Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ibnu sbdY jgu duKIAw iPrY mnmuKw no geI Kwie ] (67-1)
bin sabdai jag dukhee-aa firai manmukhaa no ga-ee khaa-ay.
Without the Shabad, the world wanders lost in pain. The self-willed manmukh is consumed.

sbdy nwmu iDAweIAY sbdy sic smwie ]4] (67-1)
sabday naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai sabday sach samaa-ay. ||4||
Through the Shabad, meditate on the Naam; through the Shabad, you shall merge in Truth. ||4||

mwieAw BUly isD iPrih smwiD n lgY suBwie ] (67-2)
maa-i-aa bhoolay siDh fireh samaaDh na lagai subhaa-ay.
The Siddhas wander around, deluded by Maya; they are not absorbed in the Samaadhi of the Lord's Sublime Love.

qIny loA ivAwpq hY AiDk rhI lptwie ] (67-2)
teenay lo-a vi-aapat hai aDhik rahee laptaa-ay.
The three worlds are permeated by Maya; they are totally covered by it.

ibnu gur mukiq n pweIAY nw duibDw mwieAw jwie ]5] (67-3)
bin gur mukat na paa-ee-ai naa dubiDhaa maa-i-aa jaa-ay. ||5||
Without the Guru, liberation is not attained, and the double-mindedness of Maya does not go away. ||5||

mwieAw iks no AwKIAY ikAw mwieAw krm kmwie ] (67-3)
maa-i-aa kis no aakhee-ai ki-aa maa-i-aa karam kamaa-ay.
What is called Maya? What does Maya do?

duiK suiK eyhu jIau bDu hY haumY krm kmwie ] (67-4)
dukh sukh ayhu jee-o baDh hai ha-umai karam kamaa-ay.
These beings are bound by pleasure and pain; they do their deeds in egotism.

ibnu sbdY Brmu n cUkeI nw ivchu haumY jwie ]6] (67-4)
bin sabdai bharam na chook-ee naa vichahu ha-umai jaa-ay. ||6||
Without the Shabad, doubt is not dispelled, and egotism is not eliminated from within. ||6||

ibnu pRIqI Bgiq n hoveI ibnu sbdY Qwie n pwie ] (67-5)
bin pareetee bhagat na hova-ee bin sabdai thaa-ay na paa-ay.
Without love, there is no devotional worship. Without the Shabad, no one finds acceptance.

sbdy haumY mwrIAY mwieAw kw BRmu jwie ] (67-6)
sabday ha-umai maaree-ai maa-i-aa kaa bharam jaa-ay.
Through the Shabad, egotism is conquered and subdued, and the illusion of Maya is dispelled.

nwmu pdwrQu pweIAY gurmuiK shij suBwie ]7] (67-6)
naam padaarath paa-ee-ai gurmukh sahj subhaa-ay. ||7||
The Gurmukh obtains the Treasure of the Naam with intuitive ease. ||7||

ibnu gur gux n jwpnI ibnu gux Bgiq n hoie ] (67-7)
bin gur gun na jaapnee bin gun bhagat na ho-ay.
Without the Guru, one's virtues do not shine forth; without virtue, there is no devotional worship.

Bgiq vClu hir min visAw shij imilAw pRBu soie ] (67-7)
bhagat vachhal har man vasi-aa sahj mili-aa parabh so-ay.
The Lord is the Lover of His devotees; He abides within their minds. They meet that God with intuitive ease.

nwnk sbdy hir swlwhIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]8]4]21] (67-8)
naanak sabday har salaahee-ai karam paraapat ho-ay. ||8||4||21||
O Nanak, through the Shabad, praise the Lord. By His Grace, He is obtained. ||8||4||21||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (67-8)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

mwieAw mohu myrY pRiB kInw Awpy Brim Bulwey ] (67-9)
maa-i-aa moh mayrai parabh keenaa aapay bharam bhulaa-ay.
Emotional attachment to Maya is created by my God; He Himself misleads us through illusion and doubt.

mnmuiK krm krih nhI bUJih ibrQw jnmu gvwey ] (67-9)
manmukh karam karahi nahee boojheh birthaa janam gavaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs perform their actions, but they do not understand; they waste away their lives in vain.

gurbwxI iesu jg mih cwnxu krim vsY min Awey ]1] (67-10)
gurbaanee is jag meh chaanan karam vasai man aa-ay. ||1||
Gurbani is the Light to illuminate this world; by His Grace, it comes to abide within the mind. ||1||

mn ry nwmu jphu suKu hoie ] (67-10)
man ray naam japahu sukh ho-ay.
O mind, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and find peace.

guru pUrw swlwhIAY shij imlY pRBu soie ]1] rhwau ] (67-11)
gur pooraa salaahee-ai sahj milai parabh so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Praising the Perfect Guru, you shall easily meet with that God. ||1||Pause||

Brmu gieAw Bau BwigAw hir crxI icqu lwie ] (67-11)
bharam ga-i-aa bha-o bhaagi-aa har charnee chit laa-ay.
Doubt departs, and fear runs away, when you focus your consciousness on the Lord's Feet.

gurmuiK sbdu kmweIAY hir vsY min Awie ] (67-12)
gurmukh sabad kamaa-ee-ai har vasai man aa-ay.
The Gurmukh practices the Shabad, and the Lord comes to dwell within the mind.

Gir mhil sic smweIAY jmkwlu n skY Kwie ]2] (67-12)
ghar mahal sach samaa-ee-ai jamkaal na sakai khaa-ay. ||2||
In the mansion of the home within the self, we merge in Truth, and the Messenger of Death cannot devour us. ||2||

nwmw CIbw kbIru juolwhw pUry gur qy giq pweI ] (67-13)
naamaa chheebaa kabeer jolaahaa pooray gur tay gat paa-ee.
Naam Dayv the printer, and Kabeer the weaver, obtained salvation through the Perfect Guru.

bRhm ky byqy sbdu pCwxih haumY jwiq gvweI ] (67-13)
barahm kay baytay sabad pachhaaneh ha-umai jaat gavaa-ee.
Those who know God and recognize His Shabad lose their ego and class consciousness.

suir nr iqn kI bwxI gwvih koie n mytY BweI ]3] (67-14)
sur nar tin kee banee gaavahi ko-ay na maytai bhaa-ee. ||3||
Their Banis are sung by the angelic beings, and no one can erase them, O Siblings of Destiny! ||3||

dYq puqu krm Drm ikCu sMjm n pVY dUjw Bwau n jwxY ] (67-14)
dait put karam Dharam kichh sanjam na parhai doojaa bhaa-o na jaanai.
The demon's son Prahlaad had not read about religious rituals or ceremonies, austerity or self-discipline; he did not know the love of duality.

siqguru ByitAY inrmlu hoAw Anidnu nwmu vKwxY ] (67-15)
satgur bhayti-ai nirmal ho-aa an-din naam vakhaanai.
Upon meeting with the True Guru, he became pure; night and day, he chanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

eyko pVY eyko nwau bUJY dUjw Avru n jwxY ]4] (67-15)
ayko parhai ayko naa-o boojhai doojaa avar na jaanai. ||4||
He read only of the One and he understood only the One Name; he knew no other at all. ||4||

Ktu drsn jogI sMinAwsI ibnu gur Brim Bulwey ] (67-16)
khat darsan jogee sani-aasee bin gur bharam bhulaa-ay.
The followers of the six different life-styles and world-views, the Yogis and the Sanyaasees have gone astray in doubt without the Guru.

siqguru syvih qw giq imiq pwvih hir jIau mMin vswey ] (67-17)
satgur sayveh taa gat mit paavahi har jee-o man vasaa-ay.
If they serve the True Guru, they find the state of salvation; they enshrine the Dear Lord within their minds.

scI bwxI isau icqu lwgY Awvxu jwxu rhwey ]5] (67-17)
sachee banee si-o chit laagai aavan jaan rahaa-ay. ||5||
They focus their consciousness on the True Bani, and their comings and goings in reincarnation are over. ||5||

pMifq piV piV vwdu vKwxih ibnu gur Brim Bulwey ] (67-18)
pandit parh parh vaad vakaaneh bin gur bharam bhulaa-ay.
The Pandits, the religious scholars, read and argue and stir up controversies, but without the Guru, they are deluded by doubt.

lK caurwsIh Pyru pieAw ibnu sbdY mukiq n pwey ] (67-18)
lakh cha-oraaseeh fayr pa-i-aa bin sabdai mukat na paa-ay.
They wander around the cycle of 8.4 million reincarnations; without the Shabad, they do not attain liberation.

jw nwau cyqY qw giq pwey jw siqguru myil imlwey ]6] (67-19)
jaa naa-o chaytai taa gat paa-ay jaa satgur mayl milaa-ay. ||6||
But when they remember the Name, then they attain the state of salvation, when the True Guru unites them in Union. ||6||

sqsMgiq mih nwmu hir aupjY jw siqguru imlY suBwey ] (67-19)
satsangat meh naam har upjai jaa satgur milai subhaa-ay.
In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, the Name of the Lord wells up, when the True Guru unites us in His Sublime Love.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD