Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bydu vpwrI igAwnu rwis krmI plY hoie ] (1244-1)
bayd vapaaree gi-aan raas karmee palai ho-ay.
The Vedas are only merchants; spiritual wisdom is the capital; by His Grace, it is received.

nwnk rwsI bwhrw lid n cilAw koie ]2] (1244-1)
naanak raasee baahraa lad na chali-aa ko-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, without capital, no one has ever departed with profit. ||2||

pauVI ] (1244-2)

inMmu ibrKu bhu sMcIAY AMimRq rsu pwieAw ] (1244-2)
nimm birakh baho sanchee-ai amrit ras paa-i-aa.
You can water a bitter neem tree with ambrosial nectar.

ibsIAru mMiqR ivswhIAY bhu dUDu pIAwieAw ] (1244-2)
bisee-ar mantar visaahee-ai baho dooDh pee-aa-i-aa.
You can feed a venomous snake lots of milk.

mnmuKu AiBMnu n iBjeI pQru nwvwieAw ] (1244-3)
manmukh abhinn na bhij-ee pathar navaa-i-aa.
The self-willed manmukh is resistant; he cannot be softened. You might as well water a stone.

ibKu mih AMimRqu isMcIAY ibKu kw Plu pwieAw ] (1244-3)
bikh meh amrit sinchee-ai bikh kaa fal paa-i-aa.
Irrigating a poisonous plant with ambrosial nectar, only poisonous fruit is obtained.

nwnk sMgiq myil hir sB ibKu lih jwieAw ]16] (1244-4)
naanak sangat mayl har sabh bikh leh jaa-i-aa. ||16||
O Lord, please unite Nanak with the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, so that he may be rid of all poison. ||16||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1244-4)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

mrix n mUrqu puiCAw puCI iQiq n vwru ] (1244-4)
maran na moorat puchhi-aa puchhee thit na vaar.
Death does not ask the time; it does not ask the date or the day of the week.

iekn@I lidAw ieik lid cly iekn@I bDy Bwr ] (1244-5)
iknHee ladi-aa ik lad chalay iknHee baDhay bhaar.
Some have packed up, and some who have packed up have gone.

iekn@w hoeI swKqI iekn@w hoeI swr ] (1244-5)
iknHaa ho-ee saakh-tee iknHaa ho-ee saar.
Some are severely punished, and some are taken care of.

lskr sxY dmwimAw Cuty bMk duAwr ] (1244-6)
laskar sanai damaami-aa chhutay bank du-aar.
They must leave their armies and drums, and their beautiful mansions.

nwnk FyrI Cwru kI BI iPir hoeI Cwr ]1] (1244-6)
naanak dhayree chhaar kee bhee fir ho-ee chhaar. ||1||
O Nanak, the pile of dust is once again reduced to dust. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1244-7)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

nwnk FyrI Fih peI imtI sMdw kotu ] (1244-7)
naanak dhayree dheh pa-ee mitee sandaa kot.
O Nanak, the pile shall fall apart; the fortress of the body is made of dust.

BIqir coru bhwilAw Kotu vy jIAw Kotu ]2] (1244-7)
bheetar chor bahaali-aa khot vay jee-aa khot. ||2||
The thief has settled within you; O soul, your life is false. ||2||

pauVI ] (1244-8)

ijn AMdir inMdw dustu hY nk vFy nk vFwieAw ] (1244-8)
jin andar nindaa dusat hai nak vadhay nak vaDhaa-i-aa.
Those who are filled with vicious slander, shall have their noses cut, and be shamed.

mhw krUp duKIey sdw kwly muh mwieAw ] (1244-8)
mahaa karoop dukhee-ay sadaa kaalay muh maa-i-aa.
They are totally ugly, and always in pain. Their faces are blackened by Maya.

Blky auiT inq pr drbu ihrih hir nwmu curwieAw ] (1244-9)
bhalkay uth nit par darab hireh har naam churaa-i-aa.
They rise early in the morning, to cheat and steal from others; they hide from the Lord's Name.

hir jIau iqn kI sMgiq mq krhu riK lyhu hir rwieAw ] (1244-9)
har jee-o tin kee sangat mat karahu rakh layho har raa-i-aa.
O Dear Lord, let me not even associate with them; save me from them, O my Sovereign Lord King.

nwnk pieAY ikriq kmwvdy mnmuiK duKu pwieAw ]17] (1244-10)
naanak pa-i-ai kirat kamaavday manmukh dukh paa-i-aa. ||17||
O Nanak, the self-willed manmukhs act according to their past deeds, producing nothing but pain. ||17||

slok mÚ 4 ] (1244-10)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

sBu koeI hY Ksm kw Ksmhu sBu ko hoie ] (1244-11)
sabh ko-ee hai khasam kaa khasmahu sabh ko ho-ay.
Everyone belongs to our Lord and Master. Everyone came from Him.

hukmu pCwxY Ksm kw qw scu pwvY koie ] (1244-11)
hukam pachhaanai khasam kaa taa sach paavai ko-ay.
Only by realizing the Hukam of His Command, is Truth obtained.

gurmuiK Awpu pCwxIAY burw n dIsY koie ] (1244-11)
gurmukh aap pachhaanee-ai buraa na deesai ko-ay.
The Gurmukh realizes his own self; no one appears evil to him.

nwnk gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY sihlw AwieAw soie ]1] (1244-12)
naanak gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai sahilaa aa-i-aa so-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Fruitful is his coming into the world. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (1244-13)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

sBnw dwqw Awip hY Awpy mylxhwru ] (1244-13)
sabhnaa daataa aap hai aapay maylanhaar.
He Himself is the Giver of all; He unites all with Himself.

nwnk sbid imly n ivCuVih ijnw syivAw hir dwqwru ]2] (1244-13)
naanak sabad milay na vichhurheh jinaa sayvi-aa har daataar. ||2||
O Nanak, they are united with the Word of the Shabad; serving the Lord, the Great Giver, they shall never be separated from Him again. ||2||

pauVI ] (1244-14)

gurmuiK ihrdY sWiq hY nwau augiv AwieAw ] (1244-14)
gurmukh hirdai saaNt hai naa-o ugav aa-i-aa.
Peace and tranquility fill the heart of the Gurmukh; the Name wells up within them.

jp qp qIrQ sMjm kry myry pRB BwieAw ] (1244-14)
jap tap tirath sanjam karay mayray parabh bhaa-i-aa.
Chanting and meditation, penance and self-discipline, and bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage - the merits of these come by pleasing my God.

ihrdw suDu hir syvdy sohih gux gwieAw ] (1244-15)
hirdaa suDh har sayvday soheh gun gaa-i-aa.
So serve the Lord with a pure heart; singing His Glorious Praises, you shall be embellished and exalted.

myry hir jIau eyvY Bwvdw gurmuiK qrwieAw ] (1244-15)
mayray har jee-o ayvai bhaavdaa gurmukh taraa-i-aa.
My Dear Lord is pleased by this; he carries the Gurmukh across.

nwnk gurmuiK myilAnu hir dir sohwieAw ]18] (1244-16)
naanak gurmukh mayli-an har dar sohaa-i-aa. ||18||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is merged with the Lord; he is embellished in His Court. ||18||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1244-16)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

DnvMqw iev hI khY AvrI Dn kau jwau ] (1244-16)
Dhanvantaa iv hee kahai avree Dhan ka-o jaa-o.
Thus speaks the wealthy man: I should go and get more wealth.

nwnku inrDnu iqqu idin ijqu idin ivsrY nwau ]1] (1244-17)
naanak nirDhan tit din jit din visrai naa-o. ||1||
Nanak becomes poor on that day when he forgets the Lord's Name. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1244-17)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

sUrju cVY ivjoig sBsY GtY Awrjw ] (1244-17)
sooraj charhai vijog sabhsai ghatai aarjaa.
The sun rises and sets, and the lives of all run out.

qnu mnu rqw Boig koeI hwrY ko ijxY ] (1244-18)
tan man rataa bhog ko-ee haarai ko jinai.
The mind and body experience pleasures; one loses, and another wins.

sBu ko BirAw PUik AwKix khix n QMm@IAY ] (1244-18)
sabh ko bhari-aa fook aakhan kahan na thamH-ee-ai.
Everyone is puffed up with pride; even after they are spoken to, they do not stop.

nwnk vyKY Awip PUk kFwey Fih pvY ]2] (1244-19)
naanak vaykhai aap fook kadhaa-ay dheh pavai. ||2||
O Nanak, the Lord Himself sees all; when He takes the air out of the balloon, the body falls. ||2||

pauVI ] (1244-19)

sqsMgiq nwmu inDwnu hY ijQhu hir pwieAw ] (1244-19)
satsangat naam niDhaan hai jithahu har paa-i-aa.
The treasure of the Name is in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. There, the Lord is found.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD