Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ibnu siqgur iknY n pwieE kir vyKhu min vIcwir ] (37-1)
bin satgur kinai na paa-i-o kar vaykhhu man veechaar.
Without the True Guru, no one has found Him; reflect upon this in your mind and see.

mnmuK mYlu n auqrY ijcru gur sbid n kry ipAwru ]1] (37-1)
manmukh mail na utrai jichar gur sabad na karay pi-aar. ||1||
The filth of the self-willed manmukhs is not washed off; they have no love for the Guru's Shabad. ||1||

mn myry siqgur kY BwxY clu ] (37-2)
man mayray satgur kai bhaanai chal.
O my mind, walk in harmony with the True Guru.

inj Gir vsih AMimRqu pIvih qw suK lhih mhlu ]1] rhwau ] (37-2)
nij ghar vaseh amrit peeveh taa sukh laheh mahal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dwell within the home of your own inner being, and drink in the Ambrosial Nectar; you shall attain the Peace of the Mansion of His Presence. ||1||Pause||

AauguxvMqI guxu ko nhI bhix n imlY hdUir ] (37-3)
a-ugunvantee gun ko nahee bahan na milai hadoor.
The unvirtuous have no merit; they are not allowed to sit in His Presence.

mnmuiK sbdu n jwxeI Avgix so pRBu dUir ] (37-3)
manmukh sabad na jaan-ee avgan so parabh door.
The self-willed manmukhs do not know the Shabad; those without virtue are far removed from God.

ijnI scu pCwixAw sic rqy BrpUir ] (37-4)
jinee sach pachhaani-aa sach ratay bharpoor.
Those who recognize the True One are permeated and attuned to Truth.

gur sbdI mnu byiDAw pRBu imilAw Awip hdUir ]2] (37-4)
gur sabdee man bayDhi-aa parabh mili-aa aap hadoor. ||2||
Their minds are pierced through by the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and God Himself ushers them into His Presence. ||2||

Awpy rMgix rMigEnu sbdy lieEnu imlwie ] (37-5)
aapay rangan rangi-on sabday la-i-on milaa-ay.
He Himself dyes us in the Color of His Love; through the Word of His Shabad, He unites us with Himself.

scw rMgu n auqrY jo sic rqy ilv lwie ] (37-5)
sachaa rang na utrai jo sach ratay liv laa-ay.
This True Color shall not fade away, for those who are attuned to His Love.

cwry kuMfw Biv Qky mnmuK bUJ n pwie ] (37-6)
chaaray kundaa bhav thakay manmukh boojh na paa-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs grow weary of wandering around in all four directions, but they do not understand.

ijsu siqguru myly so imlY scY sbid smwie ]3] (37-6)
jis satgur maylay so milai sachai sabad samaa-ay. ||3||
One who is united with the True Guru, meets and merges in the True Word of the Shabad. ||3||

imqR Gxyry kir QkI myrw duKu kwtY koie ] (37-7)
mitar ghanayray kar thakee mayraa dukh kaatai ko-ay.
I have grown weary of making so many friends, hoping that someone might be able to end my suffering.

imil pRIqm duKu kitAw sbid imlwvw hoie ] (37-7)
mil pareetam dukh kati-aa sabad milaavaa ho-ay.
Meeting with my Beloved, my suffering has ended; I have attained Union with the Word of the Shabad.

scu Ktxw scu rwis hY scy scI soie ] (37-8)
sach khatnaa sach raas hai sachay sachee so-ay.
Earning Truth, and accumulating the Wealth of Truth, the truthful person gains a reputation of Truth.

sic imly sy n ivCuVih nwnk gurmuiK hoie ]4]26]59] (37-8)
sach milay say na vichhurheh naanak gurmukh ho-ay. ||4||26||59||
Meeting with the True One, O Nanak, the Gurmukh shall not be separated from Him again. ||4||26||59||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (37-9)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

Awpy kwrxu krqw kry isRsit dyKY Awip aupwie ] (37-9)
aapay kaaran kartaa karay sarisat daykhai aap upaa-ay.
The Creator Himself created the Creation; He produced the Universe, and He Himself watches over it.

sB eyko ieku vrqdw AlKu n liKAw jwie ] (37-9)
sabh ayko ik varatdaa alakh na lakhi-aa jaa-ay.
The One and Only Lord is pervading and permeating all. The Unseen cannot be seen.

Awpy pRBU dieAwlu hY Awpy dyie buJwie ] (37-10)
aapay parabhoo da-i-aal hai aapay day-ay bujhaa-ay.
God Himself is Merciful; He Himself bestows understanding.

gurmqI sd min visAw sic rhy ilv lwie ]1] (37-10)
gurmatee sad man vasi-aa sach rahay liv laa-ay. ||1||
Through the Guru's Teachings, the True One dwells forever in the mind of those who remain lovingly attached to Him. ||1||

mn myry gur kI mMin lY rjwie ] (37-11)
man mayray gur kee man lai rajaa-ay.
O my mind, surrender to the Guru's Will.

mnu qnu sIqlu sBu QIAY nwmu vsY min Awie ]1] rhwau ] (37-11)
man tan seetal sabh thee-ai naam vasai man aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Mind and body are totally cooled and soothed, and the Naam comes to dwell in the mind. ||1||Pause||

ijin kir kwrxu DwirAw soeI swr kryie ] (37-12)
jin kar kaaran Dhaari-aa so-ee saar karay-i.
Having created the creation, He supports it and takes care of it.

gur kY sbid pCwxIAY jw Awpy ndir kryie ] (37-12)
gur kai sabad pachhaanee-ai jaa aapay nadar karay-i.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is realized, when He Himself bestows His Glance of Grace.

sy jn sbdy sohxy iqqu scY drbwir ] (37-13)
say jan sabday sohnay tit sachai darbaar.
Those who are beautifully adorned with the Shabad in the Court of the True Lord

gurmuiK scY sbid rqy Awip myly krqwir ]2] (37-13)
gurmukh sachai sabad ratay aap maylay kartaar. ||2||
-those Gurmukhs are attuned to the True Word of the Shabad; the Creator unites them with Himself. ||2||

gurmqI scu slwhxw ijs dw AMqu n pwrwvwru ] (37-14)
gurmatee sach salaahnaa jis daa ant na paaraavaar.
Through the Guru's Teachings, praise the True One, who has no end or limitation.

Git Git Awpy hukim vsY hukmy kry bIcwru ] (37-14)
ghat ghat aapay hukam vasai hukmay karay beechaar.
He dwells in each and every heart, by the Hukam of His Command; by His Hukam, we contemplate Him.

gur sbdI swlwhIAY haumY ivchu Koie ] (37-15)
gur sabdee salaahee-ai ha-umai vichahu kho-ay.
So praise Him through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and drive out egotism from within.

sw Dn nwvY bwhrI AvgxvMqI roie ]3] (37-15)
saa Dhan naavai baahree avganvantee ro-ay. ||3||
That soul-bride who lacks the Lord's Name acts without virtue, and so she grieves. ||3||

scu slwhI sic lgw scY nwie iqRpiq hoie ] (37-16)
sach salaahee sach lagaa sachai naa-ay taripat ho-ay.
Praising the True One, attached to the True One, I am satisfied with the True Name.

gux vIcwrI gux sMgRhw Avgux kFw Doie ] (37-16)
gun veechaaree gun sangrahaa avgun kadhaa Dho-ay.
Contemplating His Virtues, I accumulate virtue and merit; I wash myself clean of demerits.

Awpy myil imlwiedw iPir vyCoVw n hoie ] (37-17)
aapay mayl milaa-idaa fir vaychhorhaa na ho-ay.
He Himself unites us in His Union; there is no more separation.

nwnk guru swlwhI Awpxw ijdU pweI pRBu soie ]4]27]60] (37-17)
naanak gur saalaahee aapnaa jidoo paa-ee parabh so-ay. ||4||27||60||
O Nanak, I sing the Praises of my Guru; through Him, I find that God. ||4||27||60||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (37-18)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

suix suix kwm ghylIey ikAw clih bwh lufwie ] (37-18)
sun sun kaam gahaylee-ay ki-aa chaleh baah ludaa-ay.
Listen, listen, O soul-bride: you are overtaken by sexual desire-why do you walk like that, swinging your arms in joy?

Awpxw ipru n pCwxhI ikAw muhu dysih jwie ] (37-18)
aapnaa pir na pachhaanhee ki-aa muhu dayseh jaa-ay.
You do not recognize your own Husband Lord! When you go to Him, what face will you show Him?

ijnI sKˆØI kMqu pCwixAw hau iqn kY lwgau pwie ] (37-19)
jinee sakheeN kant pachhaani-aa ha-o tin kai laaga-o paa-ay.
I touch the feet of my sister soul-brides who have known their Husband Lord.

iqn hI jYsI QI rhw sqsMgiq myil imlwie ]1] (37-19)
tin hee jaisee thee rahaa satsangat mayl milaa-ay. ||1||
If only I could be like them! Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I am united in His Union. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD