Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


siqguru syiv gux inDwnu pwieAw iqs kI kIm n pweI ] (65-1)
satgur sayv gun niDhaan paa-i-aa tis kee keem na paa-ee.
Serving the True Guru, I have found the Treasure of Excellence. Its value cannot be estimated.

pRBu sKw hir jIau myrw AMqy hoie sKweI ]3] (65-1)
parabh sakhaa har jee-o mayraa antay ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||3||
The Dear Lord God is my Best Friend. In the end, He shall be my Companion and Support. ||3||

pyeIAVY jgjIvnu dwqw mnmuiK piq gvweI ] (65-2)
pay-ee-arhai jagjeevan daataa manmukh pat gavaa-ee.
In this world of my father's home, the Great Giver is the Life of the World. The self-willed manmukhs have lost their honor.

ibnu siqgur ko mgu n jwxY AMDy Taur n kweI ] (65-2)
bin satgur ko mag na jaanai anDhay tha-ur na kaa-ee.
Without the True Guru, no one knows the Way. The blind find no place of rest.

hir suKdwqw min nhI visAw AMiq gieAw pCuqweI ]4] (65-3)
har sukh-daata man nahee vasi-aa ant ga-i-aa pachhutaa-ee. ||4||
If the Lord, the Giver of Peace, does not dwell within the mind, then they shall depart with regret in the end. ||4||

pyeIAVY jgjIvnu dwqw gurmiq mMin vswieAw ] (65-3)
pay-ee-arhai jagjeevan daataa gurmat man vasaa-i-aa.
In this world of my father's house, through the Guru's Teachings, I have cultivated within my mind the Great Giver, the Life of the World.

Anidnu Bgiq krih idnu rwqI haumY mohu cukwieAw ] (65-4)
an-din bhagat karahi din raatee ha-umai moh chukaa-i-aa.
Night and day, performing devotional worship, day and night, ego and emotional attachment are removed.

ijsu isau rwqw qYso hovY scy sic smwieAw ]5] (65-5)
jis si-o raataa taiso hovai sachay sach samaa-i-aa. ||5||
And then, attuned to Him, we become like Him, truly absorbed in the True One. ||5||

Awpy ndir kry Bwau lwey gur sbdI bIcwir ] (65-5)
aapay nadar karay bhaa-o laa-ay gur sabdee beechaar.
Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He gives us His Love, and we contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

siqguru syivAY shju aUpjY haumY iqRsnw mwir ] (65-6)
satgur sayvi-ai sahj oopjai ha-umai tarisnaa maar.
Serving the True Guru, intuitive peace wells up, and ego and desire die.

hir guxdwqw sd min vsY scu riKAw aur Dwir ]6] (65-6)
har gundaataa sad man vasai sach rakhi-aa ur Dhaar. ||6||
The Lord, the Giver of Virtue, dwells forever within the minds of those who keep Truth enshrined within their hearts. ||6||

pRBu myrw sdw inrmlw min inrmil pwieAw jwie ] (65-7)
parabh mayraa sadaa nirmalaa man nirmal paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
My God is forever Immaculate and Pure; with a pure mind, He can be found.

nwmu inDwnu hir min vsY haumY duKu sBu jwie ] (65-7)
naam niDhaan har man vasai ha-umai dukh sabh jaa-ay.
If the Treasure of the Name of the Lord abides within the mind, egotism and pain are totally eliminated.

siqguir sbdu suxwieAw hau sd bilhwrY jwau ]7] (65-8)
satgur sabad sunaa-i-aa ha-o sad balihaarai jaa-o. ||7||
The True Guru has instructed me in the Word of the Shabad. I am forever a sacrifice to Him. ||7||

AwpxY min iciq khY khwey ibnu gur Awpu n jweI ] (65-8)
aapnai man chit kahai kahaa-ay bin gur aap na jaa-ee.
Within your own conscious mind, you may say anything, but without the Guru, selfishness and conceit are not eradicated.

hir jIau Bgiq vClu suKdwqw kir ikrpw mMin vsweI ] (65-9)
har jee-o bhagat vachhal sukh-daata kar kirpaa man vasaa-ee.
The Dear Lord is the Lover of His devotees, the Giver of Peace. By His Grace, He abides within the mind.

nwnk soBw suriq dyie pRBu Awpy gurmuiK dy vifAweI ]8]1]18] (65-9)
naanak sobhaa surat day-ay parabh aapay gurmukh day vadi-aa-ee. ||8||1||18||
O Nanak, God blesses us with the sublime awakening of consciousness; He Himself grants glorious greatness to the Gurmukh. ||8||1||18||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (65-10)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

haumY krm kmwvdy jmfMfu lgY iqn Awie ] (65-10)
ha-umai karam kamaavday jamdand lagai tin aa-ay.
Those who go around acting in egotism are struck down by the Messenger of Death with his club.

ij siqguru syvin sy aubry hir syqI ilv lwie ]1] (65-11)
je satgur sayvan say ubray har saytee liv laa-ay. ||1||
Those who serve the True Guru are uplifted and saved, in love with the Lord. ||1||

mn ry gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] (65-11)
man ray gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ay.
O mind, become Gurmukh, and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Duir pUrib krqY iliKAw iqnw gurmiq nwim smwie ]1] rhwau ] (65-12)
Dhur poorab kartai likhi-aa tinaa gurmat naam samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who are so pre-destined by the Creator are absorbed into the Naam, through the Guru's Teachings. ||1||Pause||

ivxu siqgur prqIiq n AwveI nwim n lwgo Bwau ] (65-12)
vin satgur parteet na aavee naam na laago bhaa-o.
Without the True Guru, faith does not come, and love for the Naam is not embraced.

supnY suKu n pwveI duK mih svY smwie ]2] (65-13)
supnai sukh na paav-ee dukh meh savai samaa-ay. ||2||
Even in dreams, they find no peace; they sleep immersed in pain. ||2||

jy hir hir kIcY bhuqu locIAY ikrqu n myitAw jwie ] (65-13)
jay har har keechai bahut lochee-ai kirat na mayti-aa jaa-ay.
Even if you chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, with great longing, your past actions are still not erased.

hir kw Bwxw BgqI mMinAw sy Bgq pey dir Qwie ]3] (65-14)
har kaa bhaanaa bhagtee mani-aa say bhagat pa-ay dar thaa-ay. ||3||
The Lord's devotees surrender to His Will; those devotees are accepted at His Door. ||3||

guru sbdu idVwvY rMg isau ibnu ikrpw lieAw n jwie ] (65-15)
gur sabad dirhaavai rang si-o bin kirpaa la-i-aa na jaa-ay.
The Guru has lovingly implanted the Word of His Shabad within me. Without His Grace, it cannot be attained.

jy sau AMimRqu nIrIAY BI ibKu Plu lwgY Dwie ]4] (65-15)
jay sa-o amrit neeree-ai bhee bikh fal laagai Dhaa-ay. ||4||
Even if the poisonous plant is watered with ambrosial nectar a hundred times, it will still bear poisonous fruit. ||4||

sy jn scy inrmly ijn siqgur nwil ipAwru ] (65-16)
say jan sachay nirmalay jin satgur naal pi-aar.
Those humble beings who are in love with the True Guru are pure and true.

siqgur kw Bwxw kmwvdy ibKu haumY qij ivkwru ]5] (65-16)
satgur kaa bhaanaa kamaavday bikh ha-umai taj vikaar. ||5||
They act in harmony with the Will of the True Guru; they shed the poison of ego and corruption. ||5||

mnhiT ikqY aupwie n CUtIAY isimRiq swsqR soDhu jwie ] (65-17)
manhath kitai upaa-ay na chhootee-ai simrit saastar soDhhu jaa-ay.
Acting in stubborn-mindedness, no one is saved; go and study the Simritees and the Shaastras.

imil sMgiq swDU aubry gur kw sbdu kmwie ]6] (65-17)
mil sangat saaDhoo ubray gur kaa sabad kamaa-ay. ||6||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and practicing the Shabads of the Guru, you shall be saved. ||6||

hir kw nwmu inDwnu hY ijsu AMqu n pwrwvwru ] (65-18)
har kaa naam niDhaan hai jis ant na paaraavaar.
The Name of the Lord is the Treasure, which has no end or limitation.

gurmuiK syeI sohdy ijn ikrpw kry krqwru ]7] (65-18)
gurmukh say-ee sohday jin kirpaa karay kartaar. ||7||
The Gurmukhs are beauteous; the Creator has blessed them with His Mercy. ||7||

nwnk dwqw eyku hY dUjw Aauru n koie ] (65-19)
naanak daataa ayk hai doojaa a-or na ko-ay.
O Nanak, the One Lord alone is the Giver; there is no other at all.

gur prswdI pweIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]8]2]19] (65-19)
gur parsaadee paa-ee-ai karam paraapat ho-ay. ||8||2||19||
By Guru's Grace, He is obtained. By His Mercy, He is found. ||8||2||19||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD