Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


muiK JUTY JUTu bolxw ikau kir sUcw hoie ] (56-1)
mukh jhoothai jhooth bolnaa ki-o kar soochaa ho-ay.
With false mouths, people speak falsehood. How can they be made pure?

ibnu AB sbd n mWjIAY swcy qy scu hoie ]1] (56-1)
bin abh sabad na maaNjee-ai saachay tay sach ho-ay. ||1||
Without the Holy Water of the Shabad, they are not cleansed. From the True One alone comes Truth. ||1||

muMDy guxhIxI suKu kyih ] (56-2)
munDhay gunheenee sukh kayhi.
O soul-bride, without virtue, what happiness can there be?

ipru rlIAw ris mwxsI swic sbid suKu nyih ]1] rhwau ] (56-2)
pir ralee-aa ras maansee saach sabad sukh nayhi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Husband Lord enjoys her with pleasure and delight; she is at peace in the love of the True Word of the Shabad. ||1||Pause||

ipru prdysI jy QIAY Dn vWFI JUryie ] (56-2)
pir pardaysee jay thee-ai Dhan vaaNdhee jooray-ay.
When the Husband goes away, the bride suffers in the pain of separation,

ijau jil QoVY mCulI krx plwv kryie ] (56-3)
ji-o jal thorhai machhulee karan palaav karay-i.
like the fish in shallow water, crying for mercy.

ipr BwvY suKu pweIAY jw Awpy ndir kryie ]2] (56-3)
pir bhaavai sukh paa-ee-ai jaa aapay nadar karay-i. ||2||
As it pleases the Will of the Husband Lord, peace is obtained, when He Himself casts His Glance of Grace. ||2||

ipru swlwhI Awpxw sKI shylI nwil ] (56-4)
pir saalaahee aapnaa sakhee sahaylee naal.
Praise your Husband Lord, together with your bridesmaids and friends.

qin sohY mnu moihAw rqI rMig inhwil ] (56-4)
tan sohai man mohi-aa ratee rang nihaal.
The body is beautified, and the mind is fascinated. Imbued with His Love, we are enraptured.

sbid svwrI sohxI ipru rwvy gux nwil ]3] (56-5)
sabad savaaree sohnee pir raavay gun naal. ||3||
Adorned with the Shabad, the beautiful bride enjoys her Husband with virtue. ||3||

kwmix kwim n AwveI KotI AvgixAwir ] (56-5)
kaaman kaam na aavee khotee avgani-aar.
The soul-bride is of no use at all, if she is evil and without virtue.

nw suKu pyeIAY swhurY JUiT jlI vykwir ] (56-6)
naa sukh pay-ee-ai saahurai jhooth jalee vaykaar.
She does not find peace in this world or the next; she burns in falsehood and corruption.

Awvxu vM\xu fwKVo CofI kMiq ivswir ]4] (56-6)
aavan vanjan daakh-rho chhodee kant visaar. ||4||
Coming and going are very difficult for that bride who is abandoned and forgotten by her Husband Lord. ||4||

ipr kI nwir suhwvxI muqI so ikqu swid ] (56-7)
pir kee naar suhaavanee mutee so kit saad.
The beautiful soul-bride of the Husband Lord-by what sensual pleasures has she been doomed?

ipr kY kwim n AwveI boly Pwidlu bwid ] (56-7)
pir kai kaam na aavee bolay faadil baad.
She is of no use to her Husband if she babbles in useless arguments.

dir Gir FoeI nw lhY CUtI dUjY swid ]5] (56-7)
dar ghar dho-ee naa lahai chhootee doojai saad. ||5||
At the Door of His Home, she finds no shelter; she is discarded for seeking other pleasures. ||5||

pMifq vwcih poQIAw nw bUJih vIcwru ] (56-8)
pandit vaacheh pothee-aa naa boojheh veechaar.
The Pandits, the religious scholars, read their books, but they do not understand the real meaning.

An kau mqI dy clih mwieAw kw vwpwru ] (56-8)
an ka-o matee day chaleh maa-i-aa kaa vaapaar.
They give instructions to others, and then walk away, but they deal in Maya themselves.

kQnI JUTI jgu BvY rhxI sbdu su swru ]6] (56-9)
kathnee jhoothee jag bhavai rahnee sabad so saar. ||6||
Speaking falsehood, they wander around the world, while those who remain true to the Shabad are excellent and exalted. ||6||

kyqy pMifq joqkI bydw krih bIcwru ] (56-9)
kaytay pandit jotkee baydaa karahi beechaar.
There are so many Pandits and astrologers who ponder over the Vedas.

vwid ivroiD slwhxy vwdy Awvxu jwxu ] (56-10)
vaad viroDh salaahnay vaaday aavan jaan.
They glorify their disputes and arguments, and in these controversies they continue coming and going.

ibnu gur krm n CutsI kih suix AwiK vKwxu ]7] (56-10)
bin gur karam na chhutsee kahi sun aakh vakhaan. ||7||
Without the Guru, they are not released from their karma, although they speak and listen and preach and explain. ||7||

siB guxvMqI AwKIAih mY guxu nwhI koie ] (56-11)
sabh gunvantee aakhee-ahi mai gun naahee ko-ay.
They all call themselves virtuous, but I have no virtue at all.

hir vru nwir suhwvxI mY BwvY pRBu soie ] (56-11)
har var naar suhaavanee mai bhaavai parabh so-ay.
With the Lord as her Husband, the soul-bride is happy; I, too, love that God.

nwnk sbid imlwvVw nw vyCoVw hoie ]8]5] (56-12)
naanak sabad milaavrhaa naa vaychhorhaa ho-ay. ||8||5||
O Nanak, through the Shabad, union is obtained; there is no more separation. ||8||5||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (56-12)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

jpu qpu sMjmu swDIAY qIriQ kIcY vwsu ] (56-12)
jap tap sanjam saaDhee-ai tirath keechai vaas.
You may chant and meditate, practice austerities and self-restraint, and dwell at sacred shrines of pilgrimage;

puMn dwn cMigAweIAw ibnu swcy ikAw qwsu ] (56-13)
punn daan chang-aa-ee-aa bin saachay ki-aa taas.
you may give donations to charity, and perform good deeds, but without the True One, what is the use of it all?

jyhw rwDy qyhw luxY ibnu gux jnmu ivxwsu ]1] (56-13)
jayhaa raaDhay tayhaa lunai bin gun janam vinaas. ||1||
As you plant, so shall you harvest. Without virtue, this human life passes away in vain. ||1||

muMDy gux dwsI suKu hoie ] (56-14)
munDhay gun daasee sukh ho-ay.
O young bride, be a slave to virtue, and you shall find peace.

Avgx iqAwig smweIAY gurmiq pUrw soie ]1] rhwau ] (56-14)
avgan ti-aag samaa-ee-ai gurmat pooraa so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Renouncing wrongful actions, following the Guru's Teachings, you shall be absorbed into the Perfect One. ||1||Pause||

ivxu rwsI vwpwrIAw qky kuMfw cwir ] (56-15)
vin raasee vapaaree-aa takay kundaa chaar.
Without capital, the trader looks around in all four directions.

mUlu n buJY Awpxw vsqu rhI Gr bwir ] (56-15)
mool na bujhai aapnaa vasat rahee ghar baar.
He does not understand his own origins; the merchandise remains within the door of his own house.

ivxu vKr duKu Aglw kUiV muTI kUiVAwir ]2] (56-15)
vin vakhar dukh aglaa koorh muthee koorhi-aar. ||2||
Without this commodity, there is great pain. The false are ruined by falsehood. ||2||

lwhw Aihinis nauqnw prKy rqnu vIcwir ] (56-16)
laahaa ahinis na-otanaa parkhay ratan veechaar.
One who contemplates and appraises this Jewel day and night reaps new profits.

vsqu lhY Gir AwpxY clY kwrju swir ] (56-16)
vasat lahai ghar aapnai chalai kaaraj saar.
He finds the merchandise within his own home, and departs after arranging his affairs.

vxjwirAw isau vxju kir gurmuiK bRhmu bIcwir ]3] (56-17)
vanjaari-aa si-o vanaj kar gurmukh barahm beechaar. ||3||
So trade with the true traders, and as Gurmukh, contemplate God. ||3||

sMqW sMgiq pweIAY jy myly mylxhwru ] (56-17)
santaaN sangat paa-ee-ai jay maylay maylanhaar.
In the Society of the Saints, He is found, if the Uniter unites us.

imilAw hoie n ivCuVY ijsu AMqir joiq Apwr ] (56-18)
mili-aa ho-ay na vichhurhai jis antar jot apaar.
One whose heart is filled with His Infinite Light meets with Him, and shall never again be separated from Him.

scY Awsix sic rhY scY pRym ipAwr ]4] (56-18)
sachai aasan sach rahai sachai paraym pi-aar. ||4||
True is his position; he abides in Truth, with love and affection for the True One. ||4||

ijnI Awpu pCwixAw Gr mih mhlu suQwie ] (56-19)
jinee aap pachhaani-aa ghar meh mahal suthaa-ay.
One who understands himself finds the Mansion of the Lord's Presence within his own home.

scy syqI riqAw sco plY pwie ] (56-19)
sachay saytee rati-aa sacho palai paa-ay.
Imbued with the True Lord, Truth is gathered in.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD