Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


eyhu jgu jlqw dyiK kY Bij pey siqgur srxw ] (70-1)
ayhu jag jaltaa daykh kai bhaj pa-ay satgur sarnaa.
Seeing this world on fire, I rushed to the Sanctuary of the True Guru.

siqguir scu idVwieAw sdw sic sMjim rhxw ] (70-1)
satgur sach dirhaa-i-aa sadaa sach sanjam rahnaa.
The True Guru has implanted the Truth within me; I dwell steadfastly in Truth and self-restraint.

siqgur scw hY boihQw sbdy Bvjlu qrxw ]6] (70-2)
satgur sachaa hai bohithaa sabday bhavjal tarnaa. ||6||
The True Guru is the Boat of Truth; in the Word of the Shabad, we cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||6||

lK caurwsIh iPrdy rhy ibnu siqgur mukiq n hoeI ] (70-2)
lakh cha-oraaseeh firday rahay bin satgur mukat na ho-ee.
People continue wandering through the cycle of 8.4 million incarnations; without the True Guru, liberation is not obtained.

piV piV pMifq monI Qky dUjY Bwie piq KoeI ] (70-3)
parh parh pandit monee thakay doojai bhaa-ay pat kho-ee.
Reading and studying, the Pandits and the silent sages have grown weary, but attached to the love of duality, they have lost their honor.

siqguir sbdu suxwieAw ibnu scy Avru n koeI ]7] (70-3)
satgur sabad sunaa-i-aa bin sachay avar na ko-ee. ||7||
The True Guru teaches the Word of the Shabad; without the True One, there is no other at all. ||7||

jo scY lwey sy sic lgy inq scI kwr krMin ] (70-4)
jo sachai laa-ay say sach lagay nit sachee kaar karann.
Those who are linked by the True One are linked to Truth. They always act in Truth.

iqnw inj Gir vwsw pwieAw scY mhil rhMin ] (70-5)
tinaa nij ghar vaasaa paa-i-aa sachai mahal rahann.
They attain their dwelling in the home of their own inner being, and they abide in the Mansion of Truth.

nwnk Bgq suKIey sdw scY nwim rcMin ]8]17]8]25] (70-5)
naanak bhagat sukhee-ay sadaa sachai naam rachann. ||8||17||8||25||
O Nanak, the devotees are happy and peaceful forever. They are absorbed in the True Name. ||8||17||8||25||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (70-6)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

jw kau musklu Aiq bxY FoeI koie n dyie ] (70-6)
jaa ka-o muskal at banai dho-ee ko-ay na day-ay.
When you are confronted with terrible hardships, and no one offers you any support,

lwgU hoey dusmnw swk iB Bij Kly ] (70-6)
laagoo ho-ay dusmanaa saak bhe bhaj khalay.
when your friends turn into enemies, and even your relatives have deserted you,

sBo BjY Awsrw cukY sBu Asrwau ] (70-7)
sabho bhajai aasraa chukai sabh asraa-o.
and when all support has given way, and all hope has been lost

iciq AwvY Esu pwrbRhmu lgY n qqI vwau ]1] (70-7)
chit aavai os paarbarahm lagai na tatee vaa-o. ||1||
-if you then come to remember the Supreme Lord God, even the hot wind shall not touch you. ||1||

swihbu inqwixAw kw qwxu ] (70-8)
saahib nitaani-aa kaa taan.
Our Lord and Master is the Power of the powerless.

Awie n jweI iQru sdw gur sbdI scu jwxu ]1] rhwau ] (70-8)
aa-ay na jaa-ee thir sadaa gur sabdee sach jaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He does not come or go; He is Eternal and Permanent. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is known as True. ||1||Pause||

jy ko hovY dublw nµg BuK kI pIr ] (70-9)
jay ko hovai dublaa nang bhukh kee peer.
If you are weakened by the pains of hunger and poverty,

dmVw plY nw pvY nw ko dyvY DIr ] (70-9)
damrhaa palai naa pavai naa ko dayvai Dheer.
with no money in your pockets, and no one will give you any comfort,

suAwrQu suAwau n ko kry nw ikCu hovY kwju ] (70-9)
su-aarath su-aa-o na ko karay naa kichh hovai kaaj.
and no one will satisfy your hopes and desires, and none of your works is accomplished

iciq AwvY Esu pwrbRhmu qw inhclu hovY rwju ]2] (70-10)
chit aavai os paarbarahm taa nihchal hovai raaj. ||2||
-if you then come to remember the Supreme Lord God, you shall obtain the eternal kingdom. ||2||

jw kau icMqw bhuqu bhuqu dyhI ivAwpY rogu ] (70-10)
jaa ka-o chintaa bahut bahut dayhee vi-aapai rog.
When you are plagued by great and excessive anxiety, and diseases of the body;

igRsiq kutMib plyitAw kdy hrKu kdy sogu ] (70-11)
garisat kutamb palayti-aa kaday harakh kaday sog.
when you are wrapped up in the attachments of household and family, sometimes feeling joy, and then other times sorrow;

gauxu kry chu kuMt kw GVI n bYsxu soie ] (70-11)
ga-on karay chahu kunt kaa gharhee na baisan so-ay.
when you are wandering around in all four directions, and you cannot sit or sleep even for a moment

iciq AwvY Esu pwrbRhmu qnu mnu sIqlu hoie ]3] (70-12)
chit aavai os paarbarahm tan man seetal ho-ay. ||3||
-if you come to remember the Supreme Lord God, then your body and mind shall be cooled and soothed. ||3||

kwim kroiD moih vis kIAw ikrpn loiB ipAwru ] (70-12)
kaam karoDh mohi vas kee-aa kirpan lobh pi-aar.
When you are under the power of sexual desire, anger and worldly attachment, or a greedy miser in love with your wealth;

cwry iklivK auin AG kIey hoAw Asur sMGwru ] (70-13)
chaaray kilvikh un agh kee-ay ho-aa asur sanghaar.
if you have committed the four great sins and other mistakes; even if you are a murderous fiend

poQI gIq kivq ikCu kdy n krin DirAw ] (70-13)
pothee geet kavit kichh kaday na karan Dhari-aa.
who has never taken the time to listen to sacred books, hymns and poetry

iciq AwvY Esu pwrbRhmu qw inmK ismrq qirAw ]4] (70-14)
chit aavai os paarbarahm taa nimakh simrat tari-aa. ||4||
-if you then come to remember the Supreme Lord God, and contemplate Him, even for a moment, you shall be saved. ||4||

swsq isMimRiq byd cwir muKwgr ibcry ] (70-15)
saasat simrit bayd chaar mukhaagar bichray.
People may recite by heart the Shaastras, the Simritees and the four Vedas;

qpy qpIsr jogIAw qIriQ gvnu kry ] (70-15)
tapay tapeesar jogee-aa tirath gavan karay.
they may be ascetics, great, self-disciplined Yogis; they may visit sacred shrines of pilgrimage

Ktu krmw qy duguxy pUjw krqw nwie ] (70-15)
khat karmaa tay dugunai poojaa kartaa naa-ay.
and perform the six ceremonial rituals, over and over again, performing worship services and ritual bathings.

rMgu n lgI pwrbRhm qw srpr nrky jwie ]5] (70-16)
rang na lagee paarbarahm taa sarpar narkay jaa-ay. ||5||
Even so, if they have not embraced love for the Supreme Lord God, then they shall surely go to hell. ||5||

rwj imlk iskdwrIAw rs Bogx ibsQwr ] (70-16)
raaj milak sikdaaree-aa ras bhogan bisthaar.
You may possess empires, vast estates, authority over others, and the enjoyment of myriads of pleasures;

bwg suhwvy sohxy clY hukmu APwr ] (70-17)
baag suhaavay sohnay chalai hukam afaar.
you may have delightful and beautiful gardens, and issue unquestioned commands;

rMg qmwsy bhu ibDI cwie lig rihAw ] (70-17)
rang tamaasay baho biDhee chaa-ay lag rahi-aa.
you may have enjoyments and entertainments of all sorts and kinds, and continue to enjoy exciting pleasures

iciq n AwieE pwrbRhmu qw srp kI jUin gieAw ]6] (70-18)
chit na aa-i-o paarbarahm taa sarap kee joon ga-i-aa. ||6||
-and yet, if you do not come to remember the Supreme Lord God, you shall be reincarnated as a snake. ||6||

bhuqu DnwiF AcwrvMqu soBw inrml rIiq ] (70-18)
bahut Dhanaadh achaarvant sobhaa nirmal reet.
You may possess vast riches, maintain virtuous conduct, have a spotless reputation and observe religious customs;

mwq ipqw suq BweIAw swjn sMig prIiq ] (70-19)
maat pitaa sut bhaa-ee-aa saajan sang pareet.
you may have the loving affections of mother, father, children, siblings and friends;

lskr qrksbMd bMd jIau jIau sglI kIq ] (70-19)
laskar tarkasband band jee-o jee-o saglee keet.
you may have armies well-equipped with weapons, and all may salute you with respect;


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD