Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (69-1)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

siqguir imilAY Pyru n pvY jnm mrx duKu jwie ] (69-1)
satgur mili-ai fayr na pavai janam maran dukh jaa-ay.
Meeting with the True Guru, you shall not have to go through the cycle of reincarnation again; the pains of birth and death will be taken away.

pUrY sbid sB soJI hoeI hir nwmY rhY smwie ]1] (69-2)
poorai sabad sabh sojhee ho-ee har naamai rahai samaa-ay. ||1||
Through the Perfect Word of the Shabad, all understanding is obtained; remain absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||1||

mn myry siqgur isau icqu lwie ] (69-2)
man mayray satgur si-o chit laa-ay.
O my mind, focus your consciousness on the True Guru.

inrmlu nwmu sd nvqno Awip vsY min Awie ]1] rhwau ] (69-3)
nirmal naam sad navtano aap vasai man aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Immaculate Naam itself, ever-fresh, comes to abide within the mind. ||1||Pause||

hir jIau rwKhu ApunI srxweI ijau rwKih iqau rhxw ] (69-3)
har jee-o raakho apunee sarnaa-ee ji-o raakhahi ti-o rahnaa.
O Dear Lord, please protect and preserve me in Your Sanctuary. As You keep me, so do I remain.

gur kY sbid jIvqu mrY gurmuiK Bvjlu qrxw ]2] (69-4)
gur kai sabad jeevat marai gurmukh bhavjal tarnaa. ||2||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Gurmukh remains dead while yet alive, and swims across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

vfY Bwig nwau pweIAY gurmiq sbid suhweI ] (69-4)
vadai bhaag naa-o paa-ee-ai gurmat sabad suhaa-ee.
By great good fortune, the Name is obtained. Following the Guru's Teachings, through the Shabad, you shall be exalted.

Awpy min visAw pRBu krqw shjy rihAw smweI ]3] (69-5)
aapay man vasi-aa parabh kartaa sehjay rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||3||
God, the Creator Himself, dwells within the mind; remain absorbed in the state of intuitive balance. ||3||

ieknw mnmuiK sbdu n BwvY bMDin bMiD BvwieAw ] (69-5)
iknaa manmukh sabad na bhaavai banDhan banDh bhavaa-i-aa.
Some are self-willed manmukhs; they do not love the Word of the Shabad. Bound in chains, they wander lost in reincarnation.

lK caurwsIh iPir iPir AwvY ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]4] (69-6)
lakh cha-oraaseeh fir fir aavai birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. ||4||
Through 8.4 million lifetimes, they wander over and over again; they waste away their lives in vain. ||4||

Bgqw min Awnµdu hY scY sbid rMig rwqy ] (69-7)
bhagtaa man aanand hai sachai sabad rang raatay.
In the minds of the devotees there is bliss; they are attuned to the Love of the True Word of the Shabad.

Anidnu gux gwvih sd inrml shjy nwim smwqy ]5] (69-7)
an-din gun gaavahi sad nirmal sehjay naam samaatay. ||5||
Night and day, they constantly sing the Glories of the Immaculate Lord; with intuitive ease, they are absorbed into the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||5||

gurmuiK AMimRq bwxI bolih sB Awqm rwmu pCwxI ] (69-8)
gurmukh amrit banee boleh sabh aatam raam pachhaanee.
The Gurmukhs speak the Ambrosial Bani; they recognize the Lord, the Supreme Soul in all.

eyko syvin eyku ArwDih gurmuiK AkQ khwxI ]6] (69-8)
ayko sayvan ayk araaDheh gurmukh akath kahaanee. ||6||
They serve the One; they worship and adore the One. The Gurmukhs speak the Unspoken Speech. ||6||

scw swihbu syvIAY gurmuiK vsY min Awie ] (69-9)
sachaa saahib sayvee-ai gurmukh vasai man aa-ay.
The Gurmukhs serve their True Lord and Master, who comes to dwell in the mind.

sdw rMig rwqy sc isau ApunI ikrpw kry imlwie ]7] (69-9)
sadaa rang raatay sach si-o apunee kirpaa karay milaa-ay. ||7||
They are forever attuned to the Love of the True One, who bestows His Mercy and unites them with Himself. ||7||

Awpy kry krwey Awpy ieknw suiqAw dyie jgwie ] (69-10)
aapay karay karaa-ay aapay iknaa suti-aa day-ay jagaa-ay.
He Himself does, and He Himself causes others to do; He wakes some from their sleep.

Awpy myil imlwiedw nwnk sbid smwie ]8]7]24] (69-11)
aapay mayl milaa-idaa naanak sabad samaa-ay. ||8||7||24||
He Himself unites us in Union; Nanak is absorbed in the Shabad. ||8||7||24||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (69-11)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

siqguir syivAY mnu inrmlw Bey pivqu srIr ] (69-11)
satgur sayvi-ai man nirmalaa bha-ay pavit sareer.
Serving the True Guru, the mind becomes immaculate, and the body becomes pure.

min Awnµdu sdw suKu pwieAw ByitAw gihr gMBIru ] (69-12)
man aanand sadaa sukh paa-i-aa bhayti-aa gahir gambheer.
The mind obtains bliss and eternal peace, meeting with the Deep and Profound Lord.

scI sMgiq bYsxw sic nwim mnu DIr ]1] (69-12)
sachee sangat baisnaa sach naam man Dheer. ||1||
Sitting in the Sangat, the True Congregation, the mind is comforted and consoled by the True Name. ||1||

mn ry siqguru syiv insMgu ] (69-13)
man ray satgur sayv nisang.
O mind, serve the True Guru without hesitation.

siqguru syivAY hir min vsY lgY n mYlu pqMgu ]1] rhwau ] (69-13)
satgur sayvi-ai har man vasai lagai na mail patang. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Serving the True Guru, the Lord abides within the mind, and no trace of filth shall attach itself to you. ||1||Pause||

scY sbid piq aUpjY scy scw nwau ] (69-14)
sachai sabad pat oopjai sachay sachaa naa-o.
From the True Word of the Shabad comes honor. True is the Name of the True One.

ijnI haumY mwir pCwixAw hau iqn bilhwrY jwau ] (69-14)
jinee ha-umai maar pachhaani-aa ha-o tin balihaarai jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to those who conquer their ego and recognize the Lord.

mnmuK scu n jwxnI iqn Taur n kqhU Qwau ]2] (69-15)
manmukh sach na jaannee tin tha-ur na kathoo thaa-o. ||2||
The self-willed manmukhs do not know the True One; they find no shelter, and no place of rest anywhere. ||2||

scu Kwxw scu pYnxw scy hI ivic vwsu ] (69-15)
sach khaanaa sach painnaa sachay hee vich vaas.
Those who take the Truth as their food and the Truth as their clothing, have their home in the True One.

sdw scw swlwhxw scY sbid invwsu ] (69-16)
sadaa sachaa salaahnaa sachai sabad nivaas.
They constantly praise the True One, and in the True Word of the Shabad they have their dwelling.

sBu Awqm rwmu pCwixAw gurmqI inj Gir vwsu ]3] (69-16)
sabh aatam raam pachhaani-aa gurmatee nij ghar vaas. ||3||
They recognize the Lord, the Supreme Soul in all, and through the Guru's Teachings they dwell in the home of their own inner self. ||3||

scu vyKxu scu bolxw qnu mnu scw hoie ] (69-17)
sach vaykhan sach bolnaa tan man sachaa ho-ay.
They see the Truth, and they speak the Truth; their bodies and minds are True.

scI swKI aupdysu scu scy scI soie ] (69-17)
sachee saakhee updays sach sachay sachee so-ay.
True are their teachings, and True are their instructions; True are the reputations of the true ones.

ijMnI scu ivswirAw sy duKIey cly roie ]4] (69-18)
jinnee sach visaari-aa say dukhee-ay chalay ro-ay. ||4||
Those who have forgotten the True One are miserable-they depart weeping and wailing. ||4||

siqguru ijnI n syivE sy ikqu Awey sMswir ] (69-18)
satgur jinee na sayvi-o say kit aa-ay sansaar.
Those who have not served the True Guru-why did they even bother to come into the world?

jm dir bDy mwrIAih kUk n suxY pUkwr ] (69-19)
jam dar baDhay maaree-ah kook na sunai pookaar.
They are bound and gagged and beaten at Death's door, but no one hears their shrieks and cries.

ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw mir jMmih vwro vwr ]5] (69-19)
birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa mar jameh vaaro vaar. ||5||
They waste their lives uselessly; they die and are reincarnated over and over again. ||5||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD