Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pwp ibkwr mnUr siB ldy bhu BwrI ] (1248-1)
paap bikaar manoor sabh laday baho bhaaree.
Their sin and corruption are like rusty slag; they carry such a heavy load.

mwrgu ibKmu frwvxw ikau qrIAY qwrI ] (1248-1)
maarag bikham daraavanaa ki-o taree-ai taaree.
The path is treacherous and terrifying; how can they cross over to the other side?

nwnk guir rwKy sy aubry hir nwim auDwrI ]27] (1248-2)
naanak gur raakhay say ubray har naam uDhaaree. ||27||
O Nanak, those whom the Guru protects are saved. They are saved in the Name of the Lord. ||27||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1248-2)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

ivxu siqgur syvy suKu nhI mir jMmih vwro vwr ] (1248-2)
vin satgur sayvay sukh nahee mar jameh vaaro vaar.
Without serving the True Guru, no one finds peace; mortals die and are reborn, over and over again.

moh TgaulI pweIAnu bhu dUjY Bwie ivkwr ] (1248-3)
moh thag-ulee paa-ee-an baho doojai bhaa-ay vikaar.
They have been given the drug of emotional attachment; in love with duality, they are totally corrupt.

ieik gur prswdI aubry iqsu jn kau krih siB nmskwr ] (1248-3)
ik gur parsaadee ubray tis jan ka-o karahi sabh namaskaar.
Some are saved, by Guru's Grace. Everyone humbly bows before such humble beings.

nwnk Anidnu nwmu iDAwie qU AMqir ijqu pwvih moK duAwr ]1] (1248-4)
naanak an-din naam Dhi-aa-ay too antar jit paavahi mokh du-aar. ||1||
O Nanak, meditate on the Naam, deep within yourself, day and night. You shall find the Door of Salvation. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1248-5)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

mwieAw moih ivswirAw scu mrxw hir nwmu ] (1248-5)
maa-i-aa mohi visaari-aa sach marnaa har naam.
Emotionally attached to Maya, the mortal forgets truth, death and the Name of the Lord.

DMDw kriqAw jnmu gieAw AMdir duKu shwmu ] (1248-5)
DhanDhaa karti-aa janam ga-i-aa andar dukh sahaam.
Engaged in worldly affairs, his life wastes away; deep within himself, he suffers in pain.

nwnk siqguru syiv suKu pwieAw ijn@ pUrib iliKAw krwmu ]2] (1248-6)
naanak satgur sayv sukh paa-i-aa jinH poorab likhi-aa karaam. ||2||
O Nanak, those who have the karma of such pre-ordained destiny, serve the True Guru and find peace. ||2||

pauVI ] (1248-6)

lyKw pVIAY hir nwmu iPir lyKu n hoeI ] (1248-6)
laykhaa parhee-ai har naam fir laykh na ho-ee.
Read the account of the Name of the Lord, and you shall never again be called to account.

puiC n skY koie hir dir sd FoeI ] (1248-7)
puchh na sakai ko-ay har dar sad dho-ee.
No one will question you, and you will always be safe in the Court of the Lord.

jmkwlu imlY dy Byt syvku inq hoeI ] (1248-7)
jamkaal milai day bhayt sayvak nit ho-ee.
The Messenger of Death will meet you, and be your constant servant.

pUry gur qy mhlu pwieAw piq prgtu loeI ] (1248-8)
pooray gur tay mahal paa-i-aa pat pargat lo-ee.
Through the Perfect Guru, you shall find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. You shall be famous throughout the world.

nwnk Anhd DunI dir vjdy imilAw hir soeI ]28] (1248-8)
naanak anhad Dhunee dar vajday mili-aa har so-ee. ||28||
O Nanak, the unstruck celestial melody vibrates at your door; come and merge with the Lord. ||28||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1248-9)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

gur kw kihAw jy kry suKI hU suKu swru ] (1248-9)
gur kaa kahi-aa jay karay sukhee hoo sukh saar.
Whoever follows the Guru's Teachings, attains the most sublime peace of all peace.

gur kI krxI Bau ktIAY nwnk pwvih pwru ]1] (1248-9)
gur kee karnee bha-o katee-ai naanak paavahi paar. ||1||
Acting in accordance with the Guru, his fear is cut away; O Nanak, he is carried across. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1248-10)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

scu purwxw nw QIAY nwmu n mYlw hoie ] (1248-10)
sach puraanaa naa thee-ai naam na mailaa ho-ay.
The True Lord does not grow old; His Naam is never dirtied.

gur kY BwxY jy clY bhuiV n Awvxu hoie ] (1248-10)
gur kai bhaanai jay chalai bahurh na aavan ho-ay.
Whoever walks in harmony with the Guru's Will, shall not be reborn again.

nwnk nwim ivswirAY Awvx jwxw doie ]2] (1248-11)
naanak naam visaari-ai aavan jaanaa do-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, those who forget the Naam, come and go in reincarnation. ||2||

pauVI ] (1248-11)

mMgq jnu jwcY dwnu hir dyhu suBwie ] (1248-11)
mangat jan jaachai daan har dayh subhaa-ay.
I am a beggar; I ask this blessing of You: O Lord, please embellish me with Your Love.

hir drsn kI ipAws hY drsin iqRpqwie ] (1248-12)
har darsan kee pi-aas hai darsan tariptaa-ai.
I am so thirsty for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan; His Darshan brings me satisfaction.

iKnu plu GVI n jIvaU ibnu dyKy mrW mwie ] (1248-12)
khin pal gharhee na jeev-oo bin daykhay maraaN maa-ay.
I cannot live for a moment, for even an instant, without seeing Him, O my mother.

siqguir nwil idKwilAw riv rihAw sB Qwie ] (1248-13)
satgur naal dikhaali-aa rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ay.
The Guru has shown me that the Lord is always with me; He is permeating and pervading all places.

suiqAw Awip auTwil dyie nwnk ilv lwie ]29] (1248-13)
suti-aa aap uthaal day-ay naanak liv laa-ay. ||29||
He Himself wakes the sleepers, O Nanak, and lovingly attunes them to Himself. ||29||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1248-14)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

mnmuK boil n jwxn@I Enw AMdir kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ] (1248-14)
manmukh bol na jaananHee onaa andar kaam kroDh ahaNkaar.
The self-willed manmukhs do not even know how to speak. They are filled with sexual desire, anger and egotism.

Qwau kuQwau n jwxnI sdw icqvih ibkwr ] (1248-15)
thaa-o kuthaa-o na jaannee sadaa chitvahi bikaar.
They do not know the difference between good and bad; they constantly think of corruption.

drgh lyKw mMgIAY EQY hoih kUiVAwr ] (1248-15)
dargeh laykhaa mangee-ai othai hohi koorhi-aar.
In the Lord's Court, they are called to account, and they are judged to be false.

Awpy isRsit aupweIAnu Awip kry bIcwru ] (1248-16)
aapay sarisat upaa-ee-an aap karay beechaar.
He Himself creates the Universe. He Himself contemplates it.

nwnk iks no AwKIAY sBu vrqY Awip sicAwru ]1] (1248-16)
naanak kis no aakhee-ai sabh vartai aap sachiaar. ||1||
O Nanak, whom should we tell? The True Lord is permeating and pervading all. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1248-17)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

hir gurmuiK iqn@I ArwiDAw ijn@ krim prwpiq hoie ] (1248-17)
har gurmukh tinHee araaDhi-aa jinH karam paraapat ho-ay.
The Gurmukhs worship and adore the Lord; they receive the good karma of their actions.

nwnk hau bilhwrI iqn@ kau ijn@ hir min visAw soie ]2] (1248-17)
naanak ha-o balihaaree tinH ka-o jinH har man vasi-aa so-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to those whose minds are filled with the Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (1248-18)

Aws kry sBu loku bhu jIvxu jwixAw ] (1248-18)
aas karay sabh lok baho jeevan jaani-aa.
All people cherish hope, that they will live long lives.

inq jIvx kau icqu gV@ mMfp svwirAw ] (1248-18)
nit jeevan ka-o chit garhH mandap savaari-aa.
They wish to live forever; they adorn and embellish their forts and mansions.

vlvMc kir aupwv mwieAw ihir AwixAw ] (1248-19)
valvanch kar upaav maa-i-aa hir aani-aa.
By various frauds and deceptions, they steal the wealth of others.

jmkwlu inhwly sws Awv GtY byqwilAw ] (1248-19)
jamkaal nihaalay saas aav ghatai baytaali-aa.
But the Messenger of Death keeps his gaze on their breath, and the life of those goblins decreases day by day.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD