Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD |
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752 ਲਾਲਿ ਰਤਾ ਮਨੁ ਮਾਨਿਆ ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਪਾਇਆ ॥੨॥ Laal raṫaa man maani▫aa gur pooraa paa▫i▫aa. ||2|| Attuned to the Beloved Lord, the mind is appeased, and finds the Perfect Guru. ||2|| ਹਉ ਜੀਵਾ ਗੁਣ ਸਾਰਿ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਤੂ ਵਸੈ ॥ Ha▫o jeevaa guṇ saar anṫar ṫoo vasæ. I live by cherishing Your Glorious Virtues; You dwell deep within me. ਤੂੰ ਵਸਹਿ ਮਨ ਮਾਹਿ ਸਹਜੇ ਰਸਿ ਰਸੈ ॥੩॥ Ṫooⁿ vasėh man maahi sėhjé ras rasæ. ||3|| You dwell within my mind, and so it naturally celebrates in joyful delight. ||3|| ਮੂਰਖ ਮਨ ਸਮਝਾਇ ਆਖਉ ਕੇਤੜਾ ॥ Moorakʰ man samjʰaa▫é aakʰa▫o kéṫ▫ṛaa. O my foolish mind, how can I teach and instruct you? ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਇ ਰੰਗਿ ਰੰਗੇਤੜਾ ॥੪॥ Gurmukʰ har guṇ gaa▫é rang rangéṫ▫ṛaa. ||4|| As Gurmukh, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and so become attuned to His Love. ||4|| ਨਿਤ ਨਿਤ ਰਿਦੈ ਸਮਾਲਿ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ ਆਪਣਾ ॥ Niṫ niṫ riḋæ samaal pareeṫam aapṇaa. Continually, continuously, remember and cherish your Beloved Lord in your heart. ਜੇ ਚਲਹਿ ਗੁਣ ਨਾਲਿ ਨਾਹੀ ਦੁਖੁ ਸੰਤਾਪਣਾ ॥੫॥ Jé chalėh guṇ naal naahee ḋukʰ sanṫaapaṇaa. ||5|| For if you depart with virtue, then pain shall never afflict you. ||5|| ਮਨਮੁਖ ਭਰਮਿ ਭੁਲਾਣਾ ਨਾ ਤਿਸੁ ਰੰਗੁ ਹੈ ॥ Manmukʰ bʰaram bʰulaaṇaa naa ṫis rang hæ. The self-willed Manmukh wanders around, deluded by doubt; he does not enshrine love for the Lord. ਮਰਸੀ ਹੋਇ ਵਿਡਾਣਾ ਮਨਿ ਤਨਿ ਭੰਗੁ ਹੈ ॥੬॥ Marsee ho▫é vidaaṇaa man ṫan bʰang hæ. ||6|| He dies as a stranger to his own self, and his mind and body are spoiled. ||6|| ਗੁਰ ਕੀ ਕਾਰ ਕਮਾਇ ਲਾਹਾ ਘਰਿ ਆਣਿਆ ॥ Gur kee kaar kamaa▫é laahaa gʰar aaṇi▫aa. Performing service to the Guru, you shall go home with the profit. ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਨਿਰਬਾਣੁ ਸਬਦਿ ਪਛਾਣਿਆ ॥੭॥ Gurbaaṇee nirbaaṇ sabaḋ pachʰaaṇi▫aa. ||7|| Through the Word of the Guru’s Bani, and the Shabad, the Word of God, the state of Nirvana is attained. ||7|| ਇਕ ਨਾਨਕ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਜੇ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਵਸੀ ॥ Ik Naanak kee arḋaas jé ṫuḋʰ bʰaavsee. Nanak makes this one prayer: if it pleases Your Will, ਮੈ ਦੀਜੈ ਨਾਮ ਨਿਵਾਸੁ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਵਸੀ ॥੮॥੧॥੩॥ Mæ ḋeejæ naam nivaas har guṇ gaavsee. ||8||1||3|| bless me with a focus in Your Name, Lord, so that I may sing Your Glorious Praises. ||8||1||3|| ਸੂਹੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ॥ Soohee mėhlaa 1. Soohee, First Mehl: ਜਿਉ ਆਰਣਿ ਲੋਹਾ ਪਾਇ ਭੰਨਿ ਘੜਾਈਐ ॥ Ji▫o aaraṇ lohaa paa▫é bʰann gʰaṛaa▫ee▫æ. As iron is melted in the forge and re-shaped, ਤਿਉ ਸਾਕਤੁ ਜੋਨੀ ਪਾਇ ਭਵੈ ਭਵਾਈਐ ॥੧॥ Ṫi▫o saakaṫ jonee paa▫é bʰavæ bʰavaa▫ee▫æ. ||1|| So is the godless materialist reincarnated, and forced to wander aimlessly. ||1|| ਬਿਨੁ ਬੂਝੇ ਸਭੁ ਦੁਖੁ ਦੁਖੁ ਕਮਾਵਣਾ ॥ Bin boojʰé sabʰ ḋukʰ ḋukʰ kamaavaṇaa. Without understanding, everything is suffering, earning only more suffering. ਹਉਮੈ ਆਵੈ ਜਾਇ ਭਰਮਿ ਭੁਲਾਵਣਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Ha▫umæ aavæ jaa▫é bʰaram bʰulaavaṇaa. ||1|| rahaa▫o. In his ego, he comes and goes, wandering in confusion, deluded by doubt. ||1||Pause|| ਤੂੰ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਰਖਣਹਾਰੁ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਈਐ ॥ Ṫooⁿ gurmukʰ rakʰaṇhaar har naam ḋʰi▫aa▫ee▫æ. You save those who are Gurmukh, O Lord, through meditation on Your Naam. ਮੇਲਹਿ ਤੁਝਹਿ ਰਜਾਇ ਸਬਦੁ ਕਮਾਈਐ ॥੨॥ Mélėh ṫujʰėh rajaa▫é sabaḋ kamaa▫ee▫æ. ||2|| You blend with Yourself, by Your Will, those who practice the Word of the Shabad. ||2|| ਤੂੰ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਵੇਖਹਿ ਆਪਿ ਦੇਹਿ ਸੁ ਪਾਈਐ ॥ Ṫooⁿ kar kar vékʰėh aap ḋėh so paa▫ee▫æ. You created the Creation, and You Yourself gaze upon it; whatever You give, is received. ਤੂ ਦੇਖਹਿ ਥਾਪਿ ਉਥਾਪਿ ਦਰਿ ਬੀਨਾਈਐ ॥੩॥ Ṫoo ḋékʰėh ṫʰaap uṫʰaap ḋar beenaa▫ee▫æ. ||3|| You watch, establish and disestablish; You keep all in Your vision at Your Door. ||3|| ਦੇਹੀ ਹੋਵਗਿ ਖਾਕੁ ਪਵਣੁ ਉਡਾਈਐ ॥ Ḋéhee hovag kʰaak pavaṇ udaa▫ee▫æ. The body shall turn to dust, and the soul shall fly away. ਇਹੁ ਕਿਥੈ ਘਰੁ ਅਉਤਾਕੁ ਮਹਲੁ ਨ ਪਾਈਐ ॥੪॥ Ih kiṫʰæ gʰar a▫uṫaak mahal na paa▫ee▫æ. ||4|| So, where are their homes and resting places now? They do not find the Mansion of the Lord’s Presence, either. ||4|| ਦਿਹੁ ਦੀਵੀ ਅੰਧ ਘੋਰੁ ਘਬੁ ਮੁਹਾਈਐ ॥ Ḋihu ḋeevee anḋʰ gʰor gʰab muhaa▫ee▫æ. In the pitch darkness of broad daylight, their wealth is being plundered. ਗਰਬਿ ਮੁਸੈ ਘਰੁ ਚੋਰੁ ਕਿਸੁ ਰੂਆਈਐ ॥੫॥ Garab musæ gʰar chor kis roo▫aa▫ee▫æ. ||5|| Pride is looting their homes like a thief; where can they file their complaint? ||5|| ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਚੋਰੁ ਨ ਲਾਗਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਜਗਾਈਐ ॥ Gurmukʰ chor na laag har naam jagaa▫ee▫æ. The thief does not break into the home of the Gurmukh; he is awake in the Name of the Lord. ਸਬਦਿ ਨਿਵਾਰੀ ਆਗਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਦੀਪਾਈਐ ॥੬॥ Sabaḋ nivaaree aag joṫ ḋeepaa▫ee▫æ. ||6|| The Word of the Shabad puts out the fire of desire; God’s Light illuminates and enlightens. ||6|| ਲਾਲੁ ਰਤਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਗੁਰਿ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਬੁਝਾਈਐ ॥ Laal raṫan har naam gur suraṫ bujʰaa▫ee▫æ. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is a jewel, a ruby; the Guru has taught me the Word of the Shabad. ਸਦਾ ਰਹੈ ਨਿਹਕਾਮੁ ਜੇ ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਪਾਈਐ ॥੭॥ Saḋaa rahæ nihkaam jé gurmaṫ paa▫ee▫æ. ||7|| One who follows the Guru’s Teachings remains forever free of desire. ||7|| ਰਾਤਿ ਦਿਹੈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਉ ਮੰਨਿ ਵਸਾਈਐ ॥ Raaṫ ḋihæ har naa▫o man vasaa▫ee▫æ. Night and day, enshrine the Lord’s Name within your mind. ਨਾਨਕ ਮੇਲਿ ਮਿਲਾਇ ਜੇ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਈਐ ॥੮॥੨॥੪॥ Naanak mél milaa▫é jé ṫuḋʰ bʰaa▫ee▫æ. ||8||2||4|| Please unite Nanak in Union, O Lord, if it is pleasing to Your Will. ||8||2||4|| ਸੂਹੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ॥ Soohee mėhlaa 1. Soohee, First Mehl: ਮਨਹੁ ਨ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਿਸਾਰਿ ਅਹਿਨਿਸਿ ਧਿਆਈਐ ॥ Manhu na naam visaar ahinis ḋʰi▫aa▫ee▫æ. Never forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, from your mind; night and day, meditate on it. ਜਿਉ ਰਾਖਹਿ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਧਾਰਿ ਤਿਵੈ ਸੁਖੁ ਪਾਈਐ ॥੧॥ Ji▫o raakʰahi kirpaa ḋʰaar ṫivæ sukʰ paa▫ee▫æ. ||1|| As You keep me, in Your Merciful Grace, so do I find peace. ||1|| ਮੈ ਅੰਧੁਲੇ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਲਕੁਟੀ ਟੋਹਣੀ ॥ Mæ anḋʰulé har naam lakutee tohṇee. I am blind, and the Lord’s Name is my cane. ਰਹਉ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਕੀ ਟੇਕ ਨ ਮੋਹੈ ਮੋਹਣੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Raha▫o saahib kee ték na mohæ mohṇee. ||1|| rahaa▫o. I remain under the Sheltering Support of my Lord and Master; I am not enticed by Maya the enticer. ||1||Pause|| ਜਹ ਦੇਖਉ ਤਹ ਨਾਲਿ ਗੁਰਿ ਦੇਖਾਲਿਆ ॥ Jah ḋékʰ▫a▫u ṫah naal gur ḋékʰaali▫aa. Wherever I look, there the Guru has shown me that God is always with me. ਅੰਤਰਿ ਬਾਹਰਿ ਭਾਲਿ ਸਬਦਿ ਨਿਹਾਲਿਆ ॥੨॥ Anṫar baahar bʰaal sabaḋ nihaali▫aa. ||2|| Searching inwardly and outwardly as well, I came to see Him, through the Word of the Shabad. ||2|| ਸੇਵੀ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਭਾਇ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਿਰੰਜਨਾ ॥ Sévee saṫgur bʰaa▫é naam niranjanaa. So, serve the True Guru with love, through the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord. ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਤਿਵੈ ਰਜਾਇ ਭਰਮੁ ਭਉ ਭੰਜਨਾ ॥੩॥ Ṫuḋʰ bʰaavæ ṫivæ rajaa▫é bʰaram bʰa▫o bʰanjnaa. ||3|| As it pleases You, so by Your Will, You destroy my doubts and fears. ||3|| ਜਨਮਤ ਹੀ ਦੁਖੁ ਲਾਗੈ ਮਰਣਾ ਆਇ ਕੈ ॥ Janmaṫ hee ḋukʰ laagæ marṇaa aa▫é kæ. At the very moment of birth, he is afflicted with pain, and in the end, he comes only to die. ਜਨਮੁ ਮਰਣੁ ਪਰਵਾਣੁ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਇ ਕੈ ॥੪॥ Janam maraṇ parvaaṇ har guṇ gaa▫é kæ. ||4|| Birth and death are validated and approved, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4|| ਹਉ ਨਾਹੀ ਤੂ ਹੋਵਹਿ ਤੁਧ ਹੀ ਸਾਜਿਆ ॥ Ha▫o naahee ṫoo hovėh ṫuḋʰ hee saaji▫aa. When there is no ego, there You are; You fashioned all of this. |
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Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD |