Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sBu jgu kwjl koTVI qnu mnu dyh suAwih ] (64-1)
sabh jag kaajal koth-rhee tan man dayh su-aahi.
The whole world is a store-house of lamp-black; the body and mind are blackened with it.

guir rwKy sy inrmly sbid invwrI Bwih ]7] (64-1)
gur raakhay say nirmalay sabad nivaaree bhaahi. ||7||
Those who are saved by the Guru are immaculate and pure; through the Word of the Shabad, they extinguish the fire of desire. ||7||

nwnk qrIAY sic nwim isir swhw pwiqswhu ] (64-2)
naanak taree-ai sach naam sir saahaa paatisaahu.
O Nanak, they swim across with the True Name of the Lord, the King above the heads of kings.

mY hir nwmu n vIsrY hir nwmu rqnu vyswhu ] (64-2)
mai har naam na veesrai har naam ratan vaysaahu.
May I never forget the Name of the Lord! I have purchased the Jewel of the Lord's Name.

mnmuK Baujil pic muey gurmuiK qry AQwhu ]8]16] (64-3)
manmukh bha-ojal pach mu-ay gurmukh taray athaahu. ||8||16||
The self-willed manmukhs putrefy and die in the terrifying world-ocean, while the Gurmukhs cross over the bottomless ocean. ||8||16||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 Gru 2 ] (64-3)
sireeraag mehlaa 1 ghar 2.
Siree Raag, First Mehl, Second House:

mukwmu kir Gir bYsxw inq clxY kI DoK ] (64-4)
mukaam kar ghar baisnaa nit chalnai kee Dhokh.
They have made this their resting place and they sit at home, but the urge to depart is always there.

mukwmu qw pru jwxIAY jw rhY inhclu lok ]1] (64-4)
mukaam taa par jaanee-ai jaa rahai nihchal lok. ||1||
This would be known as a lasting place of rest, only if they were to remain stable and unchanging. ||1||

dunIAw kYis mukwmy ] (64-5)
dunee-aa kais mukaamay.
What sort of a resting place is this world?

kir isdku krxI Krcu bwDhu lwig rhu nwmy ]1] rhwau ] (64-5)
kar sidak karnee kharach baaDhhu laag rahu naamay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Doing deeds of faith, pack up the supplies for your journey, and remain committed to the Name. ||1||Pause||

jogI q Awsxu kir bhY mulw bhY mukwim ] (64-5)
jogee ta aasan kar bahai mulaa bahai mukaam.
The Yogis sit in their Yogic postures, and the Mullahs sit at their resting stations.

pMifq vKwxih poQIAw isD bhih dyv sQwin ]2] (64-6)
pandit vakaaneh pothee-aa siDh baheh dayv sathaan. ||2||
The Hindu Pandits recite from their books, and the Siddhas sit in the temples of their gods. ||2||

sur isD gx gMDrb muin jn syK pIr slwr ] (64-6)
sur siDh gan ganDharab mun jan saykh peer salaar.
The angels, Siddhas, worshippers of Shiva, heavenly musicians, silent sages, Saints, priests, preachers, spiritual teachers and commanders

dir kUc kUcw kir gey Avry iB clxhwr ]3] (64-7)
dar kooch koochaa kar ga-ay avray bhe chalanhaar. ||3||
-each and every one has left, and all others shall depart as well. ||3||

sulqwn Kwn mlUk aumry gey kir kir kUcu ] (64-7)
sultaan khaan malook umray ga-ay kar kar kooch.
The sultans and kings, the rich and the mighty, have marched away in succession.

GVI muhiq ik clxw idl smJu qUM iB phUcu ]4] (64-8)
gharhee muhat ke chalnaa dil samajh tooN bhe pahooch. ||4||
In a moment or two, we shall also depart. O my heart, understand that you must go as well! ||4||

sbdwh mwih vKwxIAY ivrlw q bUJY koie ] (64-8)
sabdaah maahi vakhaanee-ai virlaa ta boojhai ko-ay.
This is described in the Shabads; only a few understand this!

nwnku vKwxY bynqI jil Qil mhIAil soie ]5] (64-9)
naanak vakhaanai bayntee jal thal mahee-al so-ay. ||5||
Nanak offers this prayer to the One who pervades the water, the land and the air. ||5||

Alwhu AlKu AgMmu kwdru krxhwru krImu ] (64-9)
alaahu alakh agamm kaadar karanhaar kareem.
He is Allah, the Unknowable, the Inaccessible, All-powerful and Merciful Creator.

sB dunI Awvx jwvxI mukwmu eyku rhImu ]6] (64-10)
sabh dunee aavan jaavnee mukaam ayk raheem. ||6||
All the world comes and goes-only the Merciful Lord is permanent. ||6||

mukwmu iqs no AwKIAY ijsu isis n hovI lyKu ] (64-10)
mukaam tis no aakhee-ai jis sis na hovee laykh.
Call permanent only the One, who does not have destiny inscribed upon His Forehead.

Asmwnu DrqI clsI mukwmu EhI eyku ]7] (64-11)
asmaan Dhartee chalsee mukaam ohee ayk. ||7||
The sky and the earth shall pass away; He alone is permanent. ||7||

idn riv clY inis sis clY qwirkw lK ploie ] (64-11)
din rav chalai nis sas chalai taarikaa lakh palo-ay.
The day and the sun shall pass away; the night and the moon shall pass away; the hundreds of thousands of stars shall disappear.

mukwmu EhI eyku hY nwnkw scu bugoie ]8]17] (64-12)
mukaam ohee ayk hai naankaa sach bugo-ay. ||8||17||
He alone is permanent; Nanak speaks the Truth. ||8||17||

mhly pihly sqwrh AstpdIAw ] (64-13)
mahlay pahilay sataarah asatpadee-aa.
Seventeen Ashtapadees Of The First Mehl.

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 Gru 1 AstpdIAw (64-14)
sireeraag mehlaa 3 ghar 1 asatpadee-aa
Siree Raag, Third Mehl, First House, Ashtapadees:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (64-14)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

gurmuiK ik®pw kry Bgiq kIjY ibnu gur Bgiq n hoie ] (64-15)
gurmukh kirpaa karay bhagat keejai bin gur bhagat na ho-ay.
By God's Grace, the Gurmukh practices devotion; without the Guru, there is no devotional worship.

AwpY Awpu imlwey bUJY qw inrmlu hovY koie ] (64-15)
aapai aap milaa-ay boojhai taa nirmal hovai ko-ay.
One who merges his own self into Him understands, and so becomes pure.

hir jIau scw scI bwxI sbid imlwvw hoie ]1] (64-16)
har jee-o sachaa sachee banee sabad milaavaa ho-ay. ||1||
The Dear Lord is True, and True is the Word of His Bani. Through the Word of the Shabad, Union with Him is obtained. ||1||

BweI ry BgiqhIxu kwhy jig AwieAw ] (64-16)
bhaa-ee ray bhagtiheen kaahay jag aa-i-aa.
O Siblings of Destiny, without devotion, why have people even come into the world?

pUry gur kI syv n kInI ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (64-17)
pooray gur kee sayv na keenee birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They have not served the Perfect Guru; they have wasted their lives in vain. ||1||Pause||

Awpy hir jgjIvnu dwqw Awpy bKis imlwey ] (64-18)
aapay har jagjeevan daataa aapay bakhas milaa-ay.
The Lord Himself, the Life of the World, is the Giver. He Himself forgives, and unites us with Himself.

jIA jMq ey ikAw vycwry ikAw ko AwiK suxwey ] (64-18)
jee-a jant ay ki-aa vaychaaray ki-aa ko aakh sunaa-ay.
What are these poor beings and creatures? What can they speak and say?

gurmuiK Awpy dy vifAweI Awpy syv krwey ]2] (64-19)
gurmukh aapay day vadi-aa-ee aapay sayv karaa-ay. ||2||
God Himself grants glory to the Gurmukhs; He joins them to His Service. ||2||

dyiK kutMbu moih loBwxw clidAw nwil n jweI ] (64-19)
daykh kutamb mohi lobhaanaa chaldi-aa naal na jaa-ee.
Beholding your family, you are lured away by emotional attachment, but when you leave, they will not go with you.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD