Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iciq n AwieE pwrbRhmu qw KiV rswqil dIq ]7] (71-1)
chit na aa-i-o paarbarahm taa kharh rasaatal deet. ||7||
But still, if you do not come to remember the Supreme Lord God, then you shall be taken and consigned to the most hideous hell! ||7||

kwieAw rogu n iCdRü ikCu nw ikCu kwVw sogu ] (71-1)
kaa-i-aa rog na chhidar kichh naa kichh kaarhaa sog.
You may have a body free of disease and deformity, and have no worries or grief at all;

imrqu n AwvI iciq iqsu Aihinis BogY Bogu ] (71-2)
mirat na aavee chit tis ahinis bhogai bhog.
you may be unmindful of death, and night and day revel in pleasures;

sB ikCu kIqonu Awpxw jIie n sMk DirAw ] (71-2)
sabh kichh keeton aapnaa jee-ay na sank Dhari-aa.
you may take everything as your own, and have no fear in your mind at all;

iciq n AwieE pwrbRhmu jmkMkr vis pirAw ]8] (71-3)
chit na aa-i-o paarbarahm jamkankar vas pari-aa. ||8||
but still, if you do not come to remember the Supreme Lord God, you shall fall under the power of the Messenger of Death. ||8||

ikrpw kry ijsu pwrbRhmu hovY swDU sMgu ] (71-3)
kirpaa karay jis paarbarahm hovai saaDhoo sang.
The Supreme Lord showers His Mercy, and we find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

ijau ijau Ehu vDweIAY iqau iqau hir isau rMgu ] (71-4)
ji-o ji-o oh vaDhaa-ee-ai ti-o ti-o har si-o rang.
The more time we spend there, the more we come to love the Lord.

duhw isirAw kw Ksmu Awip Avru n dUjw Qwau ] (71-4)
duhaa siri-aa kaa khasam aap avar na doojaa thaa-o.
The Lord is the Master of both worlds; there is no other place of rest.

siqgur quTY pwieAw nwnk scw nwau ]9]1]26] (71-5)
satgur tuthai paa-i-aa naanak sachaa naa-o. ||9||1||26||
When the True Guru is pleased and satisfied, O Nanak, the True Name is obtained. ||9||1||26||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 Gru 5 ] (71-5)
sireeraag mehlaa 5 ghar 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl, Fifth House:

jwnau nhI BwvY kvn bwqw ] (71-6)
jaan-o nahee bhaavai kavan baataa.
I do not know what pleases my Lord.

mn Koij mwrgu ]1] rhwau ] (71-6)
man khoj maarag. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O mind, seek out the way! ||1||Pause||

iDAwnI iDAwnu lwvih ] (71-6)
Dhi-aanee Dhi-aan laaveh.
The meditatives practice meditation,

igAwnI igAwnu kmwvih ] (71-7)
gi-aanee gi-aan kamaaveh.
and the wise practice spiritual wisdom,

pRBu ikn hI jwqw ]1] (71-7)
parabh kin hee jaataa. ||1||
but how rare are those who know God! ||1||

BgauqI rhq jugqw ] (71-7)
bhag-utee rahat jugtaa.
The worshipper of Bhagaauti practices self-discipline,

jogI khq mukqw ] (71-7)
jogee kahat muktaa.
the Yogi speaks of liberation,

qpsI qpih rwqw ]2] (71-8)
tapsee tapeh raataa. ||2||
and the ascetic is absorbed in asceticism. ||2||

monI moinDwrI ] (71-8)
monee moniDhaaree.
The men of silence observe silence,

sinAwsI bRhmcwrI ] (71-8)
sani-aasee barahamchaaree.
the Sanyaasees observe celibacy,

audwsI audwis rwqw ]3] (71-8)
udaasee udaas raataa. ||3||
and the Udaasees abide in detachment. ||3||

Bgiq nvY prkwrw ] (71-9)
bhagat navai parkaaraa.
There are nine forms of devotional worship.

pMifqu vydu pukwrw ] (71-9)
pandit vayd pukaaraa.
The Pandits recite the Vedas.

igrsqI igrsiq Drmwqw ]4] (71-9)
girsatee girsat Dharmaataa. ||4||
The householders assert their faith in family life. ||4||

iek sbdI bhu rUip AvDUqw ] (71-9)
ik sabdee baho roop avDhootaa.
Those who utter only One Word, those who take many forms, the naked renunciates,

kwpVI kauqy jwgUqw ] (71-10)
kaaprhee ka-utay jaagootaa.
the wearers of patched coats, the magicians, those who remain always awake,

ieik qIriQ nwqw ]5] (71-10)
ik tirath naataa. ||5||
and those who bathe at holy places of pilgrimage-||5||

inrhwr vrqI Awprsw ] (71-10)
nirhaar vartee aaprasaa.
Those who go without food, those who never touch others,

ieik lUik n dyvih drsw ] (71-11)
ik look na dayveh darsaa.
the hermits who never show themselves,

ieik mn hI igAwqw ]6] (71-11)
ik man hee gi-aataa. ||6||
and those who are wise in their own minds-||6||

Gwit n ikn hI khwieAw ] (71-11)
ghaat na kin hee kahaa-i-aa.
Of these, no one admits to any deficiency;

sB khqy hY pwieAw ] (71-11)
sabh kahtay hai paa-i-aa.
all say that they have found the Lord.

ijsu myly so Bgqw ]7] (71-12)
jis maylay so bhagtaa. ||7||
But he alone is a devotee, whom the Lord has united with Himself. ||7||

sgl aukiq aupwvw ] iqAwgI srin pwvw ] (71-12)
sagal ukat upaavaa. ti-aagee saran paavaa.
Abandoning all devices and contrivances, I have sought His Sanctuary.

nwnku gur crix prwqw ]8]2]27] (71-12)
naanak gur charan paraataa. ||8||2||27||
Nanak has fallen at the Feet of the Guru. ||8||2||27||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (71-14)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 Gru 3 ] (71-15)
sireeraag mehlaa 1 ghar 3.
Siree Raag, First Mehl, Third House:

jogI AMdir jogIAw ] (71-15)
jogee andar jogee-aa.
Among Yogis, You are the Yogi;

qUM BogI AMdir BogIAw ] (71-15)
tooN bhogee andar bhogee-aa.
among pleasure seekers, You are the Pleasure Seeker.

qyrw AMqu n pwieAw surig miC pieAwil jIau ]1] (71-15)
tayraa ant na paa-i-aa surag machh pa-i-aal jee-o. ||1||
Your limits are not known to any of the beings in the heavens, in this world, or in the nether regions of the underworld. ||1||

hau vwrI hau vwrxY kurbwxu qyry nwv no ]1] rhwau ] (71-16)
ha-o vaaree ha-o vaarnai kurbaan tayray naav no. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am devoted, dedicated, a sacrifice to Your Name. ||1||Pause||

quDu sMswru aupwieAw ] (71-17)
tuDh sansaar upaa-i-aa.
You created the world,

isry isir DMDy lwieAw ] (71-17)
siray sir DhanDhay laa-i-aa.
and assigned tasks to one and all.

vyKih kIqw Awpxw kir kudriq pwsw Fwil jIau ]2] (71-17)
vaykheh keetaa aapnaa kar kudrat paasaa dhaal jee-o. ||2||
You watch over Your Creation, and through Your All-powerful Creative Potency, You cast the dice. ||2||

prgit pwhwrY jwpdw ] (71-18)
pargat pahaarai jaapdaa.
You are manifest in the Expanse of Your Workshop.

sBu nwvY no prqwpdw ] (71-18)
sabh naavai no partaapdaa.
Everyone longs for Your Name,

siqgur bwJu n pwieE sB mohI mwieAw jwil jIau ]3] (71-18)
satgur baajh na paa-i-o sabh mohee maa-i-aa jaal jee-o. ||3||
but without the Guru, no one finds You. All are enticed and trapped by Maya. ||3||

siqgur kau bil jweIAY ] (71-19)
satgur ka-o bal jaa-ee-ai.
I am a sacrifice to the True Guru.

ijqu imilAY prm giq pweIAY ] (71-19)
jit mili-ai param gat paa-ee-ai.
Meeting Him, the supreme status is obtained.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD