Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


purby kmwey sRIrMg pwey hir imly icrI ivCuMinAw ] (80-1)
purbay kamaa-ay sareerang paa-ay har milay chiree vichhunni-aa.
By my past actions, I have found the Lord, the Greatest Lover. Separated from Him for so long, I am united with Him again.

AMqir bwhir srbiq rivAw min aupijAw ibsuAwso ] (80-1)
antar baahar sarbat ravi-aa man upji-aa bisu-aaso.
Inside and out, He is pervading everywhere. Faith in Him has welled up within my mind.

nwnku isK dyie mn pRIqm kir sMqw sMig invwso ]4] (80-2)
naanak sikh day-ay man pareetam kar santaa sang nivaaso. ||4||
Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, let the Society of the Saints be your dwelling. ||4||

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir pRym Bgiq mnu lInw ] (80-3)
man pi-aari-aa jee-o mitraa har paraym bhagat man leenaa.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, let your mind remain absorbed in loving devotion to the Lord.

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir jl imil jIvy mInw ] (80-3)
man pi-aari-aa jee-o mitraa har jal mil jeevay meenaa.
O dear beloved mind, my friend, the fish of the mind lives only when it is immersed in the Water of the Lord.

hir pI AwGwny AMimRq bwny sRb suKw mn vuTy ] (80-4)
har pee aaghaanay amrit baanay sarab sukhaa man vuthay.
Drinking in the Lord's Ambrosial Bani, the mind is satisfied, and all pleasures come to abide within.

sRIDr pwey mMgl gwey ieC puMnI siqgur quTy ] (80-4)
sareeDhar paa-ay mangal gaa-ay ichh punnee satgur tuthay.
Attaining the Lord of Excellence, I sing the Songs of Joy. The True Guru, becoming merciful, has fulfilled my desires.

liV lIny lwey nau iniD pwey nwau srbsu Twkuir dInw ] (80-5)
larh leenay laa-ay na-o niDh paa-ay naa-o sarbas thaakur deenaa.
He has attached me to the hem of His robe, and I have obtained the nine treasures. My Lord and Master has bestowed His Name, which is everything to me.

nwnk isK sMq smJweI hir pRym Bgiq mnu lInw ]5]1]2] (80-5)
naanak sikh sant samjhaa-ee har paraym bhagat man leenaa. ||5||1||2||
Nanak instructs the Saints to teach, that the mind is imbued with loving devotion to the Lord. ||5||1||2||

isrIrwg ky CMq mhlw 5 (80-7)
sireeraag kay chhant mehlaa 5
Chhants Of Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (80-7)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

fKxw ] (80-7)

hT mJwhU mw iprI psy ikau dIdwr ] (80-8)
hath majhaahoo maa piree pasay ki-o deedaar.
My Beloved Husband Lord is deep within my heart. How can I see Him?

sMq srxweI lBxy nwnk pRwx ADwr ]1] (80-8)
sant sarnaa-ee labh-nay naanak paraan aDhaar. ||1||
In the Sanctuary of the Saints, O Nanak, the Support of the breath of life is found. ||1||

CMqu ] (80-9)

crn kml isau pRIiq rIiq sMqn min Awvey jIau ] (80-9)
charan kamal si-o pareet reet santan man aav-ay jee-o.
To love the Lotus Feet of the Lord-this way of life has come into the minds of His Saints.

duqIAw Bwau ibprIiq AnIiq dwsw nh Bwvey jIau ] (80-10)
dutee-aa bhaa-o bipreet aneet daasaa nah bhaav-ay jee-o.
The love of duality, this evil practice, this bad habit, is not liked by the Lord's slaves.

dwsw nh Bwvey ibnu drswvey iek iKnu DIrju ikau krY ] (80-10)
daasaa nah bhaav-ay bin darsaav-ay ik khin Dheeraj ki-o karai.
It is not pleasing to the Lord's slaves; without the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, how can they find peace, even for a moment?

nwm ibhUnw qnu mnu hInw jl ibnu mCulI ijau mrY ] (80-11)
naam bihoonaa tan man heenaa jal bin machhulee ji-o marai.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the body and mind are empty; like fish out of water, they die.

imlu myry ipAwry pRwn ADwry gux swDsMig imil gwvey ] (80-11)
mil mayray pi-aaray paraan aDhaaray gun saaDhsang mil gaav-ay.
Please meet with me, O my Beloved-You are the Support of my breath of life. Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I sing Your Glorious Praises.

nwnk ky suAwmI Dwir AnugRhu min qin AMik smwvey ]1] (80-12)
naanak kay su-aamee Dhaar anoograhu man tan ank samaav-ay. ||1||
O Lord and Master of Nanak, please grant Your Grace, and permeate my body, mind and being. ||1||

fKxw ] (80-13)

sohMdVo hB Twie koie n idsY fUjVo ] (80-13)
sohandarho habh thaa-ay ko-ay na disai doojrho.
He is Beautiful in all places; I do not see any other at all.

Kul@Vy kpwt nwnk siqgur Bytqy ]1] (80-13)
khulHrhay kapaat naanak satgur bhayttay. ||1||
Meeting with the True Guru, O Nanak, the doors are opened wide. ||1||

CMqu ] (80-14)

qyry bcn AnUp Apwr sMqn AwDwr bwxI bIcwrIAY jIau ] (80-14)
tayray bachan anoop apaar santan aaDhaar banee beechaaree-ai jee-o.
Your Word is Incomparable and Infinite. I contemplate the Word of Your Bani, the Support of the Saints.

ismrq sws igrws pUrn ibsuAws ikau mnhu ibswrIAY jIau ] (80-14)
simrat saas giraas pooran bisu-aas ki-o manhu bisaaree-ai jee-o.
I remember Him in meditation with every breath and morsel of food, with perfect faith. How could I forget Him from my mind?

ikau mnhu byswrIAY inmK nhI twrIAY guxvMq pRwn hmwry ] (80-15)
ki-o manhu baysaaree-ai nimakh nahee taaree-ai gunvant paraan hamaaray.
How could I forget Him from my mind, even for an instant? He is the Most Worthy; He is my very life!

mn bWCq Pl dyq hY suAwmI jIA kI ibrQw swry ] (80-16)
man baaNchhat fal dayt hai su-aamee jee-a kee birthaa saaray.
My Lord and Master is the Giver of the fruits of the mind's desires. He knows all the useless vanities and pains of the soul.

AnwQ ky nwQy sRb kY swQy jip jUAY jnmu n hwrIAY ] (80-16)
anaath kay naathay sarab kai saathay jap joo-ai janam na haaree-ai.
Meditating on the Patron of lost souls, the Companion of all, your life shall not be lost in the gamble.

nwnk kI bynµqI pRB pih ik®pw kir Bvjlu qwrIAY ]2] (80-17)
naanak kee baynantee parabh peh kirpaa kar bhavjal taaree-ai. ||2||
Nanak offers this prayer to God: Please shower me with Your Mercy, and carry me across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

fKxw ] (80-18)

DUVI mjnu swD Ky sweI QIey ik®pwl ] (80-18)
Dhoorhee majan saaDh khay saa-ee thee-ay kirpaal.
People bathe in the dust of the feet of the Saints, when the Lord becomes merciful.

lDy hBy QokVy nwnk hir Dnu mwl ]1] (80-18)
laDhay habhay thokrhay naanak har Dhan maal. ||1||
I have obtained all things, O Nanak; the Lord is my Wealth and Property. ||1||

CMqu ] (80-19)

suMdr suAwmI Dwm Bgqh ibsRwm Awsw lig jIvqy jIau ] (80-19)
sundar su-aamee Dhaam bhagtah bisraam aasaa lag jeevtay jee-o.
My Lord and Master's Home is beautiful. It is the resting place of His devotees, who live in hopes of attaining it.

min qny glqwn ismrq pRB nwm hir AMimRqu pIvqy jIau ] (80-19)
man tanay galtaan simrat parabh naam har amrit peevtay jee-o.
Their minds and bodies are absorbed in meditation on the Name of God; they drink in the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD