Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (46-1)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

imil siqgur sBu duKu gieAw hir suKu visAw min Awie ] (46-1)
mil satgur sabh dukh ga-i-aa har sukh vasi-aa man aa-ay.
Meeting the True Guru, all my sufferings have ended, and the Peace of the Lord has come to dwell within my mind.

AMqir joiq pRgwsIAw eyksu isau ilv lwie ] (46-2)
antar jot pargaasee-aa aykas si-o liv laa-ay.
The Divine Light illuminates my inner being, and I am lovingly absorbed in the One.

imil swDU muKu aUjlw pUrib iliKAw pwie ] (46-2)
mil saaDhoo mukh oojlaa poorab likhi-aa paa-ay.
Meeting with the Holy Saint, my face is radiant; I have realized my pre-ordained destiny.

gux goivMd inq gwvxy inrml swcY nwie ]1] (46-3)
gun govind nit gaavnay nirmal saachai naa-ay. ||1||
I constantly sing the Glories of the Lord of the Universe. Through the True Name, I have become spotlessly pure. ||1||

myry mn gur sbdI suKu hoie ] (46-3)
mayray man gur sabdee sukh ho-ay.
O my mind, you shall find peace through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

gur pUry kI cwkrI ibrQw jwie n koie ]1] rhwau ] (46-4)
gur pooray kee chaakree birthaa jaa-ay na ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Working for the Perfect Guru, no one goes away empty-handed. ||1||Pause||

mn kIAw ieCW pUrIAw pwieAw nwmu inDwnu ] (46-4)
man kee-aa ichhaaN pooree-aa paa-i-aa naam niDhaan.
The desires of the mind are fulfilled, when the Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is obtained.

AMqrjwmI sdw sMig krxYhwru pCwnu ] (46-5)
antarjaamee sadaa sang karnaihaar pachhaan.
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is always with you; recognize Him as the Creator.

gur prswdI muKu aUjlw jip nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ] (46-5)
gur parsaadee mukh oojlaa jap naam daan isnaan.
By Guru's Grace, your face shall be radiant. Chanting the Naam, you shall receive the benefits of giving charity and taking cleansing baths.

kwmu k®oDu loBu ibnisAw qijAw sBu AiBmwnu ]2] (46-6)
kaam kroDh lobh binsi-aa taji-aa sabh abhimaan. ||2||
Sexual desire, anger and greed are eliminated, and all egotistical pride is abandoned. ||2||

pwieAw lwhw lwBu nwmu pUrn hoey kwm ] (46-6)
paa-i-aa laahaa laabh naam pooran ho-ay kaam.
The Profit of the Naam is obtained, and all affairs are brought to fruition.

kir ikrpw pRiB myilAw dIAw Apxw nwmu ] (46-7)
kar kirpaa parabh mayli-aa dee-aa apnaa naam.
In His Mercy, God unites us with Himself, and He blesses us with the Naam.

Awvx jwxw rih gieAw Awip hoAw imhrvwnu ] (46-7)
aavan jaanaa reh ga-i-aa aap ho-aa miharvaan.
My comings and goings in reincarnation have come to an end; He Himself has bestowed His Mercy.

scu mhlu Gru pwieAw gur kw sbdu pCwnu ]3] (46-8)
sach mahal ghar paa-i-aa gur kaa sabad pachhaan. ||3||
I have obtained my home in the True Mansion of His Presence, realizing the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3||

Bgq jnw kau rwKdw AwpxI ikrpw Dwir ] (46-8)
bhagat janaa ka-o raakh-daa aapnee kirpaa Dhaar.
His humble devotees are protected and saved; He Himself showers His Blessings upon us.

hliq pliq muK aUjly swcy ky gux swir ] (46-9)
halat palat mukh oojlay saachay kay gun saar.
In this world and in the world hereafter, radiant are the faces of those who cherish and enshrine the Glories of the True Lord.

AwT phr gux swrdy rqy rMig Apwr ] (46-9)
aath pahar gun saarday ratay rang apaar.
Twenty-four hours a day, they lovingly dwell upon His Glories; they are imbued with His Infinite Love.

pwrbRhmu suK swgro nwnk sd bilhwr ]4]11]81] (46-10)
paarbarahm sukh saagro naanak sad balihaar. ||4||11||81||
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to the Supreme Lord God, the Ocean of Peace. ||4||11||81||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (46-10)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

pUrw siqguru jy imlY pweIAY sbdu inDwnu ] (46-10)
pooraa satgur jay milai paa-ee-ai sabad niDhaan.
If we meet the Perfect True Guru, we obtain the Treasure of the Shabad.

kir ikrpw pRB AwpxI jpIAY AMimRq nwmu ] (46-11)
kar kirpaa parabh aapnee japee-ai amrit naam.
Please grant Your Grace, God, that we may meditate on Your Ambrosial Naam.

jnm mrx duKu kwtIAY lwgY shij iDAwnu ]1] (46-11)
janam maran dukh kaatee-ai laagai sahj Dhi-aan. ||1||
The pains of birth and death are taken away; we are intuitively centered on His Meditation. ||1||

myry mn pRB srxweI pwie ] (46-12)
mayray man parabh sarnaa-ee paa-ay.
O my mind, seek the Sanctuary of God.

hir ibnu dUjw ko nhI eyko nwmu iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] (46-12)
har bin doojaa ko nahee ayko naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Lord, there is no other at all. Meditate on the One and only Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

kImiq khxu n jweIAY swgru guxI AQwhu ] (46-13)
keemat kahan na jaa-ee-ai saagar gunee athaahu.
His Value cannot be estimated; He is the Vast Ocean of Excellence.

vfBwgI imlu sMgqI scw sbdu ivswhu ] (46-13)
vadbhaagee mil sangtee sachaa sabad visaahu.
O most fortunate ones, join the Sangat, the Blessed Congregation; purchase the True Word of the Shabad.

kir syvw suK swgrY isir swhw pwiqswhu ]2] (46-14)
kar sayvaa sukh saagrai sir saahaa paatisaahu. ||2||
Serve the Lord, the Ocean of Peace, the Supreme Lord over kings and emperors. ||2||

crx kml kw Awsrw dUjw nwhI Twau ] (46-14)
charan kamal kaa aasraa doojaa naahee thaa-o.
I take the Support of the Lord's Lotus Feet; there is no other place of rest for me.

mY Dr qyrI pwrbRhm qyrY qwix rhwau ] (46-15)
mai Dhar tayree paarbarahm tayrai taan rahaa-o.
I lean upon You as my Support, O Supreme Lord God. I exist only by Your Power.

inmwixAw pRBu mwxu qUM qyrY sMig smwau ]3] (46-15)
nimaani-aa parabh maan tooN tayrai sang samaa-o. ||3||
O God, You are the Honor of the dishonored. I seek to merge with You. ||3||

hir jpIAY AwrwDIAY AwT phr goivMdu ] (46-15)
har japee-ai aaraaDhee-ai aath pahar govind.
Chant the Lord's Name and contemplate the Lord of the World, twenty-four hours a day.

jIA pRwx qnu Dnu rKy kir ikrpw rwKI ijMdu ] (46-16)
jee-a paraan tan Dhan rakhay kar kirpaa raakhee jind.
He preserves our soul, our breath of life, body and wealth. By His Grace, He protects our soul.

nwnk sgly doK auqwirAnu pRBu pwrbRhm bKisMdu ]4]12]82] (46-16)
naanak saglay dokh utaari-an parabh paarbarahm bakhsind. ||4||12||82||
O Nanak, all pain has been washed away, by the Supreme Lord God, the Forgiver. ||4||12||82||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (46-17)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

pRIiq lgI iqsu sc isau mrY n AwvY jwie ] (46-17)
pareet lagee tis sach si-o marai na aavai jaa-ay.
I have fallen in love with the True Lord. He does not die, He does not come and go.

nw vyCoiVAw ivCuVY sB mih rihAw smwie ] (46-18)
naa vaychhorhi-aa vichhurhai sabh meh rahi-aa samaa-ay.
In separation, He is not separated from us; He is pervading and permeating amongst all.

dIn drd duK BMjnw syvk kY sq Bwie ] (46-18)
deen darad dukh bhanjnaa sayvak kai sat bhaa-ay.
He is the Destroyer of the pain and suffering of the meek. He bears True Love for His servants.

Acrj rUpu inrMjno guir mylwieAw mwie ]1] (46-19)
achraj roop niranjano gur maylaa-i-aa maa-ay. ||1||
Wondrous is the Form of the Immaculate One. Through the Guru, I have met Him, O my mother! ||1||

BweI ry mIqu krhu pRBu soie ] (46-19)
bhaa-ee ray meet karahu parabh so-ay.
O Siblings of Destiny, make God your Friend.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD