Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


khY nwnku pRBu Awip imilAw krx kwrx jogo ]34] (922-1)
kahai naanak parabh aap mili-aa karan kaaran jogo. ||34||
Says Nanak, God Himself has met me; He is the Doer, the Cause of causes. ||34||

ey srIrw myirAw iesu jg mih Awie kY ikAw quDu krm kmwieAw ] (922-1)
ay sareeraa mayri-aa is jag meh aa-ay kai ki-aa tuDh karam kamaa-i-aa.
O my body, why have you come into this world? What actions have you committed?

ik krm kmwieAw quDu srIrw jw qU jg mih AwieAw ] (922-2)
ke karam kamaa-i-aa tuDh sareeraa jaa too jag meh aa-i-aa.
And what actions have you committed, O my body, since you came into this world?

ijin hir qyrw rcnu ricAw so hir min n vswieAw ] (922-2)
jin har tayraa rachan rachi-aa so har man na vasaa-i-aa.
The Lord who formed your form - you have not enshrined that Lord in your mind.

gur prswdI hir mMin visAw pUrib iliKAw pwieAw ] (922-3)
gur parsaadee har man vasi-aa poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa.
By Guru's Grace, the Lord abides within the mind, and one's pre-ordained destiny is fulfilled.

khY nwnku eyhu srIru prvwxu hoAw ijin siqgur isau icqu lwieAw ]35] (922-4)
kahai naanak ayhu sareer parvaan ho-aa jin satgur si-o chit laa-i-aa. ||35||
Says Nanak, this body is adorned and honored, when one's consciousness is focused on the True Guru. ||35||

ey nyqRhu myirho hir qum mih joiq DrI hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ] (922-4)
ay naytarahu mayriho har tum meh jot Dharee har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee.
O my eyes, the Lord has infused His Light into you; do not look upon any other than the Lord.

hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ndrI hir inhwilAw ] (922-5)
har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee nadree har nihaali-aa.
Do not look upon any other than the Lord; the Lord alone is worthy of beholding.

eyhu ivsu sMswru qum dyKdy eyhu hir kw rUpu hY hir rUpu ndrI AwieAw ] (922-6)
ayhu vis sansaar tum daykh-day ayhu har kaa roop hai har roop nadree aa-i-aa.
This whole world which you see is the image of the Lord; only the image of the Lord is seen.

gur prswdI buiJAw jw vyKw hir ieku hY hir ibnu Avru n koeI ] (922-7)
gur parsaadee bujhi-aa jaa vaykhaa har ik hai har bin avar na ko-ee.
By Guru's Grace, I understand, and I see only the One Lord; there is no one except the Lord.

khY nwnku eyih nyqR AMD sy siqguir imilAY idb idRsit hoeI ]36] (922-7)
kahai naanak ayhi naytar anDh say satgur mili-ai dib darisat ho-ee. ||36||
Says Nanak, these eyes were blind; but meeting the True Guru, they became all-seeing. ||36||

ey sRvxhu myirho swcY sunxY no pTwey ] (922-8)
ay sarvanhu mayriho saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay.
O my ears, you were created only to hear the Truth.

swcY sunxY no pTwey srIir lwey suxhu siq bwxI ] (922-8)
saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay sareer laa-ay sunhu sat banee.
To hear the Truth, you were created and attached to the body; listen to the True Bani.

ijqu suxI mnu qnu hirAw hoAw rsnw ris smwxI ] (922-9)
jit sunee man tan hari-aa ho-aa rasnaa ras samaanee.
Hearing it, the mind and body are rejuvenated, and the tongue is absorbed in Ambrosial Nectar.

scu AlK ivfwxI qw kI giq khI n jwey ] (922-9)
sach alakh vidaanee taa kee gat kahee na jaa-ay.
The True Lord is unseen and wondrous; His state cannot be described.

khY nwnku AMimRq nwmu suxhu pivqR hovhu swcY sunxY no pTwey ]37] (922-10)
kahai naanak amrit naam sunhu pavitar hovhu saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay. ||37||
Says Nanak, listen to the Ambrosial Naam and become holy; you were created only to hear the Truth. ||37||

hir jIau guPw AMdir riK kY vwjw pvxu vjwieAw ] (922-11)
har jee-o gufaa andar rakh kai vaajaa pavan vajaa-i-aa.
The Lord placed the soul to the cave of the body, and blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body.

vjwieAw vwjw paux nau duAwry prgtu kIey dsvw gupqu rKwieAw ] (922-11)
vajaa-i-aa vaajaa pa-un na-o du-aaray pargat kee-ay dasvaa gupat rakhaa-i-aa.
He blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body, and revealed the nine doors; but He kept the Tenth Door hidden.

gurduAwrY lwie BwvnI ieknw dsvw duAwru idKwieAw ] (922-12)
gurdu-aarai laa-ay bhaavnee iknaa dasvaa du-aar dikhaa-i-aa.
Through the Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate, some are blessed with loving faith, and the Tenth Door is revealed to them.

qh Anyk rUp nwau nv iniD iqs dw AMqu n jweI pwieAw ] (922-13)
tah anayk roop naa-o nav niDh tis daa ant na jaa-ee paa-i-aa.
There are many images of the Lord, and the nine treasures of the Naam; His limits cannot be found.

khY nwnku hir ipAwrY jIau guPw AMdir riK kY vwjw pvxu vjwieAw ]38] (922-13)
kahai naanak har pi-aarai jee-o gufaa andar rakh kai vaajaa pavan vajaa-i-aa. ||38||
Says Nanak, the Lord placed the soul to the cave of the body, and blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body. ||38||

eyhu swcw soihlw swcY Gir gwvhu ] (922-14)
ayhu saachaa sohilaa saachai ghar gaavhu.
Sing this true song of praise in the true home of your soul.

gwvhu q soihlw Gir swcY ijQY sdw scu iDAwvhy ] (922-15)
gaavhu ta sohilaa ghar saachai jithai sadaa sach Dhi-aavhay.
Sing the song of praise in your true home; meditate there on the True Lord forever.

sco iDAwvih jw quDu Bwvih gurmuiK ijnw buJwvhy ] (922-15)
sacho Dhi-aavahi jaa tuDh bhaaveh gurmukh jinaa bujhaavhay.
They alone meditate on You, O True Lord, who are pleasing to Your Will; as Gurmukh, they understand.

iehu scu sBnw kw Ksmu hY ijsu bKsy so jnu pwvhy ] (922-16)
ih sach sabhnaa kaa khasam hai jis bakhsay so jan paavhay.
This Truth is the Lord and Master of all; whoever is blessed, obtains it.

khY nwnku scu soihlw scY Gir gwvhy ]39] (922-16)
kahai naanak sach sohilaa sachai ghar gaavhay. ||39||
Says Nanak, sing the true song of praise in the true home of your soul. ||39||

Andu suxhu vfBwgIho sgl mnorQ pUry ] (922-17)
anad sunhu vadbhaageeho sagal manorath pooray.
Listen to the song of bliss, O most fortunate ones; all your longings shall be fulfilled.

pwrbRhmu pRBu pwieAw auqry sgl ivsUry ] (922-17)
paarbarahm parabh paa-i-aa utray sagal visooray.
I have obtained the Supreme Lord God, and all sorrows have been forgotten.

dUK rog sMqwp auqry suxI scI bwxI ] (922-18)
dookh rog santaap utray sunee sachee banee.
Pain, illness and suffering have departed, listening to the True Bani.

sMq swjn Bey srsy pUry gur qy jwxI ] (922-18)
sant saajan bha-ay sarsay pooray gur tay jaanee.
The Saints and their friends are in ecstasy, knowing the Perfect Guru.

suxqy punIq khqy pivqu siqguru rihAw BrpUry ] (922-18)
suntay puneet kahtay pavit satgur rahi-aa bharpooray.
Pure are the listeners, and pure are the speakers; the True Guru is all-pervading and permeating.

ibnvMiq nwnku gur crx lwgy vwjy Anhd qUry ]40]1] (922-19)
binvant naanak gur charan laagay vaajay anhad tooray. ||40||1||
Prays Nanak, touching the Guru's Feet, the unstruck sound current of the celestial bugles vibrates and resounds. ||40||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD