Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (66-1)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

pMKI ibriK suhwvVw scu cugY gur Bwie ] (66-1)
pankhee birakh suhaavrhaa sach chugai gur bhaa-ay.
The soul-bird in the beautiful tree of the body pecks at Truth, with love for the Guru.

hir rsu pIvY shij rhY aufY n AwvY jwie ] (66-2)
har ras peevai sahj rahai udai na aavai jaa-ay.
She drinks in the Sublime Essence of the Lord, and abides in intuitive ease; she does not fly around coming and going.

inj Gir vwsw pwieAw hir hir nwim smwie ]1] (66-2)
nij ghar vaasaa paa-i-aa har har naam samaa-ay. ||1||
She obtains her home within her own heart; she is absorbed into the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

mn ry gur kI kwr kmwie ] (66-3)
man ray gur kee kaar kamaa-ay.
O mind, work to serve the Guru.

gur kY BwxY jy clih qw Anidnu rwcih hir nwie ]1] rhwau ] (66-3)
gur kai bhaanai jay chaleh taa an-din raacheh har naa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If you walk in harmony with the Guru's Will, you shall remain immersed in the Lord's Name, night and day. ||1||Pause||

pMKI ibrK suhwvVy aUfih chu idis jwih ] (66-4)
pankhee birakh suhaavrhay oodeh chahu dis jaahi.
The birds in the beautiful trees fly around in all four directions.

jyqw aUfih duK Gxy inq dwJih qY ibllwih ] (66-4)
jaytaa oodeh dukh ghanay nit daajheh tai billaahi.
The more they fly around, the more they suffer; they burn and cry out in pain.

ibnu gur mhlu n jwpeI nw AMimRq Pl pwih ]2] (66-4)
bin gur mahal na jaap-ee naa amrit fal paahi. ||2||
Without the Guru, they do not find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, and they do not obtain the Ambrosial Fruit. ||2||

gurmuiK bRhmu hrIAwvlw swcY shij suBwie ] (66-5)
gurmukh barahm haree-aavlaa saachai sahj subhaa-ay.
The Gurmukh is like God's tree, always green, blessed with the Sublime Love of the True One, with intuitive peace and poise.

swKw qIin invwrIAw eyk sbid ilv lwie ] (66-6)
saakhaa teen nivaaree-aa ayk sabad liv laa-ay.
He cuts off the three branches of the three qualities, and embraces love for the One Word of the Shabad.

AMimRq Plu hir eyku hY Awpy dyie Kvwie ]3] (66-6)
amrit fal har ayk hai aapay day-ay khavaa-ay. ||3||
The Lord alone is the Ambrosial Fruit; He Himself gives it to us to eat. ||3||

mnmuK aUBy suik gey nw Plu iqMnw Cwau ] (66-7)
manmukh oobhay suk ga-ay naa fal tinnaa chhaa-o.
The self-willed manmukhs stand there and dry up; they do not bear any fruit, and they do not provide any shade.

iqMnw pwis n bYsIAY Enw Gru n igrwau ] (66-7)
tinnaa paas na baisee-ai onaa ghar na giraa-o.
Don't even bother to sit near them-they have no home or village.

ktIAih qY inq jwlIAih Enw sbdu n nwau ]4] (66-7)
katee-ah tai nit jaalee-ah onaa sabad na naa-o. ||4||
They are cut down and burnt each day; they have neither the Shabad, nor the Lord's Name. ||4||

hukmy krm kmwvxy pieAY ikriq iPrwau ] (66-8)
hukmay karam kamaavnay pa-i-ai kirat firaa-o.
According to the Lord's Command, people perform their actions; they wander around, driven by the karma of their past actions.

hukmy drsnu dyKxw jh Byjih qh jwau ] (66-8)
hukmay darsan daykh-naa jah bhayjeh tah jaa-o.
By the Lord's Command, they behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. Wherever He sends them, there they go.

hukmy hir hir min vsY hukmy sic smwau ]5] (66-9)
hukmay har har man vasai hukmay sach samaa-o. ||5||
By His Command, the Lord, Har, Har, abides within our minds; by His Command we merge in Truth. ||5||

hukmu n jwxih bpuVy BUly iPrih gvwr ] (66-9)
hukam na jaaneh bapurhay bhoolay fireh gavaar.
The wretched fools do not know the Lord's Will; they wander around making mistakes.

mnhiT krm kmwvdy inq inq hoih KuAwru ] (66-10)
manhath karam kamaavday nit nit hohi khu-aar.
They go about their business stubborn-mindedly; they are disgraced forever and ever.

AMqir sWiq n AwveI nw sic lgY ipAwru ]6] (66-10)
antar saaNt na aavee naa sach lagai pi-aar. ||6||
Inner peace does not come to them; they do not embrace love for the True Lord. ||6||

gurmuKIAw muh sohxy gur kY hyiq ipAwir ] (66-11)
gurmukhee-aa muh sohnay gur kai hayt pi-aar.
Beautiful are the faces of the Gurmukhs, who bear love and affection for the Guru.

scI BgqI sic rqy dir scY sicAwr ] (66-11)
sachee bhagtee sach ratay dar sachai sachiaar.
Through true devotional worship, they are attuned to Truth; at the True Door, they are found to be true.

Awey sy prvwxu hY sB kul kw krih auDwru ]7] (66-12)
aa-ay say parvaan hai sabh kul kaa karahi uDhaar. ||7||
Blessed is their coming into being; they redeem all their ancestors. ||7||

sB ndrI krm kmwvdy ndrI bwhir n koie ] (66-12)
sabh nadree karam kamaavday nadree baahar na ko-ay.
All do their deeds under the Lord's Glance of Grace; no one is beyond His Vision.

jYsI ndir kir dyKY scw qYsw hI ko hoie ] (66-13)
jaisee nadar kar daykhai sachaa taisaa hee ko ho-ay.
According to the Glance of Grace with which the True Lord beholds us, so do we become.

nwnk nwim vfweIAw krim prwpiq hoie ]8]3]20] (66-13)
naanak naam vadaa-ee-aa karam paraapat ho-ay. ||8||3||20||
O Nanak, the Glorious Greatness of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is received only by His Mercy. ||8||3||20||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (66-14)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY mnmuiK bUJ n pwie ] (66-14)
gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai manmukh boojh na paa-ay.
The Gurmukhs meditate on the Naam; the self-willed manmukhs do not understand.

gurmuiK sdw muK aUjly hir visAw min Awie ] (66-15)
gurmukh sadaa mukh oojlay har vasi-aa man aa-ay.
The faces of the Gurmukhs are always radiant; the Lord has come to dwell within their minds.

shjy hI suKu pweIAY shjy rhY smwie ]1] (66-15)
sehjay hee sukh paa-ee-ai sehjay rahai samaa-ay. ||1||
Through intuitive understanding they are at peace, and through intuitive understanding they remain absorbed in the Lord. ||1||

BweI ry dwsin dwsw hoie ] (66-15)
bhaa-ee ray daasan daasaa ho-ay.
O Siblings of Destiny, be the slaves of the Lord's slaves.

gur kI syvw gur Bgiq hY ivrlw pwey koie ]1] rhwau ] (66-16)
gur kee sayvaa gur bhagat hai virlaa paa-ay ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Service to the Guru is worship of the Guru. How rare are those who obtain it! ||1||Pause||

sdw suhwgu suhwgxI jy clih siqgur Bwie ] (66-16)
sadaa suhaag suhaaganee jay chaleh satgur bhaa-ay.
The happy soul-bride is always with her Husband Lord, if she walks in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.

sdw ipru inhclu pweIAY nw Ehu mrY n jwie ] (66-17)
sadaa pir nihchal paa-ee-ai naa oh marai na jaa-ay.
She attains her Eternal, Ever-stable Husband, who never dies or goes away.

sbid imlI nw vICuVY ipr kY AMik smwie ]2] (66-17)
sabad milee naa veechhurhai pir kai ank samaa-ay. ||2||
United with the Word of the Shabad, she shall not be separated again. She is immersed in the Lap of her Beloved. ||2||

hir inrmlu Aiq aUjlw ibnu gur pwieAw n jwie ] (66-18)
har nirmal at oojlaa bin gur paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
The Lord is Immaculate and Radiantly Bright; without the Guru, He cannot be found.

pwTu pVY nw bUJeI ByKI Brim Bulwie ] (66-18)
paath parhai naa boojh-ee bhaykhee bharam bhulaa-ay.
He cannot be understood by reading scriptures; the deceitful pretenders are deluded by doubt.

gurmqI hir sdw pwieAw rsnw hir rsu smwie ]3] (66-19)
gurmatee har sadaa paa-i-aa rasnaa har ras samaa-ay. ||3||
Through the Guru's Teachings, the Lord is always found, and the tongue is permeated with the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||3||

mwieAw mohu cukwieAw gurmqI shij suBwie ] (66-19)
maa-i-aa moh chukaa-i-aa gurmatee sahj subhaa-ay.
Emotional attachment to Maya is shed with intuitive ease, through the Guru's Teachings.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD