Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


lK caurwsIh jIA aupwey ] (111-1)
lakh cha-oraaseeh jee-a upaa-ay.
He created the 8.4 million species of beings.

ijs no ndir kry iqsu gurU imlwey ] (111-1)
jis no nadar karay tis guroo milaa-ay.
Those, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace, come to meet the Guru.

iklibK kwit sdw jn inrml dir scY nwim suhwvixAw ]6] (111-2)
kilbikh kaat sadaa jan nirmal dar sachai naam suhaavani-aa. ||6||
Shedding their sins, His servants are forever pure; at the True Court, they are beautified by the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||6||

lyKw mwgY qw ikin dIAY ] (111-2)
laykhaa maagai taa kin dee-ai.
When they are called to settle their accounts, who will answer then?

suKu nwhI Puin dUAY qIAY ] (111-3)
sukh naahee fun doo-ai tee-ai.
There shall be no peace then, from counting out by twos and threes.

Awpy bKis ley pRBu swcw Awpy bKis imlwvixAw ]7] (111-3)
aapay bakhas la-ay parabh saachaa aapay bakhas milaavani-aa. ||7||
The True Lord God Himself forgives, and having forgiven, He unites them with Himself. ||7||

Awip kry qY Awip krwey ] (111-3)
aap karay tai aap karaa-ay.
He Himself does, and He Himself causes all to be done.

pUry gur kY sbid imlwey ] (111-4)
pooray gur kai sabad milaa-ay.
Through the Shabad, the Word of the Perfect Guru, He is met.

nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI Awpy myil imlwvixAw ]8]2]3] (111-4)
naanak naam milai vadi-aa-ee aapay mayl milaavani-aa. ||8||2||3||
O Nanak, through the Naam, greatness is obtained. He Himself unites in His Union. ||8||2||3||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (111-5)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

ieko Awip iPrY prCMnw ] (111-5)
iko aap firai parchhannaa.
The One Lord Himself moves about imperceptibly.

gurmuiK vyKw qw iehu mnu iBMnw ] (111-5)
gurmukh vaykhaa taa ih man bhinnaa.
As Gurmukh, I see Him, and then this mind is pleased and uplifted.

iqRsnw qij shj suKu pwieAw eyko mMin vswvixAw ]1] (111-5)
tarisnaa taj sahj sukh paa-i-aa ayko man vasaavani-aa. ||1||
Renouncing desire, I have found intuitive peace and poise; I have enshrined the One within my mind. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI ieksu isau icqu lwvixAw ] (111-6)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree ikas si-o chit laavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who focus their consciousness on the One.

gurmqI mnu iekqu Gir AwieAw scY rMig rMgwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (111-7)
gurmatee man ikat ghar aa-i-aa sachai rang rangaavin-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru's Teachings, my mind has come to its only home; it is imbued with the True Color of the Lord's Love. ||1||Pause||

iehu jgu BUlw qYN Awip BulwieAw ] (111-7)
ih jag bhoolaa taiN aap bhulaa-i-aa.
This world is deluded; You Yourself have deluded it.

ieku ivswir dUjY loBwieAw ] (111-8)
ik visaar doojai lobhaa-i-aa.
Forgetting the One, it has become engrossed in duality.

Anidnu sdw iPrY BRim BUlw ibnu nwvY duKu pwvixAw ]2] (111-8)
an-din sadaa firai bharam bhoolaa bin naavai dukh paavni-aa. ||2||
Night and day, it wanders around endlessly, deluded by doubt; without the Name, it suffers in pain. ||2||

jo rMig rwqy krm ibDwqy ] (111-9)
jo rang raatay karam biDhaatay.
Those who are attuned to the Love of the Lord, the Architect of Destiny

gur syvw qy jug cwry jwqy ] (111-9)
gur sayvaa tay jug chaaray jaatay.
-by serving the Guru, they are known throughout the four ages.

ijs no Awip dyie vifAweI hir kY nwim smwvixAw ]3] (111-9)
jis no aap day-ay vadi-aa-ee har kai naam samaavani-aa. ||3||
Those, upon whom the Lord bestows greatness, are absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||3||

mwieAw moih hir cyqY nwhI ] (111-10)
maa-i-aa mohi har chaytai naahee.
Being in love with Maya, they do not think of the Lord.

jmpuir bDw duK shwhI ] (111-10)
jampur baDhaa dukh sahaahee.
Bound and gagged in the City of Death, they suffer in terrible pain.

AMnw bolw ikCu ndir n AwvY mnmuK pwip pcwvixAw ]4] (111-10)
annaa bolaa kichh nadar na aavai manmukh paap pachaavani-aa. ||4||
Blind and deaf, they see nothing at all; the self-willed manmukhs rot away in sin. ||4||

ieik rMig rwqy jo quDu Awip ilv lwey ] (111-11)
ik rang raatay jo tuDh aap liv laa-ay.
Those, whom You attach to Your Love, are attuned to Your Love.

Bwie Bgiq qyrY min Bwey ] (111-11)
bhaa-ay bhagat tayrai man bhaa-ay.
Through loving devotional worship, they become pleasing to Your Mind.

siqguru syvin sdw suKdwqw sB ieCw Awip pujwvixAw ]5] (111-12)
satgur sayvan sadaa sukh-daata sabh ichhaa aap pujaavani-aa. ||5||
They serve the True Guru, the Giver of eternal peace, and all their desires are fulfilled. ||5||

hir jIau qyrI sdw srxweI ] (111-12)
har jee-o tayree sadaa sarnaa-ee.
O Dear Lord, I seek Your Sanctuary forever.

Awpy bKisih dy vifAweI ] (111-13)
aapay bakhsihi day vadi-aa-ee.
You Yourself forgive us, and bless us with Glorious Greatness.

jmkwlu iqsu nyiV n AwvY jo hir hir nwmu iDAwvixAw ]6] (111-13)
jamkaal tis nayrh na aavai jo har har naam Dhi-aavani-aa. ||6||
The Messenger of Death does not draw near those who meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||6||

Anidnu rwqy jo hir Bwey ] (111-14)
an-din raatay jo har bhaa-ay.
Night and day, they are attuned to His Love; they are pleasing to the Lord.

myrY pRiB myly myil imlwey ] (111-14)
mayrai parabh maylay mayl milaa-ay.
My God merges with them, and unites them in Union.

sdw sdw scy qyrI srxweI qUM Awpy scu buJwvixAw ]7] (111-14)
sadaa sadaa sachay tayree sarnaa-ee tooN aapay sach bujhaavani-aa. ||7||
Forever and ever, O True Lord, I seek the Protection of Your Sanctuary; You Yourself inspire us to understand the Truth. ||7||

ijn scu jwqw sy sic smwxy ] (111-15)
jin sach jaataa say sach samaanay.
Those who know the Truth are absorbed in Truth.

hir gux gwvih scu vKwxy ] (111-15)
har gun gaavahi sach vakhaanay.
They sing the Lord's Glorious Praises, and speak the Truth.

nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI inj Gir qwVI lwvixAw ]8]3]4] (111-16)
naanak naam ratay bairaagee nij ghar taarhee laavani-aa. ||8||3||4||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam remain unattached and balanced; in the home of the inner self, they are absorbed in the primal trance of deep meditation. ||8||3||4||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (111-16)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

sbid mrY su muAw jwpY ] (111-16)
sabad marai so mu-aa jaapai.
One who dies in the Word of the Shabad is truly dead.

kwlu n cwpY duKu n sMqwpY ] (111-17)
kaal na chaapai dukh na santaapai.
Death does not crush him, and pain does not afflict him.

joqI ivic imil joiq smwxI suix mn sic smwvixAw ]1] (111-17)
jotee vich mil jot samaanee sun man sach samaavani-aa. ||1||
His light merges and is absorbed into the Light, when he hears and merges in the Truth. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI hir kY nwie soBw pwvixAw ] (111-18)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree har kai naa-ay sobhaa paavni-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to the Lord's Name, which brings us to glory.

siqguru syiv sic icqu lwieAw gurmqI shij smwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (111-18)
satgur sayv sach chit laa-i-aa gurmatee sahj samaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who serves the True Guru, and focuses his consciousness on Truth, following the Guru's Teachings, is absorbed in intuitive peace and poise. ||1||Pause||

kwieAw kcI kcw cIru hMFwey ] (111-19)
kaa-i-aa kachee kachaa cheer handhaa-ay.
This human body is transitory, and transitory are the garments it wears.

dUjY lwgI mhlu n pwey ] (111-19)
doojai laagee mahal na paa-ay.
Attached to duality, no one attains the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD