Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


vKqu vIcwry su bMdw hoie ] (84-1)
vakhat veechaaray so bandaa ho-ay.
One who reflects upon his allotted span of life, becomes the slave of God.

kudriq hY kImiq nhI pwie ] (84-1)
kudrat hai keemat nahee paa-ay.
The value of the Creative Power of the Universe cannot be known.

jw kImiq pwie q khI n jwie ] (84-1)
jaa keemat paa-ay ta kahee na jaa-ay.
Even if its value were known, it could not be described.

srY srIAiq krih bIcwru ] (84-1)
sarai saree-at karahi beechaar.
Some think about religious rituals and regulations,

ibnu bUJy kYsy pwvih pwru ] (84-2)
bin boojhay kaisay paavahi paar.
but without understanding, how can they cross over to the other side?

isdku kir isjdw mnu kir mKsUdu ] (84-2)
sidak kar sijdaa man kar makhsood.
Let sincere faith be your bowing in prayer, and let the conquest of your mind be your objective in life.

ijh iDir dyKw iqh iDir maujUdu ]1] (84-2)
jih Dhir daykhaa tih Dhir ma-ujood. ||1||
Wherever I look, there I see God's Presence. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (84-3)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

gur sBw eyv n pweIAY nw nyVY nw dUir ] (84-3)
gur sabhaa ayv na paa-ee-ai naa nayrhai naa door.
The Society of the Guru is not obtained like this, by trying to be near or far away.

nwnk siqguru qW imlY jw mnu rhY hdUir ]2] (84-3)
naanak satgur taaN milai jaa man rahai hadoor. ||2||
O Nanak, you shall meet the True Guru, if your mind remains in His Presence. ||2||

pauVI ] (84-4)

spq dIp spq swgrw nv KMf cwir vyd ds Ast purwxw ] (84-4)
sapat deep sapat saagraa nav khand chaar vayd das asat puraanaa.
The seven islands, seven seas, nine continents, four Vedas and eighteen Puraanas

hir sBnw ivic qUM vrqdw hir sBnw Bwxw ] (84-5)
har sabhnaa vich tooN varatdaa har sabhnaa bhaanaa.
-O Lord, You pervade and permeate all. Lord, everyone loves You.

siB quJY iDAwvih jIA jMq hir swrg pwxw ] (84-5)
sabh tujhai Dhi-aavahi jee-a jant har saarag paanaa.
All beings and creatures meditate on You, Lord. You hold the earth in Your Hands.

jo gurmuiK hir AwrwDdy iqn hau kurbwxw ] (84-6)
jo gurmukh har aaraaDhaday tin ha-o kurbaanaa.
I am a sacrifice to those Gurmukhs who worship and adore the Lord.

qUM Awpy Awip vrqdw kir coj ivfwxw ]4] (84-6)
tooN aapay aap varatdaa kar choj vidaanaa. ||4||
You Yourself are All-pervading; You stage this wondrous drama! ||4||

slok mÚ 3 ] (84-7)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

klau mswjnI ikAw sdweIAY ihrdY hI iliK lyhu ] (84-7)
kala-o masaajnee ki-aa sadaa-ee-ai hirdai hee likh layho.
Why ask for a pen, and why ask for ink? Write within your heart.

sdw swihb kY rMig rhY kbhUM n qUtis nyhu ] (84-7)
sadaa saahib kai rang rahai kabahooN na tootas nayhu.
Remain immersed forever in the Love of your Lord and Master, and your love for Him shall never break.

klau mswjnI jwiesI iliKAw BI nwly jwie ] (84-8)
kala-o masaajnee jaa-isee likhi-aa bhee naalay jaa-ay.
Pen and ink shall pass away, along with what has been written.

nwnk sh pRIiq n jwiesI jo Duir CofI scY pwie ]1] (84-8)
naanak sah pareet na jaa-isee jo Dhur chhodee sachai paa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the Love of your Husband Lord shall never perish. The True Lord has bestowed it, as it was pre-ordained. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (84-9)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

ndrI Awvdw nwil n cleI vyKhu ko ivaupwie ] (84-9)
nadree aavdaa naal na chal-ee vaykhhu ko vi-upaa-ay.
That which is seen, shall not go along with you. What does it take to make you see this?

siqguir scu idRVwieAw sic rhhu ilv lwie ] (84-10)
satgur sach drirh-aa-i-aa sach rahhu liv laa-ay.
The True Guru has implanted the True Name within; remain lovingly absorbed in the True One.

nwnk sbdI scu hY krmI plY pwie ]2] (84-10)
naanak sabdee sach hai karmee palai paa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the Word of His Shabad is True. By His Grace, it is obtained. ||2||

pauVI ] (84-10)

hir AMdir bwhir ieku qUM qUM jwxih Byqu ] (84-11)
har andar baahar ik tooN tooN jaaneh bhayt.
O Lord, You are inside and outside as well. You are the Knower of secrets.

jo kIcY so hir jwxdw myry mn hir cyqu ] (84-11)
jo keechai so har jaandaa mayray man har chayt.
Whatever anyone does, the Lord knows. O my mind, think of the Lord.

so frY ij pwp kmwvdw DrmI ivgsyqu ] (84-11)
so darai je paap kamaavdaa Dharmee vigsayt.
The one who commits sins lives in fear, while the one who lives righteously rejoices.

qUM scw Awip inAwau scu qw frIAY kyqu ] (84-12)
tooN sachaa aap ni-aa-o sach taa daree-ai kayt.
O Lord, You Yourself are True, and True is Your Justice. Why should anyone be afraid?

ijnw nwnk scu pCwixAw sy sic rlyqu ]5] (84-12)
jinaa naanak sach pachhaani-aa say sach ralayt. ||5||
O Nanak, those who recognize the True Lord are blended with the True One. ||5||

slok mÚ 3 ] (84-13)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

klm jlau sxu msvwxIAY kwgdu BI jil jwau ] (84-13)
kalam jala-o san masvaanee-ai kaagad bhee jal jaa-o.
Burn the pen, and burn the ink; burn the paper as well.

ilKx vwlw jil blau ijin iliKAw dUjw Bwau ] (84-14)
likhan vaalaa jal bala-o jin likhi-aa doojaa bhaa-o.
Burn the writer who writes in the love of duality.

nwnk pUrib iliKAw kmwvxw Avru n krxw jwie ]1] (84-14)
naanak poorab likhi-aa kamaavanaa avar na karnaa jaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, people do what is pre-ordained; they cannot do anything else. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (84-15)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

horu kUVu pVxw kUVu bolxw mwieAw nwil ipAwru ] (84-15)
hor koorh parh-naa koorh bolnaa maa-i-aa naal pi-aar.
False is other reading, and false is other speaking, in the love of Maya.

nwnk ivxu nwvY ko iQru nhI piV piV hoie KuAwru ]2] (84-15)
naanak vin naavai ko thir nahee parh parh ho-ay khu-aar. ||2||
O Nanak, without the Name, nothing is permanent; those who read and read are ruined. ||2||

pauVI ] (84-16)

hir kI vifAweI vfI hY hir kIrqnu hir kw ] (84-16)
har kee vadi-aa-ee vadee hai har keertan har kaa.
Great is the Greatness of the Lord, and the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

hir kI vifAweI vfI hY jw inAwau hY Drm kw ] (84-16)
har kee vadi-aa-ee vadee hai jaa ni-aa-o hai Dharam kaa.
Great is the Greatness of the Lord; His Justice is totally Righteous.

hir kI vifAweI vfI hY jw Plu hY jIA kw ] (84-17)
har kee vadi-aa-ee vadee hai jaa fal hai jee-a kaa.
Great is the Greatness of the Lord; people receive the fruits of the soul.

hir kI vifAweI vfI hY jw n suxeI kihAw cugl kw ] (84-17)
har kee vadi-aa-ee vadee hai jaa na sun-ee kahi-aa chugal kaa.
Great is the Greatness of the Lord; He does not hear the words of the back-biters.

hir kI vifAweI vfI hY ApuiCAw dwnu dyvkw ]6] (84-18)
har kee vadi-aa-ee vadee hai apuchhi-aa daan dayvkaa. ||6||
Great is the Greatness of the Lord; He gives His Gifts without being asked. ||6||

slok mÚ 3 ] (84-19)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

hau hau krqI sB mueI sMpau iksY n nwil ] (84-19)
ha-o ha-o kartee sabh mu-ee sampa-o kisai na naal.
Those who act in ego shall all die. Their worldly possessions shall not go along with them.

dUjY Bwie duKu pwieAw sB johI jmkwil ] (84-19)
doojai bhaa-ay dukh paa-i-aa sabh johee jamkaal.
Because of their love of duality, they suffer in pain. The Messenger of Death is watching all.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD