Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


suix glw gur pih AwieAw ] (74-1)
sun galaa gur peh aa-i-aa.
I heard of the Guru, and so I went to Him.

nwmu dwnu iesnwnu idVwieAw ] (74-1)
naam daan isnaan dirhaa-i-aa.
He instilled within me the Naam, the goodness of charity and true cleansing.

sBu mukqu hoAw sYswrVw nwnk scI byVI cwiV jIau ]11] (74-1)
sabh mukat ho-aa saisaarrhaa naanak sachee bayrhee chaarh jee-o. ||11||
All the world is liberated, O Nanak, by embarking upon the Boat of Truth. ||11||

sB isRsit syvy idnu rwiq jIau ] (74-2)
sabh sarisat sayvay din raat jee-o.
The whole Universe serves You, day and night.

dy kMnu suxhu Ardwis jIau ] (74-2)
day kann sunhu ardaas jee-o.
Please hear my prayer, O Dear Lord.

Toik vjwie sB ifTIAw quis Awpy lieAnu Cfwie jIau ]12] (74-3)
thok vajaa-ay sabh dithee-aa tus aapay la-i-an chhadaa-ay jee-o. ||12||
I have thoroughly tested and seen all-You alone, by Your Pleasure, can save us. ||12||

huix hukmu hoAw imhrvwx dw ] (74-3)
hun hukam ho-aa miharvaan daa.
Now, the Merciful Lord has issued His Command.

pY koie n iksY r\wxdw ] (74-4)
pai ko-ay na kisai ranjaandaa.
Let no one chase after and attack anyone else.

sB suKwlI vuTIAw iehu hoAw hlymI rwju jIau ]13] (74-4)
sabh sukhaalee vuthee-aa ih ho-aa halaymee raaj jee-o. ||13||
Let all abide in peace, under this Benevolent Rule. ||13||

iJMim iJMim AMimRqu vrsdw ] (74-5)
jhimm jhimm amrit varasdaa.
Softly and gently, drop by drop, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down.

bolwieAw bolI Ksm dw ] (74-5)
bolaa-i-aa bolee khasam daa.
I speak as my Lord and Master causes me to speak.

bhu mwxu kIAw quDu aupry qUM Awpy pwieih Qwie jIau ]14] (74-5)
baho maan kee-aa tuDh upray tooN aapay paa-ihi thaa-ay jee-o. ||14||
I place all my faith in You; please accept me. ||14||

qyirAw Bgqw BuK sd qyrIAw ] (74-6)
tayri-aa bhagtaa bhukh sad tayree-aa.
Your devotees are forever hungry for You.

hir locw pUrn myrIAw ] (74-6)
har lochaa pooran mayree-aa.
O Lord, please fulfill my desires.

dyhu drsu suKdwiqAw mY gl ivic lYhu imlwie jIau ]15] (74-6)
dayh daras sukh-daati-aa mai gal vich laihu milaa-ay jee-o. ||15||
Grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Giver of Peace. Please, take me into Your Embrace. ||15||

quDu jyvfu Avru n BwilAw ] (74-7)
tuDh jayvad avar na bhaali-aa.
I have not found any other as Great as You.

qUM dIp loA pieAwilAw ] (74-7)
tooN deep lo-a pa-i-aali-aa.
You pervade the continents, the worlds and the nether regions;

qUM Qwin Qnµqir riv rihAw nwnk Bgqw scu ADwru jIau ]16] (74-8)
tooN thaan thanantar rav rahi-aa naanak bhagtaa sach aDhaar jee-o. ||16||
You are permeating all places and interspaces. Nanak: You are the True Support of Your devotees. ||16||

hau gosweI dw pihlvwnVw ] (74-8)
ha-o gosaa-ee daa pahilvaanrhaa.
I am a wrestler; I belong to the Lord of the World.

mY gur imil auc dumwlVw ] (74-9)
mai gur mil uch dumaalrhaa.
I met with the Guru, and I have tied a tall, plumed turban.

sB hoeI iCMJ iekTIAw dXu bYTw vyKY Awip jIau ]17] (74-9)
sabh ho-ee chhinjh ikthee-aa da-yu baithaa vaykhai aap jee-o. ||17||
All have gathered to watch the wrestling match, and the Merciful Lord Himself is seated to behold it. ||17||

vwq vjin tMmk ByrIAw ] (74-10)
vaat vajan tamak bhayree-aa.
The bugles play and the drums beat.

ml lQy lYdy PyrIAw ] (74-10)
mal lathay laiday fayree-aa.
The wrestlers enter the arena and circle around.

inhqy pMij juAwn mY gur QwpI idqI kMif jIau ]18] (74-10)
nihtay panj ju-aan mai gur thaapee ditee kand jee-o. ||18||
I have thrown the five challengers to the ground, and the Guru has patted me on the back. ||18||

sB iekTy hoie AwieAw ] (74-11)
sabh ikthay ho-ay aa-i-aa.
All have gathered together,

Gir jwsin vwt vtwieAw ] (74-11)
ghar jaasan vaat vataa-i-aa.
but we shall return home by different routes.

gurmuiK lwhw lY gey mnmuK cly mUlu gvwie jIau ]19] (74-11)
gurmukh laahaa lai ga-ay manmukh chalay mool gavaa-ay jee-o. ||19||
The Gurmukhs reap their profits and leave, while the self-willed manmukhs lose their investment and depart. ||19||

qUM vrnw ichnw bwhrw ] (74-12)
tooN varnaa chihnaa baahraa.
You are without color or mark.

hir idsih hwjru jwhrw ] (74-12)
har diseh haajar jaahraa.
The Lord is seen to be manifest and present.

suix suix quJY iDAwiedy qyry Bgq rqy guxqwsu jIau ]20] (74-12)
sun sun tujhai Dhi-aa-iday tayray bhagat ratay guntaas jee-o. ||20||
Hearing of Your Glories again and again, Your devotees meditate on You; they are attuned to You, O Lord, Treasure of Excellence. ||20||

mY juig juig dXY syvVI ] (74-13)
mai jug jug da-yai sayvrhee.
Through age after age, I am the servant of the Merciful Lord.

guir ktI imhfI jyvVI ] (74-13)
gur katee mihdee jayvrhee.
The Guru has cut away my bonds.

hau bwhuiV iCMJ n ncaU nwnk Aausru lDw Bwil jIau ]21]2]29] (74-14)
ha-o baahurh chhinjh na nach-oo naanak a-osar laDhaa bhaal jee-o. ||21||2||29||
I shall not have to dance in the wrestling arena of life again. Nanak has searched, and found this opportunity. ||21||2||29||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (74-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 phry Gru 1 ] (74-15)
sireeraag mehlaa 1 pahray ghar 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl, Pehray, First House:

pihlY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw hukim pieAw grBwis ] (74-16)
pahilai pahrai rain kai vanjaari-aa mitraa hukam pa-i-aa garbhaas.
In the first watch of the night, O my merchant friend, you were cast into the womb, by the Lord's Command.

aurD qpu AMqir kry vxjwirAw imqRw Ksm syqI Ardwis ] (74-16)
uraDh tap antar karay vanjaari-aa mitraa khasam saytee ardaas.
Upside-down, within the womb, you performed penance, O my merchant friend, and you prayed to your Lord and Master.

Ksm syqI Ardwis vKwxY aurD iDAwin ilv lwgw ] (74-17)
khasam saytee ardaas vakhaanai uraDh Dhi-aan liv laagaa.
You uttered prayers to your Lord and Master, while upside-down, and you meditated on Him with deep love and affection.

nw mrjwdu AwieAw kil BIqir bwhuiV jwsI nwgw ] (74-17)
naa marjaad aa-i-aa kal bheetar baahurh jaasee naagaa.
You came into this Dark Age of Kali Yuga naked, and you shall depart again naked.

jYsI klm vuVI hY msqik qYsI jIAVy pwis ] (74-18)
jaisee kalam vurhee hai mastak taisee jee-arhay paas.
As God's Pen has written on your forehead, so it shall be with your soul.

khu nwnk pRwxI pihlY phrY hukim pieAw grBwis ]1] (74-18)
kaho naanak paraanee pahilai pahrai hukam pa-i-aa garbhaas. ||1||
Says Nanak, in the first watch of the night, by the Hukam of the Lord's Command, you enter into the womb. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD