Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


suir nr muin jn locdy so siqguir dIAw buJwie jIau ]4] (72-1)
sur nar mun jan lochday so satgur dee-aa bujhaa-ay jee-o. ||4||
The angelic beings and the silent sages long for Him; the True Guru has given me this understanding. ||4||

sqsMgiq kYsI jwxIAY ] (72-1)
satsangat kaisee jaanee-ai.
How is the Society of the Saints to be known?

ijQY eyko nwmu vKwxIAY ] (72-1)
jithai ayko naam vakhaanee-ai.
There, the Name of the One Lord is chanted.

eyko nwmu hukmu hY nwnk siqguir dIAw buJwie jIau ]5] (72-2)
ayko naam hukam hai naanak satgur dee-aa bujhaa-ay jee-o. ||5||
The One Name is the Lord's Command; O Nanak, the True Guru has given me this understanding. ||5||

iehu jgqu Brim BulwieAw ] (72-2)
ih jagat bharam bhulaa-i-aa.
This world has been deluded by doubt.

Awphu quDu KuAwieAw ] (72-3)
aaphu tuDh khu-aa-i-aa.
You Yourself, Lord, have led it astray.

prqwpu lgw dohwgxI Bwg ijnw ky nwih jIau ]6] (72-3)
partaap lagaa duhaaganee bhaag jinaa kay naahi jee-o. ||6||
The discarded soul-brides suffer in terrible agony; they have no luck at all. ||6||

dohwgxI ikAw nIswxIAw ] (72-4)
duhaaganee ki-aa neesaanee-aa.
What are the signs of the discarded brides?

Ksmhu GuQIAw iPrih inmwxIAw ] (72-4)
khasmahu ghuthee-aa fireh nimaanee-aa.
They miss their Husband Lord, and they wander around in dishonor.

mYly vys iqnw kwmxI duKI rYix ivhwie jIau ]7] (72-4)
mailay vays tinaa kaamnee dukhee rain vihaa-ay jee-o. ||7||
The clothes of those brides are filthy-they pass their life-night in agony. ||7||

sohwgxI ikAw krmu kmwieAw ] (72-5)
sohaaganee ki-aa karam kamaa-i-aa.
What actions have the happy soul-brides performed?

pUrib iliKAw Plu pwieAw ] (72-5)
poorab likhi-aa fal paa-i-aa.
They have obtained the fruit of their pre-ordained destiny.

ndir kry kY AwpxI Awpy ley imlwie jIau ]8] (72-5)
nadar karay kai aapnee aapay la-ay milaa-ay jee-o. ||8||
Casting His Glance of Grace, the Lord unites them with Himself. ||8||

hukmu ijnw no mnwieAw ] (72-6)
hukam jinaa no manaa-i-aa.
Those, whom God causes to abide by His Will,

iqn AMqir sbdu vswieAw ] (72-6)
tin antar sabad vasaa-i-aa.
have the Shabad of His Word abiding deep within.

shIAw sy sohwgxI ijn sh nwil ipAwru jIau ]9] (72-7)
sahee-aa say sohaaganee jin sah naal pi-aar jee-o. ||9||
They are the true soul-brides, who embrace love for their Husband Lord. ||9||

ijnw Bwxy kw rsu AwieAw ] (72-7)
jinaa bhaanay kaa ras aa-i-aa.
Those who take pleasure in God's Will

iqn ivchu Brmu cukwieAw ] (72-7)
tin vichahu bharam chukaa-i-aa.
remove doubt from within.

nwnk siqguru AYsw jwxIAY jo sBsY ley imlwie jIau ]10] (72-8)
naanak satgur aisaa jaanee-ai jo sabhsai la-ay milaa-ay jee-o. ||10||
O Nanak, know Him as the True Guru, who unites all with the Lord. ||10||

siqguir imilAY Plu pwieAw ] (72-8)
satgur mili-ai fal paa-i-aa.
Meeting with the True Guru, they receive the fruits of their destiny,

ijin ivchu Ahkrxu cukwieAw ] (72-9)
jin vichahu ahkaran chukaa-i-aa.
and egotism is driven out from within.

durmiq kw duKu kitAw Bwgu bYTw msqik Awie jIau ]11] (72-9)
durmat kaa dukh kati-aa bhaag baithaa mastak aa-ay jee-o. ||11||
The pain of evil-mindedness is eliminated; good fortune comes and shines radiantly from their foreheads. ||11||

AMimRqu qyrI bwxIAw ] (72-10)
amrit tayree baanee-aa.
The Bani of Your Word is Ambrosial Nectar.

qyirAw Bgqw irdY smwxIAw ] (72-10)
tayri-aa bhagtaa ridai samaanee-aa.
It permeates the hearts of Your devotees.

suK syvw AMdir riKAY AwpxI ndir krih insqwir jIau ]12] (72-10)
sukh sayvaa andar rakhi-ai aapnee nadar karahi nistaar jee-o. ||12||
Serving You, peace is obtained; granting Your Mercy, You bestow salvation. ||12||

siqguru imilAw jwxIAY ] (72-11)
satgur mili-aa jaanee-ai.
Meeting with the True Guru, one comes to know;

ijqu imilAY nwmu vKwxIAY ] (72-11)
jit mili-ai naam vakhaanee-ai.
by this meeting, one comes to chant the Name.

siqgur bwJu n pwieE sB QkI krm kmwie jIau ]13] (72-12)
satgur baajh na paa-i-o sabh thakee karam kamaa-ay jee-o. ||13||
Without the True Guru, God is not found; all have grown weary of performing religious rituals. ||13||

hau siqgur ivthu GumwieAw ] (72-12)
ha-o satgur vitahu ghumaa-i-aa.
I am a sacrifice to the True Guru;

ijin BRim Bulw mwrig pwieAw ] (72-13)
jin bharam bhulaa maarag paa-i-aa.
I was wandering in doubt, and He has set me on the right path.

ndir kry jy AwpxI Awpy ley rlwie jIau ]14] (72-13)
nadar karay jay aapnee aapay la-ay ralaa-ay jee-o. ||14||
If the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, He unites us with Himself. ||14||

qUM sBnw mwih smwieAw ] (72-14)
tooN sabhnaa maahi samaa-i-aa.
You, Lord, are pervading in all,

iqin krqY Awpu lukwieAw ] (72-14)
tin kartai aap lukaa-i-aa.
and yet, the Creator keeps Himself concealed.

nwnk gurmuiK prgtu hoieAw jw kau joiq DrI krqwir jIau ]15] (72-14)
naanak gurmukh pargat ho-i-aa jaa ka-o jot Dharee kartaar jee-o. ||15||
O Nanak, the Creator is revealed to the Gurmukh, within whom He has infused His Light. ||15||

Awpy Ksim invwijAw ] (72-15)
aapay khasam nivaaji-aa.
The Master Himself bestows honor.

jIau ipMfu dy swijAw ] (72-15)
jee-o pind day saaji-aa.
He creates and bestows body and soul.

Awpxy syvk kI pYj rKIAw duie kr msqik Dwir jIau ]16] (72-15)
aapnay sayvak kee paij rakhee-aa du-ay kar mastak Dhaar jee-o. ||16||
He Himself preserves the honor of His servants; He places both His Hands upon their foreheads. ||16||

siB sMjm rhy isAwxpw ] (72-16)
sabh sanjam rahay si-aanpaa.
All strict rituals are just clever contrivances.

myrw pRBu sBu ikCu jwxdw ] (72-16)
mayraa parabh sabh kichh jaandaa.
My God knows everything.

pRgt pRqwpu vrqwieE sBu loku krY jYkwru jIau ]17] (72-17)
pargat partaap vartaa-i-o sabh lok karai jaikaar jee-o. ||17||
He has made His Glory manifest, and all people celebrate Him. ||17 |

myry gux Avgn n bIcwirAw ] (72-17)
mayray gun avgan na beechaari-aa.
| He has not considered my merits and demerits;

pRiB Apxw ibrdu smwirAw ] (72-18)
parabh apnaa birad samaari-aa.
this is God's Own Nature.

kMiT lwie kY riKEnu lgY n qqI vwau jIau ]18] (72-18)
kanth laa-ay kai rakhi-on lagai na tatee vaa-o jee-o. ||18||
Hugging me close in His Embrace, He protects me, and now, even the hot wind does not touch me. ||18||

mY min qin pRBU iDAwieAw ] (72-18)
mai man tan parabhoo Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Within my mind and body, I meditate on God.

jIie ieiCAVw Plu pwieAw ] (72-19)
jee-ay ichhi-arhaa fal paa-i-aa.
I have obtained the fruits of my soul's desire.

swh pwiqswh isir Ksmu qUM jip nwnk jIvY nwau jIau ]19] (72-19)
saah paatisaah sir khasam tooN jap naanak jeevai naa-o jee-o. ||19||
You are the Supreme Lord and Master, above the heads of kings. Nanak lives by chanting Your Name. ||19||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD