Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (43-1)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

Blky auiT ppolIAY ivxu buJy mugD Ajwix ] (43-1)
bhalkay uth papolee-ai vin bujhay mugaDh ajaan.
Arising each day, you cherish your body, but you are idiotic, ignorant and without understanding.

so pRBu iciq n AwieE CutYgI bybwix ] (43-2)
so parabh chit na aa-i-o chhutaigee baybaan.
You are not conscious of God, and your body shall be cast into the wilderness.

siqgur syqI icqu lwie sdw sdw rMgu mwix ]1] (43-2)
satgur saytee chit laa-ay sadaa sadaa rang maan. ||1||
Focus your consciousness on the True Guru; you shall enjoy bliss forever and ever. ||1||

pRwxI qUM AwieAw lwhw lYix ] (43-3)
paraanee tooN aa-i-aa laahaa lain.
O mortal, you came here to earn a profit.

lgw ikqu kuPkVy sB mukdI clI rYix ]1] rhwau ] (43-3)
lagaa kit khufkarhay sabh mukdee chalee rain. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What useless activities are you attached to? Your life-night is coming to its end. ||1||Pause||

kudm kry psu pMKIAw idsY nwhI kwlu ] (43-3)
kudam karay pas pankhee-aa disai naahee kaal.
The animals and the birds frolic and play-they do not see death.

EqY swiQ mnuKu hY PwQw mwieAw jwil ] (43-4)
otai saath manukh hai faathaa maa-i-aa jaal.
Mankind is also with them, trapped in the net of Maya.

mukqy syeI BwlIAih ij scw nwmu smwil ]2] (43-4)
muktay say-ee bhaalee-ah je sachaa naam samaal. ||2||
Those who always remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are considered to be liberated. ||2||

jo Gru Cif gvwvxw so lgw mn mwih ] (43-5)
jo ghar chhad gavaavnaa so lagaa man maahi.
That dwelling which you will have to abandon and vacate-you are attached to it in your mind.

ijQY jwie quDu vrqxw iqs kI icMqw nwih ] (43-5)
jithai jaa-ay tuDh vartanaa tis kee chintaa naahi.
And that place where you must go to dwell-you have no regard for it at all.

PwQy syeI inkly ij gur kI pYrI pwih ]3] (43-6)
faathay say-ee niklay je gur kee pairee paahi. ||3||
Those who fall at the Feet of the Guru are released from this bondage. ||3||

koeI riK n skeI dUjw ko n idKwie ] (43-6)
ko-ee rakh na sak-ee doojaa ko na dikhaa-ay.
No one else can save you-don't look for anyone else.

cwry kuMfw Bwil kY Awie pieAw srxwie ] (43-7)
chaaray kundaa bhaal kai aa-ay pa-i-aa sarnaa-ay.
I have searched in all four directions; I have come to find His Sanctuary.

nwnk scY pwiqswih fubdw lieAw kFwie ]4]3]73] (43-7)
naanak sachai paatisaah dubdaa la-i-aa kadhaa-ay. ||4||3||73||
O Nanak, the True King has pulled me out and saved me from drowning! ||4||3||73||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (43-8)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

GVI muhq kw pwhuxw kwj svwrxhwru ] (43-8)
gharhee muhat kaa paahunaa kaaj savaaranhaar.
For a brief moment, man is a guest of the Lord; he tries to resolve his affairs.

mwieAw kwim ivAwipAw smJY nwhI gwvwru ] (43-8)
maa-i-aa kaam vi-aapi-aa samjhai naahee gaavaar.
Engrossed in Maya and sexual desire, the fool does not understand.

auiT cilAw pCuqwieAw pirAw vis jMdwr ]1] (43-9)
uth chali-aa pachhutaa-i-aa pari-aa vas jandaar. ||1||
He arises and departs with regret, and falls into the clutches of the Messenger of Death. ||1||

AMDy qUM bYTw kMDI pwih ] (43-9)
anDhay tooN baithaa kanDhee paahi.
You are sitting on the collapsing riverbank-are you blind?

jy hovI pUrib iliKAw qw gur kw bcnu kmwih ]1] rhwau ] (43-10)
jay hovee poorab likhi-aa taa gur kaa bachan kamaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If you are so pre-destined, then act according to the Guru's Teachings. ||1||Pause||

hrI nwhI nh ffurI pkI vFxhwr ] (43-10)
haree naahee nah daduree pakee vadhanhaar.
The Reaper does not look upon any as unripe, half-ripe or fully ripe.

lY lY dwq phuiqAw lwvy kir qeIAwru ] (43-11)
lai lai daat pahuti-aa laavay kar ta-ee-aar.
Picking up and wielding their sickles, the harvesters arrive.

jw hoAw hukmu ikrswx dw qw luix imixAw Kyqwru ]2] (43-11)
jaa ho-aa hukam kirsaan daa taa lun mini-aa khaytaar. ||2||
When the landlord gives the order, they cut and measure the crop. ||2||

pihlw phru DMDY gieAw dUjY Bir soieAw ] (43-12)
pahilaa pahar DhanDhai ga-i-aa doojai bhar so-i-aa.
The first watch of the night passes away in worthless affairs, and the second passes in deep sleep.

qIjY JwK JKwieAw cauQY Boru BieAw ] (43-12)
teejai jhaakh jhakhaa-i-aa cha-uthai bhor bha-i-aa.
In the third, they babble nonsense, and when the fourth watch comes, the day of death has arrived.

kd hI iciq n AwieE ijin jIau ipMfu dIAw ]3] (43-12)
kad hee chit na aa-i-o jin jee-o pind dee-aa. ||3||
The thought of the One who bestows body and soul never enters the mind. ||3||

swDsMgiq kau vwirAw jIau kIAw kurbwxu ] (43-13)
saaDhsangat ka-o vaari-aa jee-o kee-aa kurbaan.
I am devoted to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; I sacrifice my soul to them.

ijs qy soJI min peI imilAw purKu sujwxu ] (43-14)
jis tay sojhee man pa-ee mili-aa purakh sujaan.
Through them, understanding has entered my mind, and I have met the All-knowing Lord God.

nwnk ifTw sdw nwil hir AMqrjwmI jwxu ]4]4]74] (43-14)
naanak dithaa sadaa naal har antarjaamee jaan. ||4||4||74||
Nanak sees the Lord always with him-the Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||4||4||74||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (43-15)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

sBy glw ivsrnu ieko ivsir n jwau ] (43-15)
sabhay galaa visran iko visar na jaa-o.
Let me forget everything, but let me not forget the One Lord.

DMDw sBu jlwie kY guir nwmu dIAw scu suAwau ] (43-15)
DhanDhaa sabh jalaa-ay kai gur naam dee-aa sach su-aa-o.
All my evil pursuits have been burnt away; the Guru has blessed me with the Naam, the true object of life.

Awsw sBy lwih kY iekw Aws kmwau ] (43-16)
aasaa sabhay laahi kai ikaa aas kamaa-o.
Give up all other hopes, and rely on the One Hope.

ijnI siqguru syivAw iqn AgY imilAw Qwau ]1] (43-16)
jinee satgur sayvi-aa tin agai mili-aa thaa-o. ||1||
Those who serve the True Guru receive a place in the world hereafter. ||1||

mn myry krqy no swlwih ] (43-17)
man mayray kartay no saalaahi.
O my mind, praise the Creator.

sBy Cif isAwxpw gur kI pYrI pwih ]1] rhwau ] (43-17)
sabhay chhad si-aanpaa gur kee pairee paahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Give up all your clever tricks, and fall at the Feet of the Guru. ||1||Pause||

duK BuK nh ivAwpeI jy suKdwqw min hoie ] (43-18)
dukh bhukh nah vi-aapa-ee jay sukh-daata man ho-ay.
Pain and hunger shall not oppress you, if the Giver of Peace comes into your mind.

ikq hI kMim n iCjIAY jw ihrdY scw soie ] (43-18)
kit hee kamm na chhijee-ai jaa hirdai sachaa so-ay.
No undertaking shall fail, when the True Lord is always in your heart.

ijsu qUM rKih hQ dy iqsu mwir n skY koie ] (43-18)
jis tooN rakheh hath day tis maar na sakai ko-ay.
No one can kill that one unto whom You, Lord, give Your Hand and protect.

suKdwqw guru syvIAY siB Avgx kFY Doie ]2] (43-19)
sukh-daata gur sayvee-ai sabh avgan kadhai Dho-ay. ||2||
Serve the Guru, the Giver of Peace; He shall remove and wash off all your faults. ||2||

syvw mMgY syvko lweIAW ApunI syv ] (43-19)
sayvaa mangai sayvko laa-ee-aaN apunee sayv.
Your servant begs to serve those who are enjoined to Your service.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD