Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mnsw mwir sic smwxI ] (120-1)
mansaa maar sach samaanee.
Subduing their desires, they merge with the True One;

iein min fITI sB Awvx jwxI ] (120-1)
in man deethee sabh aavan jaanee.
they see in their minds that everyone comes and goes in reincarnation.

siqguru syvy sdw mnu inhclu inj Gir vwsw pwvixAw ]3] (120-1)
satgur sayvay sadaa man nihchal nij ghar vaasaa paavni-aa. ||3||
Serving the True Guru, they become stable forever, and they obtain their dwelling in the home of the self. ||3||

gur kY sbid irdY idKwieAw ] (120-2)
gur kai sabad ridai dikhaa-i-aa.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord is seen within one's own heart.

mwieAw mohu sbid jlwieAw ] (120-2)
maa-i-aa moh sabad jalaa-i-aa.
Through the Shabad, I have burned my emotional attachment to Maya.

sco scw vyiK swlwhI gur sbdI scu pwvixAw ]4] (120-3)
sacho sachaa vaykh saalaahee gur sabdee sach paavni-aa. ||4||
I gaze upon the Truest of the True, and I praise Him. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I obtain the True One. ||4||

jo sic rwqy iqn scI ilv lwgI ] (120-3)
jo sach raatay tin sachee liv laagee.
Those who are attuned to Truth are blessed with the Love of the True One.

hir nwmu smwlih sy vfBwgI ] (120-4)
har naam samaaleh say vadbhaagee.
Those who praise the Lord's Name are very fortunate.

scY sbid Awip imlwey sqsMgiq scu gux gwvixAw ]5] (120-4)
sachai sabad aap milaa-ay satsangat sach gun gaavani-aa. ||5||
Through the Word of His Shabad, the True One blends with Himself, those who join the True Congregation and sing the Glorious Praises of the True One. ||5||

lyKw pVIAY jy lyKy ivic hovY ] (120-5)
laykhaa parhee-ai jay laykhay vich hovai.
We could read the account of the Lord, if He were in any account.

Ehu Agmu Agocru sbid suiD hovY ] (120-5)
oh agam agochar sabad suDh hovai.
He is Inaccessible and Incomprehensible; through the Shabad, understanding is obtained.

Anidnu sc sbid swlwhI horu koie n kImiq pwvixAw ]6] (120-5)
an-din sach sabad saalaahee hor ko-ay na keemat paavni-aa. ||6||
Night and day, praise the True Word of the Shabad. There is no other way to know His Worth. ||6||

piV piV Qwky sWiq n AweI ] (120-6)
parh parh thaakay saaNt na aa-ee.
People read and recite until they grow weary, but they do not find peace.

iqRsnw jwly suiD n kweI ] (120-6)
tarisnaa jaalay suDh na kaa-ee.
Consumed by desire, they have no understanding at all.

ibKu ibhwJih ibKu moh ipAwsy kUVu boil ibKu KwvixAw ]7] (120-7)
bikh bihaajheh bikh moh pi-aasay koorh bol bikh khaavani-aa. ||7||
They purchase poison, and they are thirsty with their fascination for poison. Telling lies, they eat poison. ||7||

gur prswdI eyko jwxw ] (120-7)
gur parsaadee ayko jaanaa.
By Guru's Grace, I know the One.

dUjw mwir mnu sic smwxw ] (120-8)
doojaa maar man sach samaanaa.
Subduing my sense of duality, my mind is absorbed into the True One.

nwnk eyko nwmu vrqY mn AMqir gur prswdI pwvixAw ]8]17]18] (120-8)
naanak ayko naam vartai man antar gur parsaadee paavni-aa. ||8||17||18||
O Nanak, the One Name is pervading deep within my mind; by Guru's Grace, I receive it. ||8||17||18||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (120-9)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

vrn rUp vrqih sB qyry ] (120-9)
varan roop varteh sabh tayray.
In all colors and forms, You are pervading.

mir mir jMmih Pyr pvih Gxyry ] (120-9)
mar mar jameh fayr paveh ghanayray.
People die over and over again; they are re-born, and make their rounds on the wheel of reincarnation.

qUM eyko inhclu Agm Apwrw gurmqI bUJ buJwvixAw ]1] (120-9)
tooN ayko nihchal agam apaaraa gurmatee boojh bujhaavani-aa. ||1||
You alone are Eternal and Unchanging, Inaccessible and Infinite. Through the Guru's Teachings, understanding is imparted. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI rwm nwmu mMin vswvixAw ] (120-10)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree raam naam man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Lord's Name in their minds.

iqsu rUpu n ryiKAw vrnu n koeI gurmqI Awip buJwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (120-11)
tis roop na raykh-i-aa varan na ko-ee gurmatee aap bujhaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord has no form, features or color. Through the Guru's Teachings, He inspires us to understand Him. ||1||Pause||

sB eykw joiq jwxY jy koeI ] (120-11)
sabh aykaa jot jaanai jay ko-ee.
The One Light is all-pervading; only a few know this.

siqguru syivAY prgtu hoeI ] (120-12)
satgur sayvi-ai pargat ho-ee.
Serving the True Guru, this is revealed.

gupqu prgtu vrqY sB QweI joqI joiq imlwvixAw ]2] (120-12)
gupat pargat vartai sabh thaa-ee jotee jot milaavani-aa. ||2||
In the hidden and in the obvious, He is pervading all places. Our light merges into the Light. ||2||

iqsnw Agin jlY sMswrw ] (120-13)
tisnaa agan jalai sansaaraa.
The world is burning in the fire of desire,

loBu AiBmwnu bhuqu AhMkwrw ] (120-13)
lobh abhimaan bahut ahaNkaaraa.
in greed, arrogance and excessive ego.

mir mir jnmY piq gvwey ApxI ibrQw jnmu gvwvixAw ]3] (120-13)
mar mar janmai pat gavaa-ay apnee birthaa janam gavaavni-aa. ||3||
People die over and over again; they are re-born, and lose their honor. They waste away their lives in vain. ||3||

gur kw sbdu ko ivrlw bUJY ] (120-14)
gur kaa sabad ko virlaa boojhai.
Those who understand the Word of the Guru's Shabad are very rare.

Awpu mwry qw iqRBvxu sUJY ] (120-14)
aap maaray taa taribhavan soojhai.
Those who subdue their egotism, come to know the three worlds.

iPir Ehu mrY n mrxw hovY shjy sic smwvixAw ]4] (120-15)
fir oh marai na marnaa hovai sehjay sach samaavani-aa. ||4||
Then, they die, never to die again. They are intuitively absorbed in the True One. ||4||

mwieAw mih iPir icqu n lwey ] (120-15)
maa-i-aa meh fir chit na laa-ay.
They do not focus their consciousness on Maya again.

gur kY sbid sd rhY smwey ] (120-16)
gur kai sabad sad rahai samaa-ay.
They remain absorbed forever in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

scu slwhy sB Gt AMqir sco scu suhwvixAw ]5] (120-16)
sach salaahay sabh ghat antar sacho sach suhaavani-aa. ||5||
They praise the True One, who is contained deep within all hearts. They are blessed and exalted by the Truest of the True. ||5||

scu swlwhI sdw hjUry ] (120-16)
sach saalaahee sadaa hajooray.
Praise the True One, who is Ever-present.

gur kY sbid rihAw BrpUry ] (120-17)
gur kai sabad rahi-aa bharpooray.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is pervading everywhere.

gur prswdI scu ndrI AwvY scy hI suKu pwvixAw ]6] (120-17)
gur parsaadee sach nadree aavai sachay hee sukh paavni-aa. ||6||
By Guru's Grace, we come to behold the True One; from the True One, peace is obtained. ||6||

scu mn AMdir rihAw smwie ] (120-18)
sach man andar rahi-aa samaa-ay.
The True One permeates and pervades the mind within.

sdw scu inhclu AwvY n jwie ] (120-18)
sadaa sach nihchal aavai na jaa-ay.
The True One is Eternal and Unchanging; He does not come and go in reincarnation.

scy lwgY so mnu inrmlu gurmqI sic smwvixAw ]7] (120-18)
sachay laagai so man nirmal gurmatee sach samaavani-aa. ||7||
Those who are attached to the True One are immaculate and pure. Through the Guru's Teachings, they merge in the True One. ||7||

scu swlwhI Avru n koeI ] (120-19)
sach saalaahee avar na ko-ee.
Praise the True One, and no other.

ijqu syivAY sdw suKu hoeI ] (120-19)
jit sayvi-ai sadaa sukh ho-ee.
Serving Him, eternal peace is obtained.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD