Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AYQY imlih vfweIAw drgih pwvih Qwau ]3] (48-1)
aithai mileh vadaa-ee-aa dargahi paavahi thaa-o. ||3||
In this world you shall be blessed with greatness, and in the Court of the Lord you shall find your place of rest. ||3||

kry krwey Awip pRBu sBu ikCu iqs hI hwiQ ] (48-1)
karay karaa-ay aap parabh sabh kichh tis hee haath.
God Himself acts, and causes others to act; everything is in His Hands.

mwir Awpy jIvwldw AMqir bwhir swiQ ] (48-2)
maar aapay jeevaaldaa antar baahar saath.
He Himself bestows life and death; He is with us, within and beyond.

nwnk pRB srxwgqI srb Gtw ky nwQ ]4]15]85] (48-2)
naanak parabh sarnaagatee sarab ghataa kay naath. ||4||15||85||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, the Master of all hearts. ||4||15||85||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (48-3)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

srix pey pRB Awpxy guru hoAw ikrpwlu ] (48-3)
saran pa-ay parabh aapnay gur ho-aa kirpaal.
The Guru is Merciful; we seek the Sanctuary of God.

sqgur kY aupdyisAY ibnsy srb jMjwl ] (48-3)
satgur kai updaysi-ai binsay sarab janjaal.
Through the Teachings of the True Guru, all worldly entanglements are eliminated.

AMdru lgw rwm nwim AMimRq ndir inhwlu ]1] (48-4)
andar lagaa raam naam amrit nadar nihaal. ||1||
The Name of the Lord is firmly implanted within my mind; through His Ambrosial Glance of Grace, I am exalted and enraptured. ||1||

mn myry siqgur syvw swru ] (48-4)
man mayray satgur sayvaa saar.
O my mind, serve the True Guru.

kry dieAw pRBu AwpxI iek inmK n mnhu ivswru ] rhwau ] (48-5)
karay da-i-aa parabh aapnee ik nimakh na manhu visaar. rahaa-o.
God Himself grants His Grace; do not forget Him, even for an instant. ||Pause||

gux goivMd inq gwvIAih Avgux ktxhwr ] (48-5)
gun govind nit gavee-ah avgun katanhaar.
Continually sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, the Destroyer of demerits.

ibnu hir nwm n suKu hoie kir ifTy ibsQwr ] (48-6)
bin har naam na sukh ho-ay kar dithay bisthaar.
Without the Name of the Lord, there is no peace. Having tried all sorts of ostentatious displays, I have come to see this.

shjy isPqI riqAw Bvjlu auqry pwir ]2] (48-6)
sehjay siftee rati-aa bhavjal utray paar. ||2||
Intuitively imbued with His Praises, one is saved, crossing over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

qIrQ vrq lK sMjmw pweIAY swDU DUir ] (48-7)
tirath varat lakh sanjmaa paa-ee-ai saaDhoo Dhoor.
The merits of pilgrimages, fasts and hundreds of thousands of techniques of austere self-discipline are found in the dust of the feet of the Holy.

lUik kmwvY iks qy jw vyKY sdw hdUir ] (48-7)
look kamaavai kis tay jaa vaykhai sadaa hadoor.
From whom are you trying to hide your actions? God sees all;

Qwn Qnµqir riv rihAw pRBu myrw BrpUir ]3] (48-8)
thaan thanantar rav rahi-aa parabh mayraa bharpoor. ||3||
He is Ever-present. My God is totally pervading all places and interspaces. ||3||

scu pwiqswhI Amru scu scy scw Qwnu ] (48-8)
sach paatisaahee amar sach sachay sachaa thaan.
True is His Empire, and True is His Command. True is His Seat of True Authority.

scI kudriq DwrIAnu sic isrijEnu jhwnu ] (48-8)
sachee kudrat Dhaaree-an sach sirji-on jahaan.
True is the Creative Power which He has created. True is the world which He has fashioned.

nwnk jpIAY scu nwmu hau sdw sdw kurbwnu ]4]16]86] (48-9)
naanak japee-ai sach naam ha-o sadaa sadaa kurbaan. ||4||16||86||
O Nanak, chant the True Name; I am forever and ever a sacrifice to Him. ||4||16||86||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (48-10)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

audmu kir hir jwpxw vfBwgI Dnu Kwit ] (48-10)
udam kar har jaapnaa vadbhaagee Dhan khaat.
Make the effort, and chant the Lord's Name. O very fortunate ones, earn this wealth.

sMqsMig hir ismrxw mlu jnm jnm kI kwit ]1] (48-10)
satsang har simranaa mal janam janam kee kaat. ||1||
In the Society of the Saints, meditate in remembrance on the Lord, and wash off the filth of countless incarnations. ||1||

mn myry rwm nwmu jip jwpu ] (48-11)
man mayray raam naam jap jaap.
O my mind, chant and meditate on the Name of the Lord.

mn ieCy Pl BuMic qU sBu cUkY sogu sMqwpu ] rhwau ] (48-11)
man ichhay fal bhunch too sabh chookai sog santaap. rahaa-o.
Enjoy the fruits of your mind's desires; all suffering and sorrow shall depart. ||Pause||

ijsu kwrix qnu DwirAw so pRBu ifTw nwil ] (48-12)
jis kaaran tan Dhaari-aa so parabh dithaa naal.
For His sake, you assumed this body; see God always with you.

jil Qil mhIAil pUirAw pRBu AwpxI ndir inhwil ]2] (48-12)
jal thal mahee-al poori-aa parabh aapnee nadar nihaal. ||2||
God is pervading the water, the land and the sky; He sees all with His Glance of Grace. ||2||

mnu qnu inrmlu hoieAw lwgI swcu prIiq ] (48-13)
man tan nirmal ho-i-aa laagee saach pareet.
The mind and body become spotlessly pure, enshrining love for the True Lord.

crx Bjy pwrbRhm ky siB jp qp iqn hI kIiq ]3] (48-13)
charan bhajay paarbarahm kay sabh jap tap tin hee keet. ||3||
One who dwells upon the Feet of the Supreme Lord God has truly performed all meditations and austerities. ||3||

rqn jvyhr mwixkw AMimRqu hir kw nwau ] (48-14)
ratan javayhar maanikaa amrit har kaa naa-o.
The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is a Gem, a Jewel, a Pearl.

sUK shj Awnµd rs jn nwnk hir gux gwau ]4]17]87] (48-15)
sookh sahj aanand ras jan naanak har gun gaa-o. ||4||17||87||
The essence of intuitive peace and bliss is obtained, O servant Nanak, by singing the Glories of God. ||4||17||87||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (48-15)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

soeI swsqu sauxu soie ijqu jpIAY hir nwau ] (48-15)
so-ee saasat sa-un so-ay jit japee-ai har naa-o.
That is the essence of the scriptures, and that is a good omen, by which one comes to chant the Name of the Lord.

crx kml guir Dnu dIAw imilAw inQwvy Qwau ] (48-16)
charan kamal gur Dhan dee-aa mili-aa nithaavay thaa-o.
The Guru has given me the Wealth of the Lotus Feet of the Lord, and I, without shelter, have now obtained Shelter.

swcI pUMjI scu sMjmo AwT phr gux gwau ] (48-17)
saachee poonjee sach sanjamo aath pahar gun gaa-o.
The True Capital, and the True Way of Life, comes by chanting His Glories, twenty-four hours a day.

kir ikrpw pRBu ByitAw mrxu n Awvxu jwau ]1] (48-17)
kar kirpaa parabh bhayti-aa maran na aavan jaa-o. ||1||
Granting His Grace, God meets us, and we no longer die, or come or go in reincarnation. ||1||

myry mn hir Bju sdw iek rMig ] (48-18)
mayray man har bhaj sadaa ik rang.
O my mind, vibrate and meditate forever on the Lord, with single-minded love.

Gt Gt AMqir riv rihAw sdw shweI sMig ]1] rhwau ] (48-18)
ghat ghat antar rav rahi-aa sadaa sahaa-ee sang. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is contained deep within each and every heart. He is always with you, as your Helper and Support. ||1||Pause||

suKw kI imiq ikAw gxI jw ismrI goivMdu ] (48-19)
sukhaa kee mit ki-aa ganee jaa simree govind.
How can I measure the happiness of meditating on the Lord of the Universe?

ijn cwiKAw sy iqRpqwisAw auh rsu jwxY ijMdu ] (48-19)
jin chaakhi-aa say tariptaasi-aa uh ras jaanai jind.
Those who taste it are satisfied and fulfilled; their souls know this Sublime Essence.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD