Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwrwiex sB mwih invws ] (868-1)
naaraa-in sabh maahi nivaas.
The Lord abides in everyone.

nwrwiex Git Git prgws ] (868-1)
naaraa-in ghat ghat pargaas.
The Lord illumines each and every heart.

nwrwiex khqy nrik n jwih ] (868-1)
naaraa-in kahtay narak na jaahi.
Chanting the Lord's Name, one does not fall into hell.

nwrwiex syiv sgl Pl pwih ]1] (868-2)
naaraa-in sayv sagal fal paahi. ||1||
Serving the Lord, all fruitful rewards are obtained. ||1||

nwrwiex mn mwih ADwr ] (868-2)
naaraa-in man maahi aDhaar.
Within my mind is the Support of the Lord.

nwrwiex boihQ sMswr ] (868-2)
naaraa-in bohith sansaar.
The Lord is the boat to cross over the world-ocean.

nwrwiex khq jmu Bwig plwiex ] (868-3)
naaraa-in kahat jam bhaag palaa-in.
Chant the Lord's Name, and the Messenger of Death will run away.

nwrwiex dMq Bwny fwiex ]2] (868-3)
naaraa-in dant bhaanay daa-in. ||2||
The Lord breaks the teeth of Maya, the witch. ||2||

nwrwiex sd sd bKisMd ] (868-4)
naaraa-in sad sad bakhsind.
The Lord is forever and ever the Forgiver.

nwrwiex kIny sUK Anµd ] (868-4)
naaraa-in keenay sookh anand.
The Lord blesses us with peace and bliss.

nwrwiex pRgt kIno prqwp ] (868-4)
naaraa-in pargat keeno partaap.
The Lord has revealed His glory.

nwrwiex sMq ko mweI bwp ]3] (868-4)
naaraa-in sant ko maa-ee baap. ||3||
The Lord is the mother and father of His Saint. ||3||

nwrwiex swDsMig nrwiex ] (868-5)
naaraa-in saaDhsang naraa-in.
The Lord, the Lord, is in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

bwrM bwr nrwiex gwiex ] (868-5)
baaraN baar naraa-in gaa-in.
Time and time again, I sing the Lord's Praises.

bsqu Agocr gur imil lhI ] (868-5)
basat agochar gur mil lahee.
Meeting with the Guru, I have attained the incomprehensible object.

nwrwiex Et nwnk dws ghI ]4]17]19] (868-6)
naaraa-in ot naanak daas gahee. ||4||17||19||
Slave Nanak has grasped the Support of the Lord. ||4||17||19||

goNf mhlw 5 ] (868-6)
gond mehlaa 5.
Gond, Fifth Mehl:

jw kau rwKY rwKxhwru ] (868-6)
jaa ka-o raakhai raakhanhaar.
One who is protected by the Protector Lord

iqs kw AMgu kry inrMkwru ]1] rhwau ] (868-7)
tis kaa ang karay nirankaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- the Formless Lord is on his side. ||1||Pause||

mwq grB mih Agin n johY ] (868-7)
maat garabh meh agan na johai.
In the mother's womb, the fire does not touch him.

kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu n pohY ] (868-7)
kaam kroDh lobh moh na pohai.
Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment do not affect him.

swDsMig jpY inrMkwru ] (868-8)
saaDhsang japai nirankaar.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, he meditates on the Formless Lord.

inMdk kY muih lwgY Cwru ]1] (868-8)
nindak kai muhi laagai chhaar. ||1||
Dust is thrown into the faces of the slanderers. ||1||

rwm kvcu dws kw sMnwhu ] (868-8)
raam kavach daas kaa sannahu.
The Lord's protective spell is the armor of His slave.

dUq dust iqsu pohq nwih ] (868-9)
doot dusat tis pohat naahi.
The wicked, evil demons cannot even touch him.

jo jo grbu kry so jwie ] (868-9)
jo jo garab karay so jaa-ay.
Whoever indulges in egotistical pride, shall waste away to ruin.

grIb dws kI pRBu srxwie ]2] (868-9)
gareeb daas kee parabh sarnaa-ay. ||2||
God is the Sanctuary of His humble slave. ||2||

jo jo srix pieAw hir rwie ] (868-10)
jo jo saran pa-i-aa har raa-ay.
Whoever enters the Sanctuary of the Sovereign Lord

so dwsu riKAw ApxY kMiT lwie ] (868-10)
so daas rakhi-aa apnai kanth laa-ay.
- He saves that slave, hugging him close in His embrace.

jy ko bhuqu kry AhMkwru ] (868-10)
jay ko bahut karay ahaNkaar.
Whoever takes great pride in himself,

Ehu iKn mih rulqw KwkU nwil ]3] (868-11)
oh khin meh rultaa khaakoo naal. ||3||
in an instant, shall be like dust mixing with dust. ||3||

hY BI swcw hovxhwru ] (868-11)
hai bhee saachaa hovanhaar.
The True Lord is, and shall always be.

sdw sdw jweˆØI bilhwr ] (868-11)
sadaa sadaa jaa-eeN balihaar.
Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to Him.

Apxy dws rKy ikrpw Dwir ] (868-12)
apnay daas rakhay kirpaa Dhaar.
Granting His Mercy, He saves His slaves.

nwnk ky pRB pRwx ADwr ]4]18]20] (868-12)
naanak kay parabh paraan aDhaar. ||4||18||20||
God is the Support of Nanak's breath of life. ||4||18||20||

goNf mhlw 5 ] (868-12)
gond mehlaa 5.
Gond, Fifth Mehl:

Acrj kQw mhw AnUp ] pRwqmw pwrbRhm kw rUpu ] rhwau ] (868-13)
achraj kathaa mahaa anoop. paraatamaa paarbarahm kaa roop. rahaa-o.
Wondrous and beautiful is the description of the beauty of the Supreme Soul, the Supreme Lord God. ||Pause||

nw iehu bUFw nw iehu bwlw ] (868-13)
naa ih boodhaa naa ih baalaa.
He is not old; He is not young.

nw iesu dUKu nhI jm jwlw ] (868-13)
naa is dookh nahee jam jaalaa.
He is not in pain; He is not caught in Death's noose.

nw iehu ibnsY nw iehu jwie ] (868-14)
naa ih binsai naa ih jaa-ay.
He does not die; He does not go away.

Awid jugwdI rihAw smwie ]1] (868-14)
aad jugaadee rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||1||
In the beginning, and throughout the ages, He is permeating everywhere. ||1||

nw iesu ausnu nhI iesu sIqu ] (868-15)
naa is usan nahee is seet.
He is not hot; He is not cold.

nw iesu dusmnu nw iesu mIqu ] (868-15)
naa is dusman naa is meet.
He has no enemy; He has no friend.

nw iesu hrKu nhI iesu sogu ] (868-15)
naa is harakh nahee is sog.
He is not happy; He is not sad.

sBu ikCu ies kw iehu krnY jogu ]2] (868-16)
sabh kichh is kaa ih karnai jog. ||2||
Everything belongs to Him; He can do anything. ||2||

nw iesu bwpu nhI iesu mwieAw ] (868-16)
naa is baap nahee is maa-i-aa.
He has no father; He has no mother.

iehu AprMpru hoqw AwieAw ] (868-16)
ih aprampar hotaa aa-i-aa.
He is beyond the beyond, and has always been so.

pwp puMn kw iesu lypu n lwgY ] (868-17)
paap punn kaa is layp na laagai.
He is not affected by virtue or vice.

Gt Gt AMqir sd hI jwgY ]3] (868-17)
ghat ghat antar sad hee jaagai. ||3||
Deep within each and every heart, He is always awake and aware. ||3||

qIin guxw iek skiq aupwieAw ] (868-17)
teen gunaa ik sakat upaa-i-aa.
From the three qualities, the one mechanism of Maya was produced.

mhw mwieAw qw kI hY CwieAw ] (868-18)
mahaa maa-i-aa taa kee hai chhaa-i-aa.
The great Maya is only His shadow.

ACl ACyd AByd dieAwl ] (868-18)
achhal achhayd abhayd da-i-aal.
He is undeceivable, impenetrable, unfathomable and merciful.

dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ] (868-18)
deen da-i-aal sadaa kirpaal.
He is merciful to the meek, forever compassionate.

qw kI giq imiq kCU n pwie ] (868-19)
taa kee gat mit kachhoo na paa-ay.
His state and limits cannot ever be known.

nwnk qw kY bil bil jwie ]4]19]21] (868-19)
naanak taa kai bal bal jaa-ay. ||4||19||21||
Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Him. ||4||19||21||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD