Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


swDU sMgu mskqy qUTY pwvw dyv ] (44-1)
saaDhoo sang maskatay toothai paavaa dayv.
The opportunity to work hard serving the Saadh Sangat is obtained, when the Divine Lord is pleased.

sBu ikCu vsgiq swihbY Awpy krx kryv ] (44-1)
sabh kichh vasgat saahibai aapay karan karayv.
Everything is in the Hands of our Lord and Master; He Himself is the Doer of deeds.

siqgur kY bilhwrxY mnsw sB pUryv ]3] (44-2)
satgur kai balihaarnai mansaa sabh poorayv. ||3||
I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who fulfills all hopes and desires. ||3||

ieko idsY sjxo ieko BweI mIqu ] (44-2)
iko disai sajno iko bhaa-ee meet.
The One appears to be my Companion; the One is my Brother and Friend.

ieksY dI swmgrI ieksY dI hY rIiq ] (44-2)
iksai dee saamagree iksai dee hai reet.
The elements and the components are all made by the One; they are held in their order by the One.

ieks isau mnu mwinAw qw hoAw inhclu cIqu ] (44-3)
ikas si-o man maani-aa taa ho-aa nihchal cheet.
When the mind accepts, and is satisfied with the One, then the consciousness becomes steady and stable.

scu Kwxw scu pYnxw tyk nwnk scu kIqu ]4]5]75] (44-3)
sach khaanaa sach painnaa tayk naanak sach keet. ||4||5||75||
Then, one's food is the True Name, one's garments are the True Name, and one's Support, O Nanak, is the True Name. ||4||5||75||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (44-4)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

sBy Qok prwpqy jy AwvY ieku hiQ ] (44-4)
sabhay thok paraapatay jay aavai ik hath.
All things are received if the One is obtained.

jnmu pdwrQu sPlu hY jy scw sbdu kiQ ] (44-5)
janam padaarath safal hai jay sachaa sabad kath.
The precious gift of this human life becomes fruitful when one chants the True Word of the Shabad.

gur qy mhlu prwpqy ijsu iliKAw hovY miQ ]1] (44-5)
gur tay mahal paraapatay jis likhi-aa hovai math. ||1||
One who has such destiny written on his forehead enters the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, through the Guru. ||1||

myry mn eyks isau icqu lwie ] (44-6)
mayray man aykas si-o chit laa-ay.
O my mind, focus your consciousness on the One.

eyks ibnu sB DMDu hY sB imiQAw mohu mwie ]1] rhwau ] (44-6)
aykas bin sabh DhanDh hai sabh mithi-aa moh maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the One, all entanglements are worthless; emotional attachment to Maya is totally false. ||1||Pause||

lK KusIAw pwiqswhIAw jy siqguru ndir kryie ] (44-7)
lakh khusee-aa paatisaahee-aa jay satgur nadar karay-i.
Hundreds of thousands of princely pleasures are enjoyed, if the True Guru bestows His Glance of Grace.

inmK eyk hir nwmu dyie myrw mnu qnu sIqlu hoie ] (44-7)
nimakh ayk har naam day-ay mayraa man tan seetal ho-ay.
If He bestows the Name of the Lord, for even a moment, my mind and body are cooled and soothed.

ijs kau pUrib iliKAw iqin siqgur crn ghy ]2] (44-8)
jis ka-o poorab likhi-aa tin satgur charan gahay. ||2||
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny hold tight to the Feet of the True Guru. ||2||

sPl mUrqu sPlw GVI ijqu scy nwil ipAwru ] (44-8)
safal moorat saflaa gharhee jit sachay naal pi-aar.
Fruitful is that moment, and fruitful is that time, when one is in love with the True Lord.

dUKu sMqwpu n lgeI ijsu hir kw nwmu ADwru ] (44-9)
dookh santaap na lag-ee jis har kaa naam aDhaar.
Suffering and sorrow do not touch those who have the Support of the Name of the Lord.

bwh pkiV guir kwiFAw soeI auqirAw pwir ]3] (44-9)
baah pakarh gur kaadhi-aa so-ee utri-aa paar. ||3||
Grasping him by the arm, the Guru lifts them up and out, and carries them across to the other side. ||3||

Qwnu suhwvw pivqu hY ijQY sMq sBw ] (44-10)
thaan suhaavaa pavit hai jithai sant sabhaa.
Embellished and immaculate is that place where the Saints gather together.

FoeI iqs hI no imlY ijin pUrw gurU lBw ] (44-10)
dho-ee tis hee no milai jin pooraa guroo labhaa.
He alone finds shelter, who has met the Perfect Guru.

nwnk bDw Gru qhW ijQY imrqu n jnmu jrw ]4]6]76] (44-11)
naanak baDhaa ghar tahaaN jithai mirat na janam jaraa. ||4||6||76||
Nanak builds his house upon that site where there is no death, no birth, and no old age. ||4||6||76||

sRIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (44-11)
sareeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

soeI iDAweIAY jIAVy isir swhW pwiqswhu ] (44-11)
so-ee Dhi-aa-ee-ai jee-arhay sir saahaaN paatisaahu.
Meditate on Him, O my soul; He is the Supreme Lord over kings and emperors.

iqs hI kI kir Aws mn ijs kw sBsu vyswhu ] (44-12)
tis hee kee kar aas man jis kaa sabhas vaysaahu.
Place the hopes of your mind in the One, in whom all have faith.

siB isAwxpw Cif kY gur kI crxI pwhu ]1] (44-12)
sabh si-aanpaa chhad kai gur kee charnee paahu. ||1||
Give up all your clever tricks, and grasp the Feet of the Guru. ||1||

mn myry suK shj syqI jip nwau ] (44-13)
man mayray sukh sahj saytee jap naa-o.
O my mind, chant the Name with intuitive peace and poise.

AwT phr pRBu iDAwie qUM gux goieMd inq gwau ]1] rhwau ] (44-13)
aath pahar parabh Dhi-aa-ay tooN gun go-ind nit gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Twenty-four hours a day, meditate on God. Constantly sing the Glories of the Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||

iqs kI srnI pru mnw ijsu jyvfu Avru n koie ] (44-14)
tis kee sarnee par manaa jis jayvad avar na ko-ay.
Seek His Shelter, O my mind; there is no other as Great as He.

ijsu ismrq suKu hoie Gxw duKu drdu n mUly hoie ] (44-14)
jis simrat sukh ho-ay ghanaa dukh darad na moolay ho-ay.
Remembering Him in meditation, a profound peace is obtained. Pain and suffering will not touch you at all.

sdw sdw kir cwkrI pRBu swihbu scw soie ]2] (44-15)
sadaa sadaa kar chaakree parabh saahib sachaa so-ay. ||2||
Forever and ever, work for God; He is our True Lord and Master. ||2||

swDsMgiq hoie inrmlw ktIAY jm kI Pws ] (44-15)
saaDhsangat ho-ay nirmalaa katee-ai jam kee faas.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall become absolutely pure, and the noose of death shall be cut away.

suKdwqw BY BMjno iqsu AwgY kir Ardwis ] (44-16)
sukh-daata bhai bhanjno tis aagai kar ardaas.
So offer your prayers to Him, the Giver of Peace, the Destroyer of fear.

imhr kry ijsu imhrvwnu qW kwrju AwvY rwis ]3] (44-16)
mihar karay jis miharvaan taaN kaaraj aavai raas. ||3||
Showing His Mercy, the Merciful Master shall resolve your affairs. ||3||

bhuqo bhuqu vKwxIAY aUco aUcw Qwau ] (44-17)
bahuto bahut vakhaanee-ai oocho oochaa thaa-o.
The Lord is said to be the Greatest of the Great; His Kingdom is the Highest of the High.

vrnw ichnw bwhrw kImiq kih n skwau ] (44-17)
varnaa chihnaa baahraa keemat kahi na sakaa-o.
He has no color or mark; His Value cannot be estimated.

nwnk kau pRB mieAw kir scu dyvhu Apuxw nwau ]4]7]77] (44-18)
naanak ka-o parabh ma-i-aa kar sach dayvhu apunaa naa-o. ||4||7||77||
Please show Mercy to Nanak, God, and bless him with Your True Name. ||4||7||77||

sRIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (44-18)
sareeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

nwmu iDAwey so suKI iqsu muKu aUjlu hoie ] (44-18)
naam Dhi-aa-ay so sukhee tis mukh oojal ho-ay.
One who meditates on the Naam is at peace; his face is radiant and bright.

pUry gur qy pweIAY prgtu sBnI loie ] (44-19)
pooray gur tay paa-ee-ai pargat sabhnee lo-ay.
Obtaining it from the Perfect Guru, he is honored all over the world.

swDsMgiq kY Gir vsY eyko scw soie ]1] (44-19)
saaDhsangat kai ghar vasai ayko sachaa so-ay. ||1||
In the Company of the Holy, the One True Lord comes to abide within the home of the self. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD