Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir kpVo hir soBw dyvhu ijqu svrY myrw kwjo ] (79-1)
har kaprho har sobhaa dayvhu jit savrai mayraa kaajo.
Give me the Lord as my wedding gown, and the Lord as my glory, to accomplish my works.

hir hir BgqI kwju suhylw guir siqguir dwnu idvwieAw ] (79-1)
har har bhagtee kaaj suhaylaa gur satgur daan divaa-i-aa.
Through devotional worship to the Lord, this ceremony is made blissful and beautiful; the Guru, the True Guru, has given this gift.

KMif vrBMif hir soBw hoeI iehu dwnu n rlY rlwieAw ] (79-2)
khand varbhand har sobhaa ho-ee ih daan na ralai ralaa-i-aa.
Across the continents, and throughout the Universe, the Lord's Glory is pervading. This gift is not diminished by being diffused among all.

hoir mnmuK dwju ij riK idKwlih su kUVu AhMkwru kcu pwjo ] (79-2)
hor manmukh daaj je rakh dikhaaleh so koorh ahaNkaar kach paajo.
Any other dowry, which the self-willed manmukhs offer for show, is only false egotism and a worthless display.

hir pRB myry bwbulw hir dyvhu dwnu mY dwjo ]4] (79-3)
har parabh mayray babulaa har dayvhu daan mai daajo. ||4||
O my father, please give me the Name of the Lord God as my wedding gift and dowry. ||4||

hir rwm rwm myry bwbolw ipr imil Dn vyl vDMdI ] (79-4)
har raam raam mayray baabolaa pir mil Dhan vayl vaDhandee.
The Lord, Raam, Raam, is All-pervading, O my father. Meeting her Husband Lord, the soul-bride blossoms forth like the flourishing vine.

hir jugh jugo jug jugh jugo sd pIVI gurU clµdI ] (79-4)
har jugah jugo jug jugah jugo sad peerhee guroo chalandee.
In age after age, through all the ages, forever and ever, those who belong to the Guru's Family shall prosper and increase.

juig juig pIVI clY siqgur kI ijnI gurmuiK nwmu iDAwieAw ] (79-5)
jug jug peerhee chalai satgur kee jinee gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Age after age, the Family of the True Guru shall increase. As Gurmukh, they meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

hir purKu n kb hI ibnsY jwvY inq dyvY cVY svwieAw ] (79-5)
har purakh na kab hee binsai jaavai nit dayvai charhai savaa-i-aa.
The Almighty Lord never dies or goes away. Whatever He gives, keeps on increasing.

nwnk sMq sMq hir eyko jip hir hir nwmu sohMdI ] (79-6)
naanak sant sant har ayko jap har har naam sohandee.
O Nanak, the One Lord is the Saint of Saints. Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the soul-bride is bountiful and beautiful.

hir rwm rwm myry bwbulw ipr imil Dn vyl vDMdI ]5]1] (79-7)
har raam raam mayray babulaa pir mil Dhan vayl vaDhandee. ||5||1||
The Lord, Raam, Raam, is All-pervading, O my father. Meeting her Husband Lord, the soul-bride blossoms forth like the flourishing vine. ||5||1||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 CMq (79-8)
sireeraag mehlaa 5 chhant
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl, Chhant:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (79-8)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw goibMd nwmu smwly ] (79-9)
man pi-aari-aa jee-o mitraa gobind naam samaalay.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, reflect upon the Name of the Lord of the Universe.

mn ipAwirAw jI imqRw hir inbhY qyrY nwly ] (79-9)
man pi-aari-aa jee mitraa har nibhai tayrai naalay.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, the Lord shall always be with you.

sMig shweI hir nwmu iDAweI ibrQw koie n jwey ] (79-10)
sang sahaa-ee har naam Dhi-aa-ee birthaa ko-ay na jaa-ay.
The Name of the Lord shall be with you as your Helper and Support. Meditate on Him-no one who does so shall ever return empty-handed.

mn icMdy syeI Pl pwvih crx kml icqu lwey ] (79-10)
man chinday say-ee fal paavahi charan kamal chit laa-ay.
You shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires, by focusing your consciousness on the Lord's Lotus Feet.

jil Qil pUir rihAw bnvwrI Git Git ndir inhwly ] (79-11)
jal thal poor rahi-aa banvaaree ghat ghat nadar nihaalay.
He is totally pervading the water and the land; He is the Lord of the World-forest. Behold Him in exaltation in each and every heart.

nwnku isK dyie mn pRIqm swDsMig BRmu jwly ]1] (79-11)
naanak sikh day-ay man pareetam saaDhsang bharam jaalay. ||1||
Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, in the Company of the Holy, burn away your doubts. ||1||

mn ipAwirAw jI imqRw hir ibnu JUTu pswry ] (79-12)
man pi-aari-aa jee mitraa har bin jhooth pasaaray.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, without the Lord, all outward show is false.

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw ibKu swgru sMswry ] (79-12)
man pi-aari-aa jee-o mitraa bikh saagar sansaaray.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, the world is an ocean of poison.

crx kml kir boihQu krqy shsw dUKu n ibAwpY ] (79-13)
charan kamal kar bohith kartay sahsaa dookh na bi-aapai.
Let the Lord's Lotus Feet be your Boat, so that pain and skepticism shall not touch you.

guru pUrw BytY vfBwgI AwT phr pRBu jwpY ] (79-13)
gur pooraa bhaytai vadbhaagee aath pahar parabh jaapai.
Meeting with the Perfect Guru, by great good fortune, meditate on God twenty-four hours a day.

Awid jugwdI syvk suAwmI Bgqw nwmu ADwry ] (79-14)
aad jugaadee sayvak su-aamee bhagtaa naam aDhaaray.
From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the Lord and Master of His servants. His Name is the Support of His devotees.

nwnku isK dyie mn pRIqm ibnu hir JUT pswry ]2] (79-14)
naanak sikh day-ay man pareetam bin har jhooth pasaaray. ||2||
Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, without the Lord, all outward show is false. ||2||

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir ldy Kyp svlI ] (79-15)
man pi-aari-aa jee-o mitraa har laday khayp savlee.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, load the profitable cargo of the Lord's Name.

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir dru inhclu mlI ] (79-15)
man pi-aari-aa jee-o mitraa har dar nihchal malee.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, enter through the eternal Door of the Lord.

hir dru syvy AlK AByvy inhclu Awsxu pwieAw ] (79-16)
har dar sayvay alakh abhayvay nihchal aasan paa-i-aa.
One who serves at the Door of the Imperceptible and Unfathomable Lord, obtains this eternal position.

qh jnm n mrxu n Awvx jwxw sMsw dUKu imtwieAw ] (79-17)
tah janam na maran na aavan jaanaa sansaa dookh mitaa-i-aa.
There is no birth or death there, no coming or going; anguish and anxiety are ended.

icqR gupq kw kwgdu PwirAw jmdUqw kCU n clI ] (79-17)
chitar gupat kaa kaagad faari-aa jamdootaa kachhoo na chalee.
The accounts of Chitr and Gupt, the recording scribes of the conscious and the subconscious are torn up, and the Messenger of Death cannot do anything.

nwnku isK dyie mn pRIqm hir ldy Kyp svlI ]3] (79-18)
naanak sikh day-ay man pareetam har laday khayp savlee. ||3||
Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, load the profitable cargo of the Lord's Name. ||3||

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw kir sMqw sMig invwso ] (79-18)
man pi-aari-aa jee-o mitraa kar santaa sang nivaaso.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, abide in the Society of the Saints.

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir nwmu jpq prgwso ] (79-19)
man pi-aari-aa jee-o mitraa har naam japat pargaaso.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, chanting the Lord's Name, the Divine Light shines within.

ismir suAwmI suKh gwmI ieC sglI puMnIAw ] (79-19)
simar su-aamee sukhah gaamee ichh saglee punnee-aa.
Remember your Lord and Master, who is easily obtained, and all desires shall be fulfilled.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD