Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sBu ikCu suxdw vyKdw ikau mukir pieAw jwie ] (36-1)
sabh kichh sundaa vaykh-daa ki-o mukar pa-i-aa jaa-ay.
He hears and sees everything. How can anyone deny Him?

pwpo pwpu kmwvdy pwpy pcih pcwie ] (36-1)
paapo paap kamaavday paapay pacheh pachaa-ay.
Those who sin again and again, shall rot and die in sin.

so pRBu ndir n AwveI mnmuiK bUJ n pwie ] (36-2)
so parabh nadar na aavee manmukh boojh na paa-ay.
God's Glance of Grace does not come to them; those self-willed manmukhs do not obtain understanding.

ijsu vyKwly soeI vyKY nwnk gurmuiK pwie ]4]23]56] (36-2)
jis vaykhaalay so-ee vaykhai naanak gurmukh paa-ay. ||4||23||56||
They alone see the Lord, unto whom He reveals Himself. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs find Him. ||4||23||56||

sRIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (36-3)
sareeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

ibnu gur rogu n quteI haumY pIV n jwie ] (36-3)
bin gur rog na tut-ee ha-umai peerh na jaa-ay.
Without the Guru, the disease is not cured, and the pain of egotism is not removed.

gur prswdI min vsY nwmy rhY smwie ] (36-3)
gur parsaadee man vasai naamay rahai samaa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, He dwells in the mind, and one remains immersed in His Name.

gur sbdI hir pweIAY ibnu sbdY Brim Bulwie ]1] (36-4)
gur sabdee har paa-ee-ai bin sabdai bharam bhulaa-ay. ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord is found; without the Shabad, people wander, deceived by doubt. ||1||

mn ry inj Gir vwsw hoie ] (36-4)
man ray nij ghar vaasaa ho-ay.
O mind, dwell in the balanced state of your own inner being.

rwm nwmu swlwih qU iPir Awvx jwxu n hoie ]1] rhwau ] (36-5)
raam naam saalaahi too fir aavan jaan na ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Praise the Lord's Name, and you shall no longer come and go in reincarnation. ||1||Pause||

hir ieko dwqw vrqdw dUjw Avru n koie ] (36-5)
har iko daataa varatdaa doojaa avar na ko-ay.
The One Lord alone is the Giver, pervading everywhere. There is no other at all.

sbid swlwhI min vsY shjy hI suKu hoie ] (36-6)
sabad saalaahee man vasai sehjay hee sukh ho-ay.
Praise the Word of the Shabad, and He shall come to dwell in your mind; you shall be blessed with intuitive peace and poise.

sB ndrI AMdir vyKdw jY BwvY qY dyie ]2] (36-6)
sabh nadree andar vaykh-daa jai bhaavai tai day-ay. ||2||
Everything is within the Lord's Glance of Grace. As He wishes, He gives. ||2||

haumY sBw gxq hY gxqY nau suKu nwih ] (36-7)
ha-umai sabhaa ganat hai gantai na-o sukh naahi.
In egotism, all must account for their actions. In this accounting, there is no peace.

ibKu kI kwr kmwvxI ibKu hI mwih smwih ] (36-7)
bikh kee kaar kamaavnee bikh hee maahi samaahi.
Acting in evil and corruption, people are immersed in corruption.

ibnu nwvY Tauru n pwienI jmpuir dUK shwih ]3] (36-8)
bin naavai tha-ur na paa-inee jam pur dookh sahaahi. ||3||
Without the Name, they find no place of rest. In the City of Death, they suffer in agony. ||3||

jIau ipMfu sBu iqs dw iqsY dw AwDwru ] (36-8)
jee-o pind sabh tis daa tisai daa aaDhaar.
Body and soul all belong to Him; He is the Support of all.

gur prswdI buJIAY qw pwey moK duAwru ] (36-9)
gur parsaadee bujhee-ai taa paa-ay mokh du-aar.
By Guru's Grace, understanding comes, and then the Door of Liberation is found.

nwnk nwmu slwih qUM AMqu n pwrwvwru ]4]24]57] (36-9)
naanak naam salaahi tooN ant na paaraavaar. ||4||24||57||
O Nanak, sing the Praises of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He has no end or limitation. ||4||24||57||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (36-10)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

iqnw Anµdu sdw suKu hY ijnw scu nwmu AwDwru ] (36-10)
tinaa anand sadaa sukh hai jinaa sach naam aaDhaar.
Those who have the Support of the True Name are in ecstasy and peace forever.

gur sbdI scu pwieAw dUK invwrxhwru ] (36-10)
gur sabdee sach paa-i-aa dookh nivaaranhaar.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they obtain the True One, the Destroyer of pain.

sdw sdw swcy gux gwvih swcY nwie ipAwru ] (36-11)
sadaa sadaa saachay gun gaavahi saachai naa-ay pi-aar.
Forever and ever, they sing the Glorious Praises of the True One; they love the True Name.

ikrpw kir kY AwpxI idqonu Bgiq BMfwru ]1] (36-11)
kirpaa kar kai aapnee diton bhagat bhandaar. ||1||
When the Lord Himself grants His Grace, He bestows the treasure of devotion. ||1||

mn ry sdw Anµdu gux gwie ] (36-12)
man ray sadaa anand gun gaa-ay.
O mind, sing His Glorious Praises, and be in ecstasy forever.

scI bwxI hir pweIAY hir isau rhY smwie ]1] rhwau ] (36-12)
sachee banee har paa-ee-ai har si-o rahai samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the True Word of His Bani, the Lord is obtained, and one remains immersed in the Lord. ||1||Pause||

scI BgqI mnu lwlu QIAw rqw shij suBwie ] (36-13)
sachee bhagtee man laal thee-aa rataa sahj subhaa-ay.
In true devotion, the mind is dyed in the deep crimson color of the Lord's Love, with intuitive peace and poise.

gur sbdI mnu moihAw khxw kCU n jwie ] (36-13)
gur sabdee man mohi-aa kahnaa kachhoo na jaa-ay.
The mind is fascinated by the Word of the Guru's Shabad, which cannot be described.

ijhvw rqI sbid scY AMimRqu pIvY ris gux gwie ] (36-14)
jihvaa ratee sabad sachai amrit peevai ras gun gaa-ay.
The tongue imbued with the True Word of the Shabad drinks in the Amrit with delight, singing His Glorious Praises.

gurmuiK eyhu rMgu pweIAY ijs no ikrpw kry rjwie ]2] (36-14)
gurmukh ayhu rang paa-ee-ai jis no kirpaa karay rajaa-ay. ||2||
The Gurmukh obtains this love, when the Lord, in His Will, grants His Grace. ||2||

sMsw iehu sMswru hY suiqAw rYix ivhwie ] (36-15)
sansaa ih sansaar hai suti-aa rain vihaa-ay.
This world is an illusion; people pass their life-nights sleeping.

ieik AwpxY BwxY kiF lieAnu Awpy lieEnu imlwie ] (36-15)
ik aapnai bhaanai kadh la-i-an aapay la-i-on milaa-ay.
By the Pleasure of His Will, He lifts some out, and unites them with Himself.

Awpy hI Awip min visAw mwieAw mohu cukwie ] (36-16)
aapay hee aap man vasi-aa maa-i-aa moh chukaa-ay.
He Himself abides in the mind, and drives out attachment to Maya.

Awip vfweI idqIAnu gurmuiK dyie buJwie ]3] (36-16)
aap vadaa-ee ditee-an gurmukh day-ay bujhaa-ay. ||3||
He Himself bestows glorious greatness; He inspires the Gurmukh to understand. ||3||

sBnw kw dwqw eyku hY BuilAw ley smJwie ] (36-17)
sabhnaa kaa daataa ayk hai bhuli-aa la-ay samjhaa-ay.
The One Lord is the Giver of all. He corrects those who make mistakes.

ieik Awpy Awip KuAwieAnu dUjY CifAnu lwie ] (36-17)
ik aapay aap khu-aa-i-an doojai chhadi-an laa-ay.
He Himself has deceived some, and attached them to duality.

gurmqI hir pweIAY joqI joiq imlwie ] (36-18)
gurmatee har paa-ee-ai jotee jot milaa-ay.
Through the Guru's Teachings, the Lord is found, and one's light merges into the Light.

Anidnu nwmy riqAw nwnk nwim smwie ]4]25]58] (36-18)
an-din naamay rati-aa naanak naam samaa-ay. ||4||25||58||
Attuned to the Name of the Lord night and day, O Nanak, you shall be absorbed into the Name. ||4||25||58||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (36-19)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

guxvMqI scu pwieAw iqRsnw qij ivkwr ] (36-19)
gunvantee sach paa-i-aa tarisnaa taj vikaar.
The virtuous obtain Truth; they give up their desires for evil and corruption.

gur sbdI mnu rMigAw rsnw pRym ipAwir ] (36-19)
gur sabdee man rangi-aa rasnaa paraym pi-aar.
Their minds are imbued with the Word of the Guru's Shabad; the Love of their Beloved is on their tongues.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD