Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


quDu Awpy Awpu aupwieAw ] (73-1)
tuDh aapay aap upaa-i-aa.
You Yourself created the Universe;

dUjw Kylu kir idKlwieAw ] (73-1)
doojaa khayl kar dikhlaa-i-aa.
You created the play of duality, and staged it.

sBu sco scu vrqdw ijsu BwvY iqsY buJwie jIau ]20] (73-1)
sabh sacho sach varatdaa jis bhaavai tisai bujhaa-ay jee-o. ||20||
The Truest of the True is pervading everywhere; He instructs those with whom He is pleased. ||20||

gur prswdI pwieAw ] (73-2)
gur parsaadee paa-i-aa.
By Guru's Grace, I have found God.

iqQY mwieAw mohu cukwieAw ] (73-2)
tithai maa-i-aa moh chukaa-i-aa.
By His Grace, I have shed emotional attachment to Maya.

ikrpw kir kY AwpxI Awpy ley smwie jIau ]21] (73-3)
kirpaa kar kai aapnee aapay la-ay samaa-ay jee-o. ||21||
Showering His Mercy, He has blended me into Himself. ||21||

gopI nY goAwlIAw ] (73-3)
gopee nai go-aalee-aa.
You are the Gopis, the milk-maids of Krishna; You are the sacred river Jamunaa; You are Krishna, the herdsman.

quDu Awpy goie auTwlIAw ] (73-3)
tuDh aapay go-ay uthaalee-aa.
You Yourself support the world.

hukmI BWfy swijAw qUM Awpy BMin svwir jIau ]22] (73-4)
hukmee bhaaNday saaji-aa tooN aapay bhann savaar jee-o. ||22||
By Your Command, human beings are fashioned. You Yourself embellish them, and then again destroy them. ||22||

ijn siqgur isau icqu lwieAw ] (73-4)
jin satgur si-o chit laa-i-aa.
Those who have focused their consciousness on the True Guru

iqnI dUjw Bwau cukwieAw ] (73-4)
tinee doojaa bhaa-o chukaa-i-aa.
have rid themselves of the love of duality.

inrml joiq iqn pRwxIAw Eie cly jnmu svwir jIau ]23] (73-5)
nirmal jot tin paraanee-aa o-ay chalay janam savaar jee-o. ||23||
The light of those mortal beings is immaculate. They depart after redeeming their lives. ||23||

qyrIAw sdw sdw cMigAweIAw ] mY rwiq idhY vifAweIAW ] (73-5)
tayree-aa sadaa sadaa chang-aa-ee-aa. mai raat dihai vadi-aa-ee-aaN.
Forever and ever, night and day, I praise the Greatness of Your Goodness.

AxmMigAw dwnu dyvxw khu nwnk scu smwil jIau ]24]1] (73-6)
anmangi-aa daan dayvnaa kaho naanak sach samaal jee-o. ||24||1||
You bestow Your Gifts, even if we do not ask for them. Says Nanak, contemplate the True Lord. ||24||1||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (73-7)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

pY pwie mnweI soie jIau ] (73-7)
pai paa-ay manaa-ee so-ay jee-o.
I fall at His Feet to please and appease Him.

siqgur puriK imlwieAw iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie jIau ]1] rhwau ] (73-7)
satgur purakh milaa-i-aa tis jayvad avar na ko-ay jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru has united me with the Lord, the Primal Being. There is no other as great as He. ||1||Pause||

gosweI imhMfw ieTVw ] (73-8)
gosaa-ee mihandaa ith-rhaa.
The Lord of the Universe is my Sweet Beloved.

AMm Aby Qwvhu imTVw ] (73-8)
amm abay thaavhu mith-rhaa.
He is sweeter than my mother or father.

BYx BweI siB sjxw quDu jyhw nwhI koie jIau ]1] (73-9)
bhain bhaa-ee sabh sajnaa tuDh jayhaa naahee ko-ay jee-o. ||1||
Among all sisters and brothers and friends, there is no one like You. ||1||

qyrY hukmy swvxu AwieAw ] (73-9)
tayrai hukmay saavan aa-i-aa.
By Your Command, the month of Saawan has come.

mY sq kw hlu joAwieAw ] (73-9)
mai sat kaa hal jo-aa-i-aa.
I have hooked up the plow of Truth,

nwau bIjx lgw Aws kir hir bohl bKs jmwie jIau ]2] (73-10)
naa-o beejan lagaa aas kar har bohal bakhas jamaa-ay jee-o. ||2||
and I plant the seed of the Name in hopes that the Lord, in His Generosity, will bestow a bountiful harvest. ||2||

hau gur imil ieku pCwxdw ] (73-10)
ha-o gur mil ik pachhaandaa.
Meeting with the Guru, I recognize only the One Lord.

duXw kwglu iciq n jwxdw ] (73-11)
duyaa kaagal chit na jaandaa.
In my consciousness, I do not know of any other account.

hir iekqY kwrY lwieEnu ijau BwvY iqˆvY inbwih jIau ]3] (73-11)
har iktai kaarai laa-i-on ji-o bhaavai tiNvai nibaahi jee-o. ||3||
The Lord has assigned one task to me; as it pleases Him, I perform it. ||3||

qusI Boighu BuMchu BweIho ] (73-12)
tusee bhogihu bhunchahu bhaa-eeho.
Enjoy yourselves and eat, O Siblings of Destiny.

guir dIbwix kvwie pYnweIE ] (73-12)
gur deebaan kavaa-ay painaa-ee-o.
In the Guru's Court, He has blessed me with the Robe of Honor.

hau hoAw mwhru ipMf dw bMin Awdy pMij srIk jIau ]4] (73-12)
ha-o ho-aa maahar pind daa bann aaday panj sareek jee-o. ||4||
I have become the Master of my body-village; I have taken the five rivals as prisoners. ||4||

hau AwieAw swm@Y iqhMfIAw ] (73-13)
ha-o aa-i-aa saamaiH tihandee-aa.
I have come to Your Sanctuary.

pMij ikrswx mujyry imhifAw ] (73-13)
panj kirsaan mujayray mihdi-aa.
The five farm-hands have become my tenants;

kMnu koeI kiF n hMGeI nwnk vuTw GuiG igrwau jIau ]5] (73-14)
kann ko-ee kadh na hangh-ee naanak vuthaa ghugh giraa-o jee-o. ||5||
none dare to raise their heads against me. O Nanak, my village is populous and prosperous. ||5||

hau vwrI GuMmw jwvdw ] (73-14)
ha-o vaaree ghummaa jaavdaa.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You.

iek swhw quDu iDAwiedw ] (73-14)
ik saahaa tuDh Dhi-aa-idaa.
I meditate on You continually.

aujVu Qyhu vswieE hau quD ivthu kurbwxu jIau ]6] (73-15)
ujarh thayhu vasaa-i-o ha-o tuDh vitahu kurbaan jee-o. ||6||
The village was in ruins, but You have re-populated it. I am a sacrifice to You. ||6||

hir ieTY inq iDAwiedw ] (73-15)
har ithai nit Dhi-aa-idaa.
O Beloved Lord, I meditate on You continually;

min icMdI so Plu pwiedw ] (73-16)
man chindee so fal paa-idaa.
I obtain the fruits of my mind's desires.

sBy kwj svwirAnu lwhIAnu mn kI BuK jIau ]7] (73-16)
sabhay kaaj savaari-an laahee-an man kee bhukh jee-o. ||7||
All my affairs are arranged, and the hunger of my mind is appeased. ||7||

mY CifAw sBo DMDVw ] (73-16)
mai chhadi-aa sabho DhanDh-rhaa.
I have forsaken all my entanglements;

gosweI syvI scVw ] (73-17)
gosaa-ee sayvee sachrhaa.
I serve the True Lord of the Universe.

nau iniD nwmu inDwnu hir mY plY bDw iCik jIau ]8] (73-17)
na-o niDh naam niDhaan har mai palai baDhaa chhik jee-o. ||8||
I have firmly attached the Name, the Home of the Nine Treasures to my robe. ||8||

mY suKI hUM suKu pwieAw ] (73-17)
mai sukhee hooN sukh paa-i-aa.
I have obtained the comfort of comforts.

guir AMqir sbdu vswieAw ] (73-18)
gur antar sabad vasaa-i-aa.
The Guru has implanted the Word of the Shabad deep within me.

siqguir puriK ivKwilAw msqik Dir kY hQu jIau ]9] (73-18)
satgur purakh vikhaali-aa mastak Dhar kai hath jee-o. ||9||
The True Guru has shown me my Husband Lord; He has placed His Hand upon my forehead. ||9||

mY bDI scu Drm swl hY ] (73-19)
mai baDhee sach Dharam saal hai.
I have established the Temple of Truth.

gurisKw lhdw Bwil kY ] (73-19)
gursikhaa lahdaa bhaal kai.
I sought out the Guru's Sikhs, and brought them into it.

pYr Dovw pKw Pyrdw iqsu iniv iniv lgw pwie jIau ]10] (73-19)
pair Dhovaa pakhaa fayrdaa tis niv niv lagaa paa-ay jee-o. ||10||
I wash their feet, and wave the fan over them. Bowing low, I fall at their feet. ||10||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD