Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Anidnu sdw rhY BY AMdir BY mwir Brmu cukwvixAw ]5] (114-1)
an-din sadaa rahai bhai andar bhai maar bharam chukaavani-aa. ||5||
Night and day, they remain in the Fear of God; conquering their fears, their doubts are dispelled. ||5||

Brmu cukwieAw sdw suKu pwieAw ] (114-1)
bharam chukaa-i-aa sadaa sukh paa-i-aa.
Dispelling their doubts, they find a lasting peace.

gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw ] (114-2)
gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa.
By Guru's Grace, the supreme status is attained.

AMqru inrmlu inrml bwxI hir gux shjy gwvixAw ]6] (114-2)
antar nirmal nirmal banee har gun sehjay gaavani-aa. ||6||
Deep within, they are pure, and their words are pure as well; intuitively, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||6||

isimRiq swsq byd vKwxY ] (114-3)
simrit saasat bayd vakhaanai.
They recite the Simritees, the Shaastras and the Vedas,

Brmy BUlw qqu n jwxY ] (114-3)
bharmay bhoolaa tat na jaanai.
but deluded by doubt, they do not understand the essence of reality.

ibnu siqgur syvy suKu n pwey duKo duKu kmwvixAw ]7] (114-3)
bin satgur sayvay sukh na paa-ay dukho dukh kamaavani-aa. ||7||
Without serving the True Guru, they find no peace; they earn only pain and misery. ||7||

Awip kry iksu AwKY koeI ] (114-4)
aap karay kis aakhai ko-ee.
The Lord Himself acts; unto whom should we complain?

AwKix jweIAY jy BUlw hoeI ] (114-4)
aakhan jaa-ee-ai jay bhoolaa ho-ee.
How can anyone complain that the Lord has made a mistake?

nwnk Awpy kry krwey nwmy nwim smwvixAw ]8]7]8] (114-4)
naanak aapay karay karaa-ay naamay naam samaavani-aa. ||8||7||8||
O Nanak, the Lord Himself does, and causes things to be done; chanting the Naam, we are absorbed in the Naam. ||8||7||8||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (114-5)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

Awpy rMgy shij suBwey ] (114-5)
aapay rangay sahj subhaa-ay.
He Himself imbues us with His Love, with effortless ease.

gur kY sbid hir rMgu cVwey ] (114-5)
gur kai sabad har rang charhaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, we are dyed in the color of the Lord's Love.

mnu qnu rqw rsnw rMig clUlI BY Bwie rMgu cVwvixAw ]1] (114-6)
man tan rataa rasnaa rang chaloolee bhai bhaa-ay rang charhaavani-aa. ||1||
This mind and body are so imbued, and this tongue is dyed in the deep crimson color of the poppy. Through the Love and the Fear of God, we are dyed in this color. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI inrBau mMin vswvixAw ] (114-6)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree nirbha-o man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Fearless Lord within their minds.

gur ikrpw qy hir inrBau iDAwieAw ibKu Baujlu sbid qrwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (114-7)
gur kirpaa tay har nirbha-o Dhi-aa-i-aa bikh bha-ojal sabad taraavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, I meditate on the Fearless Lord; the Shabad has carried me across the poisonous world-ocean. ||1||Pause||

mnmuK mugD krih cqurweI ] (114-8)
manmukh mugaDh karahi chaturaa-ee.
The idiotic self-willed manmukhs try to be clever,

nwqw Doqw Qwie n pweI ] (114-8)
naataa Dhotaa thaa-ay na paa-ee.
but in spite of their bathing and washing, they shall not be acceptable.

jyhw AwieAw qyhw jwsI kir Avgx pCoqwvixAw ]2] (114-8)
jayhaa aa-i-aa tayhaa jaasee kar avgan pachhotaavani-aa. ||2||
As they came, so shall they go, regretting the mistakes they made. ||2||

mnmuK AMDy ikCU n sUJY ] (114-9)
manmukh anDhay kichhoo na soojhai.
The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not understand anything;

mrxu ilKwie Awey nhI bUJY ] (114-9)
maran likhaa-ay aa-ay nahee boojhai.
death was pre-ordained for them when they came into the world, but they do not understand.

mnmuK krm kry nhI pwey ibnu nwvY jnmu gvwvixAw ]3] (114-10)
manmukh karam karay nahee paa-ay bin naavai janam gavaavni-aa. ||3||
The self-willed manmukhs may practice religious rituals, but they do not obtain the Name; without the Name, they lose this life in vain. ||3||

scu krxI sbdu hY swru ] (114-10)
sach karnee sabad hai saar.
The practice of Truth is the essence of the Shabad.

pUrY guir pweIAY moK duAwru ] (114-11)
poorai gur paa-ee-ai mokh du-aar.
Through the Perfect Guru, the gate of salvation is found.

Anidnu bwxI sbid suxwey sic rwqy rMig rMgwvixAw ]4] (114-11)
an-din banee sabad sunaa-ay sach raatay rang rangaavin-aa. ||4||
So, night and day, listen to the Word of the Guru's Bani, and the Shabad. Let yourself be colored by this love. ||4||

rsnw hir ris rwqI rMgu lwey ] (114-12)
rasnaa har ras raatee rang laa-ay.
The tongue, imbued with the Lord's Essence, delights in His Love.

mnu qnu moihAw shij suBwey ] (114-12)
man tan mohi-aa sahj subhaa-ay.
My mind and body are enticed by the Lord's Sublime Love.

shjy pRIqmu ipAwrw pwieAw shjy shij imlwvixAw ]5] (114-12)
sehjay pareetam pi-aaraa paa-i-aa sehjay sahj milaavani-aa. ||5||
I have easily obtained my Darling Beloved; I am intuitively absorbed in celestial peace. ||5||

ijsu AMdir rMgu soeI gux gwvY ] (114-13)
jis andar rang so-ee gun gaavai.
Those who have the Lord's Love within, sing His Glorious Praises;

gur kY sbid shjy suiK smwvY ] (114-13)
gur kai sabad sehjay sukh samaavai.
through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are intuitively absorbed in celestial peace.

hau bilhwrI sdw iqn ivthu gur syvw icqu lwvixAw ]6] (114-14)
ha-o balihaaree sadaa tin vitahu gur sayvaa chit laavani-aa. ||6||
I am forever a sacrifice to those who dedicate their consciousness to the Guru's Service. ||6||

scw sco sic pqIjY ] (114-14)
sachaa sacho sach pateejai.
The True Lord is pleased with Truth, and only Truth.

gur prswdI AMdru BIjY ] (114-14)
gur parsaadee andar bheejai.
By Guru's Grace, one's inner being is deeply imbued with His Love.

bYis suQwin hir gux gwvih Awpy kir siq mnwvixAw ]7] (114-15)
bais suthaan har gun gaavahi aapay kar sat manaavni-aa. ||7||
Sitting in that blessed place, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, who Himself inspires us to accept His Truth. ||7||

ijs no ndir kry so pwey ] (114-15)
jis no nadar karay so paa-ay.
That one, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, obtains it.

gur prswdI haumY jwey ] (114-16)
gur parsaadee ha-umai jaa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, egotism departs.

nwnk nwmu vsY mn AMqir dir scY soBw pwvixAw ]8]8]9] (114-16)
naanak naam vasai man antar dar sachai sobhaa paavni-aa. ||8||8||9||
O Nanak, that one, within whose mind the Name dwells, is honored in the True Court. ||8||8||9||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (114-17)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh Third Mehl:

siqguru syivAY vfI vifAweI ] (114-17)
satgur sayvi-ai vadee vadi-aa-ee.
Serving the True Guru is the greatest greatness.

hir jI AicMqu vsY min AweI ] (114-17)
har jee achint vasai man aa-ee.
The Dear Lord automatically comes to dwell in the mind.

hir jIau sPilE ibrKu hY AMimRqu ijin pIqw iqsu iqKw lhwvixAw ]1] (114-17)
har jee-o safli-o birakh hai amrit jin peetaa tis tikhaa lahaavani-aa. ||1||
The Dear Lord is the fruit-bearing tree; drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, thirst is quenched. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI scu sMgiq myil imlwvixAw ] (114-18)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree sach sangat mayl milaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to the one who leads me to join the True Congregation.

hir sqsMgiq Awpy mylY gur sbdI hir gux gwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (114-19)
har satsangat aapay maylai gur sabdee har gun gaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord Himself unites me with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD