Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qUM Awpy hI GiV BMin svwrih nwnk nwim suhwvixAw ]8]5]6] (113-1)
tooN aapay hee gharh bhann savaareh naanak naam suhaavani-aa. ||8||5||6||
You Yourself create, destroy and adorn. O Nanak, we are adorned and embellished with the Naam. ||8||5||6||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (113-1)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

sB Gt Awpy Bogxhwrw ] (113-1)
sabh ghat aapay bhoganhaaraa.
He is the Enjoyer of all hearts.

AlKu vrqY Agm Apwrw ] (113-2)
alakh vartai agam apaaraa.
The Invisible, Inaccessible and Infinite is pervading everywhere.

gur kY sbid myrw hir pRBu iDAweIAY shjy sic smwvixAw ]1] (113-2)
gur kai sabad mayraa har parabh Dhi-aa-ee-ai sehjay sach samaavani-aa. ||1||
Meditating on my Lord God, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I am intuitively absorbed in the Truth. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI gur sbdu mMin vswvixAw ] (113-3)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree gur sabad man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who implant the Word of the Guru's Shabad in their minds.

sbdu sUJY qw mn isau lUJY mnsw mwir smwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (113-3)
sabad soojhai taa man si-o loojhai mansaa maar samaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When someone understands the Shabad, then he wrestles with his own mind; subduing his desires, he merges with the Lord. ||1||Pause||

pMc dUq muhih sMswrw ] (113-4)
panch doot muheh sansaaraa.
The five enemies are plundering the world.

mnmuK AMDy suiD n swrw ] (113-4)
manmukh anDhay suDh na saaraa.
The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not understand or appreciate this.

gurmuiK hovY su Apxw Gru rwKY pMc dUq sbid pcwvixAw ]2] (113-5)
gurmukh hovai so apnaa ghar raakhai panch doot sabad pachaavani-aa. ||2||
Those who become Gurmukh-their houses are protected. The five enemies are destroyed by the Shabad. ||2||

ieik gurmuiK sdw scY rMig rwqy ] (113-5)
ik gurmukh sadaa sachai rang raatay.
The Gurmukhs are forever imbued with love for the True One.

shjy pRBu syvih Anidnu mwqy ] (113-6)
sehjay parabh sayveh an-din maatay.
They serve God with intuitive ease. Night and day, they are intoxicated with His Love.

imil pRIqm scy gux gwvih hir dir soBw pwvixAw ]3] (113-6)
mil pareetam sachay gun gaavahi har dar sobhaa paavni-aa. ||3||
Meeting with their Beloved, they sing the Glorious Praises of the True one; they are honored in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

eykm eykY Awpu aupwieAw ] (113-7)
aykam aykai aap upaa-i-aa.
First, the One created Himself;

duibDw dUjw iqRibiD mwieAw ] (113-7)
dubiDhaa doojaa taribaDh maa-i-aa.
second, the sense of duality; third, the three-phased Maya.

cauQI pauVI gurmuiK aUcI sco scu kmwvixAw ]4] (113-7)
cha-uthee pa-orhee gurmukh oochee sacho sach kamaavani-aa. ||4||
The fourth state, the highest, is obtained by the Gurmukh, who practices Truth, and only Truth. ||4||

sBu hY scw jy scy BwvY ] (113-8)
sabh hai sachaa jay sachay bhaavai.
Everything which is pleasing to the True Lord is true.

ijin scu jwqw so shij smwvY ] (113-8)
jin sach jaataa so sahj samaavai.
Those who know the Truth merge in intuitive peace and poise.

gurmuiK krxI scy syvih swcy jwie smwvixAw ]5] (113-8)
gurmukh karnee sachay sayveh saachay jaa-ay samaavani-aa. ||5||
The life-style of the Gurmukh is to serve the True Lord. He goes and blends with the True Lord. ||5||

scy bwJhu ko Avru n dUAw ] (113-9)
sachay baajhahu ko avar na doo-aa.
Without the True One, there is no other at all.

dUjY lwig jgu Kip Kip mUAw ] (113-9)
doojai laag jag khap khap moo-aa.
Attached to duality, the world is distracted and distressed to death.

gurmuiK hovY su eyko jwxY eyko syiv suKu pwvixAw ]6] (113-10)
gurmukh hovai so ayko jaanai ayko sayv sukh paavni-aa. ||6||
One who becomes Gurmukh knows only the One. Serving the One, peace is obtained. ||6||

jIA jMq siB srix qumwrI ] (113-10)
jee-a jant sabh saran tumaaree.
All beings and creatures are in the Protection of Your Sanctuary.

Awpy Dir dyKih kcI pkI swrI ] (113-10)
aapay Dhar daykheh kachee pakee saaree.
You place the chessmen on the board; You see the imperfect and the perfect as well.

Anidnu Awpy kwr krwey Awpy myil imlwvixAw ]7] (113-11)
an-din aapay kaar karaa-ay aapay mayl milaavani-aa. ||7||
Night and day, You cause people to act; You unite them in Union with Yourself. ||7||

qUM Awpy mylih vyKih hdUir ] (113-11)
tooN aapay mayleh vaykheh hadoor.
You Yourself unite, and You see Yourself close at hand.

sB mih Awip rihAw BrpUir ] (113-12)
sabh meh aap rahi-aa bharpoor.
You Yourself are totally pervading amongst all.

nwnk Awpy Awip vrqY gurmuiK soJI pwvixAw ]8]6]7] (113-12)
naanak aapay aap vartai gurmukh sojhee paavni-aa. ||8||6||7||
O Nanak, God Himself is pervading and permeating everywhere; only the Gurmukhs understand this. ||8||6||7||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (113-13)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

AMimRq bwxI gur kI mITI ] (113-13)
amrit banee gur kee meethee.
The Nectar of the Guru's Bani is very sweet.

gurmuiK ivrlY iknY ciK fITI ] (113-13)
gurmukh virlai kinai chakh deethee.
Rare are the Gurmukhs who see and taste it.

AMqir prgwsu mhw rsu pIvY dir scY sbdu vjwvixAw ]1] (113-13)
antar pargaas mahaa ras peevai dar sachai sabad vajaavani-aa. ||1||
The Divine Light dawns within, and the supreme essence is found. In the True Court, the Word of the Shabad vibrates. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI gur crxI icqu lwvixAw ] (113-14)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree gur charnee chit laavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who focus their consciousness on the Guru's Feet.

siqguru hY AMimRq sru swcw mnu nwvY mYlu cukwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (113-15)
satgur hai amrit sar saachaa man naavai mail chukaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru is the True Pool of Nectar; bathing in it, the mind is washed clean of all filth. ||1||Pause||

qyrw scy iknY AMqu n pwieAw ] (113-15)
tayraa sachay kinai ant na paa-i-aa.
Your limits, O True Lord, are not known to anyone.

gur prswid iknY ivrlY icqu lwieAw ] (113-16)
gur parsaad kinai virlai chit laa-i-aa.
Rare are those who, by Guru's Grace, focus their consciousness on You.

quDu swlwih n rjw kbhUM scy nwvY kI BuK lwvixAw ]2] (113-16)
tuDh saalaahi na rajaa kabahooN sachay naavai kee bhukh laavani-aa. ||2||
Praising You, I am never satisfied; such is the hunger I feel for the True Name. ||2||

eyko vyKw Avru n bIAw ] (113-17)
ayko vaykhaa avar na bee-aa.
I see only the One, and no other.

gur prswdI AMimRqu pIAw ] (113-17)
gur parsaadee amrit pee-aa.
By Guru's Grace, I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar.

gur kY sbid iqKw invwrI shjy sUiK smwvixAw ]3] (113-17)
gur kai sabad tikhaa nivaaree sehjay sookh samaavani-aa. ||3||
My thirst is quenched by the Word of the Guru's Shabad; I am absorbed in intuitive peace and poise. ||3||

rqnu pdwrQu plir iqAwgY ] (113-18)
ratan padaarath palar ti-aagai.
The Priceless Jewel is discarded like straw;

mnmuKu AMDw dUjY Bwie lwgY ] (113-18)
manmukh anDhaa doojai bhaa-ay laagai.
the blind self-willed manmukhs are attached to the love of duality.

jo bIjY soeI Plu pwey supnY suKu n pwvixAw ]4] (113-19)
jo beejai so-ee fal paa-ay supnai sukh na paavni-aa. ||4||
As they plant, so do they harvest. They shall not obtain peace, even in their dreams. ||4||

ApnI ikrpw kry soeI jnu pwey ] (113-19)
apnee kirpaa karay so-ee jan paa-ay.
Those who are blessed with His Mercy find the Lord.

gur kw sbdu mMin vswey ] (113-19)
gur kaa sabad man vasaa-ay.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad abides in the mind.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD