Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


muMDy kUiV muTI kUiVAwir ] (38-1)
munDhay koorh muthee koorhi-aar.
O woman, the false ones are being cheated by falsehood.

ipru pRBu swcw sohxw pweIAY gur bIcwir ]1] rhwau ] (38-1)
pir parabh saachaa sohnaa paa-ee-ai gur beechaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God is your Husband; He is Handsome and True. He is obtained by reflecting upon the Guru. ||1||Pause||

mnmuiK kMqu n pCwxeI iqn ikau rYix ivhwie ] (38-2)
manmukh kant na pachhaan-ee tin ki-o rain vihaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs do not recognize their Husband Lord; how will they spend their life-night?

grib AtIAw iqRsnw jlih duKu pwvih dUjY Bwie ] (38-2)
garab atee-aa tarisnaa jaleh dukh paavahi doojai bhaa-ay.
Filled with arrogance, they burn with desire; they suffer in the pain of the love of duality.

sbid rqIAw sohwgxI iqn ivchu haumY jwie ] (38-3)
sabad ratee-aa sohaaganee tin vichahu ha-umai jaa-ay.
The happy soul-brides are attuned to the Shabad; their egotism is eliminated from within.

sdw ipru rwvih Awpxw iqnw suKy suiK ivhwie ]2] (38-3)
sadaa pir raaveh aapnaa tinaa sukhay sukh vihaa-ay. ||2||
They enjoy their Husband Lord forever, and their life-night passes in the most blissful peace. ||2||

igAwn ivhUxI ipr muqIAw iprmu n pwieAw jwie ] (38-4)
gi-aan vihoonee pir mutee-aa piram na paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
She is utterly lacking in spiritual wisdom; she is abandoned by her Husband Lord. She cannot obtain His Love.

AigAwn mqI AMDyru hY ibnu ipr dyKy BuK n jwie ] (38-5)
agi-aan matee anDhayr hai bin pir daykhay bhukh na jaa-ay.
In the darkness of intellectual ignorance, she cannot see her Husband, and her hunger does not depart.

Awvhu imlhu shylIho mY ipru dyhu imlwie ] (38-5)
aavhu milhu sahayleeho mai pir dayh milaa-ay.
Come and meet with me, my sister soul-brides, and unite me with my Husband.

pUrY Bwig siqguru imlY ipru pwieAw sic smwie ]3] (38-6)
poorai bhaag satgur milai pir paa-i-aa sach samaa-ay. ||3||
She who meets the True Guru, by perfect good fortune, finds her Husband; she is absorbed in the True One. ||3||

sy shIAw sohwgxI ijn kau ndir kryie ] (38-6)
say sahee-aa sohaaganee jin ka-o nadar karay-i.
Those upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace become His happy soul-brides.

Ksmu pCwxih Awpxw qnu mnu AwgY dyie ] (38-7)
khasam pachhaaneh aapnaa tan man aagai day-ay.
One who recognizes her Lord and Master places her body and mind in offering before Him.

Gir vru pwieAw Awpxw haumY dUir kryie ] (38-7)
ghar var paa-i-aa aapnaa ha-umai door karay-i.
Within her own home, she finds her Husband Lord; her egotism is dispelled.

nwnk soBwvMqIAw sohwgxI Anidnu Bgiq kryie ]4]28]61] (38-8)
naanak sobhaavantee-aa sohaaganee an-din bhagat karay-i. ||4||28||61||
O Nanak, the happy soul-brides are embellished and exalted; night and day they are absorbed in devotional worship. ||4||28||61||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (38-8)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

ieik ipru rwvih Awpxw hau kY dir pUCau jwie ] (38-8)
ik pir raaveh aapnaa ha-o kai dar poochha-o jaa-ay.
Some enjoy their Husband Lord; unto whose door should I go to ask for Him?

siqguru syvI Bwau kir mY ipru dyhu imlwie ] (38-9)
satgur sayvee bhaa-o kar mai pir dayh milaa-ay.
I serve my True Guru with love, that He may lead me to Union with my Husband Lord.

sBu aupwey Awpy vyKY iksu nyVY iksu dUir ] (38-9)
sabh upaa-ay aapay vaykhai kis nayrhai kis door.
He created all, and He Himself watches over us. Some are close to Him, and some are far away.

ijin ipru sMgy jwixAw ipru rwvy sdw hdUir ]1] (38-10)
jin pir sangay jaani-aa pir raavay sadaa hadoor. ||1||
She who knows her Husband Lord to be always with her, enjoys His Constant Presence. ||1||

muMDy qU clu gur kY Bwie ] (38-10)
munDhay too chal gur kai bhaa-ay.
O woman, you must walk in harmony with the Guru's Will.

Anidnu rwvih ipru Awpxw shjy sic smwie ]1] rhwau ] (38-11)
an-din raaveh pir aapnaa sehjay sach samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Night and day, you shall enjoy your Husband, and you shall intuitively merge into the True One. ||1||Pause||

sbid rqIAw sohwgxI scY sbid sIgwir ] (38-11)
sabad ratee-aa sohaaganee sachai sabad seegaar.
Attuned to the Shabad, the happy soul-brides are adorned with the True Word of the Shabad.

hir vru pwiein Gir AwpxY gur kY hyiq ipAwir ] (38-12)
har var paa-in ghar aapnai gur kai hayt pi-aar.
Within their own home, they obtain the Lord as their Husband, with love for the Guru.

syj suhwvI hir rMig rvY Bgiq Bry BMfwr ] (38-12)
sayj suhaavee har rang ravai bhagat bharay bhandaar.
Upon her beautiful and cozy bed, she enjoys the Love of her Lord. She is overflowing with the treasure of devotion.

so pRBu pRIqmu min vsY ij sBsY dyie ADwru ]2] (38-13)
so parabh pareetam man vasai je sabhsai day-ay aDhaar. ||2||
That Beloved God abides in her mind; He gives His Support to all. ||2||

ipru swlwhin Awpxw iqn kY hau sd bilhwrY jwau ] (38-13)
pir saalaahan aapnaa tin kai ha-o sad balihaarai jaa-o.
I am forever a sacrifice to those who praise their Husband Lord.

mnu qnu ArpI isru dyeI iqn kY lwgw pwie ] (38-14)
man tan arpee sir day-ee tin kai laagaa paa-ay.
I dedicate my mind and body to them, and give my head as well; I fall at their feet.

ijnI ieku pCwixAw dUjw Bwau cukwie ] (38-14)
jinee ik pachhaani-aa doojaa bhaa-o chukaa-ay.
Those who recognize the One renounce the love of duality.

gurmuiK nwmu pCwxIAY nwnk sic smwie ]3]29]62] (38-15)
gurmukh naam pachhaanee-ai naanak sach samaa-ay. ||3||29||62||
The Gurmukh recognizes the Naam, O Nanak, and is absorbed into the True One. ||3||29||62||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (38-16)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

hir jI scw scu qU sBu ikCu qyrY cIrY ] (38-16)
har jee sachaa sach too sabh kichh tayrai cheerai.
O Dear Lord, You are the Truest of the True. All things are in Your Power.

lK caurwsIh qrsdy iPry ibnu gur Byty pIrY ] (38-16)
lakh cha-oraaseeh tarasday firay bin gur bhaytay peerai.
The 8.4 million species of beings wander around searching for You, but without the Guru, they do not find You.

hir jIau bKsy bKis ley sUK sdw srIrY ] (38-17)
har jee-o bakhsay bakhas la-ay sookh sadaa sareerai.
When the Dear Lord grants His Forgiveness, this human body finds lasting peace.

gur prswdI syv krI scu gihr gMBIrY ]1] (38-17)
gur parsaadee sayv karee sach gahir gambheerai. ||1||
By Guru's Grace, I serve the True One, who is Immeasurably Deep and Profound. ||1||

mn myry nwim rqy suKu hoie ] (38-18)
man mayray naam ratay sukh ho-ay.
O my mind, attuned to the Naam, you shall find peace.

gurmqI nwmu slwhIAY dUjw Avru n koie ]1] rhwau ] (38-18)
gurmatee naam salaahee-ai doojaa avar na ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Follow the Guru's Teachings, and praise the Naam; there is no other at all. ||1||Pause||

Drm rwie no hukmu hY bih scw Drmu bIcwir ] (38-18)
Dharam raa-ay no hukam hai bahi sachaa Dharam beechaar.
The Righteous Judge of Dharma, by the Hukam of God's Command, sits and administers True Justice.

dUjY Bwie dustu Awqmw Ehu qyrI srkwr ] (38-19)
doojai bhaa-ay dusat aatmaa oh tayree sarkaar.
Those evil souls, ensnared by the love of duality, are subject to Your Command.

AiDAwqmI hir gux qwsu min jpih eyku murwir ] (38-19)
aDhi-aatmee har gun taas man jaapeh ayk muraar.
The souls on their spiritual journey chant and meditate within their minds on the One Lord, the Treasure of Excellence.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD