Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


syvw suriq sbid icqu lwey ] (110-1)
sayvaa surat sabad chit laa-ay.
Center your awareness on seva-selfless service-and focus your consciousness on the Word of the Shabad.

haumY mwir sdw suKu pwieAw mwieAw mohu cukwvixAw ]1] (110-1)
ha-umai maar sadaa sukh paa-i-aa maa-i-aa moh chukaavani-aa. ||1||
Subduing your ego, you shall find a lasting peace, and your emotional attachment to Maya will be dispelled. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI siqgur kY bilhwrixAw ] (110-2)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree satgur kai balihaarni-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, I am totally devoted to the True Guru.

gurmqI prgwsu hoAw jI Anidnu hir gux gwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (110-2)
gurmatee pargaas ho-aa jee an-din har gun gaavani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru's Teachings, the Divine Light has dawned; I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, night and day. ||1||Pause||

qnu mnu Kojy qw nwau pwey ] (110-3)
tan man khojay taa naa-o paa-ay.
Search your body and mind, and find the Name.

Dwvqu rwKY Twik rhwey ] (110-3)
Dhaavat raakhai thaak rahaa-ay.
Restrain your wandering mind, and keep it in check.

gur kI bwxI Anidnu gwvY shjy Bgiq krwvixAw ]2] (110-4)
gur kee banee an-din gaavai sehjay bhagat karaavani-aa. ||2||
Night and day, sing the Songs of the Guru's Bani; worship the Lord with intuitive devotion. ||2||

iesu kwieAw AMdir vsqu AsMKw ] (110-4)
is kaa-i-aa andar vasat asankhaa.
Within this body are countless objects.

gurmuiK swcu imlY qw vyKw ] (110-5)
gurmukh saach milai taa vaykhaa.
The Gurmukh attains Truth, and comes to see them.

nau drvwjy dsvY mukqw Anhd sbdu vjwvixAw ]3] (110-5)
na-o darvaajay dasvai muktaa anhad sabad vajaavani-aa. ||3||
Beyond the nine gates, the Tenth Gate is found, and liberation is obtained. The Unstruck Melody of the Shabad vibrates. ||3||

scw swihbu scI nweI ] (110-5)
sachaa saahib sachee naa-ee.
True is the Master, and True is His Name.

gur prswdI mMin vsweI ] (110-6)
gur parsaadee man vasaa-ee.
By Guru's Grace, He comes to dwell within the mind.

Anidnu sdw rhY rMig rwqw dir scY soJI pwvixAw ]4] (110-6)
an-din sadaa rahai rang raataa dar sachai sojhee paavni-aa. ||4||
Night and day, remain attuned to the Lord's Love forever, and you shall obtain understanding in the True Court. ||4||

pwp puMn kI swr n jwxI ] (110-7)
paap punn kee saar na jaanee.
Those who do not understand the nature of sin and virtue

dUjY lwgI Brim BulwxI ] (110-7)
doojai laagee bharam bhulaanee.
are attached to duality; they wander around deluded.

AigAwnI AMDw mgu n jwxY iPir iPir Awvx jwvixAw ]5] (110-7)
agi-aanee anDhaa mag na jaanai fir fir aavan jaavani-aa. ||5||
The ignorant and blind people do not know the way; they come and go in reincarnation over and over again. ||5||

gur syvw qy sdw suKu pwieAw ] (110-8)
gur sayvaa tay sadaa sukh paa-i-aa.
Serving the Guru, I have found eternal peace;

haumY myrw Twik rhwieAw ] (110-8)
ha-umai mayraa thaak rahaa-i-aa.
my ego has been silenced and subdued.

gur swKI imitAw AMiDAwrw bjr kpwt KulwvixAw ]6] (110-9)
gur saakhee miti-aa anDhi-aaraa bajar kapaat khulaavani-aa. ||6||
Through the Guru's Teachings, the darkness has been dispelled, and the heavy doors have been opened. ||6||

haumY mwir mMin vswieAw ] (110-9)
ha-umai maar man vasaa-i-aa.
Subduing my ego, I have enshrined the Lord within my mind.

gur crxI sdw icqu lwieAw ] (110-10)
gur charnee sadaa chit laa-i-aa.
I focus my consciousness on the Guru's Feet forever.

gur ikrpw qy mnu qnu inrmlu inrml nwmu iDAwvixAw ]7] (110-10)
gur kirpaa tay man tan nirmal nirmal naam Dhi-aavani-aa. ||7||
By Guru's Grace, my mind and body are immaculate and pure; I meditate on the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||7||

jIvxu mrxw sBu quDY qweI ] (110-11)
jeevan marnaa sabh tuDhai taa-ee.
From birth to death, everything is for You.

ijsu bKsy iqsu dy vifAweI ] (110-11)
jis bakhsay tis day vadi-aa-ee.
You bestow greatness upon those whom You have forgiven.

nwnk nwmu iDAwie sdw qUM jMmxu mrxu svwrixAw ]8]1]2] (110-11)
naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay sadaa tooN jaman maran savaarni-aa. ||8||1||2||
O Nanak, meditating forever on the Naam, you shall be blessed in both birth and death. ||8||1||2||

mwJ mhlw 3 ] (110-12)
maajh mehlaa 3.
Maajh, Third Mehl:

myrw pRBu inrmlu Agm Apwrw ] (110-12)
mayraa parabh nirmal agam apaaraa.
My God is Immaculate, Inaccessible and Infinite.

ibnu qkVI qolY sMswrw ] (110-13)
bin takrhee tolai sansaaraa.
Without a scale, He weighs the universe.

gurmuiK hovY soeI bUJY gux kih guxI smwvixAw ]1] (110-13)
gurmukh hovai so-ee boojhai gun kahi gunee samaavani-aa. ||1||
One who becomes Gurmukh, understands. Chanting His Glorious Praises, he is absorbed into the Lord of Virtue. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI hir kw nwmu mMin vswvixAw ] (110-13)
ha-o vaaree jee-o vaaree har kaa naam man vasaavani-aa.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those whose minds are filled with the Name of the Lord.

jo sic lwgy sy Anidnu jwgy dir scY soBw pwvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (110-14)
jo sach laagay say an-din jaagay dar sachai sobhaa paavni-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who are committed to Truth remain awake and aware night and day. They are honored in the True Court. ||1||Pause||

Awip suxY qY Awpy vyKY ] (110-15)
aap sunai tai aapay vaykhai.
He Himself hears, and He Himself sees.

ijs no ndir kry soeI jnu lyKY ] (110-15)
jis no nadar karay so-ee jan laykhai.
Those, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace, become acceptable.

Awpy lwie ley so lwgY gurmuiK scu kmwvixAw ]2] (110-15)
aapay laa-ay la-ay so laagai gurmukh sach kamaavani-aa. ||2||
They are attached, whom the Lord Himself attaches; as Gurmukh, they live the Truth. ||2||

ijsu Awip Bulwey su ikQY hQu pwey ] (110-16)
jis aap bhulaa-ay so kithai hath paa-ay.
Those whom the Lord Himself misleads-whose hand can they take?

pUrib iliKAw su mytxw n jwey ] (110-16)
poorab likhi-aa so maytnaa na jaa-ay.
That which is pre-ordained, cannot be erased.

ijn siqguru imilAw sy vfBwgI pUrY krim imlwvixAw ]3] (110-17)
jin satgur mili-aa say vadbhaagee poorai karam milaavani-aa. ||3||
Those who meet the True Guru are very fortunate and blessed; through perfect karma, He is met. ||3||

pyeIAVY Dn Anidnu suqI ] (110-17)
pay-ee-arhai Dhan an-din sutee.
The young bride is fast asleep in her parents' home, night and day.

kMiq ivswrI Avgix muqI ] (110-18)
kant visaaree avgan mutee.
She has forgotten her Husband Lord; because of her faults and demerits, she is abandoned.

Anidnu sdw iPrY ibllwdI ibnu ipr nId n pwvixAw ]4] (110-18)
an-din sadaa firai billaadee bin pir need na paavni-aa. ||4||
She wanders around continually, crying out, night and day. Without her Husband Lord, she cannot get any sleep. ||4||

pyeIAVY suKdwqw jwqw ] (110-19)
pay-ee-arhai sukh-daata jaataa.
In this world of her parents' home, she may come to know the Giver of peace,

haumY mwir gur sbid pCwqw ] (110-19)
ha-umai maar gur sabad pachhaataa.
if she subdues her ego, and recognizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

syj suhwvI sdw ipru rwvy scu sIgwru bxwvixAw ]5] (110-19)
sayj suhaavee sadaa pir raavay sach seegaar banaavani-aa. ||5||
Her bed is beautiful; she ravishes and enjoys her Husband Lord forever. She is adorned with the Decorations of Truth. ||5||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD