Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jIA dwnu dyie iqRpqwsy scY nwim smwhI ] (1259-1)
jee-a daan day-ay tariptaasay sachai naam samaahee.
Bestowing the gift of the soul, He satisfies the mortal beings, and merges them in the True Name.

Anidnu hir rivAw ird AMqir shij smwiD lgwhI ]2] (1259-1)
an-din har ravi-aa rid antar sahj samaaDh lagaahee. ||2||
Night and day, they ravish and enjoy the Lord within the heart; they are intuitively absorbed in Samaadhi. ||2||

siqgur sbdI iehu mnu ByidAw ihrdY swcI bwxI ] (1259-2)
satgur sabdee ih man bhaydi-aa hirdai saachee banee.
The Shabad, the Word of the True Guru, has pierced my mind. The True Word of His Bani permeates my heart.

myrw pRBu AlKu n jweI liKAw gurmuiK AkQ khwxI ] (1259-2)
mayraa parabh alakh na jaa-ee lakhi-aa gurmukh akath kahaanee.
My God is Unseen; He cannot be seen. The Gurmukh speaks the Unspoken.

Awpy dieAw kry suKdwqw jpIAY swirMgpwxI ]3] (1259-3)
aapay da-i-aa karay sukh-daata japee-ai saaringpaanee. ||3||
When the Giver of peace grants His Grace, the mortal being meditates on the Lord, the Life of the Universe. ||3||

Awvx jwxw bhuiV n hovY gurmuiK shij iDAwieAw ] (1259-4)
aavan jaanaa bahurh na hovai gurmukh sahj Dhi-aa-i-aa.
He does not come and go in renicarnation any longer; the Gurmukh meditates intuitively.

mn hI qy mnu imilAw suAwmI mn hI mMnu smwieAw ] (1259-4)
man hee tay man mili-aa su-aamee man hee man samaa-i-aa.
From the mind, the mind merges into our Lord and Master; the mind is absorbed into the Mind.

swcy hI scu swic pqIjY ivchu Awpu gvwieAw ]4] (1259-5)
saachay hee sach saach pateejai vichahu aap gavaa-i-aa. ||4||
In truth, the True Lord is pleased with truth; eradicate egotism from within yourself. ||4||

eyko eyku vsY min suAwmI dUjw Avru n koeI ] (1259-5)
ayko ayk vasai man su-aamee doojaa avar na ko-ee.
Our One and Only Lord and Master dwells within the mind; there is no other at all.

eykuo nwmu AMimRqu hY mITw jig inrml scu soeI ] (1259-6)
ayko naam amrit hai meethaa jag nirmal sach so-ee.
The One Name is Sweet Ambrosial Nectar; it is Immaculate Truth in the world.

nwnk nwmu pRBU qy pweIAY ijn kau Duir iliKAw hoeI ]5]4] (1259-6)
naanak naam parabhoo tay paa-ee-ai jin ka-o Dhur likhi-aa ho-ee. ||5||4||
O Nanak, the Name of God is obtained, by those who are so predestined. ||5||4||

mlwr mhlw 3 ] (1259-7)
malaar mehlaa 3.
Malaar, Third Mehl:

gx gMDrb nwmy siB auDry gur kw sbdu vIcwir ] (1259-7)
gan ganDharab naamay sabh uDhray gur kaa sabad veechaar.
All the heavenly heralds and celestial singers are saved through the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

haumY mwir sd mMin vswieAw hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ] (1259-8)
ha-umai maar sad man vasaa-i-aa har raakhi-aa ur Dhaar.
They contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. Subduing their ego, the Name abides in their minds; they keep the Lord enshrined in their hearts.

ijsih buJwey soeI bUJY ijs no Awpy ley imlwie ] (1259-8)
jisahi bujhaa-ay so-ee boojhai jis no aapay la-ay milaa-ay.
He alone understands, whom the Lord causes to understand; the Lord unites him with Himself.

Anidnu bwxI sbdy gWvY swic rhY ilv lwie ]1] (1259-9)
an-din banee sabday gaaNvai saach rahai liv laa-ay. ||1||
Night and day, he sings the Word of the Shabad and the Guru's Bani; he remains lovingly attuned to the True Lord. ||1||

mn myry iKnu iKnu nwmu sm@wil ] (1259-9)
man mayray khin khin naam samHaal.
O my mind, each and every moment, dwell on the Naam.

gur kI dwiq sbd suKu AMqir sdw inbhY qyrY nwil ]1] rhwau ] (1259-10)
gur kee daat sabad sukh antar sadaa nibhai tayrai naal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Shabad is the Guru's Gift. It shall bring you lasting peace deep within; it shall always stand by you. ||1||Pause||

mnmuK pwKMfu kdy n cUkY dUjY Bwie duKu pwey ] (1259-10)
manmukh pakhand kaday na chookai doojai bhaa-ay dukh paa-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs never give up their hypocrisy; in the love of duality, they suffer in pain.

nwmu ivswir ibiKAw min rwqy ibrQw jnmu gvwey ] (1259-11)
naam visaar bikhi-aa man raatay birthaa janam gavaa-ay.
Forgetting the Naam, their minds are imbued with corruption. They waste away their lives uselessly.

ieh vylw iPir hiQ n AwvY Anidnu sdw pCuqwey ] (1259-11)
ih vaylaa fir hath na aavai an-din sadaa pachhutaa-ay.
This opportunity shall not come into their hands again; night and day, they shall always regret and repent.

mir mir jnmY kdy n bUJY ivstw mwih smwey ]2] (1259-12)
mar mar janmai kaday na boojhai vistaa maahi samaa-ay. ||2||
They die and die again and again, only to be reborn, but they never understand. They rot away in manure. ||2||

gurmuiK nwim rqy sy auDry gur kw sbdu vIcwir ] (1259-13)
gurmukh naam ratay say uDhray gur kaa sabad veechaar.
The Gurmukhs are imbued with the Naam, and are saved; they contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

jIvn mukiq hir nwmu iDAwieAw hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ] (1259-13)
jeevan mukat har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa har raakhi-aa ur Dhaar.
Meditating on the Name of the Lord, they are Jivan-mukta, liberated while yet alive. They enshrine the Lord within their hearts.

mnu qnu inrmlu inrml miq aUqm aUqm bwxI hoeI ] (1259-14)
man tan nirmal nirmal mat ootam ootam banee ho-ee.
Their minds and bodies are immaculate, their intellect is immaculate and sublime. Their speech is sublime as well.

eyko purKu eyku pRBu jwqw dUjw Avru n koeI ]3] (1259-14)
ayko purakh ayk parabh jaataa doojaa avar na ko-ee. ||3||
They realize the One Primal Being, the One Lord God. There is no other at all. ||3||

Awpy kry krwey pRBu Awpy Awpy ndir kryie ] (1259-15)
aapay karay karaa-ay parabh aapay aapay nadar karay-i.
God Himself is the Doer, and He Himself is the Cause of causes. He Himself bestows His Glance of Grace.

mnu qnu rwqw gur kI bwxI syvw suriq smyie ] (1259-15)
man tan raataa gur kee banee sayvaa surat samay-ay.
My mind and body are imbued with the Word of the Guru's Bani. My consciousness is immersed in His service.

AMqir visAw AlK AByvw gurmuiK hoie lKwie ] (1259-16)
antar vasi-aa alakh abhayvaa gurmukh ho-ay lakhaa-ay.
The Unseen and Inscrutable Lord dwells deep within. He is seen only by the Gurmukh.

nwnk ijsu BwvY iqsu Awpy dyvY BwvY iqvY clwie ]4]5] (1259-16)
naanak jis bhaavai tis aapay dayvai bhaavai tivai chalaa-ay. ||4||5||
O Nanak, He gives to whomever He pleases. According to the Pleasure of His Will, He leads the mortals on. ||4||5||

mlwr mhlw 3 duquky ] (1259-17)
malaar mehlaa 3 dutukay.
Malaar, Third Mehl, Du-Tukas:

siqgur qy pwvY Gru dru mhlu su Qwnu ] (1259-17)
satgur tay paavai ghar dar mahal so thaan.
Through the True Guru, the mortal obtains the special place, the Mansion of the Lord's Presence in his own home.

gur sbdI cUkY AiBmwnu ]1] (1259-18)
gur sabdee chookai abhimaan. ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, his egotistical pride is dispelled. ||1||

ijn kau illwit iliKAw Duir nwmu ] (1259-18)
jin ka-o lilaat likhi-aa Dhur naam.
Those who have the Naam inscribed on their foreheads,

Anidnu nwmu sdw sdw iDAwvih swcI drgh pwvih mwnu ]1] rhwau ] (1259-18)
an-din naam sadaa sadaa Dhi-aavahi saachee dargeh paavahi maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
meditate on the Naam night and day, forever and ever. They are honored in the True Court of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

mn kI ibiD siqgur qy jwxY Anidnu lwgY sd hir isau iDAwnu ] (1259-19)
man kee biDh satgur tay jaanai an-din laagai sad har si-o Dhi-aan.
From the True Guru, they learn the ways and means of the mind. Night and day, they focus their meditation on the Lord forever.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD