai bhagat drirh-aa-ay.
Channel your dancing mind in devotional worship,

gur kY sbid mnY mnu imlwey ] (121-18)
gur kai sabad manai man milaa-ay.
and through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, merge your mind with the Supreme Mind.

scw qwlu pUry mwieAw mohu cukwey sbdy inriq krwvixAw ]3] (121-18)
sachaa taal pooray maa-i-aa moh chukaa-ay sabday nirat karaavani-aa. ||3||
Let your true and perfect tune be the subjugation of your love of Maya, and let yourself dance to the Shabad. ||3||

aUcw kUky qnih pCwVy ] (121-19)
oochaa kookay taneh pachhaarhay.
People shout out loud and move their bodies,

mwieAw moih joihAw jmkwly ] (121-19)
maa-i-aa mohi johi-aa jamkaalay.
but if they are emotionally attached to Maya, then the Messenger of Death shall hunt them down.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD