Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sMq jnw ivxu BweIAw hir iknY n pwieAw nwau ] (82-1)
sant janaa vin bhaa-ee-aa har kinai na paa-i-aa naa-o.
Without the humble Saints, O Siblings of Destiny, no one has obtained the Lord's Name.

ivic haumY krm kmwvdy ijau vysuAw puqu innwau ] (82-1)
vich ha-umai karam kamaavday ji-o vaysu-aa put ninaa-o.
Those who do their deeds in ego are like the prostitute's son, who has no name.

ipqw jwiq qw hoeIAY guru quTw kry pswau ] (82-2)
pitaa jaat taa ho-ee-ai gur tuthaa karay pasaa-o.
The father's status is obtained only if the Guru is pleased and bestows His Favor.

vfBwgI guru pwieAw hir Aihinis lgw Bwau ] (82-2)
vadbhaagee gur paa-i-aa har ahinis lagaa bhaa-o.
By great good fortune, the Guru is found; embrace love for the Lord, day and night.

jn nwnik bRhmu pCwixAw hir kIriq krm kmwau ]2] (82-3)
jan naanak barahm pachhaani-aa har keerat karam kamaa-o. ||2||
Servant Nanak has realized God; he sings the Lord's Praises through the actions he does. ||2||

min hir hir lgw cwau ] (82-3)
man har har lagaa chaa-o.
In my mind there is such a deep yearning for the Lord, Har, Har.

guir pUrY nwmu idRVwieAw hir imilAw hir pRB nwau ]1] rhwau ] (82-4)
gur poorai naam drirh-aa-i-aa har mili-aa har parabh naa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Perfect Guru has implanted the Naam within me; I have found the Lord through the Lord God's Name. ||1||Pause||

jb lgu jobin swsu hY qb lgu nwmu iDAwie ] (82-4)
jab lag joban saas hai tab lag naam Dhi-aa-ay.
As long as there is youth and health, meditate on the Naam.

clidAw nwil hir clsI hir AMqy ley Cfwie ] (82-5)
chaldi-aa naal har chalsee har antay la-ay chhadaa-ay.
Along the way, the Lord shall go along with you, and in the end, He shall save you.

hau bilhwrI iqn kau ijn hir min vuTw Awie ] (82-5)
ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o jin har man vuthaa aa-ay.
I am a sacrifice to those, within whose minds the Lord has come to dwell.

ijnI hir hir nwmu n cyiqE sy AMiq gey pCuqwie ] (82-6)
jinee har har naam na chayti-o say ant ga-ay pachhutaa-ay.
Those who have not remembered the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, shall leave with regret in the end.

Duir msqik hir pRiB iliKAw jn nwnk nwmu iDAwie ]3] (82-6)
Dhur mastak har parabh likhi-aa jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||3||
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny written upon their foreheads, O servant Nanak, meditate on the Naam. ||3||

mn hir hir pRIiq lgwie ] (82-7)
man har har pareet lagaa-ay.
O my mind, embrace love for the Lord, Har, Har.

vfBwgI guru pwieAw gur sbdI pwir lGwie ]1] rhwau ] (82-7)
vadbhaagee gur paa-i-aa gur sabdee paar laghaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By great good fortune, the Guru is found; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, we are carried across to the other side. ||1||Pause||

hir Awpy Awpu aupwiedw hir Awpy dyvY lyie ] (82-8)
har aapay aap upaa-idaa har aapay dayvai lay-ay.
The Lord Himself creates, He Himself gives and takes away.

hir Awpy Brim Bulwiedw hir Awpy hI miq dyie ] (82-9)
har aapay bharam bhulaa-idaa har aapay hee mat day-ay.
The Lord Himself leads us astray in doubt; the Lord Himself imparts understanding.

gurmuKw min prgwsu hY sy ivrly kyeI kyie ] (82-9)
gurmukhaa man pargaas hai say virlay kay-ee kay-ay.
The minds of the Gurmukhs are illuminated and enlightened; they are so very rare.

hau bilhwrI iqn kau ijn hir pwieAw gurmqy ] (82-10)
ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o jin har paa-i-aa gurmatay.
I am a sacrifice to those who find the Lord, through the Guru's Teachings.

jn nwnik kmlu prgwisAw min hir hir vuTVw hy ]4] (82-10)
jan naanak kamal pargaasi-aa man har har vuth-rhaa hay. ||4||
Servant Nanak's heart-lotus has blossomed forth, and the Lord, Har, Har, has come to dwell in the mind. ||4||

min hir hir jpnu kry ] (82-11)
man har har japan karay.
O mind, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir gur srxweI Bij pau ijMdU sB iklivK duK prhry ]1] rhwau ] (82-11)
har gur sarnaa-ee bhaj pa-o jindoo sabh kilvikh dukh parharay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Hurry to the Sanctuary of the Lord, the Guru, O my soul; all your sins shall be taken away. ||1||Pause||

Git Git rmeIAw min vsY ikau pweIAY ikqu Biq ] (82-12)
ghat ghat rama-ee-aa man vasai ki-o paa-ee-ai kit bhat.
The All-pervading Lord dwells within each and every person's heart-how can He be obtained?

guru pUrw siqguru BytIAY hir Awie vsY min iciq ] (82-12)
gur pooraa satgur bhaytee-ai har aa-ay vasai man chit.
By meeting the Perfect Guru, the True Guru, the Lord comes to dwell within the conscious mind.

mY Dr nwmu ADwru hY hir nwmY qy giq miq ] (82-13)
mai Dhar naam aDhaar hai har naamai tay gat mat.
The Naam is my Support and Sustenance. From the Lord's Name, I obtain salvation and understanding.

mY hir hir nwmu ivswhu hY hir nwmy hI jiq piq ] (82-13)
mai har har naam visaahu hai har naamay hee jat pat.
My faith is in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. The Lord's Name is my status and honor.

jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw rMig rqVw hir rMig riq ]5] (82-14)
jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-i-aa rang rat-rhaa har rang rat. ||5||
Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He is dyed in the deep crimson color of the Lord's Love. ||5||

hir iDAwvhu hir pRBu siq ] (82-15)
har Dhi-aavahu har parabh sat.
Meditate on the Lord, the True Lord God.

gur bcnI hir pRBu jwixAw sB hir pRBu qy auqpiq ]1] rhwau ] (82-15)
gur bachnee har parabh jaani-aa sabh har parabh tay utpat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru's Word, you shall come to know the Lord God. From the Lord God, everything was created. ||1||Pause||

ijn kau pUrib iliKAw sy Awie imly gur pwis ] (82-16)
jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa say aa-ay milay gur paas.
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny, come to the Guru and meet Him.

syvk Bwie vxjwirAw imqRw guru hir hir nwmu pRgwis ] (82-16)
sayvak bhaa-ay vanjaari-aa mitraa gur har har naam pargaas.
They love to serve, O my merchant friend, and through the Guru, they are illuminated by the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

Dnu Dnu vxju vwpwrIAw ijn vKru lidAVw hir rwis ] (82-17)
Dhan Dhan vanaj vapaaree-aa jin vakhar ladi-arhaa har raas.
Blessed, blessed is the trade of those traders who have loaded the merchandise of the Wealth of the Lord.

gurmuKw dir muK aujly sy Awie imly hir pwis ] (82-17)
gurmukhaa dar mukh ujlay say aa-ay milay har paas.
The faces of the Gurmukhs are radiant in the Court of the Lord; they come to the Lord and merge with Him.

jn nwnk guru iqn pwieAw ijnw Awip quTw guxqwis ]6] (82-18)
jan naanak gur tin paa-i-aa jinaa aap tuthaa guntaas. ||6||
O servant Nanak, they alone find the Guru, with whom the Lord, the Treasure of Excellence, is pleased. ||6||

hir iDAwvhu swis igrwis ] (82-18)
har Dhi-aavahu saas giraas.
Meditate on the Lord, with every breath and morsel of food.

min pRIiq lgI iqnw gurmuKw hir nwmu ijnw rhrwis ]1] rhwau ]1] (82-19)
man pareet lagee tinaa gurmukhaa har naam jinaa rahraas. ||1|| rahaa-o. ||1||
The Gurmukhs embrace the Love of the Lord in their minds; they are continually occupied with the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD