Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gurmqI Git cwnxw Awnyru ibnwsix ] (949-1)
gurmatee ghat chaannaa aanayr binaasan.
Following the Guru's Teachings, one's heart is illumined, and the darkness is dispelled.

hukmy hI sB swjIAnu rivAw sB vix iqRix ] (949-1)
hukmay hee sabh saajee-an ravi-aa sabh van tarin.
By the Hukam of His Command, He creates everything; He pervades and permeates all the woods and meadows.

sBu ikCu Awpy Awip hY gurmuiK sdw hir Bix ] (949-2)
sabh kichh aapay aap hai gurmukh sadaa har bhan.
He Himself is everything; the Gurmukh constantly chants the Lord's Name.

sbdy hI soJI peI scY Awip buJweI ]5] (949-2)
sabday hee sojhee pa-ee sachai aap bujhaa-ee. ||5||
Through the Shabad, understanding comes; the True Lord Himself inspires us to understand. ||5||

slok mÚ 3 ] (949-3)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

AiBAwgq eyih n AwKIAin ijn ky icq mih Brmu ] (949-3)
abhi-aagat ayhi na aakhee-an jin kay chit meh bharam.
He is not called a renunciate, whose consciousness is filled with doubt.

iqs dY idqY nwnkw qyho jyhw Drmu ] (949-3)
tis dai ditai naankaa tayho jayhaa Dharam.
Donations to him bring proportionate rewards.

ABY inrMjnu prm pdu qw kw BUKw hoie ] (949-4)
abhai niranjan param pad taa kaa bhookhaa ho-ay.
He hungers for the supreme status of the Fearless, Immaculate Lord;

iqs kw Bojnu nwnkw ivrlw pwey koie ]1] (949-4)
tis kaa bhojan naankaa virlaa paa-ay ko-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, how rare are those who offer him this food. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (949-5)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

AiBAwgq eyih n AwKIAin ij pr Gir Bojnu kryin ] (949-5)
abhi-aagat ayhi na aakhee-an je par ghar bhojan karayn.
They are not called renunciates, who take food in the homes of others.

audrY kwrix Awpxy bhly ByiK kryin ] (949-5)
udrai kaaran aapnay bahlay bhaykh karayn.
For the sake of their bellies, they wear various religious robes.

AiBAwgq syeI nwnkw ij Awqm gauxu kryin ] (949-6)
abhi-aagat say-ee naankaa je aatam ga-on karayn.
They alone are renunciates, O Nanak, who enter into their own souls.

Bwil lhin shu Awpxw inj Gir rhxu kryin ]2] (949-6)
bhaal lahan saho aapnaa nij ghar rahan karayn. ||2||
They seek and find their Husband Lord; they dwell within the home of their own inner self. ||2||

pauVI ] (949-7)

AMbru Driq ivCoiVAnu ivic scw Asrwau ] (949-7)
ambar Dharat vichhorhi-an vich sachaa asraa-o.
They sky and the earth are separate, but the True Lord supports them from within.

Gru dru sBo scu hY ijsu ivic scw nwau ] (949-7)
ghar dar sabho sach hai jis vich sachaa naa-o.
True are all those homes and gates, within which the True Name is enshrined.

sBu scw hukmu vrqdw gurmuiK sic smwau ] (949-8)
sabh sachaa hukam varatdaa gurmukh sach samaa-o.
The Hukam of the True Lord's Command is effective everywhere. The Gurmukh merges in the True Lord.

scw Awip qKqu scw bih scw kry inAwau ] (949-8)
sachaa aap takhat sachaa bahi sachaa karay ni-aa-o.
He Himself is True, and True is His throne. Seated upon it, He administers true justice.

sBu sco scu vrqdw gurmuiK AlKu lKweI ]6] (949-9)
sabh sacho sach varatdaa gurmukh alakh lakhaa-ee. ||6||
The Truest of the True is all-pervading everywhere; the Gurmukh sees the unseen. ||6||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (949-9)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

rYxwier mwih Anµqu hY kUVI AwvY jwie ] (949-9)
rainaa-ir maahi anant hai koorhee aavai jaa-ay.
In the world-ocean, the Infinite Lord abides. The false come and go in reincarnation.

BwxY clY AwpxY bhuqI lhY sjwie ] (949-10)
bhaanai chalai aapnai bahutee lahai sajaa-ay.
One who walks according to his own will, suffers terrible punishment.

rYxwier mih sBu ikCu hY krmI plY pwie ] (949-10)
rainaa-ir meh sabh kichh hai karmee palai paa-ay.
All things are in the world-ocean, but they are obtained only by the karma of good actions.

nwnk nau iniD pweIAY jy clY iqsY rjwie ]1] (949-11)
naanak na-o niDh paa-ee-ai jay chalai tisai rajaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, he alone obtains the nine treasures, who walks in the Will of the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (949-11)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

shjy siqguru n syivE ivic haumY jnim ibnwsu ] (949-11)
sehjay satgur na sayvi-o vich ha-umai janam binaas.
One who intuitively serves the True Guru, loses his life in egotism.

rsnw hir rsu n ciKE kmlu n hoieE prgwsu ] (949-12)
rasnaa har ras na chakhi-o kamal na ho-i-o pargaas.
His tongue does not taste the sublime essence of the Lord, and his heart-lotus does not blossom forth.

ibKu KwDI mnmuKu muAw mwieAw moih ivxwsu ] (949-12)
bikh khaaDhee manmukh mu-aa maa-i-aa mohi vinaas.
The self-willed manmukh eats poison and dies; he is ruined by love and attachment to Maya.

ieksu hir ky nwm ivxu iDRgu jIvxu iDRgu vwsu ] (949-13)
ikas har kay naam vin Dharig jeevan Dharig vaas.
Without the Name of the One Lord, his life is cursed, and his home is cursed as well.

jw Awpy ndir kry pRBu scw qw hovY dwsin dwsu ] (949-13)
jaa aapay nadar karay parabh sachaa taa hovai daasan daas.
When God Himself bestows His Glance of Grace, then one becomes the slave of His slaves.

qw Anidnu syvw kry siqgurU kI kbih n CofY pwsu ] (949-14)
taa an-din sayvaa karay satguroo kee kabeh na chhodai paas.
And then, night and day, he serves the True Guru, and never leaves His side.

ijau jl mih kmlu Ailpqo vrqY iqau ivcy igrh audwsu ] (949-14)
ji-o jal meh kamal alipato vartai ti-o vichay girah udaas.
As the lotus flower floats unaffected in the water, so does he remain detached in his own household.

jn nwnk kry krwieAw sBu ko ijau BwvY iqv hir guxqwsu ]2] (949-15)
jan naanak karay karaa-i-aa sabh ko ji-o bhaavai tiv har guntaas. ||2||
O servant Nanak, the Lord acts, and inspires everyone to act, according to the Pleasure of His Will. He is the treasure of virtue. ||2||

pauVI ] (949-16)

CqIh jug gubwru sw Awpy gxq kInI ] (949-16)
chhateeh jug gubaar saa aapay ganat keenee.
For thirty-six ages, there was utter darkness. Then, the Lord revealed Himself.

Awpy isRsit sB swjIAnu Awip miq dInI ] (949-16)
aapay sarisat sabh saajee-an aap mat deenee.
He Himself created the entire universe. He Himself blessed it with understanding.

isimRiq swsq swijAnu pwp puMn gxq gxInI ] (949-17)
simrit saasat saaji-an paap punn ganat ganeenee.
He created the Simritees and the Shaastras; He calculates the accounts of virtue and vice.

ijsu buJwey so buJsI scY sbid pqInI ] (949-17)
jis bujhaa-ay so bujhsee sachai sabad pateenee.
He alone understands, whom the Lord inspires to understand and to be pleased with the True Word of the Shabad.

sBu Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy bKis imlweI ]7] (949-18)
sabh aapay aap varatdaa aapay bakhas milaa-ee. ||7||
He Himself is all-pervading; He Himself forgives, and unites with Himself. ||7||

slok mÚ 3 ] (949-18)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

iehu qnu sBo rqu hY rqu ibnu qMnu n hoie ] (949-18)
ih tan sabho rat hai rat bin tann na ho-ay.
This body is all blood; without blood, the body cannot exist.

jo sih rqy AwpxY iqn qin loB rqu n hoie ] (949-19)
jo seh ratay aapnai tin tan lobh rat na ho-ay.
Those who are attuned to their Lord - their bodies are not filled with the blood of greed.

BY pieAY qnu KIxu hoie loB rqu ivchu jwie ] (949-19)
bhai pa-i-ai tan kheen ho-ay lobh rat vichahu jaa-ay.
In the Fear of God, the body becomes thin, and the blood of greed passes out of the body.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD