Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


EnI clxu sdw inhwilAw hir Krcu lIAw piq pwie ] (42-1)
onee chalan sadaa nihaali-aa har kharach lee-aa pat paa-ay.
They keep death constantly before their eyes; they gather the Provisions of the Lord's Name, and receive honor.

gurmuiK drgh mMnIAih hir Awip ley gil lwie ]2] (42-2)
gurmukh dargeh manee-ah har aap la-ay gal laa-ay. ||2||
The Gurmukhs are honored in the Court of the Lord. The Lord Himself takes them in His Loving Embrace. ||2||

gurmuKw no pMQu prgtw dir Twk n koeI pwie ] (42-2)
gurmukhaa no panth pargataa dar thaak na ko-ee paa-ay.
For the Gurmukhs, the Way is obvious. At the Lord's Door, they face no obstructions.

hir nwmu slwhin nwmu min nwim rhin ilv lwie ] (42-3)
har naam salaahan naam man naam rahan liv laa-ay.
They praise the Lord's Name, they keep the Naam in their minds, and they remain attached to the Love of the Naam.

Anhd DunI dir vjdy dir scY soBw pwie ]3] (42-3)
anhad Dhunee dar vajday dar sachai sobhaa paa-ay. ||3||
The Unstruck Celestial Music vibrates for them at the Lord's Door, and they are honored at the True Door. ||3||

ijnI gurmuiK nwmu slwihAw iqnw sB ko khY swbwis ] (42-4)
jinee gurmukh naam sahaali-aa tinaa sabh ko kahai saabaas.
Those Gurmukhs who praise the Naam are applauded by everyone.

iqn kI sMgiq dyih pRB mY jwick kI Ardwis ] (42-4)
tin kee sangat deh parabh mai jaachik kee ardaas.
Grant me their company, God-I am a beggar; this is my prayer.

nwnk Bwg vfy iqnw gurmuKw ijn AMqir nwmu prgwis ]4]33]31]6]70] (42-5)
naanak bhaag vaday tinaa gurmukhaa jin antar naam pargaas. ||4||33||31||6||70||
O Nanak, great is the good fortune of those Gurmukhs, who are filled with the Light of the Naam within. ||4||33||31||6||70||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 Gru 1 ] (42-6)
sireeraag mehlaa 5 ghar 1.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl, First House:

ikAw qU rqw dyiK kY puqR klqR sIgwr ] (42-6)
ki-aa too rataa daykh kai putar kaltar seegaar.
Why are you so thrilled by the sight of your son and your beautifully decorated wife?

rs Bogih KusIAw krih mwxih rMg Apwr ] (42-6)
ras bhogeh khusee-aa karahi maaneh rang apaar.
You enjoy tasty delicacies, you have lots of fun, and you indulge in endless pleasures.

bhuqu krih PurmwiesI vrqih hoie APwr ] (42-7)
bahut karahi furmaa-isee varteh ho-ay afaar.
You give all sorts of commands, and you act so superior.

krqw iciq n AwveI mnmuK AMD gvwr ]1] (42-7)
kartaa chit na aavee manmukh anDh gavaar. ||1||
The Creator does not come into the mind of the blind, idiotic, self-willed manmukh. ||1||

myry mn suKdwqw hir soie ] (42-8)
mayray man sukh-daata har so-ay.
O my mind, the Lord is the Giver of peace.

gur prswdI pweIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]1] rhwau ] (42-8)
gur parsaadee paa-ee-ai karam paraapat ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, He is found. By His Mercy, He is obtained. ||1||Pause||

kpiV Boig lptwieAw suienw rupw Kwku ] (42-9)
kaparh bhog laptaa-i-aa su-inaa rupaa khaak.
People are entangled in the enjoyment of fine clothes, but gold and silver are only dust.

hYvr gYvr bhu rMgy kIey rQ AQwk ] (42-9)
haivar gaivar baho rangay kee-ay rath athaak.
They acquire beautiful horses and elephants, and ornate carriages of many kinds.

iks hI iciq n pwvhI ibsirAw sB swk ] (42-10)
kis hee chit na paavhee bisri-aa sabh saak.
They think of nothing else, and they forget all their relatives.

isrjxhwir BulwieAw ivxu nwvY nwpwk ]2] (42-10)
sirjanhaar bhulaa-i-aa vin naavai naapaak. ||2||
They ignore their Creator; without the Name, they are impure. ||2||

lYdw bd duAwie qUM mwieAw krih iekq ] (42-10)
laidaa bad du-aa-ay tooN maa-i-aa karahi ikat.
Gathering the wealth of Maya, you earn an evil reputation.

ijs no qUM pqIAwiedw so sxu quJY Ainq ] (42-11)
jis no tooN patee-aa-idaa so san tujhai anit.
Those whom you work to please shall pass away along with you.

AhMkwru krih AhMkwrIAw ivAwipAw mn kI miq ] (42-11)
ahaNkaar karahi ahaNkaaree-aa vi-aapi-aa man kee mat.
The egotistical are engrossed in egotism, ensnared by the intellect of the mind.

iqin pRiB Awip BulwieAw nw iqsu jwiq n piq ]3] (42-12)
tin parabh aap bhulaa-i-aa naa tis jaat na pat. ||3||
One who is deceived by God Himself, has no position and no honor. ||3||

siqguir puriK imlwieAw ieko sjxu soie ] (42-13)
satgur purakh milaa-i-aa iko sajan so-ay.
The True Guru, the Primal Being, has led me to meet the One, my only Friend.

hir jn kw rwKw eyku hY ikAw mwxs haumY roie ] (42-13)
har jan kaa raakhaa ayk hai ki-aa maanas ha-umai ro-ay.
The One is the Saving Grace of His humble servant. Why should the proud cry out in ego?

jo hir jn BwvY so kry dir Pyru n pwvY koie ] (42-13)
jo har jan bhaavai so karay dar fayr na paavai ko-ay.
As the servant of the Lord wills, so does the Lord act. At the Lord's Door, none of his requests are denied.

nwnk rqw rMig hir sB jg mih cwnxu hoie ]4]1]71] (42-14)
naanak rataa rang har sabh jag meh chaanan ho-ay. ||4||1||71||
Nanak is attuned to the Love of the Lord, whose Light pervades the entire Universe. ||4||1||71||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (42-15)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

min iblwsu bhu rMgu Gxw idRsit BUil KusIAw ] (42-15)
man bilaas baho rang ghanaa darisat bhool khusee-aa.
With the mind caught up in playful pleasures, involved in all sorts of amusements and sights that stagger the eyes, people are led astray.

CqRDwr bwidswhIAw ivic shsy prIAw ]1] (42-15)
chhatarDhaar baadisaahee-aa vich sahsay paree-aa. ||1||
The emperors sitting on their thrones are consumed by anxiety. ||1||

BweI ry suKu swDsMig pwieAw ] (42-16)
bhaa-ee ray sukh saaDhsang paa-i-aa.
O Siblings of Destiny, peace is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

iliKAw lyKu iqin puriK ibDwqY duKu shsw imit gieAw ]1] rhwau ] (42-16)
likhi-aa laykh tin purakh biDhaatai dukh sahsaa mit ga-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If the Supreme Lord, the Architect of Destiny, writes such an order, then anguish and anxiety are erased. ||1||Pause||

jyqy Qwn Qnµqrw qyqy Biv AwieAw ] (42-17)
jaytay thaan banantaraa taytay bhav aa-i-aa.
There are so many places-I have wandered through them all.

Dn pwqI vf BUmIAw myrI myrI kir pirAw ]2] (42-17)
Dhan paatee vad bhoomee-aa mayree mayree kar pari-aa. ||2||
The masters of wealth and the great land-lords have fallen, crying out, "This is mine! This is mine!"||2||

hukmu clwey insMg hoie vrqY APirAw ] (42-18)
hukam chalaa-ay nisang ho-ay vartai afri-aa.
They issue their commands fearlessly, and act in pride.

sBu ko vsgiq kir lieEnu ibnu nwvY Kwku rilAw ]3] (42-18)
sabh ko vasgat kar la-i-on bin naavai khaak rali-aa. ||3||
They subdue all under their command, but without the Name, they are reduced to dust. ||3||

koit qyqIs syvkw isD swiDk dir KirAw ] (42-19)
kot taytees sayvkaa siDh saaDhik dar khari-aa.
Even those who are served by the 33 million angelic beings, at whose door the Siddhas and the Saadhus stand,

igrMbwrI vf swhbI sBu nwnk supnu QIAw ]4]2]72] (42-19)
girambaaree vad saahbee sabh naanak supan thee-aa. ||4||2||72||
who live in wondrous affluence and rule over mountains, oceans and vast dominions-O Nanak, in the end, all this vanishes like a dream! ||4||2||72||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD