Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mlu kUVI nwim auqwrIAnu jip nwmu hoAw sicAwru ] (951-1)
mal koorhee naam utaaree-an jap naam ho-aa sachiaar.
The Naam washes off the filth of falsehood; chanting the Naam, one becomes truthful.

jn nwnk ijs dy eyih clq hih so jIvau dyvxhwru ]2] (951-1)
jan naanak jis day ayhi chalat heh so jeeva-o dayvanhaar. ||2||
O servant Nanak, wondrous are the plays of the Lord, the Giver of life. ||2||

pauVI ] (951-2)

quDu jyvfu dwqw nwih iksu AwiK suxweIAY ] (951-2)
tuDh jayvad daataa naahi kis aakh sunaa-ee-ai.
You are the Great Giver; no other is as great as You. Unto whom should I speak and talk?

gur prswdI pwie ijQhu haumY jweIAY ] (951-3)
gur parsaadee paa-ay jithahu ha-umai jaa-ee-ai.
By Guru's Grace, I find You; You eradicate egotism from within.

rs ks swdw bwhrw scI vifAweIAY ] (951-3)
ras kas saadaa baahraa sachee vadi-aa-ee-ai.
You are beyond sweet and salty flavors; True is Your glorious greatness.

ijs no bKsy iqsu dyie Awip ley imlweIAY ] (951-4)
jis no bakhsay tis day-ay aap la-ay milaa-ee-ai.
You bless those whom You forgive, and unite them with Yourself.

Gt AMqir AMimRqu riKEnu gurmuiK iksY ipAweI ]9] (951-4)
ghat antar amrit rakhi-on gurmukh kisai pi-aa-ee. ||9||
You have placed the Ambrosial Nectar deep within the heart; the Gurmukh drinks it in. ||9||

slok mÚ 3 ] (951-5)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbwxIAw khwxIAw puq spuq kryin ] (951-5)
baabaanee-aa kahaanee-aa put saput karayn.
The stories of one's ancestors make the children good children.

ij siqgur BwvY su mMin lYin syeI krm kryin ] (951-5)
je satgur bhaavai so man lain say-ee karam karayn.
They accept what is pleasing to the Will of the True Guru, and act accordingly.

jwie puChu isimRiq swsq ibAws suk nwrd bcn sB isRsit kryin ] (951-6)
jaa-ay puchhahu simrit saasat bi-aas suk naarad bachan sabh sarisat karayn.
Go and consult the Simritees, the Shaastras, the writings of Vyaas, Suk Dayv, Naarad, and all those who preach to the world.

scY lwey sic lgy sdw scu smwlyin ] (951-6)
sachai laa-ay sach lagay sadaa sach samaalayn.
Those, whom the True Lord attaches, are attached to the Truth; they contemplate the True Name forever.

nwnk Awey sy prvwxu Bey ij sgly kul qwryin ]1] (951-7)
naanak aa-ay say parvaan bha-ay je saglay kul taarayn. ||1||
O Nanak, their coming into the world is approved; they redeem all their ancestors. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (951-7)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

gurU ijnw kw AMDulw isK BI AMDy krm kryin ] (951-7)
guroo jinaa kaa anDhulaa sikh bhee anDhay karam karayn.
The disciples whose teacher is blind, act blindly as well.

Eie BwxY clin AwpxY inq JUTo JUTu bolyin ] (951-8)
o-ay bhaanai chalan aapnai nit jhootho jhooth bolayn.
They walk according to their own wills, and continually speak falsehood and lies.

kUVu kusqu kmwvdy pr inMdw sdw kryin ] (951-8)
koorh kusat kamaavday par nindaa sadaa karayn.
They practice falsehood and deception, and endlessly slander others.

Eie Awip fuby pr inMdkw sgly kul fobyin ] (951-9)
o-ay aap dubay par nindkaa saglay kul dobayn.
Slandering others, they drown themselves, and drown all their generations as well.

nwnk ijqu Eie lwey iqqu lgy auie bpuVy ikAw kryin ]2] (951-9)
naanak jit o-ay laa-ay tit lagay u-ay bapurhay ki-aa karayn. ||2||
O Nanak, whatever the Lord links them to, to that they are linked; what can the poor creatures do? ||2||

pauVI ] (951-10)

sB ndrI AMdir rKdw jyqI issit sB kIqI ] (951-10)
sabh nadree andar rakh-daa jaytee sisat sabh keetee.
He keeps all under His Gaze; He created the entire Universe.

ieik kUiV kusiq lwieAnu mnmuK ivgUqI ] (951-11)
ik koorh kusat laa-i-an manmukh vigootee.
He has linked some to falsehood and deception; these self-willed manmukhs are plundered.

gurmuiK sdw iDAweIAY AMdir hir pRIqI ] (951-11)
gurmukh sadaa Dhi-aa-ee-ai andar har pareetee.
The Gurmukhs meditate on the Lord forever; their inner beings are filled with love.

ijn kau poqY puMnu hY iqn@ vwiq ispIqI ] (951-12)
jin ka-o potai punn hai tinH vaat sipeetee.
Those who have the treasure of virtue, chant the Praises of the Lord.

nwnk nwmu iDAweIAY scu isPiq snweI ]10] (951-12)
naanak naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai sach sifat sanaa-ee. ||10||
O Nanak, meditate on the Naam, and the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. ||10||

sloku mÚ 1 ] (951-13)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

sqI pwpu kir squ kmwih ] (951-13)
satee paap kar sat kamaahi.
Men of charity gather wealth by committing sins, and then give it away in donations to charity.

gur dIiKAw Gir dyvx jwih ] (951-13)
gur deekhi-aa ghar dayvan jaahi.
Their spiritual teachers go to their homes to instruct them.

iesqrI purKY KitAY Bwau ] (951-13)
istaree purkhai khati-ai bhaa-o.
The woman loves the man only for his wealth;

BwvY Awvau BwvY jwau ] (951-14)
bhaavai aava-o bhaavai jaa-o.
they come and go as they please.

swsqu bydu n mwnY koie ] (951-14)
saasat bayd na maanai ko-ay.
No one obeys the Shaastras or the Vedas.

Awpo AwpY pUjw hoie ] (951-14)
aapo aapai poojaa ho-ay.
Everyone worships himself.

kwjI hoie kY bhY inAwie ] (951-14)
kaajee ho-ay kai bahai ni-aa-ay.
Becoming judges, they sit and administer justice.

Pyry qsbI kry Kudwie ] (951-15)
fayray tasbee karay khudaa-ay.
They chant on their malas, and call upon God.

vFI lY kY hku gvwey ] (951-15)
vadhee lai kai hak gavaa-ay.
They accept bribes, and block justice.

jy ko puCY qw piV suxwey ] (951-15)
jay ko puchhai taa parh sunaa-ay.
If someone asks them, they read quotations from their books.

qurk mMqRü kin irdY smwih ] (951-15)
turak mantar kan ridai samaahi.
The Muslim scriptures are in their ears and in their hearts.

lok muhwvih cwVI Kwih ] (951-16)
lok muhaaveh chaarhee khaahi.
They plunder the people, and engage in gossip and flattery.

caukw dy kY sucw hoie ] (951-16)
cha-ukaa day kai suchaa ho-ay.
They anoint their kitchens to try to become pure.

AYsw ihMdU vyKhu koie ] (951-16)
aisaa hindoo vaykhhu ko-ay.
Behold, such is the Hindu.

jogI igrhI jtw ibBUq ] (951-16)
jogee girhee jataa bibhoot.
The Yogi, with matted hair and ashes on his body, has become a householder.

AwgY pwCY rovih pUq ] (951-17)
aagai paachhai roveh poot.
The children weep in front of him and behind him.

jogu n pwieAw jugiq gvweI ] (951-17)
jog na paa-i-aa jugat gavaa-ee.
He does not attain Yoga - he has lost his way.

ikqu kwrix isir CweI pweI ] (951-17)
kit kaaran sir chhaa-ee paa-ee.
Why does he apply ashes to his forehead?

nwnk kil kw eyhu prvwxu ] (951-18)
naanak kal kaa ayhu parvaan.
O Nanak, this is the sign of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga;

Awpy AwKxu Awpy jwxu ]1] (951-18)
aapay aakhan aapay jaan. ||1||
everyone says that he himself knows. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (951-18)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

ihMdU kY Gir ihMdU AwvY ] (951-18)
hindoo kai ghar hindoo aavai.
The Hindu comes to the house of a Hindu.

sUqu jnyaU piV gil pwvY ] (951-19)
soot janay-oo parh gal paavai.
He puts the sacred thread around his neck and reads the scriptures.

sUqu pwie kry buirAweI ] (951-19)
soot paa-ay karay buri-aa-ee.
He puts on the thread, but does evil deeds.

nwqw Doqw Qwie n pweI ] (951-19)
naataa Dhotaa thaa-ay na paa-ee.
His cleansings and washings will not be approved.

muslmwnu kry vifAweI ] (951-19)
musalmaan karay vadi-aa-ee.
The Muslim glorifies his own faith.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD