Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


puCw dyvW mwxsW joD krih Avqwr ] (1242-1)
puchhaa dayvaaN maansaaN joDh karahi avtaar.
I could ask the gods, mortal men, warriors and divine incarnations;

isD smwDI siB suxI jwie dyKW drbwru ] (1242-1)
siDh samaaDhee sabh sunee jaa-ay daykhaaN darbaar.
I could consult all the Siddhas in Samaadhi, and go to see the Lord's Court.

AgY scw sic nwie inrBau BY ivxu swru ] (1242-2)
agai sachaa sach naa-ay nirbha-o bhai vin saar.
Hereafter, Truth is the Name of all; the Fearless Lord has no fear at all.

hor kcI mqI kcu ipcu AMiDAw AMDu bIcwru ] (1242-2)
hor kachee matee kach pich anDhi-aa anDh beechaar.
False are other intellectualisms, false and shallow; blind are the contemplations of the blind.

nwnk krmI bMdgI ndir lµGwey pwir ]2] (1242-3)
naanak karmee bandagee nadar langhaa-ay paar. ||2||
O Nanak, by the karma of good actions, the mortal comes to meditate on the Lord; by His Grace, we are carried across. ||2||

pauVI ] (1242-3)

nwie mMinAY durmiq geI miq prgtI AwieAw ] (1242-3)
naa-ay mani-ai durmat ga-ee mat pargatee aa-i-aa.
With faith in the Name, evil-mindedness is eradicated, and the intellect is enlightened.

nwau mMinAY haumY geI siB rog gvwieAw ] (1242-4)
naa-o mani-ai ha-umai ga-ee sabh rog gavaa-i-aa.
With faith in the Name, egotism is eradicated, and all sickness is cured.

nwie mMinAY nwmu aUpjY shjy suKu pwieAw ] (1242-4)
naa-ay mani-ai naam oopjai sehjay sukh paa-i-aa.
Believing in the Name, The Name wells up, and intuitive peace and poise are obtained.

nwie mMinAY sWiq aUpjY hir mMin vswieAw ] (1242-5)
naa-ay mani-ai saaNt oopjai har man vasaa-i-aa.
Believing in the Name, tranquility and peace well up, and the Lord is enshrined in the mind.

nwnk nwmu rqMnu hY gurmuiK hir iDAwieAw ]11] (1242-5)
naanak naam ratann hai gurmukh har Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||11||
O Nanak, the Name is a jewel; the Gurmukh meditates on the Lord. ||11||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1242-6)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

horu srIku hovY koeI qyrw iqsu AgY quDu AwKW ] (1242-6)
hor sareek hovai ko-ee tayraa tis agai tuDh aakhaaN.
If there were any other equal to You, O Lord, I would speak to them of You.

quDu AgY quDY swlwhI mY AMDy nwau sujwKw ] (1242-6)
tuDh agai tuDhai saalaahee mai anDhay naa-o sujaakhaa.
You, I praise You; I am blind, but through the Name, I am all-seeing.

jyqw AwKxu swhI sbdI BwiKAw Bwie suBweI ] (1242-7)
jaytaa aakhan saahee sabdee bhaakhi-aa bhaa-ay subhaa-ee.
Whatever is spoken, is the Word of the Shabad. Chanting it with love, we are embellished.

nwnk bhuqw eyho AwKxu sB qyrI vifAweI ]1] (1242-7)
naanak bahutaa ayho aakhan sabh tayree vadi-aa-ee. ||1||
Nanak, this is the greatest thing to say: all glorious greatness is Yours. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1242-8)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

jW n isAw ikAw cwkrI jW jMmy ikAw kwr ] (1242-8)
jaaN na si-aa ki-aa chaakree jaaN jammay ki-aa kaar.
When there was nothing, what happened? What happens when one is born?

siB kwrx krqw kry dyKY vwro vwr ] (1242-8)
sabh kaaran kartaa karay daykhai vaaro vaar.
The Creator, the Doer, does all; He watches over all, again and again

jy cupY jy mMigAY dwiq kry dwqwru ] (1242-9)
jay chupai jay mangi-ai daat karay daataar.
. Whether we keep silent or beg out loud, the Great Giver blesses us with His gifts.

ieku dwqw siB mMgqy iPir dyKih Awkwru ] (1242-9)
ik daataa sabh mangtay fir daykheh aakaar.
The One Lord is the Giver; we are all beggars. I have seen this throughout the Universe.

nwnk eyvY jwxIAY jIvY dyvxhwru ]2] (1242-10)
naanak ayvai jaanee-ai jeevai dayvanhaar. ||2||
Nanak knows this: the Great Giver lives forever. ||2||

pauVI ] (1242-10)

nwie mMinAY suriq aUpjY nwmy miq hoeI ] (1242-10)
naa-ay mani-ai surat oopjai naamay mat ho-ee.
With faith in the Name, intuitive awareness wells up; through the Name, intelligence comes.

nwie mMinAY gux aucrY nwmy suiK soeI ] (1242-11)
naa-ay mani-ai gun uchrai naamay sukh so-ee.
With faith in the Name, chant the Glories of God; through the Name, peace is obtained.

nwie mMinAY BRmu ktIAY iPir duKu n hoeI ] (1242-11)
naa-ay mani-ai bharam katee-ai fir dukh na ho-ee.
With faith in the Name, doubt is eradicated, and the mortal never suffers again.

nwie mMinAY swlwhIAY pwpW miq DoeI ] (1242-11)
naa-ay mani-ai salaahee-ai paapaaN mat Dho-ee.
With faith in the Name, sing His Praises, and your sinful intellect shall be washed clean.

nwnk pUry gur qy nwau mMnIAY ijn dyvY soeI ]12] (1242-12)
naanak pooray gur tay naa-o mannee-ai jin dayvai so-ee. ||12||
O Nanak, through the Perfect Guru, one comes to have faith in the Name; they alone receive it, unto whom He gives it. ||12||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1242-12)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

swsqR byd purwx pV@Mqw ] (1242-13)
saastar bayd puraan parhHaNtaa.
Some read the Shaastras, the Vedas and the Puraanas.

pUkwrMqw AjwxMqw ] (1242-13)
pookaarantaa ajaanantaa.
They recite them, out of ignorance.

jW bUJY qW sUJY soeI ] (1242-13)
jaaN boojhai taaN soojhai so-ee.
If they really understood them, they would realize the Lord.

nwnku AwKY kUk n hoeI ]1] (1242-13)
naanak aakhai kook na ho-ee. ||1||
Nanak says, there is no need to shout so loud. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1242-14)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

jW hau qyrw qW sBu ikCu myrw hau nwhI qU hovih ] (1242-14)
jaaN ha-o tayraa taaN sabh kichh mayraa ha-o naahee too hoveh.
When I am Yours, then everything is mine. When I am not, You are.

Awpy skqw Awpy surqw skqI jgqu provih ] (1242-14)
aapay saktaa aapay surtaa saktee jagat paroveh.
You Yourself are All-powerful, and You Yourself are the Intuitive Knower. The whole world is strung on the Power of Your Shakti.

Awpy Byjy Awpy sdy rcnw ric ric vyKY ] (1242-15)
aapay bhayjay aapay saday rachnaa rach rach vaykhai.
You Yourself send out the mortal beings, and You Yourself call them back home. Having created the creation, You behold it.

nwnk scw scI nWeI scu pvY Duir lyKY ]2] (1242-15)
naanak sachaa sachee naaN-ee sach pavai Dhur laykhai. ||2||
O Nanak, True is the Name of the True Lord; through Truth, one is accepted by the Primal Lord God. ||2||

pauVI ] (1242-16)

nwmu inrMjn AlKu hY ikau liKAw jweI ] (1242-16)
naam niranjan alakh hai ki-o lakhi-aa jaa-ee.
The Name of the Immaculate Lord is unknowable. How can it be known?

nwmu inrMjn nwil hY ikau pweIAY BweI ] (1242-16)
naam niranjan naal hai ki-o paa-ee-ai bhaa-ee.
The Name of the Immaculate Lord is with the mortal being. How can it be obtained, O Siblings of Destiny?

nwmu inrMjn vrqdw rivAw sB TWeI ] (1242-17)
naam niranjan varatdaa ravi-aa sabh thaaN-ee.
The Name of the Immaculate Lord is all-pervading and permeating everywhere.

gur pUry qy pweIAY ihrdY dyie idKweI ] (1242-17)
gur pooray tay paa-ee-ai hirdai day-ay dikhaa-ee.
Through the Perfect Guru, it is obtained. It is revealed within the heart.

nwnk ndrI krmu hoie gur imlIAY BweI ]13] (1242-18)
naanak nadree karam ho-ay gur milee-ai bhaa-ee. ||13||
O Nanak, when the Merciful Lord grants His Grace, the mortal meets with the Guru, O Siblings of Desitny. ||13||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1242-18)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

kil hoeI kuqy muhI Kwju hoAw murdwru ] (1242-18)
kal ho-ee kutay muhee khaaj ho-aa murdaar.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, people have faces like dogs; they eat rotting carcasses for food.

kUVu boil boil Baukxw cUkw Drmu bIcwru ] (1242-19)
koorh bol bol bha-ukanaa chookaa Dharam beechaar.
They bark and speak, telling only lies; all thought of righteousness has left them.

ijn jIvMidAw piq nhI muieAw mMdI soie ] (1242-19)
jin jeevandi-aa pat nahee mu-i-aa mandee so-ay.
Those who have no honor while alive, will have an evil reputation after they die.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD