Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


<> siqgur pRswid ] (83-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

isrIrwg kI vwr mhlw 4 slokw nwil ] (83-1)
sireeraag kee vaar mehlaa 4 salokaa naal.
Vaar Of Siree Raag, Fourth Mehl, With Shaloks:

slok mÚ 3 ] (83-2)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

rwgw ivic sRIrwgu hY jy sic Dry ipAwru ] (83-2)
raagaa vich sareeraag hai jay sach Dharay pi-aar.
Among the ragas, Siree Raag is the best, if it inspires you to enshrine love for the True Lord.

sdw hir scu min vsY inhcl miq Apwru ] (83-2)
sadaa har sach man vasai nihchal mat apaar.
The True Lord comes to abide forever in the mind, and your understanding becomes steady and unequalled.

rqnu Amolku pwieAw gur kw sbdu bIcwru ] (83-3)
ratan amolak paa-i-aa gur kaa sabad beechaar.
The priceless jewel is obtained, by contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

ijhvw scI mnu scw scw srIr Akwru ] (83-3)
jihvaa sachee man sachaa sachaa sareer akaar.
The tongue becomes true, the mind becomes true, and the body becomes true as well.

nwnk scY siqguir syivAY sdw scu vwpwru ]1] (83-4)
naanak sachai satgur sayvi-ai sadaa sach vaapaar. ||1||
O Nanak, forever true are the dealings of those who serve the True Guru. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (83-4)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

horu ibrhw sB Dwqu hY jb lgu swihb pRIiq n hoie ] (83-4)
hor birhaa sabh Dhaat hai jab lag saahib pareet na ho-ay.
All other loves are transitory, as long as people do not love their Lord and Master.

iehu mnu mwieAw moihAw vyKxu sunxu n hoie ] (83-5)
ih man maa-i-aa mohi-aa vaykhan sunan na ho-ay.
This mind is enticed by Maya-it cannot see or hear.

sh dyKy ibnu pRIiq n aUpjY AMDw ikAw kryie ] (83-5)
sah daykhay bin pareet na oopjai anDhaa ki-aa karay-i.
Without seeing her Husband Lord, love does not well up; what can the blind person do?

nwnk ijin AKI lIqIAw soeI scw dyie ]2] (83-6)
naanak jin akhee leetee-aa so-ee sachaa day-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the True One who takes away the eyes of spiritual wisdom-He alone can restore them. ||2||

pauVI ] (83-6)

hir ieko krqw ieku ieko dIbwxu hir ] (83-6)
har iko kartaa ik iko deebaan har.
The Lord alone is the One Creator; there is only the One Court of the Lord.

hir ieksY dw hY Amru ieko hir iciq Dir ] (83-7)
har iksai daa hai amar iko har chit Dhar.
The One Lord's Command is the One and Only-enshrine the One Lord in your consciousness.

hir iqsu ibnu koeI nwih fru BRmu Bau dUir kir ] (83-7)
har tis bin ko-ee naahi dar bharam bha-o door kar.
Without that Lord, there is no other at all. Remove your fear, doubt and dread.

hir iqsY no swlwih ij quDu rKY bwhir Gir ] (83-8)
har tisai no saalaahi je tuDh rakhai baahar ghar.
Praise that Lord who protects you, inside your home, and outside as well.

hir ijs no hoie dieAwlu so hir jip Bau ibKmu qir ]1] (83-8)
har jis no ho-ay da-i-aal so har jap bha-o bikham tar. ||1||
When that Lord becomes merciful, and one comes to chant the Lord's Name, one swims across the ocean of fear. ||1||

slok mÚ 1 ] (83-9)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

dwqI swihb sMdIAw ikAw clY iqsu nwil ] (83-9)
daatee saahib sandee-aa ki-aa chalai tis naal.
The gifts belong to our Lord and Master; how can we compete with Him?

iek jwgMdy nw lhMin ieknw suiqAw dyie auTwil ]1] (83-9)
ik jaaganday naa lahann iknaa suti-aa day-ay uthaal. ||1||
Some remain awake and aware, and do not receive these gifts, while others are awakened from their sleep to be blessed. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (83-10)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

isdku sbUrI swidkw sbru qosw mlwiekW ] (83-10)
sidak sabooree saadikaa sabar tosaa malaa-ikaaN.
Faith, contentment and tolerance are the food and provisions of the angels.

dIdwru pUry pwiesw Qwau nwhI Kwiekw ]2] (83-10)
deedaar pooray paa-isaa thaa-o naahee khaa-ikaa. ||2||
They obtain the Perfect Vision of the Lord, while those who gossip find no place of rest. ||2||

pauVI ] (83-11)

sB Awpy quDu aupwie kY Awip kwrY lweI ] (83-11)
sabh aapay tuDh upaa-ay kai aap kaarai laa-ee.
You Yourself created all; You Yourself delegate the tasks.

qUM Awpy vyiK ivgsdw AwpxI vifAweI ] (83-11)
tooN aapay vaykh vigsadaa aapnee vadi-aa-ee.
You Yourself are pleased, beholding Your Own Glorious Greatness.

hir quDhu bwhir ikCu nwhI qUM scw sweI ] (83-12)
har tuDhhu baahar kichh naahee tooN sachaa saa-ee.
O Lord, there is nothing at all beyond You. You are the True Lord.

qUM Awpy Awip vrqdw sBnI hI QweI ] (83-12)
tooN aapay aap varatdaa sabhnee hee thaa-ee.
You Yourself are contained in all places.

hir iqsY iDAwvhu sMq jnhu jo ley CfweI ]2] (83-13)
har tisai Dhi-aavahu sant janhu jo la-ay chhadaa-ee. ||2||
Meditate on that Lord, O Saints; He shall rescue and save you. ||2||

slok mÚ 1 ] (83-13)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

PkV jwqI PkVu nwau ] (83-13)
fakarh jaatee fakarh naa-o.
Pride in social status is empty; pride in personal glory is useless.

sBnw jIAw iekw Cwau ] (83-14)
sabhnaa jee-aa ikaa chhaa-o.
The One Lord gives shade to all beings.

Awphu jy ko Blw khwey ] (83-14)
aaphu jay ko bhalaa kahaa-ay.
You may call yourself good;

nwnk qw pru jwpY jw piq lyKY pwey ]1] (83-14)
naanak taa par jaapai jaa pat laykhai paa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, this will only be known when your honor is approved in God's Account. ||1||

mÚ 2 ] (83-15)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

ijsu ipAwry isau nyhu iqsu AwgY mir clIAY ] (83-15)
jis pi-aaray si-o nayhu tis aagai mar chalee-ai.
Die before the one whom you love;

iDRgu jIvxu sMswir qw kY pwCY jIvxw ]2] (83-15)
Dharig jeevan sansaar taa kai paachhai jeevnaa. ||2||
to live after he dies is to live a worthless life in this world. ||2||

pauVI ] (83-16)

quDu Awpy DrqI swjIAY cMdu sUrju duie dIvy ] (83-16)
tuDh aapay Dhartee saajee-ai chand sooraj du-ay deevay.
You Yourself created the earth, and the two lamps of the sun and the moon.

ds cwir ht quDu swijAw vwpwru krIvy ] (83-16)
das chaar hat tuDh saaji-aa vaapaar kareevay.
You created the fourteen world-shops, in which Your Business is transacted.

ieknw no hir lwBu dyie jo gurmuiK QIvy ] (83-17)
iknaa no har laabh day-ay jo gurmukh theevay.
The Lord bestows His Profits on those who become Gurmukh.

iqn jmkwlu n ivAwpeI ijn scu AMimRqu pIvy ] (83-17)
tin jamkaal na vi-aapa-ee jin sach amrit peevay.
The Messenger of Death does not touch those who drink in the True Ambrosial Nectar.

Eie Awip Cuty prvwr isau iqn ipCY sBu jgqu CutIvy ]3] (83-17)
o-ay aap chhutay parvaar si-o tin pichhai sabh jagat chhuteevay. ||3||
They themselves are saved, along with their family, and all those who follow them are saved as well. ||3||

slok mÚ 1 ] (83-18)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

kudriq kir kY visAw soie ] (83-18)
kudrat kar kai vasi-aa so-ay.
He created the Creative Power of the Universe, within which He dwells.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD