Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mwieAw moh prIiq iDRgu suKI n dIsY koie ]1] rhwau ] (47-1)
maa-i-aa moh pareet Dharig sukhee na deesai ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Cursed is emotional attachment and love of Maya; no one is seen to be at peace. ||1||Pause||

dwnw dwqw sIlvMqu inrmlu rUpu Apwru ] (47-1)
daanaa daataa seelvant nirmal roop apaar.
God is Wise, Giving, Tender-hearted, Pure, Beautiful and Infinite.

sKw shweI Aiq vfw aUcw vfw Apwru ] (47-2)
sakhaa sahaa-ee at vadaa oochaa vadaa apaar.
He is our Companion and Helper, Supremely Great, Lofty and Utterly Infinite.

bwlku ibriD n jwxIAY inhclu iqsu drvwru ] (47-2)
baalak biraDh na jaanee-ai nihchal tis darvaar.
He is not known as young or old; His Court is Steady and Stable.

jo mMgIAY soeI pweIAY inDwrw AwDwru ]2] (47-3)
jo mangee-ai so-ee paa-ee-ai niDhaaraa aaDhaar. ||2||
Whatever we seek from Him, we receive. He is the Support of the unsupported. ||2||

ijsu pyKq iklivK ihrih min qin hovY sWiq ] (47-3)
jis paykhat kilvikh hireh man tan hovai saaNt.
Seeing Him, our evil inclinations vanish; mind and body become peaceful and tranquil.

iek min eyku iDAweIAY mn kI lwih BrWiq ] (47-4)
ik man ayk Dhi-aa-ee-ai man kee laahi bharaaNt.
With one-pointed mind, meditate on the One Lord, and the doubts of your mind will be dispelled.

gux inDwnu nvqnu sdw pUrn jw kI dwiq ] (47-4)
gun niDhaan navtan sadaa pooran jaa kee daat.
He is the Treasure of Excellence, the Ever-fresh Being. His Gift is Perfect and Complete.

sdw sdw AwrwDIAY idnu ivsrhu nhI rwiq ]3] (47-5)
sadaa sadaa aaraaDhee-ai din visrahu nahee raat. ||3||
Forever and ever, worship and adore Him. Day and night, do not forget Him. ||3||

ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn kw sKw goivMdu ] (47-5)
jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa tin kaa sakhaa govind.
One whose destiny is so pre-ordained, obtains the Lord of the Universe as his Companion.

qnu mnu Dnu ArpI sBo sgl vwrIAY ieh ijMdu ] (47-6)
tan man Dhan arpee sabho sagal vaaree-ai ih jind.
I dedicate my body, mind, wealth and all to Him. I totally sacrifice my soul to Him.

dyKY suxY hdUir sd Git Git bRhmu rivMdu ] (47-6)
daykhai sunai hadoor sad ghat ghat barahm ravind.
Seeing and hearing, He is always close at hand. In each and every heart, God is pervading.

AikrqGxw no pwldw pRB nwnk sd bKisMdu ]4]13]83] (47-7)
akirat-ghanaa no paaldaa parabh naanak sad bakhsind. ||4||13||83||
Even the ungrateful ones are cherished by God. O Nanak, He is forever the Forgiver. ||4||13||83||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (47-7)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

mnu qnu Dnu ijin pRiB dIAw riKAw shij svwir ] (47-7)
man tan Dhan jin parabh dee-aa rakhi-aa sahj savaar.
This mind, body and wealth were given by God, who naturally adorns us.

srb klw kir QwipAw AMqir joiq Apwr ] (47-8)
sarab kalaa kar thaapi-aa antar jot apaar.
He has blessed us with all our energy, and infused His Infinite Light deep within us.

sdw sdw pRBu ismrIAY AMqir rKu aur Dwir ]1] (47-9)
sadaa sadaa parabh simree-ai antar rakh ur Dhaar. ||1||
Forever and ever, meditate in remembrance on God; keep Him enshrined in your heart. ||1||

myry mn hir ibnu Avru n koie ] (47-9)
mayray man har bin avar na ko-ay.
O my mind, without the Lord, there is no other at all.

pRB srxweI sdw rhu dUKu n ivAwpY koie ]1] rhwau ] (47-9)
parabh sarnaa-ee sadaa rahu dookh na vi-aapai ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remain in God's Sanctuary forever, and no suffering shall afflict you. ||1||Pause||

rqn pdwrQ mwxkw suienw rupw Kwku ] (47-10)
ratan padaarath maankaa su-inaa rupaa khaak.
Jewels, treasures, pearls, gold and silver-all these are just dust.

mwq ipqw suq bMDpw kUVy sBy swk ] (47-10)
maat pitaa sut banDhpaa koorhay sabhay saak.
Mother, father, children and relatives-all relations are false.

ijin kIqw iqsih n jwxeI mnmuK psu nwpwk ]2] (47-11)
jin keetaa tiseh na jaan-ee manmukh pas naapaak. ||2||
The self-willed manmukh is an insulting beast; he does not acknowledge the One who created him. ||2||

AMqir bwhir riv rihAw iqs no jwxY dUir ] (47-11)
antar baahar rav rahi-aa tis no jaanai door.
The Lord is pervading within and beyond, and yet people think that He is far away.

iqRsnw lwgI ric rihAw AMqir haumY kUir ] (47-12)
tarisnaa laagee rach rahi-aa antar ha-umai koor.
They are engrossed in clinging desires; within their hearts there is ego and falsehood.

BgqI nwm ivhUixAw Awvih vM\ih pUr ]3] (47-12)
bhagtee naam vihooni-aa aavahi vanjahi poor. ||3||
Without devotion to the Naam, crowds of people come and go. ||3||

rwiK lyhu pRBu krxhwr jIA jMq kir dieAw ] (47-13)
raakh layho parabh karanhaar jee-a jant kar da-i-aa.
Please preserve Your beings and creatures, God; O Creator Lord, please be merciful!

ibnu pRB koie n rKnhwru mhw ibkt jm BieAw ] (47-13)
bin parabh ko-ay na rakhanhaar mahaa bikat jam bha-i-aa.
Without God, there is no saving grace. The Messenger of Death is cruel and unfeeling.

nwnk nwmu n vIsrau kir ApunI hir mieAw ]4]14]84] (47-14)
naanak naam na veesra-o kar apunee har ma-i-aa. ||4||14||84||
O Nanak, may I never forget the Naam! Please bless me with Your Mercy, Lord! ||4||14||84||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (47-15)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

myrw qnu Aru Dnu myrw rwj rUp mY dysu ] (47-15)
mayraa tan ar Dhan mayraa raaj roop mai days.
"My body and my wealth; my ruling power, my beautiful form and country-mine!"

suq dwrw binqw Anyk bhuqu rMg Aru vys ] (47-15)
sut daaraa banitaa anayk bahut rang ar vays.
You may have children, a wife and many mistresses; you may enjoy all sorts of pleasures and fine clothes.

hir nwmu irdY n vseI kwrij ikqY n lyiK ]1] (47-16)
har naam ridai na vas-ee kaaraj kitai na laykh. ||1||
And yet, if the Name of the Lord does not abide within the heart, none of it has any use or value. ||1||

myry mn hir hir nwmu iDAwie ] (47-16)
mayray man har har naam Dhi-aa-ay.
O my mind, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

kir sMgiq inq swD kI gur crxI icqu lwie ]1] rhwau ] (47-17)
kar sangat nit saaDh kee gur charnee chit laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Always keep the Company of the Holy, and focus your consciousness on the Feet of the Guru. ||1||Pause||

nwmu inDwnu iDAweIAY msqik hovY Bwgu ] (47-17)
naam niDhaan Dhi-aa-ee-ai mastak hovai bhaag.
Those who have such blessed destiny written on their foreheads meditate on the Treasure of the Naam.

kwrj siB svwrIAih gur kI crxI lwgu ] (47-18)
kaaraj sabh savaaree-ah gur kee charnee laag.
All their affairs are brought to fruition, holding onto the Guru's Feet.

haumY rogu BRmu ktIAY nw AwvY nw jwgu ]2] (47-18)
ha-umai rog bharam katee-ai naa aavai naa jaag. ||2||
The diseases of ego and doubt are cast out; they shall not come and go in reincarnation. ||2||

kir sMgiq qU swD kI ATsiT qIrQ nwau ] (47-19)
kar sangat too saaDh kee athsath tirath naa-o.
Let the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, be your cleansing baths at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

jIau pRwx mnu qnu hry swcw eyhu suAwau ] (47-19)
jee-o paraan man tan haray saachaa ayhu su-aa-o.
Your soul, breath of life, mind and body shall blossom forth in lush profusion; this is the true purpose of life.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD