Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iehu Dnu sMpY mwieAw JUTI AMiq Coif cilAw pCuqweI ] (77-1)
ih Dhan sampai maa-i-aa jhoothee ant chhod chali-aa pachhutaa-ee.
This wealth, property and Maya are false. In the end, you must leave these, and depart in sorrow.

ijs no ikrpw kry guru myly so hir hir nwmu smwil ] (77-1)
jis no kirpaa karay gur maylay so har har naam samaal.
Those whom the Lord, in His Mercy, unites with the Guru, reflect upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

khu nwnk qIjY phrY pRwxI sy jwie imly hir nwil ]3] (77-2)
kaho naanak teejai pahrai paraanee say jaa-ay milay har naal. ||3||
Says Nanak, in the third watch of the night, O mortal, they go, and are united with the Lord. ||3||

cauQY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw hir clx vylw AwdI ] (77-3)
cha-uthai pahrai rain kai vanjaari-aa mitraa har chalan vaylaa aadee.
In the fourth watch of the night, O my merchant friend, the Lord announces the time of departure.

kir syvhu pUrw siqgurU vxjwirAw imqRw sB clI rYix ivhwdI ] (77-3)
kar sayvhu pooraa satguroo vanjaari-aa mitraa sabh chalee rain vihaadee.
Serve the Perfect True Guru, O my merchant friend; your entire life-night is passing away.

hir syvhu iKnu iKnu iFl mUil n kirhu ijqu AsiQru jugu jugu hovhu ] (77-4)
har sayvhu khin khin dhil mool na karihu jit asthir jug jug hovhu.
Serve the Lord each and every instant-do not delay! You shall become eternal throughout the ages.

hir syqI sd mwxhu rlIAw jnm mrx duK Kovhu ] (77-5)
har saytee sad maanhu ralee-aa janam maran dukh khovhu.
Enjoy ecstasy forever with the Lord, and do away with the pains of birth and death.

gur siqgur suAwmI Bydu n jwxhu ijqu imil hir Bgiq suKWdI ] (77-5)
gur satgur su-aamee bhayd na jaanhu jit mil har bhagat sukhaaNdee.
Know that there is no difference between the Guru, the True Guru, and your Lord and Master. Meeting with Him, take pleasure in the Lord's devotional service.

khu nwnk pRwxI cauQY phrY sPilEu rYix Bgqw dI ]4]1]3] (77-6)
kaho naanak paraanee cha-uthai pahrai safli-o rain bhagtaa dee. ||4||1||3||
Says Nanak, O mortal, in the fourth watch of the night, the life-night of the devotee is fruitful. ||4||1||3||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (77-7)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

pihlY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw Dir pwieqw audrY mwih ] (77-7)
pahilai pahrai rain kai vanjaari-aa mitraa Dhar paa-itaa udrai maahi.
In the first watch of the night, O my merchant friend, the Lord placed your soul in the womb.

dsI mwsI mwnsu kIAw vxjwirAw imqRw kir muhliq krm kmwih ] (77-8)
dasee maasee maanas kee-aa vanjaari-aa mitraa kar muhlat karam kamaahi.
In the tenth month, you were made into a human being, O my merchant friend, and you were given your allotted time to perform good deeds.

muhliq kir dInI krm kmwxy jYsw ilKqu Duir pwieAw ] (77-8)
muhlat kar deenee karam kamaanay jaisaa likhat Dhur paa-i-aa.
You were given this time to perform good deeds, according to your pre-ordained destiny.

mwq ipqw BweI suq binqw iqn BIqir pRBU sMjoieAw ] (77-9)
maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut banitaa tin bheetar parabhoo sanjo-i-aa.
God placed you with your mother, father, brothers, sons and wife.

krm sukrm krwey Awpy iesu jMqY vis ikCu nwih ] (77-9)
karam sukaram karaa-ay aapay is jantai vas kichh naahi.
God Himself is the Cause of causes, good and bad-no one has control over these things.

khu nwnk pRwxI pihlY phrY Dir pwieqw audrY mwih ]1] (77-10)
kaho naanak paraanee pahilai pahrai Dhar paa-itaa udrai maahi. ||1||
Says Nanak, O mortal, in the first watch of the night, the soul is placed in the womb. ||1||

dUjY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw Bir juAwnI lhrI dyie ] (77-11)
doojai pahrai rain kai vanjaari-aa mitraa bhar ju-aanee lahree day-ay.
In the second watch of the night, O my merchant friend, the fullness of youth rises in you like waves.

burw Blw n pCwxeI vxjwirAw imqRw mnu mqw AhMmyie ] (77-11)
buraa bhalaa na pachhaan-ee vanjaari-aa mitraa man mataa ahamay-ay.
You do not distinguish between good and evil, O my merchant friend-your mind is intoxicated with ego.

burw Blw n pCwxY pRwxI AwgY pMQu krwrw ] (77-12)
buraa bhalaa na pachhaanai paraanee aagai panth karaaraa.
Mortal beings do not distinguish between good and evil, and the road ahead is treacherous.

pUrw siqguru kbhUM n syivAw isir TwFy jm jMdwrw ] (77-12)
pooraa satgur kabahooN na sayvi-aa sir thaadhay jam jandaaraa.
They never serve the Perfect True Guru, and the cruel tyrant Death stands over their heads.

Drm rwie jb pkris bvry qb ikAw jbwbu kryie ] (77-13)
Dharam raa-ay jab pakras bavray tab ki-aa jabaab karay-i.
When the Righteous Judge seizes you and interrogates you, O madman, what answer will you give him then?

khu nwnk dUjY phrY pRwxI Bir jobnu lhrI dyie ]2] (77-13)
kaho naanak doojai pahrai paraanee bhar joban lahree day-ay. ||2||
Says Nanak, in the second watch of the night, O mortal, the fullness of youth tosses you about like waves in the storm. ||2||

qIjY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw ibKu sMcY AMDu AigAwnu ] (77-14)
teejai pahrai rain kai vanjaari-aa mitraa bikh sanchai anDh agi-aan.
In the third watch of the night, O my merchant friend, the blind and ignorant person gathers poison.

puiqR kliqR moih lpitAw vxjwirAw imqRw AMqir lhir loBwnu ] (77-15)
putir kaltir mohi lapti-aa vanjaari-aa mitraa antar lahar lobhaan.
He is entangled in emotional attachment to his wife and sons, O my merchant friend, and deep within him, the waves of greed are rising up.

AMqir lhir loBwnu prwnI so pRBu iciq n AwvY ] (77-15)
antar lahar lobhaan paraanee so parabh chit na aavai.
The waves of greed are rising up within him, and he does not remember God.

swDsMgiq isau sMgu n kIAw bhu jonI duKu pwvY ] (77-16)
saaDhsangat si-o sang na kee-aa baho jonee dukh paavai.
He does not join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and he suffers in terrible pain through countless incarnations.

isrjnhwru ivswirAw suAwmI iek inmK n lgo iDAwnu ] (77-17)
sirjanhaar visaari-aa su-aamee ik nimakh na lago Dhi-aan.
He has forgotten the Creator, his Lord and Master, and he does not meditate on Him, even for an instant.

khu nwnk pRwxI qIjY phrY ibKu sMcy AMDu AigAwnu ]3] (77-17)
kaho naanak paraanee teejai pahrai bikh sanchay anDh agi-aan. ||3||
Says Nanak, in the third watch of the night, the blind and ignorant person gathers poison. ||3||

cauQY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw idnu nyVY AwieAw soie ] (77-18)
cha-uthai pahrai rain kai vanjaari-aa mitraa din nayrhai aa-i-aa so-ay.
In the fourth watch of the night, O my merchant friend, that day is drawing near.

gurmuiK nwmu smwil qUM vxjwirAw imqRw qyrw drgh bylI hoie ] (77-18)
gurmukh naam samaal tooN vanjaari-aa mitraa tayraa dargeh baylee ho-ay.
As Gurmukh, remember the Naam, O my merchant friend. It shall be your Friend in the Court of the Lord.

gurmuiK nwmu smwil prwxI AMqy hoie sKweI ] (77-19)
gurmukh naam samaal paraanee antay ho-ay sakhaa-ee.
As Gurmukh, remember the Naam, O mortal; in the end, it shall be your only companion.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD