Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Koty Kry quDu Awip aupwey ] (119-1)
khotay kharay tuDh aap upaa-ay.
You Yourself created the counterfeit and the genuine.

quDu Awpy prKy lok sbwey ] (119-1)
tuDh aapay parkhay lok sabaa-ay.
You Yourself appraise all people.

Kry priK KjwnY pwieih Koty Brim BulwvixAw ]6] (119-1)
kharay parakh khajaanai paa-ihi khotay bharam bhulaavani-aa. ||6||
You appraise the true, and place them in Your Treasury; You consign the false to wander in delusion. ||6||

ikau kir vyKw ikau swlwhI ] (119-2)
ki-o kar vaykhaa ki-o saalaahee.
How can I behold You? How can I praise You?

gur prswdI sbid slwhI ] (119-2)
gur parsaadee sabad salaahee.
By Guru's Grace, I praise You through the Word of the Shabad.

qyry Bwxy ivic AMimRqu vsY qUM BwxY AMimRqu pIAwvixAw ]7] (119-2)
tayray bhaanay vich amrit vasai tooN bhaanai amrit pee-aavni-aa. ||7||
In Your Sweet Will, the Amrit is found; by Your Will, You inspire us to drink in this Amrit. ||7||

AMimRq sbdu AMimRq hir bwxI ] (119-3)
amrit sabad amrit har banee.
The Shabad is Amrit; the Lord's Bani is Amrit.

siqguir syivAY irdY smwxI ] (119-3)
satgur sayvi-ai ridai samaanee.
Serving the True Guru, it permeates the heart.

nwnk AMimRq nwmu sdw suKdwqw pI AMimRqu sB BuK lih jwvixAw ]8]15]16] (119-4)
naanak amrit naam sadaa sukh-daata pee amrit sabh bhukh leh jaavani-aa. ||8||15||16||
O Nanak, the Ambrosial Naam is forever the Giver of peace; drinking in this Amrit, all hunger is satisfied. ||8||15||16||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (119-5)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

AMimRqu vrsY shij suBwey ] (119-5)
amrit varsai sahj subhaa-ay.
The Ambrosial Nectar rains down, softly and gently.

gurmuiK ivrlw koeI jnu pwey ] (119-5)
gurmukh virlaa ko-ee jan paa-ay.
How rare are those Gurmukhs who find it.

AMimRqu pI sdw iqRpqwsy kir ikrpw iqRsnw buJwvixAw ]1] (119-5)
amrit pee sadaa tariptaasay kar kirpaa tarisnaa bujhaavani-aa. ||1||
Those who drink it in are satisfied forever. Showering His Mercy upon them, the Lord quenches their thirst. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI gurmuiK AMimRqu pIAwvixAw ] (119-6)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree gurmukh amrit pee-aavni-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those Gurmukhs who drink in this Ambrosial Nectar.

rsnw rsu cwiK sdw rhY rMig rwqI shjy hir gux gwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (119-7)
rasnaa ras chaakh sadaa rahai rang raatee sehjay har gun gaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The tongue tastes the essence, and remains forever imbued with the Lord's Love, intuitively singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

gur prswdI shju ko pwey ] (119-7)
gur parsaadee sahj ko paa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, intuitive understanding is obtained;

duibDw mwry ieksu isau ilv lwey ] (119-8)
dubiDhaa maaray ikas si-o liv laa-ay.
subduing the sense of duality, they are in love with the One.

ndir kry qw hir gux gwvY ndrI sic smwvixAw ]2] (119-8)
nadar karay taa har gun gaavai nadree sach samaavani-aa. ||2||
When He bestows His Glance of Grace, then they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; by His Grace, they merge in Truth. ||2||

sBnw aupir ndir pRB qyrI ] (119-9)
sabhnaa upar nadar parabh tayree.
Above all is Your Glance of Grace, O God.

iksY QoVI iksY hY GxyrI ] (119-9)
kisai thorhee kisai hai ghanayree.
Upon some it is bestowed less, and upon others it is bestowed more.

quJ qy bwhir ikCu n hovY gurmuiK soJI pwvixAw ]3] (119-9)
tujh tay baahar kichh na hovai gurmukh sojhee paavni-aa. ||3||
Without You, nothing happens at all; the Gurmukhs understand this. ||3||

gurmuiK qqu hY bIcwrw ] (119-10)
gurmukh tat hai beechaaraa.
The Gurmukhs contemplate the essence of reality;

AMimRiq Bry qyry BMfwrw ] (119-10)
amrit bharay tayray bhandaaraa.
Your Treasures are overflowing with Ambrosial Nectar.

ibnu siqgur syvy koeI n pwvY gur ikrpw qy pwvixAw ]4] (119-10)
bin satgur sayvay ko-ee na paavai gur kirpaa tay paavni-aa. ||4||
Without serving the True Guru, no one obtains it. It is obtained only by Guru's Grace. ||4||

siqguru syvY so jnu sohY ] (119-11)
satgur sayvai so jan sohai.
Those who serve the True Guru are beautiful.

AMimRq nwim AMqru mnu mohY ] (119-11)
amrit naam antar man mohai.
The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, entices their inner minds.

AMimRiq mnu qnu bwxI rqw AMimRqu shij suxwvixAw ]5] (119-12)
amrit man tan banee rataa amrit sahj sunaavni-aa. ||5||
Their minds and bodies are attuned to the Ambrosial Bani of the Word; this Ambrosial Nectar is intuitively heard. ||5||

mnmuKu BUlw dUjY Bwie KuAwey ] (119-12)
manmukh bhoolaa doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ay.
The deluded, self-willed manmukhs are ruined through the love of duality.

nwmu n lyvY mrY ibKu Kwey ] (119-13)
naam na layvai marai bikh khaa-ay.
They do not chant the Naam, and they die, eating poison.

Anidnu sdw ivstw mih vwsw ibnu syvw jnmu gvwvixAw ]6] (119-13)
an-din sadaa vistaa meh vaasaa bin sayvaa janam gavaavni-aa. ||6||
Night and day, they continually sit in manure. Without selfless service, their lives are wasted away. ||6||

AMimRqu pIvY ijs no Awip pIAwey ] (119-14)
amrit peevai jis no aap pee-aa-ay.
They alone drink in this Amrit, whom the Lord Himself inspires to do so.

gur prswdI shij ilv lwey ] (119-14)
gur parsaadee sahj liv laa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, they intuitively enshrine love for the Lord.

pUrn pUir rihAw sB Awpy gurmiq ndrI AwvixAw ]7] (119-14)
pooran poor rahi-aa sabh aapay gurmat nadree aavani-aa. ||7||
The Perfect Lord is Himself perfectly pervading everywhere; through the Guru's Teachings, He is perceived. ||7||

Awpy Awip inrMjnu soeI ] (119-15)
aapay aap niranjan so-ee.
He Himself is the Immaculate Lord.

ijin isrjI iqin Awpy goeI ] (119-15)
jin sirjee tin aapay go-ee.
He who has created, shall Himself destroy.

nwnk nwmu smwil sdw qUM shjy sic smwvixAw ]8]16]17] (119-15)
naanak naam samaal sadaa tooN sehjay sach samaavani-aa. ||8||16||17||
O Nanak, remember the Naam forever, and you shall merge into the True One with intuitive ease. ||8||16||17||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (119-16)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

sy sic lwgy jo quDu Bwey ] (119-16)
say sach laagay jo tuDh bhaa-ay.
Those who please You are linked to the Truth.

sdw scu syvih shj suBwey ] (119-17)
sadaa sach sayveh sahj subhaa-ay.
They serve the True One forever, with intuitive ease.

scY sbid scw swlwhI scY myil imlwvixAw ]1] (119-17)
sachai sabad sachaa saalaahee sachai mayl milaavani-aa. ||1||
Through the True Word of the Shabad, they praise the True One, and they merge in the merging of Truth. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI scu swlwhixAw ] (119-17)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree sach salaahni-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who praise the True One.

scu iDAwiein sy sic rwqy scy sic smwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (119-18)
sach Dhi-aa-in say sach raatay sachay sach samaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who meditate on the True One are attuned to Truth; they are absorbed into the Truest of the True. ||1||Pause||

jh dyKw scu sBnI QweI ] (119-18)
jah daykhaa sach sabhnee thaa-ee.
The True One is everywhere, wherever I look.

gur prswdI mMin vsweI ] (119-19)
gur parsaadee man vasaa-ee.
By Guru's Grace, I enshrine Him in my mind.

qnu scw rsnw sic rwqI scu suix AwiK vKwnixAw ]2] (119-19)
tan sachaa rasnaa sach raatee sach sun aakh vakhaanni-aa. ||2||
True are the bodies of those whose tongues are attuned to Truth. They hear the Truth, and speak it with their mouths. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD