Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mnmuK KotI rwis Kotw pwswrw ] (116-1)
manmukh khotee raas khotaa paasaaraa.
The wealth of the self-willed manmukhs is false, and false is their ostentatious display.

kUVu kmwvin duKu lwgY Bwrw ] (116-1)
koorh kamaavan dukh laagai bhaaraa.
They practice falsehood, and suffer terrible pain.

Brmy BUly iPrin idn rwqI mir jnmih jnmu gvwvixAw ]7] (116-1)
bharmay bhoolay firan din raatee mar janmeh janam gavaavni-aa. ||7||
Deluded by doubt, they wander day and night; through birth and death, they lose their lives. ||7||

scw swihbu mY Aiq ipAwrw ] (116-2)
sachaa saahib mai at pi-aaraa.
My True Lord and Master is very dear to me.

pUry gur kY sbid ADwrw ] (116-2)
pooray gur kai sabad aDhaaraa.
The Shabad of the Perfect Guru is my Support.

nwnk nwim imlY vifAweI duKu suKu sm kir jwnixAw ]8]10]11] (116-3)
naanak naam milai vadi-aa-ee dukh sukh sam kar jaanni-aa. ||8||10||11||
O Nanak, one who obtains the Greatness of the Naam, looks upon pain and pleasure as one and the same. ||8||10||11||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (116-3)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

qyrIAw KwxI qyrIAw bwxI ] (116-4)
tayree-aa khaanee tayree-aa banee.
The four sources of creation are Yours; the spoken word is Yours.

ibnu nwvY sB Brim BulwxI ] (116-4)
bin naavai sabh bharam bhulaanee.
Without the Name, all are deluded by doubt.

gur syvw qy hir nwmu pwieAw ibnu siqgur koie n pwvixAw ]1] (116-4)
gur sayvaa tay har naam paa-i-aa bin satgur ko-ay na paavni-aa. ||1||
Serving the Guru, the Lord's Name is obtained. Without the True Guru, no one can receive it. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI hir syqI icqu lwvixAw ] (116-5)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree har saytee chit laavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who focus their consciousness on the Lord.

hir scw gur BgqI pweIAY shjy mMin vswvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (116-5)
har sachaa gur bhagtee paa-ee-ai sehjay man vasaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through devotion to the Guru, the True One is found; He comes to abide in the mind, with intuitive ease. ||1||Pause||

siqguru syvy qw sB ikCu pwey ] (116-6)
satgur sayvay taa sabh kichh paa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, all things are obtained.

jyhI mnsw kir lwgY qyhw Plu pwey ] (116-6)
jayhee mansaa kar laagai tayhaa fal paa-ay.
As are the desires one harbors, so are the rewards one receives.

siqguru dwqw sBnw vQU kw pUrY Bwig imlwvixAw ]2] (116-7)
satgur daataa sabhnaa vathoo kaa poorai bhaag milaavani-aa. ||2||
The True Guru is the Giver of all things; through perfect destiny, He is met. ||2||

iehu mnu mYlw ieku n iDAwey ] (116-7)
ih man mailaa ik na Dhi-aa-ay.
This mind is filthy and polluted; it does not meditate on the One.

AMqir mYlu lwgI bhu dUjY Bwey ] (116-8)
antar mail laagee baho doojai bhaa-ay.
Deep within, it is soiled and stained by the love of duality.

qit qIriQ idsMqir BvY AhMkwrI horu vDyrY haumY mlu lwvixAw ]3] (116-8)
tat tirath disantar bhavai ahaNkaaree hor vaDhayrai ha-umai mal laavani-aa. ||3||
The egotists may go on pilgrimages to holy rivers, sacred shrines and foreign lands, but they only gather more of the dirt of egotism. ||3||

siqguru syvy qw mlu jwey ] (116-9)
satgur sayvay taa mal jaa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, filth and pollution are removed.

jIvqu mrY hir isau icqu lwey ] (116-9)
jeevat marai har si-o chit laa-ay.
Those who focus their consciousness on the Lord remain dead while yet alive.

hir inrmlu scu mYlu n lwgY sic lwgY mYlu gvwvixAw ]4] (116-9)
har nirmal sach mail na laagai sach laagai mail gavaavni-aa. ||4||
The True Lord is Pure; no filth sticks to Him. Those who are attached to the True One have their filth washed away. ||4||

bwJu gurU hY AMD gubwrw ] (116-10)
baajh guroo hai anDh gubaaraa.
Without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness.

AigAwnI AMDw AMDu AMDwrw ] (116-10)
agi-aanee anDhaa anDh anDhaaraa.
The ignorant ones are blind-there is only utter darkness for them.

ibstw ky kIVy ibstw kmwvih iPir ibstw mwih pcwvixAw ]5] (116-11)
bistaa kay keerhay bistaa kamaaveh fir bistaa maahi pachaavani-aa. ||5||
The maggots in manure do filthy deeds, and in filth they rot and putrefy. ||5||

mukqy syvy mukqw hovY ] (116-11)
muktay sayvay muktaa hovai.
Serving the Lord of Liberation, liberation is achieved.

haumY mmqw sbdy KovY ] (116-12)
ha-umai mamtaa sabday khovai.
The Word of the Shabad eradicates egotism and possessiveness.

Anidnu hir jIau scw syvI pUrY Bwig guru pwvixAw ]6] (116-12)
an-din har jee-o sachaa sayvee poorai bhaag gur paavni-aa. ||6||
So serve the Dear True Lord, night and day. By perfect good destiny, the Guru is found. ||6||

Awpy bKsy myil imlwey ] (116-13)
aapay bakhsay mayl milaa-ay.
He Himself forgives and unites in His Union.

pUry gur qy nwmu iniD pwey ] (116-13)
pooray gur tay naam niDh paa-ay.
From the Perfect Guru, the Treasure of the Naam is obtained.

scY nwim sdw mnu scw scu syvy duKu gvwvixAw ]7] (116-13)
sachai naam sadaa man sachaa sach sayvay dukh gavaavni-aa. ||7||
By the True Name, the mind is made true forever. Serving the True Lord, sorrow is driven out. ||7||

sdw hjUir dUir n jwxhu ] (116-14)
sadaa hajoor door na jaanhu.
He is always close at hand-do not think that He is far away.

gur sbdI hir AMqir pCwxhu ] (116-14)
gur sabdee har antar pachhaanhu.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, recognize the Lord deep within your own being.

nwnk nwim imlY vifAweI pUry gur qy pwvixAw ]8]11]12] (116-14)
naanak naam milai vadi-aa-ee pooray gur tay paavni-aa. ||8||11||12||
O Nanak, through the Naam, glorious greatness is received. Through the Perfect Guru, the Naam is obtained. ||8||11||12||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (116-15)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

AYQY swcy su AwgY swcy ] (116-15)
aithai saachay so aagai saachay.
Those who are True here, are True hereafter as well.

mnu scw scY sbid rwcy ] (116-16)
man sachaa sachai sabad raachay.
That mind is true, which is attuned to the True Shabad.

scw syvih scu kmwvih sco scu kmwvixAw ]1] (116-16)
sachaa sayveh sach kamaaveh sacho sach kamaavani-aa. ||1||
They serve the True One, and practice Truth; they earn Truth, and only Truth. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI scw nwmu mMin vswvixAw ] (116-16)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree sachaa naam man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those whose minds are filled with the True Name.

scy syvih sic smwvih scy ky gux gwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (116-17)
sachay sayveh sach samaaveh sachay kay gun gaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They serve the True One, and are absorbed into the True One, singing the Glorious Praises of the True One. ||1||Pause||

pMifq pVih swdu n pwvih ] (116-18)
pandit parheh saad na paavahi.
The Pandits, the religious scholars read, but they do not taste the essence.

dUjY Bwie mwieAw mnu Brmwvih ] (116-18)
doojai bhaa-ay maa-i-aa man bharmaaveh.
In love with duality and Maya, their minds wander, unfocused.

mwieAw moih sB suiD gvweI kir Avgx pCoqwvixAw ]2] (116-18)
maa-i-aa mohi sabh suDh gavaa-ee kar avgan pachhotaavani-aa. ||2||
The love of Maya has displaced all their understanding; making mistakes, they live in regret. ||2||

siqguru imlY qw qqu pwey ] (116-19)
satgur milai taa tat paa-ay.
But if they should meet the True Guru, then they obtain the essence of reality;

hir kw nwmu mMin vswey ] (116-19)
har kaa naam man vasaa-ay.
the Name of the Lord comes to dwell in their minds.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD