Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwm nwmu swDU srxweI ] (1030-1)
raam naam saaDhoo sarnaa-ee.
In the Sanctuary of the Holy, chant the Lord's Name.

siqgur bcnI giq imiq pweI ] (1030-1)
satgur bachnee gat mit paa-ee.
Through the True Guru's Teachings, one comes to know His state and extent.

nwnk hir jip hir mn myry hir myly mylxhwrw hy ]17]3]9] (1030-1)
naanak har jap har man mayray har maylay maylanhaaraa hay. ||17||3||9||
Nanak: chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my mind; the Lord, the Uniter, shall unite you with Himself. ||17||3||9||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1030-2)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

Gir rhu ry mn mugD ieAwny ] (1030-2)
ghar rahu ray man mugaDh i-aanay.
Remain in your own home, O my foolish and ignorant mind.

rwmu jphu AMqrgiq iDAwny ] (1030-2)
raam japahu antargat Dhi-aanay.
Meditate on the Lord - concentrate deep within your being and meditate on Him.

lwlc Coif rchu AprMpir ieau pwvhu mukiq duAwrw hy ]1] (1030-3)
laalach chhod rachahu aprampar i-o paavhu mukat du-aaraa hay. ||1||
Renounce your greed, and merge with the infinite Lord. In this way, you shall find the door of liberation. ||1||

ijsu ibsirAY jmu johix lwgY ] (1030-3)
jis bisri-ai jam johan laagai.
If you forget Him, the Messenger of Death will catch sight of you.

siB suK jwih duKw Puin AwgY ] (1030-4)
sabh sukh jaahi dukhaa fun aagai.
All peace will be gone, and you will suffer in pain in the world hereafter.

rwm nwmu jip gurmuiK jIAVy eyhu prm qqu vIcwrw hy ]2] (1030-4)
raam naam jap gurmukh jee-arhay ayhu param tat veechaaraa hay. ||2||
Chant the Name of the Lord as Gurmukh, O my soul; this is the supreme essence of contemplation. ||2||

hir hir nwmu jphu rsu mITw ] (1030-5)
har har naam japahu ras meethaa.
Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the sweetest essence.

gurmuiK hir rsu AMqir fITw ] (1030-5)
gurmukh har ras antar deethaa.
As Gurmukh, see the essence of the Lord deep within.

Aihinis rwm rhhu rMig rwqy eyhu jpu qpu sMjmu swrw hy ]3] (1030-5)
ahinis raam rahhu rang raatay ayhu jap tap sanjam saaraa hay. ||3||
Day and night, remain imbued with the Lord's Love. This is the essence of all chanting, deep meditation and self-discipline. ||3||

rwm nwmu gur bcnI bolhu ] (1030-6)
raam naam gur bachnee bolhu.
Speak the Guru's Word, and the Name of the Lord.

sMq sBw mih iehu rsu tolhu ] (1030-6)
sant sabhaa meh ih ras tolahu.
In the Society of the Saints, search for this essence.

gurmiq Koij lhhu Gru Apnw bhuiV n grB mJwrw hy ]4] (1030-7)
gurmat khoj lahhu ghar apnaa bahurh na garabh majhaaraa hay. ||4||
Follow the Guru's Teachings - seek and find the home of your own self, and you shall never be consigned to the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||

scu qIriQ nwvhu hir gux gwvhu ] (1030-7)
sach tirath naavhu har gun gaavhu.
Bathe at the sacred shrine of Truth, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

qqu vIcwrhu hir ilv lwvhu ] (1030-8)
tat veechaarahu har liv laavhu.
Reflect upon the essence of reality, and lovingly focus your consciousness on the Lord.

AMq kwil jmu joih n swkY hir bolhu rwmu ipAwrw hy ]5] (1030-8)
ant kaal jam johi na saakai har bolhu raam pi-aaraa hay. ||5||
At the very last moment, the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you, if you chant the Name of the Beloved Lord. ||5||

siqguru purKu dwqw vf dwxw ] (1030-8)
satgur purakh daataa vad daanaa.
The True Guru, the Primal Being, the Great Giver, is all-knowing.

ijsu AMqir swcu su sbid smwxw ] (1030-9)
jis antar saach so sabad samaanaa.
Whoever has Truth within himself, merges in the Word of the Shabad.

ijs kau siqguru myil imlwey iqsu cUkw jm BY Bwrw hy ]6] (1030-9)
jis ka-o satgur mayl milaa-ay tis chookaa jam bhai bhaaraa hay. ||6||
One whom the True Guru unites in Union, is rid of the overpowering fear of death. ||6||

pMc qqu imil kwieAw kInI ] (1030-10)
panch tat mil kaa-i-aa keenee.
The body is formed from the union of the five elements.

iqs mih rwm rqnu lY cInI ] (1030-10)
tis meh raam ratan lai cheenee.
Know that the Lord's jewel is within it.

Awqm rwmu rwmu hY Awqm hir pweIAY sbid vIcwrw hy ]7] (1030-10)
aatam raam raam hai aatam har paa-ee-ai sabad veechaaraa hay. ||7||
The soul is the Lord, and the Lord is the soul; contemplating the Shabad, the Lord is found. ||7||

sq sMqoiK rhhu jn BweI ] (1030-11)
sat santokh rahhu jan bhaa-ee.
Abide in truth and contentment, O humble Siblings of Destiny.

iKmw ghhu siqgur srxweI ] (1030-11)
khimaa gahhu satgur sarnaa-ee.
Hold tight to compassion and the Sanctuary of the True Guru.

Awqmu cIin prwqmu cInhu gur sMgiq iehu insqwrw hy ]8] (1030-12)
aatam cheen paraatam cheenahu gur sangat ih nistaaraa hay. ||8||
Know your soul, and know the Supreme Soul; associating with the Guru, you shall be emancipated. ||8||

swkq kUV kpt mih tykw ] (1030-12)
saakat koorh kapat meh taykaa.
The faithless cynics are stuck in falsehood and deceit.

Aihinis inMdw krih Anykw ] (1030-13)
ahinis nindaa karahi anaykaa.
Day and night, they slander many others.

ibnu ismrn Awvih Puin jwvih gRB jonI nrk mJwrw hy ]9] (1030-13)
bin simran aavahi fun jaaveh garabh jonee narak majhaaraa hay. ||9||
Without meditative remembrance, they come and then go, and are cast into the hellish womb of reincarnation. ||9||

swkq jm kI kwix n cUkY ] (1030-14)
saakat jam kee kaan na chookai.
The faithless cynic is not rid of his fear of death.

jm kw fMfu n kbhU mUkY ] (1030-14)
jam kaa dand na kabhoo mookai.
The Messenger of Death's club is never taken away.

bwkI Drm rwie kI lIjY isir APirE Bwru APwrw hy ]10] (1030-14)
baakee Dharam raa-ay kee leejai sir afri-o bhaar afaaraa hay. ||10||
He has to answer to the Righteous Judge of Dharma for the account of his actions; the egotistical being carries the unbearable load. ||10||

ibnu gur swkqu khhu ko qirAw ] (1030-15)
bin gur saakat kahhu ko tari-aa.
Tell me: without the Guru, what faithless cynic has been saved?

haumY krqw Bvjil pirAw ] (1030-15)
ha-umai kartaa bhavjal pari-aa.
Acting egotistically, he falls into the terrifying world-ocean.

ibnu gur pwru n pwvY koeI hir jpIAY pwir auqwrw hy ]11] (1030-15)
bin gur paar na paavai ko-ee har japee-ai paar utaaraa hay. ||11||
Without the Guru, no one is saved; meditating on the Lord, they are carried across to the other side. ||11||

gur kI dwiq n mytY koeI ] (1030-16)
gur kee daat na maytai ko-ee.
No one can erase the Guru's blessings.

ijsu bKsy iqsu qwry soeI ] (1030-16)
jis bakhsay tis taaray so-ee.
The Lord carries across those whom He forgives.

jnm mrx duKu nyiV n AwvY min so pRBu Apr Apwrw hy ]12] (1030-17)
janam maran dukh nayrh na aavai man so parabh apar apaaraa hay. ||12||
The pains of birth and death do not even approach those whose minds are filled with God, the infinite and endless. ||12||

gur qy BUly Awvhu jwvhu ] (1030-17)
gur tay bhoolay aavhu jaavhu.
Those who forget the Guru come and go in reincarnation.

jnim mrhu Puin pwp kmwvhu ] (1030-18)
janam marahu fun paap kamaavahu.
They are born, only to die again, and continue committing sins.

swkq mUV Acyq n cyqih duKu lwgY qw rwmu pukwrw hy ]13] (1030-18)
saakat moorh achayt na cheeteh dukh laagai taa raam pukaaraa hay. ||13||
The unconscious, foolish, faithless cynic does not remember the Lord; but when he is stricken with pain, then he cries out for the Lord. ||13||

suKu duKu purb jnm ky kIey ] (1030-19)
sukh dukh purab janam kay kee-ay.
Pleasure and pain are the consequences of the actions of past lives.

so jwxY ijin dwqY dIey ] (1030-19)
so jaanai jin daatai dee-ay.
The Giver, who blesses us with these - He alone knows.

iks kau dosu dyih qU pRwxI shu Apxw kIAw krwrw hy ]14] (1030-19)
kis ka-o dos deh too paraanee saho apnaa kee-aa karaaraa hay. ||14||
So who can you blame, O mortal being? The hardships you suffer are from your own actions. ||14||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD