Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iehu mohu mwieAw qyrY sMig n cwlY JUTI pRIiq lgweI ] (78-1)
ih moh maa-i-aa tayrai sang na chaalai jhoothee pareet lagaa-ee.
This emotional attachment to Maya shall not go with you; it is false to fall in love with it.

sglI rYix gudrI AMiDAwrI syiv siqguru cwnxu hoie ] (78-1)
saglee rain gudree anDhi-aaree sayv satgur chaanan ho-ay.
The entire night of your life has passed away in darkness; but by serving the True Guru, the Divine Light shall dawn within.

khu nwnk pRwxI cauQY phrY idnu nyVY AwieAw soie ]4] (78-2)
kaho naanak paraanee cha-uthai pahrai din nayrhai aa-i-aa so-ay. ||4||
Says Nanak, O mortal, in the fourth watch of the night, that day is drawing near! ||4||

iliKAw AwieAw goivMd kw vxjwirAw imqRw auiT cly kmwxw swiQ ] (78-3)
likhi-aa aa-i-aa govind kaa vanjaari-aa mitraa uth chalay kamaanaa saath.
Receiving the summons from the Lord of the Universe, O my merchant friend, you must arise and depart with the actions you have committed.

iek rqI iblm n dyvnI vxjwirAw imqRw EnI qkVy pwey hwQ ] (78-3)
ik ratee bilam na dayvnee vanjaari-aa mitraa onee takrhay paa-ay haath.
You are not allowed a moment's delay, O my merchant friend; the Messenger of Death seizes you with firm hands.

iliKAw AwieAw pkiV clwieAw mnmuK sdw duhyly ] (78-4)
likhi-aa aa-i-aa pakarh chalaa-i-aa manmukh sadaa duhaylay.
Receiving the summons, people are seized and dispatched. The self-willed manmukhs are miserable forever.

ijnI pUrw siqguru syivAw sy drgh sdw suhyly ] (78-5)
jinee pooraa satgur sayvi-aa say dargeh sadaa suhaylay.
But those who serve the Perfect True Guru are forever happy in the Court of the Lord.

krm DrqI srIru jug AMqir jo bovY so Kwiq ] (78-5)
karam Dhartee sareer jug antar jo bovai so khaat.
The body is the field of karma in this age; whatever you plant, you shall harvest.

khu nwnk Bgq sohih drvwry mnmuK sdw Bvwiq ]5]1]4] (78-6)
kaho naanak bhagat soheh darvaaray manmukh sadaa bhavaat. ||5||1||4||
Says Nanak, the devotees look beautiful in the Court of the Lord; the self-willed manmukhs wander forever in reincarnation. ||5||1||4||

isrIrwgu mhlw 4 Gru 2 CMq (78-7)
sireeraag mehlaa 4 ghar 2 chhant
Siree Raag, Fourth Mehl, Second House, Chhant:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (78-7)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

muMD ieAwxI pyeIAVY ikau kir hir drsnu ipKY ] (78-8)
munDh i-aanee pay-ee-arhai ki-o kar har darsan pikhai.
How can the ignorant soul-bride obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, while she is in this world of her father's home?

hir hir ApnI ikrpw kry gurmuiK swhurVY kMm isKY ] (78-8)
har har apnee kirpaa karay gurmukh saahurrhai kamm sikhai.
When the Lord Himself grants His Grace, the Gurmukh learns the duties of her Husband's Celestial Home.

swhurVY kMm isKY gurmuiK hir hir sdw iDAwey ] (78-9)
saahurrhai kamm sikhai gurmukh har har sadaa Dhi-aa-ay.
The Gurmukh learns the duties of her Husband's Celestial Home; she meditates forever on the Lord, Har, Har.

shIAw ivic iPrY suhylI hir drgh bwh lufwey ] (78-9)
sahee-aa vich firai suhaylee har dargeh baah ludaa-ay.
She walks happily among her companions, and in the Lord's Court, she swings her arms joyfully.

lyKw Drm rwie kI bwkI jip hir hir nwmu ikrKY ] (78-10)
laykhaa Dharam raa-ay kee baakee jap har har naam kirkhai.
Her account is cleared by the Righteous Judge of Dharma, when she chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

muMD ieAwxI pyeIAVY gurmuiK hir drsnu idKY ]1] (78-10)
munDh i-aanee pay-ee-arhai gurmukh har darsan dikhai. ||1||
The ignorant soul-bride becomes Gurmukh, and gains the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, while she is still in her father's house. ||1||

vIAwhu hoAw myry bwbulw gurmuKy hir pwieAw ] (78-11)
vee-aahu ho-aa mayray babulaa gurmukhay har paa-i-aa.
My marriage has been performed, O my father. As Gurmukh, I have found the Lord.

AigAwnu AMDyrw kitAw gur igAwnu pRcMfu blwieAw ] (78-11)
agi-aan anDhayraa kati-aa gur gi-aan parchand balaa-i-aa.
The darkness of ignorance has been dispelled. The Guru has revealed the blazing light of spiritual wisdom.

bilAw gur igAwnu AMDyrw ibnisAw hir rqnu pdwrQu lwDw ] (78-12)
bali-aa gur gi-aan anDhayraa binsi-aa har ratan padaarath laaDhaa.
This spiritual wisdom given by the Guru shines forth, and the darkness has been dispelled. I have found the Priceless Jewel of the Lord.

haumY rogu gieAw duKu lwQw Awpu AwpY gurmiq KwDw ] (78-13)
ha-umai rog ga-i-aa dukh laathaa aap aapai gurmat khaaDhaa.
The sickness of my ego has been dispelled, and my pain is over and done. Through the Guru's Teachings, my identity has consumed my identical identity.

Akwl mUriq vru pwieAw AibnwsI nw kdy mrY n jwieAw ] (78-13)
akaal moorat var paa-i-aa abhinaasee naa kaday marai na jaa-i-aa.
I have obtained my Husband Lord, the Akaal Moorat, the Undying Form. He is Imperishable; He shall never die, and He shall never ever leave.

vIAwhu hoAw myry bwbolw gurmuKy hir pwieAw ]2] (78-14)
vee-aahu ho-aa mayray baabolaa gurmukhay har paa-i-aa. ||2||
My marriage has been performed, O my father. As Gurmukh, I have found the Lord. ||2||

hir siq sqy myry bwbulw hir jn imil jM\ suhMdI ] (78-15)
har sat satay mayray babulaa har jan mil janj suhandee.
The Lord is the Truest of the True, O my father. Meeting with the humble servants of the Lord, the marriage procession looks beautiful.

pyvkVY hir jip suhylI ivic swhurVY KrI sohMdI ] (78-15)
payvkarhai har jap suhaylee vich saahurrhai kharee sohandee.
She who chants the Lord's Name is happy in this world of her father's home, and in the next world of her Husband Lord, she shall be very beautiful.

swhurVY ivic KrI sohMdI ijin pyvkVY nwmu smwilAw ] (78-16)
saahurrhai vich kharee sohandee jin payvkarhai naam samaali-aa.
In her Husband Lord's Celestial Home, she shall be most beautiful, if she has remembered the Naam in this world.

sBu sPilE jnmu iqnw dw gurmuiK ijnw mnu ijix pwsw FwilAw ] (78-16)
sabh safli-o janam tinaa daa gurmukh jinaa man jin paasaa dhaali-aa.
Fruitful are the lives of those who, as Gurmukh, have conquered their minds-they have won the game of life.

hir sMq jnw imil kwrju soihAw vru pwieAw purKu AnµdI ] (78-17)
har sant janaa mil kaaraj sohi-aa var paa-i-aa purakh anandee.
Joining with the humble Saints of the Lord, my actions bring prosperity, and I have obtained the Lord of Bliss as my Husband.

hir siq siq myry bwbolw hir jn imil jM\ suohMdI ]3] (78-18)
har sat sat mayray baabolaa har jan mil janj sohandee. ||3||
The Lord is the Truest of the True, O my father. Joining with the humble servants of the Lord, the marriage party has been embellished. ||3||

hir pRBu myry bwbulw hir dyvhu dwnu mY dwjo ] (78-18)
har parabh mayray babulaa har dayvhu daan mai daajo.
O my father, give me the Name of the Lord God as my wedding gift and dowry.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD