Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iqRBvix so pRBu jwxIAY swco swcY nwie ]5] (57-1)
taribhavan so parabh jaanee-ai saacho saachai naa-ay. ||5||
God is known throughout the three worlds. True is the Name of the True One. ||5||

sw Dn KrI suhwvxI ijin ipru jwqw sMig ] (57-1)
saa Dhan kharee suhaavanee jin pir jaataa sang.
The wife who knows that her Husband Lord is always with her is very beautiful.

mhlI mhil bulweIAY so ipru rwvy rMig ] (57-2)
mahlee mahal bulaa-ee-ai so pir raavay rang.
The soul-bride is called to the Mansion of the His Presence, and her Husband Lord ravishes her with love.

sic suhwgix sw BlI ipir mohI gux sMig ]6] (57-2)
sach suhaagan saa bhalee pir mohee gun sang. ||6||
The happy soul-bride is true and good; she is fascinated by the Glories of her Husband Lord. ||6||

BUlI BUlI Qil cVw Qil ciV fUgir jwau ] (57-3)
bhoolee bhoolee thal charhaa thal charh doogar jaa-o.
Wandering around and making mistakes, I climb the plateau; having climbed the plateau, I go up the mountain.

bn mih BUlI jy iPrw ibnu gur bUJ n pwau ] (57-3)
ban meh bhoolee jay firaa bin gur boojh na paa-o.
But now I have lost my way, and I am wandering around in the forest; without the Guru, I do not understand.

nwvhu BUlI jy iPrw iPir iPir Awvau jwau ]7] (57-3)
naavhu bhoolee jay firaa fir fir aava-o jaa-o. ||7||
If I wander around forgetting God's Name, I shall continue coming and going in reincarnation, over and over again. ||7||

puChu jwie pDwaUAw cly cwkr hoie ] (57-4)
puchhahu jaa-ay paDhaa-oo-aa chalay chaakar ho-ay.
Go and ask the travellers, how to walk on the Path as His slave.

rwjnu jwxih Awpxw dir Gir Twk n hoie ] (57-4)
raajan jaaneh aapnaa dar ghar thaak na ho-ay.
They know the Lord to be their King, and at the Door to His Home, their way is not blocked.

nwnk eyko riv rihAw dUjw Avru n koie ]8]6] (57-5)
naanak ayko rav rahi-aa doojaa avar na ko-ay. ||8||6||
O Nanak, the One is pervading everywhere; there is no other at all. ||8||6||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (57-5)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

gur qy inrmlu jwxIAY inrml dyh srIru ] (57-6)
gur tay nirmal jaanee-ai nirmal dayh sareer.
Through the Guru, the Pure One is known, and the human body becomes pure as well.

inrmlu swco min vsY so jwxY AB pIr ] (57-6)
nirmal saacho man vasai so jaanai abh peer.
The Pure, True Lord abides within the mind; He knows the pain of our hearts.

shjY qy suKu Aglo nw lwgY jm qIru ]1] (57-7)
sahjai tay sukh aglo naa laagai jam teer. ||1||
With intuitive ease, a great peace is found, and the arrow of death shall not strike you. ||1||

BweI ry mYlu nwhI inrml jil nwie ] (57-7)
bhaa-ee ray mail naahee nirmal jal naa-ay.
O Siblings of Destiny, filth is washed away by bathing in the Pure Water of the Name.

inrmlu swcw eyku qU horu mYlu BrI sB jwie ]1] rhwau ] (57-7)
nirmal saachaa ayk too hor mail bharee sabh jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You alone are Perfectly Pure, O True Lord; all other places are filled with filth. ||1||Pause||

hir kw mMdru sohxw kIAw krxYhwir ] (57-8)
har kaa mandar sohnaa kee-aa karnaihaar.
The Temple of the Lord is beautiful; it was made by the Creator Lord.

riv sis dIp AnUp joiq iqRBvix joiq Apwr ] (57-8)
rav sas deep anoop jot taribhavan jot apaar.
The sun and the moon are lamps of incomparably beautiful light. Throughout the three worlds, the Infinite Light is pervading.

hwt ptx gV koTVI scu saudw vwpwr ]2] (57-9)
haat patan garh koth-rhee sach sa-udaa vaapaar. ||2||
In the shops of the city of the body, in the fortresses and in the huts, the True Merchandise is traded. ||2||

igAwn AMjnu BY BMjnw dyKu inrMjn Bwie ] (57-9)
gi-aan anjan bhai bhanjnaa daykh niranjan bhaa-ay.
The ointment of spiritual wisdom is the destroyer of fear; through love, the Pure One is seen.

gupqu pRgtu sB jwxIAY jy mnu rwKY Twie ] (57-10)
gupat pargat sabh jaanee-ai jay man raakhai thaa-ay.
The mysteries of the seen and the unseen are all known, if the mind is kept centered and balanced.

AYsw siqguru jy imlY qw shjy ley imlwie ]3] (57-10)
aisaa satgur jay milai taa sehjay la-ay milaa-ay. ||3||
If one finds such a True Guru, the Lord is met with intuitive ease. ||3||

kis ksvtI lweIAY prKy ihqu icqu lwie ] (57-11)
kas kasvatee laa-ee-ai parkhay hit chit laa-ay.
He draws us to His Touchstone, to test our love and consciousness.

Koty Taur n pwienI Kry KjwnY pwie ] (57-11)
khotay tha-ur na paa-inee kharay khajaanai paa-ay.
The counterfeit have no place there, but the genuine are placed in His Treasury.

Aws AMdysw dUir kir ieau mlu jwie smwie ]4] (57-12)
aas andaysaa door kar i-o mal jaa-ay samaa-ay. ||4||
Let your hopes and anxieties depart; thus pollution is washed away. ||4||

suK kau mwgY sBu ko duKu n mwgY koie ] (57-12)
sukh ka-o maagai sabh ko dukh na maagai ko-ay.
Everyone begs for happiness; no one asks for suffering.

suKY kau duKu Aglw mnmuiK bUJ n hoie ] (57-13)
sukhai ka-o dukh aglaa manmukh boojh na ho-ay.
But in the wake of happiness, there comes great suffering. The self-willed manmukhs do not understand this.

suK duK sm kir jwxIAih sbid Byid suKu hoie ]5] (57-13)
sukh dukh sam kar jaanee-ahi sabad bhayd sukh ho-ay. ||5||
Those who see pain and pleasure as one and the same find peace; they are pierced through by the Shabad. ||5||

bydu pukwry vwcIAY bwxI bRhm ibAwsu ] (57-14)
bayd pukaaray vaachee-ai banee barahm bi-aas.
The Vedas proclaim, and the words of Vyaasa tell us,

muin jn syvk swiDkw nwim rqy guxqwsu ] (57-14)
mun jan sayvak saaDhikaa naam ratay guntaas.
that the silent sages, the servants of the Lord, and those who practice a life of spiritual discipline are attuned to the Naam, the Treasure of Excellence.

sic rqy sy ijix gey hau sd bilhwrY jwsu ]6] (57-15)
sach ratay say jin ga-ay ha-o sad balihaarai jaas. ||6||
Those who are attuned to the True Name win the game of life; I am forever a sacrifice to them. ||6||

chu juig mYly mlu Bry ijn muiK nwmu n hoie ] (57-15)
chahu jug mailay mal bharay jin mukh naam na ho-ay.
Those who do not have the Naam in their mouths are filled with pollution; they are filthy throughout the four ages.

BgqI Bwie ivhUixAw muhu kwlw piq Koie ] (57-16)
bhagtee bhaa-ay vihooni-aa muhu kaalaa pat kho-ay.
Without loving devotion to God, their faces are blackened, and their honor is lost.

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw Avgx muTI roie ]7] (57-16)
jinee naam visaari-aa avgan muthee ro-ay. ||7||
Those who have forgotten the Naam are plundered by evil; they weep and wail in dismay. ||7||

Kojq Kojq pwieAw fru kir imlY imlwie ] (57-17)
khojat khojat paa-i-aa dar kar milai milaa-ay.
I searched and searched, and found God. In the Fear of God, I have been united in His Union.

Awpu pCwxY Gir vsY haumY iqRsnw jwie ] (57-17)
aap pachhaanai ghar vasai ha-umai tarisnaa jaa-ay.
Through self-realization, people dwell within the home of their inner being; egotism and desire depart.

nwnk inrml aUjly jo rwqy hir nwie ]8]7] (57-18)
naanak nirmal oojlay jo raatay har naa-ay. ||8||7||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Name of the Lord are immaculate and radiant. ||8||7||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (57-18)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

suix mn BUly bwvry gur kI crxI lwgu ] (57-18)
sun man bhoolay baavray gur kee charnee laag.
Listen, O deluded and demented mind: hold tight to the Guru's Feet.

hir jip nwmu iDAwie qU jmu frpY duK Bwgu ] (57-19)
har jap naam Dhi-aa-ay too jam darpai dukh bhaag.
Chant and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; death will be afraid of you, and suffering shall depart.

dUKu Gxo dohwgxI ikau iQru rhY suhwgu ]1] (57-19)
dookh ghano duhaaganee ki-o thir rahai suhaag. ||1||
The deserted wife suffers terrible pain. How can her Husband Lord remain with her forever? ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD